Reading a value from a Cascading DropDown List - javascript

I have successfully developed a cascading dropdown list using javascript thanks to some code I found online. The html code it generates looks as expected when I view the code inside my Firefox web developer tools. The problem I have is that my php backend cannot read this from the $_POST buffer. The error I get is "Undefined index". It's almost as if the php does not see the second DDL that is dynamically added to my html page. Is there a trick I'm missing?
<script type="text/javascript">
var created = 0;
function displayAccordingly() {
if (created == 1) {
//Call mainMenu the main dropdown menu
var mainMenu = document.getElementById('mainMenu');
//Create the new dropdown menu
var whereToPut = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var newDropdown = document.createElement('select');
if if (mainMenu.value == "Office Expense") { //The person chose Office Expense
var option000000000=document.createElement("option");
var option160006235=document.createElement("option");
option160006235.text="COPY PAPER AND SUPPLIES";
var option160006237=document.createElement("option");
option160006237.text="COPIER RENTAL AGREEMENT";
} else if (mainMenu.value == "Custodial") { //The person chose Custodial
var option000000000=document.createElement("option");
var option164006410=document.createElement("option");
var option164006415=document.createElement("option");
var option164006420=document.createElement("option");
option164006420.text="MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES";
created = 1
function removeDrop() {
var d = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var oldmenu = document.getElementById('newDropdownMenu');
What the development tools shows as my HTML code:
My PHP Code (simplified)
$AccountNumber = $_POST['AcountNumber'];
I can read Category from the $_POST buffer, but not AccountNumber.
I am thus thinking the Javascript works fine, I don't understand why the value for AccountNumber is not placed in the $_POST buffer.
The results from a print_r($_POST) is as follows (Right after [Category] I would expect [AccountNumber]=>):
Array ( [action] => POStepTwo [logged_in_user] => 1625605397 [who] => requester [UserID] => 1625605397 [Vendor] => 2080MED [Department] => Plant [Category] => Office Expense [ShippingInstructions] => 1 [RequesterNote] => test )
Thanks for all the help.


JavaScript stops functioning after adding type=module to src tag in HTML (Using Flask)

What I thought would be the easiest part of my project has turned into a Herculean effort. All I wanted to do was get data from a JSON file to then display on my website. Prior to using a JSON file, I hard coded some data to test my filter/search functionality, all of which I wrote in JavaScript. The code worked perfectly, so I decided to move the data to a JSON file as I am expecting to have a lot more data in the future and can't have it hardcoded. However, I have been unable to get data from the JSON file successfully. I tried using require('./data.json'), but apparently I can't just use require like that. I then tried importing the file, which only works if I go back to the html and add type="module" to the src tag. This then allows all of the data to display on the webpage, however, the function that allows me to filter by category no longer works. When I click on the buttons, I get no response. I used Inspect to get the console to find the error, and the output is:
Uncaught ReferenceError: filterProject is not defined
The search functionality still works, and I suspect this is because that code isn't inside a function. Thus, I don't know why filterProject is supposedly not defined when the other JS code works. Here is all of my code:
import projects from './data.json' assert { type: "json" };
const path = "http://localhost/static/images/";
for(let i of projects){
let card = document.createElement("div");
card.classList.add("card", i["category"], "hide");
let imgContainer = document.createElement("div");
let imageOne = document.createElement("img");
imageOne.setAttribute("src", path.concat(i["imageOne"]));
let container = document.createElement("div");
let name = document.createElement("h3");
name.innerText = i["projectName"].toUpperCase();
let student = document.createElement("h4");
student.innerText = i["studentName"].toUpperCase() + " mentored by " + i["mentor"].toUpperCase();
let category = document.createElement("h6");
category.innerText = i["category"].toUpperCase().replace("_", " ");
function filterProject(value){
let buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".button-value");
buttons.forEach((button) => {
if(value.toUpperCase() == button.innerText.toUpperCase()){
let elements = document.querySelectorAll(".card");
elements.forEach((element) => {
if(value == "all"){
//having a space messes it up, make it _
if(element.classList.contains(value.replace(" ", "_"))){
("click", () => {
let searchInput = document.getElementById("search-input").value;
let elements = document.querySelectorAll(".student-name");
let cards = document.querySelectorAll(".card");
elements.forEach((element, index) =>{
window.onload = () =>{
Here is the HTML just in case as well:
<div class ="wrapper">
<div id="search-container">
<input type="search" id="search-input" placeholder="Search student name here..."/>
<button id = "search">Search</button>
<div id ="buttons">
<button class = "button-value" onclick="filterProject('all')">All</button>
<button class = "button-value" onclick="filterProject('Creative Project')">Creative Project</button>
<button class = "button-value" onclick="filterProject('Developing Voice')">Developing Voice</button>
<button class = "button-value" onclick="filterProject('Interdisciplinary Fusion')">Interdisciplinary Fusion</button>
<button class = "button-value" onclick="filterProject('Personal Writing')">Personal Writing</button>
<button class = "button-value" onclick="filterProject('Curriculum Designer')">Curriculum Designer</button>
<button class = "button-value" onclick="filterProject('Internship')">Internship</button>
<div id = projects></div>
<script type = "module" src = "{{ url_for('static',filename='javascript/script.js') }}"></script>
If it matters, I am using Flask as my web framework. I'm not sure if that has any impact on anything, but it has created some obstacles when I've tried to create a live server to solve this issue. Thanks in advance for any replies!
What you're looking for is how to load json files locally.
One solution is
Start a local server e.g. http://localhost:8080
Then use fetch() to retrieve the json file
For example, if your data.json file was located within the same folder where you have your html file and where you started your server, then your code could be something like
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
.then((data) => {
// Add code to process your data

Get all data from gridmvc including all paging in javascript?

I am trying to fetch data from gridmvc and show graphs using chart.js its working fine but issue is that its showing just with pages. Because i have enabled paging in grid and when i click on next page then next grid data page graphs show, but i want to show graph of complete grid data includes all pages.
<div class="panel-body">
#await Html.Grid(Model).Columns(columns =>
columns.Add(c => c.ID).Titled("StudentID").Filterable(true);
columns.Add(c => c.Name).Titled("Name").Filterable(true);
columns.Add(c => c.Major).Titled("Major").Filterable(true);
columns.Add(c => c.Minor).Titled("Minor").Filterable(true);
columns.Add(c => c.Email).Titled("Email").Filterable(true);
columns.Add(c => c.Address).Titled("Address").Filterable(true);
columns.Add(c => c.GPA).Titled("GPA").Filterable(true);
}).Searchable(true, false, true).WithPaging(10).ChangePageSize(true).Sortable(true).EmptyText("No data found").Named("GridSearch").RenderAsync()
function LoadChart() {
var chartType = parseInt($("#rblChartType input:checked").val());
var items = $(".grid-mvc").find(".grid-table > tbody").children();
var json = [];
$.each(items, function (i, row) {
$col2 = $(row).children()[1].innerText;
$col3 =$(row).children()[2].innerText;
$col4 =$(row).children()[3].innerText;
$col5 =$(row).children()[4].innerText;
$col6 =$(row).children()[5].innerText;
$col7 =$(row).children()[6].innerText;
json.push({ 'StudentID': $col1, 'Name': $col2, 'Major': $col3, 'Minor': $col4, 'Email': $col5, 'Address': $col6, 'GPA': $col7
// Map JSON values back to label array
var labels = (e) {
return e.Name;
console.log(labels); // ["2016", "2017", "2018", "2019"]
// Map JSON values back to values array
var values = (e) {
return e.GPA;
var chart=BuildChart(labels, values, "Students Name by GPA");
I want to show graphs which include complete data in gridmvc not just on current page.
but issue is that its showing just with pages. Because i have enabled
paging in grid and when i click on next page then next grid data page
graphs show, but i want to show graph of complete grid data includes
all pages.
var items = $(".grid-mvc").find(".grid-table > tbody").children();
var json = [];
$.each(items, function (i, row) {
$col2 = $(row).children()[1].innerText;
$col3 =$(row).children()[2].innerText;
$col4 =$(row).children()[3].innerText;
$col5 =$(row).children()[4].innerText;
$col6 =$(row).children()[5].innerText;
$col7 =$(row).children()[6].innerText;
json.push({ 'StudentID': $col1, 'Name': $col2, 'Major': $col3, 'Minor': $col4, 'Email': $col5, 'Address': $col6, 'GPA': $col7
The issue relates the above scripts, since you implement paging, when using the above code to get the table resource, it only gets the current page records, then display the page grahps.
To solve this issue, you could get the records from the page model (Model) or create an action method to get all records, then, use JQuery Ajax method to call this method and get the grid data.
To get records from the page model, in your Core MVC application, you could use the Json.Serialize() method to convent the Model to JSON string first, then use JSON.parse() method convent the JSON string to JavaScript Object, then loop through the Object and get all data.
Code like this (Index.cshtml)
#model List<StudentViewModel>
#section Scripts{
$(function () {
function LoadChart() {
//var chartType = parseInt($("#rblChartType input:checked").val());
//var items = $(".grid-mvc").find(".grid-table > tbody").children();
var json = [];
var items = JSON.parse('#Json.Serialize(Model)');
$.each(items, function (index, item) {
json.push({ 'StudentID':, 'Name':, 'Major': item.major, 'Major': item.major, 'Email':, 'Address': item.address, 'GPA': item.gpa });
//show graphs based on the json array.
The screenshot like this:

Custom Dependent Dropdown menu inside the Django admin

I have a project foreign key in by Phase model. I'm having hard time Create a dependent drop-down list inside my Django admin page.
I want to when user select a project from (project drop-down) phase of that project show in second dop-down
What would be the best way to achieve this?
It would be great if the dropdowns filter items based on the value of its parent.
class Project(models.Model):
name = models.CharFieldmax_length = 100, unique= True)
short_name = models.CharField(max_length= 4, unique= True)
slug = models.SlugField(max_length= 100, allow_unicode=True, null=True, editable= False)
location = models.OneToOneField(Location, on_delete = models.SET_NULL, null= True, blank= False, verbose_name= 'موقعیت')
start_date = models.DateField(default=, null= True, blank= True)
end_date = models.DateField(default=, null= True, blank= True)
duration = models.IntegerField(default= 0, editable= False)
class Phase(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length= 20)
class ProjectPhase(models.Model):
project = models.ForeignKey(Project, on_delete= models.CASCADE, related_name= 'phase')
phase = models.ForeignKey(Phase, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name= 'project')
start_date = models.DateField(default=
end_date = models.DateField(default=
duration = models.IntegerField(default= 0, editable= True)
1. import a js media file in ModelAdmin for Generaldata:
class YourModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = YourModelForm
#list_display = ['your fields',]
class Media:
js = ("yourapp/selectajax.js",), YourModelAdmin)
2. create a new js file which saved yourproject/yourapp/static/yourapp/ directory or another proper directory.
// console.log(obj.currentTarget.value);
data:{project: $(this).val(),},
success: function(result) {
cols = document.getElementById("id_phase_select");
cols.options.length = 0;
for(var k in result){
cols.options.add(new Option(k, result[k]));
error: function(e){
3. create a view to process ajax
def get_phases(request):
project = request.POST.get('project')
phases = {}
if project:
prophases = Project.objects.get(pk=int(project)).phase
phases = { for pp in prophases}
return JsonResponse(data=phases, safe=False)
4. add 'get_phases/ to urlpatterns.
Notice that you should modify some codes as your need.
The answer by Blackdoor is a good approach and it's the one we just implemented, but it has a couple of problems:
It's only executed when you change the main select, and I wanted the dependant select to be filtered also on page load.
Does not keep que selected item in the dependant select.
In his solution, in step 2, replace his code with this one and adapt the names (I'm using service and sub_service instead of project / phase):
var clone = document.getElementById("id_sub_service").cloneNode(true);
update_sub_services($(this).val(), clone)
update_sub_services($("#id_service").val(), clone)
function update_sub_services(service, clone) {
data:{service: service,},
success: function(result) {
var cols = document.getElementById("id_sub_service");
cols.innerHTML = clone.innerHTML
Array.from(cols.options).forEach(function(option_element) {
var existing = false;
for (var k in result) {
if (option_element.value == k) {
existing = true
if (existing == false) {
$("#id_sub_service option[value='"+option_element.value+"']").remove();
error: function(e){
As you can see, now instead of removing all the items from the dependant select and then refilling it (which leaves you without the selected property and any other custom property), it removes the options that should not be there.
I'm not a JS developer and I don't know jQuery so my modifications are in native JS, please feel free to improve it :)

Apache cordova var not displayed in html

I have a problem with my application developped with angular & apache cordova on android.
On the first place I fetch the contact list from my smartphone and store it in a var : $scope.listecontacts
// alert('nb contacts '+contacts.length);
for (var i = 0; i < contacts_1.length; i++)
if(contacts_1[i].phoneNumbers != null && contacts_1[i].name != null && typeof contacts_1[i].phoneNumbers != 'undefined')
$scope.numero_tel = contacts_1[i].phoneNumbers[0].value;
And in a second time I try to display it in the html dom like this :
<div ng-repeat="t in listecontacts" >{{(}}</div>
When I launch my application it runs fine but when I go back in the home page and then go on the view that fetch the contact list, the DIV is not filled with the contact list.
I have checked the variable : $scope.listecontacts and it is not empty....
Has anyone ever meet this problem ?
Have you got any Idea ?
Thanks a lot !
I have tried to use a service this way :
app.factory('ContactService', function($window, $q, $rootScope){
var options = new ContactFindOptions();
options.filter = "";
options.multiple = true;
var filter = ["displayName", "name","phoneNumbers"];
// navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
return {
getContactList : function(onSuccess, onError){
}, function(){
}, options)
And then in my controller :
$scope.get_contacts = function()
But nothing chages, I check the variables with the console with via USB and Chrome and the array is fileld with thje value but the HTML doesn't displays the data.
Thanks for your help !
Actually my service was running fine I just had to change
this :
<option ng-repeat="t in listecontacts" value="{{(t.phoneNumbers[0].value)}}" >{{(}}</option>
to this
<option ng-repeat="t in listecontacts.liste_1" value="{{(t.phoneNumbers[0].value)}}" >{{(}}</option>
since I used an object instead of an array for "listecontacts"
$scope.listecontacts= {
liste_1: []

Angular JS some result doesn't show in Google Chrome but show in FireFox

I have created a SelectedProduct factory to save data from ProductDetailCtrl and retrieve the data in ProductOrder Ctrl
The factory is as below
var products = {};
addCategory: function(_category){
return products.category = {category: _category};
addSelectedProduct: function(_name,_image,_quantity,_price){
return products.item = {name: _name, image: _image,quantity: _quantity,price: _price};
getSelectedProduct: function(){
return products.item;
return products.category
In my product_detail.html, I save the parameter by ng-click in :
<img ng-src="{{product.image}}" alt="{{product.product_name}}" ng-click="SelectImage((detail.image = product.image),( = product.product_name),(detail.quantity = product.quantity),(detail.price = product.price))" width="500" height="340">
In ProductDetailCtrl:
$scope.SelectImage = function () {
Then I call the saved data in product_order.html:
<h3>RM {{selectedProduct.price}}</h3>
My ProductOrderCtrl:
$scope.selectedProduct = SelectedProduct.getSelectedProduct();
var categoryName = SelectedProduct.getCategory();
BUT the output only can't show in chrome browser, it works fine in my device, and other browsers. I just wondering why would it be like this. Any idea and reason about this problem?
Other data like name, image link works fine in chrome but just the price in 00.00 format can't show. the price retrieved from MySQL online and is stored in varchar.
Result from Chrome
Result from FireFox
There must be some caching in Google Chrome, try Empty Cache and Hard Reload option which can be performed in developer mode, by a simple right click on refresh button!

