Can this rxjs merge logic be simplified? - javascript

I have an observable (onAuthStateChanged) from the Firebase client that:
emits null immediately if the user is not signed in, and
emits null and then a user object a few moments later if the user is signed in.
const observable = new Observable((obs) => {
return app.auth().onAuthStateChanged(,
What I want is to:
ignore any emitted null values for the first 1000ms of the app lifecycle (null coming after 1000ms is accepted)
always emit user object regardless of what time it comes
if no user object comes in the first 1000ms, then emit null at the 1000ms mark
Here is what I've done (and it seems to work). However, I'm reluctant to use this code as it doesn't seem that concise:
const o1 = observable.pipe(skipUntil(timer(1000)))
const o2 = observable.pipe(
filter((user) => user !== null)
const o3 = timer(1000).pipe(takeUntil(o2), mapTo(null))
merge(o1, o2, o3).subscribe({
next: setUser,
error: console.log,
complete: () => console.log("error: obs completed, this shouldn't happen"),
Is there a way to do this without merge? I tried going through the docs but I'm quite lost.
Thanks for your help!

You could use concat instead of merge. Think of it as using the first source until it completes, then use the second source.
const nonNullUser = firebaseUser.pipe(
filter(user => user !== null),
const user = concat(nonNullUser, firebaseUser);
I just realized that this solution will not explicitly perform step #3 "emit null at the 1000ms mark". I was thinking subscribing to firebaseUser would emit the latest value. But, I'm not sure if that's true for your scenario.
If not, we could easily achieve this by adding shareReplay like this:
const firebaseUser = observable.pipe(shareReplay(1));

While I liked the answer from #BizzyBob I was genuinely intrigued by these requirements that I wanted to see what other options were available. Here's what I produced:
const auth$ = observable.pipe(
const null$ = timer(1000).pipe(
const valid$ = auth$.pipe(
const user$ = race(null$, valid$);
We have our source auth$ observable which gets your Firebase data. However, startWith() will immediately emit null before any values coming from Firebase.
I declared two observables for null and non-null cases, null$ and valid$.
The null$ observable will subscribe to auth$ after 1000ms. When this happens it immediately emits null thanks to the startWith() operator.
The valid$ observable subscribes to auth$ immediately but only emits valid user data thanks to filter(). It won't emit startWith(null) because it is caught by the filter.
Last, we declare user$ by using the race() operator. This operator accepts a list of observables as its parameters. The first observable to emit a value wins and is the resulting subscription.
So in our race, valid$ has 1000ms to emit a valid user. If it doesn't, race() will subscribe to null$ resulting in the immediate null, and all future values coming from Firebase.


Filtering RxJS stream after emission of other observable until timer runs out

I want to achieve the following behavior in RxJS but could not find a way using the available operators:
Stream A: Generated by a continuous stream of events (e.g. browser scroll)
Stream B: Generated by another arbitrary event (e.g. some kind of user input)
When B emits a value, I want to pause the processing of A, until a specified amount of time has passed. All values emitted by A in this timeframe are thrown away.
When B emits another value during this interval, the interval is reset.
After the interval has passed, the emitted values of A are no longer filtered.
// Example usage.
unknownOperator(streamB$, 800),
tap(val => doSomething(val))
// Output: E.g. [event1, event2, <skips processing because streamB$ emitted>, event10, ...]
// Operator API.
const unknownOperator = (pauseProcessingWhenEmits: Observable<any>, pauseIntervalInMs: number) => ...
I thought that throttle could be used for this use case, however it will not let any emission through, until B has emitted for the first time (which might be never!).
// If B does not emit, this never lets any emission of A pass through!
throttle(() => streamB$.pipe(delay(800)), {leading: false}),
tap(val => doSomething(val))
An easy hack would be to e.g. subscribe manually to B, store the timestamp when a value was emitted in the Angular component and then filter until the specified time has passed:
(obviously goes against the side-effect avoidance of a reactive framework)
tap(() => this.timestamp =
filter(() => - this.timestamp > 800),
tap(val => doSomething(val))
I wanted to check with the experts here if somebody knows an operator (combination) that does this without introducing side-effects, before I build my own custom operator :)
I think this would be an approach:
bModified$ = b$.pipe(
() => of(null).pipe(
new Subject(),
subject => merge(
It may seem that this is not a problem whose solution would necessarily involve multicasting, but in the above approach I used a sort of local multicasting.
It's not that expected multicasting behavior because if you subscribe to a$ multiple times(let's say N times), the source will be reached N times, so the multicasting does not occur at that level.
So, let's examine each relevant part:
new Subject(),
subject => merge(
The first argument will indicate the type of Subject to be used in order to achieve that local multicasting. The second argument is a function, more accurately called a selector. Its single argument is the argument specified before(the Subject instance). This selector function will be called every time a$ is being subscribed to.
As we can see from the source code:
the source is subscribed, with source.subscribe(subject). What's achieved through selector(subject).subscribe(subscriber) is a new subscriber that will be part of the Subject's observers list(it's always the same Subject instance), because merge internally subscribes to the provided observables.
We used merge(..., NEVER) because, if the subscriber that subscribed to the selector completes, then, next time the a$ stream becomes active again, the source would have to be resubscribed. By appending NEVER, the observable resulted form calling select(subject) will never complete, because, in order for merge to complete, all of its observables have to complete.
subscribe(subscriber).add(source.subscribe(subject)) creates a connection between subscribed and the Subject, such that when subscriber completes, the Subject instance will have its unsubscribe method called.
So, let's assume we have subscribed to a$: a$.pipe(...).subscribe(mySubscriber). The Subject instance in use will have one subscriber and if a$ emits something, mySubscriber will receive it(through the subject).
Now let's cover the case when bModified$ emits
bModified$ = b$.pipe(
() => of(null).pipe(
First of all, we're using switchMap because one requirement is that when b$ emits, the timer should reset. But, the way I see this problem, 2 things have to happen when b$ emits:
start a timer (1)
pause a$'s emissions (2)
(1) is achieved by using takeUntil in the Subject's subscribers. By using startWith, b$ will emit right away, so that a$'s emissions are ignored. In the switchMap's inner observable we're using delay(ms) to specify how long the timer should take. After it elapses, with the help of switchMapTo(subject), the Subject will now get a new subscriber, meaning that a$'s emissions will be received by mySubscriber(without having to resubscribe to the source). Lastly, ignoreElements is used because otherwise when a$ emits, it would mean that b$ also emit, which will cause a$ to be stopped again. What comes after switchMapTo(subject) are a$'s notifications.
Basically, we're able to achieve the pausable behavior this way: when the Subject instance as one subscriber(it will have at most one in this solution), it is not paused. When it has none, it means it is paused.
EDIT: alternatively, you could have a look at the pause operator from rxjs-etc.

RxJS: How to combine multiple nested observables with buffer

Warning: RxJS newb here.
Here is my challenge:
When an onUnlink$ observable emits...
Immediately start capturing values from an onAdd$ observable, for a maximum of 1 second (I'll call this partition onAddBuffer$).
Query a database (creating a doc$ observable) to fetch a model we'll use to match against one of the onAdd$ values
If one of the values from the onAddBuffer$ observable matches the doc$ value, do not emit
If none of the values from the onAddBuffer$ observable matches the doc$ value, or if the onAddBuffer$ observable never emits, emit the doc$ value
This was my best guess:
// for starters, concatMap doesn't seem right -- I want a whole new stream
const docsToRemove$ = onUnlink$.concatMap( unlinkValue => {
const doc$ = Rx.Observable.fromPromise( db.File.findOne({ unlinkValue }) )
const onAddBuffer$ = onAdd$
.buffer( doc$ ) // capture events while fetching from db -- not sure about this
.takeUntil( Rx.Observable.timer(1000) );
// if there is a match, emit nothing. otherwise wait 1 second and emit doc
return doc$.switchMap( doc =>
onAddBuffer$.single( added => doc.attr === added.attr ).mapTo( Rx.Observable.empty() ),
Rx.Observable.timer( 1000 ).mapTo( doc )
docsToRemove$.subscribe( doc => {
// should only ever be invoked (with doc -- the doc$ value) 1 second
// after `onUnlink$` emits, when there are no matching `onAdd$`
// values within that 1 second window.
This always emits EmptyObservable. Maybe it's because single appears to emit undefined when there is no match, and I'm expecting it not to emit at all when there is no match? The same thing happens with find.
If I change single to filter, nothing ever emits.
FYI: This is a rename scenario with file system events -- if an add event follows within 1 second of an unlink event and the emitted file hashes match, do nothing because it's a rename. Otherwise it's a true unlink and it should emit the database doc to be removed.
This is my guess how you could do this:
onUnlink$.concatMap(unlinkValue => {
const doc$ = Rx.Observable.fromPromise(db.File.findOne({ unlinkValue })).share();
const bufferDuration$ = Rx.Observable.race(Rx.Observable.timer(1000), doc$);
const onAddBuffer$ = onAdd$.buffer(bufferDuration$);
return Observable.forkJoin(onAddBuffer$, doc$)
.map(([buffer, docResponse]) => { /* whatever logic you need here */ });
The single() operator is a little tricky because it emits the item that matches the predicate function only after the source Observable completes (or emits an error when there're two items or no matching items).
The race() is tricky as well. If one of the source Observables completes and doesn't emit any value race() will just complete and not emit anything. I reported this some time ago and this is the correct behavior, see
I guess this is what went wrong in your code.
Also note that .mapTo(Rx.Observable.empty()) will map each value into an instance of Observable. If you wanted to ignore all values you can use filter(() => false) or the ignoreElements() operator.

switchMap operation only running on first call?

I have an angular application that makes a request to an Http service and calls a switchMap on another Http service. For some reason the request in the switchMap only runs the first time the parent call is called. Otherwise the parent request fires and the switchMap one doesn't, here is the code:
.switchMap(result =>
// Refresh the lease receivables before giving result
refresh: true,
where: { leaseId: this.leaseId }
}).take(1).map(() => result)
How can I make the getAll request in the switch map run every time the newTenantDebitCredit method is called above it?
Edit: Here is the entirety of the function that is called on click. when i click the button the first time for a given unit both methods are executed. If I try a Unit that has already had that method called (without a refresh) only the first method is executed. I realize a lot of this may not be clear it's a rather large project at this point.
public submitTenantCredit() {
this.isLoading = true;
let tenantCredit: NewTenantDebitCreditData;
let receivableDefinitions: ReceivableDefinition[] = [];
// construct receivable defintions for NewTenantDebitData model
receivableDefinitions = this._constructReceivableDefinitions();
// construct data we will be POSTing to server.
tenantCredit = new NewTenantDebitCreditData({
siteId: this._apiConfig.siteId,
leaseId: this.leaseId,
isCredit: true,
receivables: receivableDefinitions,
reason: this.actionReason
// make service call and handle response
.switchMap(result =>
// Refresh the lease receivables before giving result
refresh: true,
where: { leaseId: this.leaseId }
}).take(1).map(() => result)
(receivables) => {
let refreshLeaseId = this.leaseId;
this.leaseId = refreshLeaseId;
this.isLoading = false;
this.refreshBool = !this.refreshBool;
this._notifications.success(`The tenant credit for ${this.customerName} - Unit ${this.unitNumber} was submitted successfully`);
(error) => {
this.isLoading = false;
If it helps newTenantDebitCredit() is a HTTP POST request and getAll() is a GET request.
You used take operator. When your service observable will emit then take operator will execute first and take will chain only first emit from observable. Subsequent emit will not taken by your code.
If you want to take all emits from observable then remove take from your code.
Hope it will help.
Testing the Rx code in isolation, here's a mockup. The console logs happen each time, so I think the Rx you're using is ok.
The best guess at a likely culprit is this.refreshBool = !this.refreshBool, but we'd need to see the internals of newTenantDebitCredit and getAll to be definitive.
// Some mocking
const _receivableService = {
newTenantDebitCredit: (tc) => {
console.log('inside newTenantDebitCredit')
return Rx.Observable.of({prop1:'someValue'})
getAll: (options) => {
console.log('inside getAll')
return Rx.Observable.of({prop2:'anotherValue'})
const tenantCredit = {}
// Test
.switchMap(result => {
console.log('result', result)
return _receivableService.getAll({
refresh: true,
where: { leaseId: this.leaseId }
.map(() => result)
(receivables) => {
console.log('receivables', receivables)
//this.refreshBool = !this.refreshBool;
(error) => {
<script src=""></script>
First of all, this has nothing to do with the switchMap operator.
Normaly removing the take(1) would cause this behaviour. In this case it wouldn't because it itsn't a so called hot observable.
The problem is that you are using a This is a cold observable which means it will only return a value once. That is also the reason why you don't need to unsubscribe. It will NEVER fire twice. Possible sollutions might be:
Using web sockets to get realtime data.
Creating a timer which will periodically fetch the data.
Simply get the data again whenever you need it.
The way you are asking the question
How can I make the getAll request in the switch map run every time the newTenantDebitCredit method is called above it?
actually sounds to me as if you are calling only newTenantDebitCredit from somewhere in your code, expecting the second request to happen; so I think this might be a misunderstanding of how observable chains work. Let's make an example:
const source$ = Observable.of(42);
.map(value => 2 * value)
What would you expect this to log? If your answer is "It would log 84 twice", then that is wrong: it logs 84 and 42.
Conceptually, your situation is the same. The second request only happens when the observable returned by newTenantDebitCredit() emits; it will not happen anytime some caller calls newTenantDebitCredit. This is because observable chains do not mutate an observable in-place, they only ever return a new observable.
If you want the second request to happen, you have to actually change the definition of the newTenantDebitCredit method to return an observable set up to perform the second request; alternatively, set up a chained observable that you subscribe to instead of calling newTenantDebitCredit.
Not really an answer but I did solve my problem. It will almost certainly be of no use to anyone BUT it was an issue in the receivableService it was not properly cheeking the boolean: refresh and was pulling values from cache after the first time.

Subject vs BehaviorSubject vs ReplaySubject in Angular

I've been looking to understand those 3:
I would like to use them and know when and why, what are the benefits of using them and although I've read the documentation, watched tutorials and searched google I've failed to make any sense of this.
So what are their purpose? A real-world case would be most appreciated it does not have to even code.
I would prefer a clean explanation not just "a+b => c you are subscribed to ...."
Thank you
It really comes down to behavior and semantics. With a
Subject - a subscriber will only get published values that were emitted after the subscription. Ask yourself, is that what you want? Does the subscriber need to know anything about previous values? If not, then you can use this, otherwise choose one of the others. For example, with component-to-component communication. Say you have a component that publishes events for other components on a button click. You can use a service with a subject to communicate.
BehaviorSubject - the last value is cached. A subscriber will get the latest value upon initial subscription. The semantics for this subject is to represent a value that changes over time. For example a logged in user. The initial user might be an anonymous user. But once a user logs in, then the new value is the authenticated user state.
The BehaviorSubject is initialized with an initial value. This is sometimes important to coding preference. Say for instance you initialize it with a null. Then in your subscription, you need to do a null check. Maybe OK, or maybe annoying.
ReplaySubject - it can cache up to a specified number of emissions. Any subscribers will get all the cached values upon subscription. When would you need this behavior? Honestly, I have not had any need for such behavior, except for the following case:
If you initialize a ReplaySubject with a buffer size of 1, then it actually behaves just like a BehaviorSubject. The last value is always cached, so it acts like a value changing over time. With this, there is no need for a null check like in the case of the BehaviorSubject initialized with a null. In this instance, no value is ever emitted to the subscriber until the first publishing.
So it really comes down to the behavior you are expecting (as for which one to use). Most of the time you will probably want to use a BehaviorSubject because what you really want to represent is that "value over time" semantic. But I personally don't see anything wrong with the substitution of ReplaySubject initialized with 1.
What you want to avoid is using the vanilla Subject when what you really need is some caching behavior. Take for example you are writing a routing guard or a resolve. You fetch some data in that guard and set it in a service Subject. Then in the routed component you subscribe to the service subject to try to get that value that was emitted in the guard. OOPs. Where's the value? It was already emitted, DUH. Use a "caching" subject!
See also:
What are RxJS Subject's and the benefits of using them?
Subject: On subscribing it always gets the data which is pushed after it's subscription i.e. previous pushed values are not received.
const mySubject = new Rx.Subject();;
const subscription1 = mySubject.subscribe(x => {
console.log('From subscription 1:', x);
const subscription2 = mySubject.subscribe(x => {
console.log('From subscription 2:', x);
<script src=""></script>
With this example, here’s the result that’ll be printed in the console:
From subscription 1: 2
From subscription 1: 3
From subscription 2: 3
From subscription 2: 4
Note how subscriptions that arrive late are missing out on some of the data that’s been pushed into the subject.
Replay subjects: can help by keeping a buffer of previous values that will be emitted to new subscriptions.
Here’s a usage example for replay subjects where a buffer of 2 previous values are kept and emitted on new subscriptions:
const mySubject = new Rx.ReplaySubject(2);;;;;
mySubject.subscribe(x => {
console.log('From 1st sub:', x);
mySubject.subscribe(x => {
console.log('From 2nd sub:', x);
<script src=""></script>
Here’s what that gives us at the console:
From 1st sub: 3
From 1st sub: 4
From 1st sub: 5
From 2nd sub: 4
From 2nd sub: 5
Behavior subjects: are similar to replay subjects, but will re-emit only the last emitted value, or a default value if no value has been previously emitted:
const mySubject = new Rx.BehaviorSubject('Hey now!');
mySubject.subscribe(x => {
console.log('From 1st sub:', x);
mySubject.subscribe(x => {
console.log('From 2nd sub:', x);
<script src=""></script>
And the result:
From 1st sub: Hey now!
From 1st sub: 5
From 2nd sub: 5
A handy summary of the different observable types, non intuitive naming i know lol.
Subject - A subscriber will only get published values thereon-after the subscription is made.
BehaviorSubject - New subscribers get the last published value OR initial value immediately upon subscription.
ReplaySubject - New subscribers get all previously published value(s) immediately upon subscription
Most upvoted answer is plainly wrong claiming that:
"If you initialize a ReplaySubject with a buffer size of 1, then it actually behaves just like a BehaviorSubject"
This is not totally true; check this great blog post on differences between those two. For example if you subscribe to a completed BehaviorSubject, you won’t receive the last value but for a ReplaySubject(1) you will receive the last value.
This is am important difference that should not be overlooked:
const behavior = new BehaviorSubject(null);
const replay = new ReplaySubject(1);
behavior.skip(1).subscribe(v => console.log('BehaviorSubject:', v));
replay.subscribe(v => console.log('ReplaySubject:', v));;;
behavior.subscribe(v => console.log('Late B subscriber:', v));;;
replay.subscribe(v => console.log('Late R subscriber:', v));
Check this code example here which comes from another great blog post on the topic.
From: Randall Koutnik's book “Build Reactive Websites with RxJS.” :
A Subject is an object that’s a turbocharged observable. At its core, a Subject acts much like a regular observable, but each subscription is hooked into the same source. Subjects also are observers and have next, error, and done methods to send data to all subscribers at once. Because subjects are observers, they can be passed directly into a subscribe call, and all the events from the original observable will be sent through the subject to its subscribers.
We can use the ReplaySubject to track history. A ReplaySubject records the last n events and plays them back to every new subscriber. For example in a chat applications. We can use it for tracking the record of previous chat history.
A BehaviorSubject is a simplified version of the ReplaySubject.
The ReplaySubject stored an arbitrary number of events, the BehaviorSubject only records the value of the latest event. Whenever a BehaviorSubject records a new subscription, it emits the latest value to the subscriber as well as any new values that are passed in. The BehaviorSubject is useful when dealing with single units of state, such as configuration options.
As mentioned in some of the posts, the accepted answer is wrong since BehaviorSubject != ReplaySubject(1) and it's not just a preference of coding style.
In the comments often the "guards" are mentioned and that's also where I most often found the use case for the Replay subjects. More specifically if you have a take(1) like scenario and you don't just want to take the initial value.
Check for example the following:
ngOnInit() {
const behaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(null);
const replaySubject = new ReplaySubject<boolean>(1);
this.checkLoggedIn(behaviorSubject, 'behaviorSubject');
this.checkLoggedIn(replaySubject, 'replaySubject');;;
checkLoggedIn($userLoggedIn: Observable<boolean>, id: string) {
$userLoggedIn.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(isLoggedIn => {
if (isLoggedIn) {
this.result[id] = 'routed to dashboard';
} else {
this.result[id] = 'routed to landing page';
with the result:
"behaviorSubject": "routed to landing page",
"replaySubject": "routed to dashboard"
In those cases clearly you'd want a ReplaySubject! Working code:
// ***********Subject concept ***********
let subject = new Subject<string>();"Eureka");
subject.subscribe((data) => {
console.log("Subscriber 1 got data >>>>> "+ data);
subject.subscribe((data) => {
console.log("Subscriber 2 got data >>>>> "+ data);
// ********behaviour subject*********
// Behavior subjects need a first value
let subject1 = new BehaviorSubject<string>("First value");
subject1.asObservable().subscribe((data) => {
console.log("First subscriber got data behaviour subject>>>>> "+ data);
});"Second value")
Subject - A subscriber will only get published values thereon-after the subscription is made.
BehaviorSubject - New subscribers get the last published value OR initial value immediately upon subscription.
Another difference is you can use the value getter of BehaviorSubject to get the current value. This is very useful when you need just current value in certain circumstances. For example, when a user clicks something and you need the value only once. In this case, you don't need to subscribe and then unsubscribe suddenly. The only need is:
BehaviorSubject bSubject = new BehaviorSubject<IBasket>(basket);
getCurrentBasketValue() {
return this.bSubject.value;

Observable instance emit without an observer (or subscriber ?)

I am using observable in Angular2. As I know so far, each Observable instance come with an observer(1:1), and when we emit something with we can get that value with observable.subscribe((value) => {}).
var observable = Observable.create(observer => {;
observable.subscribe(value => {
How can I emit value without knowing the corresponding observer, because I want to emit value outside create function. One possible solution is save observer into some global variable but I think an observable should be enough. Any suggestion for this ??
You're mixing multiple things together. Observables are not in 1:1 relation with Observers (more precisely it's 1:N). If you want to be able to manually emit values you need a Subject which acts as an Observable and an Observer at the same time. Practically this means you can call its next() method and it'll propage the value to all its subscribers (Observers).
For example consider the following code in TypeScript:
import {Subject} from 'rxjs';
let source = new Subject();
source.subscribe(val => console.log('Observer 1:', val));
source.subscribe(val => console.log('Observer 2:', val));;'test');
This will print to console:
Observer 1: 42
Observer 2: 42
Observer 1: test
Observer 2: test
See live demo:
Read more:
Be aware that Observable.create() is a very different animal. It takes as a parameter a function that is called every time a new Observer subscribes. That's why it take the newly subscribed Observer as an argument. In this function you can for example call next() method on the Observer to send it some default value that all subscribes need to receive.
So you probably want to use Subject instead of Observable.create().

