Passing parameter to ng-click function with ng-repeat - javascript

Please see code below:
<div class="list-group">
<a class="list-group-item" ng-click="c.selectItem(note.sys_id)"
ng-repeat="note in data.notes">
<h4 class="list-group-item-heading">
<p class="list-group-item-text">
in the output I can see that note.sys_id is getting printed. However, I need to pass this to the ng-click function on top. I tried below code, but no result:
should work for you. Make sure your function is correct. I'd assume your scope is something to the effect
$scope.c = {
selectItem = function(id) {
// do something with id


How to do a foreach binding using KnockoutJS in Bootstrap-themed dropdown

I'm developing a small notifications-like module, where the user can see his 5 latest activities that are logged in the DB (MSSQL). The values that I need are all there, but for some reason knockout binding is not working. Here are code snippets:
<div class="dropdown-menu toolbar pull-right" data-bind="with: layoutLogsModel">
<h3 style="border: none;">Recent activities:</h3>
<!-- "mailbox-slimscroll-js" identifier is used with Slimscroll.js plugin -->
<ul id="mailbox-slimscroll-js" class="mailbox" data-bind="foreach: layoutLogsModel.notification">
<div class="alert inbox">
<a href="javascript:void(0)">
<i class="icon-book" style="color: orange;"></i>
Some text
Some text #2
For now, I only want to display random text for every item that is in the observableArray.
ViewModel is the following:
var layoutLogsModel = {
notification: ko.observableArray()
function getLastFiveActivities() {
get(apiUrl + "Logs/GetLastFiveActivities", { ClientUserID: loggedUserID }, function (data) {
And every time I call this function, the list is empty (IMAGE)
(the function is called on click, and absolutely no errors are shown in the console).
What is it that I am doing wrong?
The thing was, I forgot to execute ko.applyBindings for that viewModel. Then, I changed the HTML to look like this:
<ul id="mailbox-slimscroll-js" class="mailbox" data-bind="foreach: notification">
<div class="alert inbox">
<a href="javascript:void(0)">
<i class="icon-user" style="color: green;"></i>
<span data-bind="text: $data"></span>
Aslo, I modified the get function slightly, like this:
function getLastFiveActivities() {
get(apiUrl + "Logs/GetLastFiveActivities", { ClientUserID: loggedUserID }, function (data) {
(changed data to data.Notification based on the MVC model property that contains the array)
After all that, the data was available immediately.
try removing the layoutLogsModel from the foreach, you are already using it with the binding "with", so eveything in that div will be part of layoutLogsModel.
<div class="dropdown-menu toolbar pull-right" data-bind="with: layoutLogsModel">
<h3 style="border: none;">Recent activities:</h3>
<!-- "mailbox-slimscroll-js" identifier is used with Slimscroll.js plugin -->
<ul id="mailbox-slimscroll-js" class="mailbox" data-bind="foreach: notification">
<div class="alert inbox">
<a href="javascript:void(0)">
<i class="icon-book" style="color: orange;"></i>
Some text
Some text #2

expression syntax within ng-click

I have 2 variables wkidx and dyidx
I am trying to create multiple collapseable elements on the same page using the angular ui bootstrap directive and I have the following element
ng-click="isCollapsed{{wkidx}}{{dyidx}} = !isCollapsed{{wkidx}}{{dyidx}}">
now this outputs what I want it to to the dom (ie it appends the variable values to iscollapsed) but I get a syntax error like so
Syntax Error
error in component $parse
Syntax Error: Token 'wkidx' is at column {2} of the expression [{3}] starting at [{4}].
I tried reading the page that the error page links to but it didn't really make things clearer for me. I have tried numerous variations and they either dont give an error but dont append the values or they append the values but throw a syntax error
thankyou for the help here is were I am at but I am getting errors for probably obvious reasons
ng-repeat="session in day.sessions"
ng-init="ssnidx = $index">
ng-click="setCollapsed(!isCollapsed(wkidx, dyidx), wkidx, dyidx)">
<p>hello from the collapsed div</p>
$scope.setCollapsed = function(value, wkidx, dyidx) {
$scope.isCollapsed = function(wkidx, dyidx) {
if (isCollapsed + wkidx + dyidx) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
This is not a valid expression for ng-click. You'd better to create to methods in your $scope:
setCollapsed(value, wkidx, dyidx) and isCollapsed(wkidx, dyidx)
function MyController($scope) {
$scope.setCollapsed = function(value, wkidx, dyidx) {
$scope.isCollapsed = function(wkidx, dyidx) {
ng-click="setCollapsed(!isCollapsed(wkidx, dyidx), wkidx, dyidx)>
Assuming, that wkidx and dyidx are atached to $scope
Answering to your updated question:
ng-repeat="session in day.sessions"
ng-init="ssnidx = $index">
ng-click="setCollapsed(!isCollapsed(wkidx, dyidx), wkidx, dyidx)">
ng-show="isCollaspsed(wkidx, dyidx)">
<p>hello from the collapsed div</p>

Running click functions on every instance of listing instead of current

I have a listing of articles here, and I can't figure out how to execute the ng-click function calls on every new article inside the ng-repeat. Right now it works for existing articles, but when new articles are added dynamically (via AJAX), I need those to have the same functionality too.
For example: the ng-click function calls on the "+" sign to reveal social buttons seem to not work once new articles are inserted via AJAX (ie: delete articles, and let list be populated again with new elements)
Does AngularJS provide any tools to do that?
<input type="text" ng-model="search">
<span>{{filtered.length}} article(s)</span>
<div article-listing ng-repeat="article in filtered = (wikiArticles | filter:search)">
<!--Individual article begin-->
<a ng-click="articles.removeArticle($index)" title="Delete">
<a ng-click="articles.toggleShare(article)">
<span class="plus-sign" title="Share">✖</span>
<div social-share ng-show="article.socialShare">
<div ng-click="socialShare = !socialShare" class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style"
addthis:title="{{article.title}}" addthis:description="{{article.extract}}" addthis:url="{{article.url}}">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone_share"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_reddit"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_hackernews"></a>
<!--Individual article end-->
Code for ng-click calls that don't seem to work for new article insertions
$scope.articles = (function() {
return {
shuffleArticles : function() {
removeArticle : function(index) {
$scope.wikiArticles.splice(index, 1);
toggleShare : function(currArticle) {
var previousState = currArticle.socialShare;
angular.forEach($scope.wikiArticles, function(article) {
article.socialShare = false;
currArticle.socialShare = previousState ? false : true;
Your ng-click calls are actually working- you can watch the ng-show toggle in the debugger.
The problem is that there is nothing to display on the new items you add.
The articles you initially add all have their icons populated with the .addthis classes, for instance here's your Facebook icon element:
<a class="addthis_button_facebook at300b" title="Facebook" href="#">
<span class=" at300bs at15nc at15t_facebook">
<span class="at_a11y">Share on facebook</span>
at300bs includes the following css which displays the image:
background: url(widget058_32x32.gif) no-repeat left!important;
However as you add new items, you aren't including the needed .addthis classes to them. Their elements look like this:
<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
So ng-show has nothing to display (it shows a 0x0 div).
Add the .addthis classes to your new elements as you add them and you'll be all set.

Getting attribute of element in ng-click function in angularjs

I have a span tag like below which call a function in the controller when clicked.
<div class="row" ng-repeat="event in events">
<div class="col-lg-1 text-center">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" data={{}} ng-click="deleteEvent()">
I need to get the value in data attribute in the controller function. I tried using this keyword and $event; neither one worked.
Please help.
Even more simple, pass the $event object to ng-click to access the event properties. As an example:
<a ng-click="clickEvent($event)" class="exampleClass" id="exampleID" data="exampleData" href="">Click Me</a>
Within your clickEvent() = function(obj) {} function you can access the data value like this:
var dataValue =;
Which would return exampleData.
Here's a full jsFiddle.
Try passing it directly to the ng-click function:
<div class="col-lg-1 text-center">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" data="{{}}"
Then it should be available in your handler:
Here's an example
Addition to the answer of Brett DeWoody: (which is updated now)
var dataValue =;
Works fine in IE(9+) and Chrome, but Firefox does not know the srcElement property.
I found:
var dataValue =;
Works in IE, Chrome and FF, I did not test Safari.

angular ng-class does not react on click

I am trying to use ng-class and bind a class to an expression so, that I can unit test the expression binding. But, it seems that I am missing something.
The button:
<li><a class="" ng-click="onAddInterface()"><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> add interface </a></li>
The panel that should collapse and expand:
<div class="collapse" ng-class="{in:showCreateNewInterfacePanel}"><div>
the function that is fired
anyway clicking the link nothing happens.
Am I missing something?
I'm not sure if this is how you are really defining your $scope.onAddInterface function or if it is just an example... Nevertheless you should be doing it like this:
$scope.onAddInterface = function() {
$scope.showCreateNewInterfacePanel = true;
Also make sure the link and the collapsible element are under the same $scope/Controller:
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<a ng-click="onAddInterface()">add interface</a>
<div class="collapse" ng-class="{in:showCreateNewInterfacePanel}"><div>
function Ctrl($scope) {
$scope.onAddInterface = function() {
$scope.showCreateNewInterfacePanel = true;
I had a very similar problem and was able to solve this problem by placing 'in' in quotes. It is a string, and not a variable.
<div class="collapse" ng-class="{'in':showCreateNewInterfacePanel}"><div>

