Cant draw same image on multiple canvases - javascript

I have three canvases adjacent to each other and an image which I want to draw on two of them. The code below draws the image twice on one canvas (as desired), but won't draw it on another canvas, as shown in the screenshot below.
Through debugging, I have established that the line c1.drawImage(img, x, y, 50, 50); runs (this can be seen in the console where "here" is output). This should draw the image onto the second canvas, however it doesn't.
var area0 = document.getElementById("area-0");
var area1 = document.getElementById("area-1");
var area2 = document.getElementById("area-2");
var c0 = area0.getContext("2d");
var c1 = area1.getContext("2d");
var c2 = area2.getContext("2d");
// Set height and width of areas
area0.width = area1.width = area2.width = 150;
area0.height = area1.height = area2.height = 150;
var arr; // holds all positions
var img;
function populate() {
arr = [
[0, 0],
[40, 40],
[170, 0]
img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
// for each position in array
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var x = arr[i][0]; // x position
var y = arr[i][1]; // y position
draw(x, y);
img.src = "";
// Draw onto canvas
function draw(x, y) {
var area;
// Work out which area to draw in
if (x < area0.width + 1) {
area = 0;
} else if (x < (area0.width * 2) + 1) {
area = 1;
} else if (x < (area0.width * 3) + 1) {
area = 2;
// Draw onto correct area
if (area == 0) {
c0.drawImage(img, x, y, 50, 50);
} else if (area == 1) {
c1.drawImage(img, x, y, 50, 50);
} else if (area == 2) {
c2.drawImage(img, x, y, 50, 50);
#canvases {
width: 470px;
<div id="canvases">
<canvas id="area-0"></canvas>
<canvas id="area-1"></canvas>
<canvas id="area-2"></canvas>
I thought the problem could be related to drawing the same image across multiple canvases, however removing the first two items from the array arr doesn't resolve the problem.

If you are going to draw you images and have your functions calculate their position in this manner then you must account for the canvas position relative to the window. You can use getBoundingClientRect() to get the coordinates and then subtract the x value from the x in drawImage(). Same for the y coordinate. This accounts for the body margin too.
var area0 = document.getElementById("area-0");
var area1 = document.getElementById("area-1");
var area2 = document.getElementById("area-2");
var c0 = area0.getContext("2d");
var c1 = area1.getContext("2d");
var c2 = area2.getContext("2d");
// Set height and width of areas
area0.width = area1.width = area2.width = 150;
area0.height = area1.height = area2.height = 150;
let a0Bnds = area0.getBoundingClientRect();
let a1Bnds = area1.getBoundingClientRect();
let a2Bnds = area2.getBoundingClientRect();
var arr; // holds all positions
var img;
function populate() {
arr = [
[0, 0],
[40, 40],
[170, 0]
img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
// for each position in array
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var x = arr[i][0]; // x position
var y = arr[i][1]; // y position
draw(x, y);
img.src = "";
// Draw onto canvas
function draw(x, y) {
var area;
// Work out which area to draw in
if (x < area0.width + 1) {
area = 0;
} else if (x < (area0.width * 2) + 1) {
area = 1;
} else if (x < (area0.width * 3) + 1) {
area = 2;
// Draw onto correct area
if (area == 0) {
c0.drawImage(img, x - a0Bnds.x, y - a0Bnds.y, 50, 50);
} else if (area == 1) {
c1.drawImage(img, x - a1Bnds.x, y - a1Bnds.y, 50, 50);
} else if (area == 2) {
c2.drawImage(img, x - a2Bnds.x, y - a2Bnds.y, 50, 50);
#canvases {
width: 470px;
<div id="canvases">
<canvas id="area-0"></canvas>
<canvas id="area-1"></canvas>
<canvas id="area-2"></canvas>

You draw the third image at x coordinate 170, however, the canvas is only 150 wide.


How to create a smooth transition p5.js with key function?

I'm trying to achieve that, everytime you type a different letter key, the lines of the letters 'merge' into eachother instead of just 'jumping' to the next letter like it's doing now. I'm looking into the lerp() function but i'm not sure how to apply this to my code. Can someone help me into the right direction? This is what i have untill now:
var redtown;
var fontSize = 500;
var myArray;
var r = 3;
function preload(){
redtown = loadFont('redtown.otf');
function setup(){
function draw(){
myArray = redtown.textToPoints(key, width/2, 500, fontSize, {
// text(key, width/2, height/2 );
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
// ellipse(myArray[i].x, myArray[i].y, 10, 10)
translate(myArray[i].x, myArray[i].y);
Here is a snippet that transitions from one character to another by using textToPoints to get the points from the last two keys that have been pressed and then slides each point in the old character to its position in the new character.
It uses this formula to get the x and y positions of points along a line from the point in the old character to the point in the new character.
x = (1-t)*x+t*nextX;
y = (1-t)*y+t*nextY;
It also uses the spinning lines idea from the question to give the points some motion although it pins the line size to a constant.
You can see it in action here Fonts Transition
var myFont;
var fontSize = 160;
var fontPoints =[];
var previousFontPoints = [];
var r = 0;
var oldKey = ' ';
function preload(){
myFont = loadFont('inconsolata.otf');
function setup(){
createCanvas(500, 500);
function draw(){
if (oldKey != key){
previousFontPoints =
myFont.textToPoints(oldKey, width/10, height/2, fontSize, {
oldKey = key;
fontPoints = myFont.textToPoints(key, width/10, height/2, fontSize, {
t = 0.025;
t += .01;
if (fontPoints.length > 0 && t< 1.0){
for (i = 0; i < fontPoints.length; i++){
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
// if we don't have enought points we will just float in from 0,0
let nextX = 0;
let nextY = 0;
if (previousFontPoints.length > i){
x = previousFontPoints[i].x;
y = previousFontPoints[i].y;
// in case the new array does not have enough points
nextX = x;
nextY = y;
if (fontPoints.length > i){
nextX = fontPoints[i].x;
nextY = fontPoints[i].y;
x = (1-t)*x+t*nextX;
y = (1-t)*y+t*nextY;
translate(x, y);

How to track coordinates on the quadraticCurve

I have a Polyline on the HiDPICanvas (html5 canvas). When I move mouse left and right I track its coordinates and on corresponding point with same X coordinate on the polyline I draw a Circle. You can try it now to see the result.
// Create a canvas
var HiDPICanvas = function(container_id, color, w, h) {
objects are objects on the canvas, first elements of dictionary are background elements, last are on the foreground
canvas will be placed in the container
canvas will have width w and height h
var objects = {
box : [],
borders : [],
circles : [],
polyline: []
var doNotMove = ['borders']
// is mouse down & its coords
var mouseDown = false
lastX = window.innerWidth/2
lastY = window.innerHeight/2
// return pixel ratio
var getRatio = function() {
var ctx = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
var dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
var bsr = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
return dpr / bsr;
// return high dots per inch canvas
var createHiDPICanvas = function() {
var ratio = getRatio();
var chart_container = document.getElementById(container_id);
var can = document.createElement("canvas"); = color
can.width = w * ratio;
can.height = h * ratio; = w + "px"; = h + "px";
can.getContext("2d").setTransform(ratio, 0, 0, ratio, 0, 0);
return can;
// add object to the canvas
var add = function(object, category) {
// clear canvas
var clearCanvas = function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
ctx.clearRect(x0, y0, x1, y1);
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
// check function do I can move this group of objects
var canMove = function(groupname) {
for (var i = 0; i < doNotMove.length; i++) {
var restricted = doNotMove[i]
if (restricted == groupname) {
return false
return true
// refresh all objects on the canvas
var refresh = function() {
clearCanvas(0, 0, w, h)
var object
for (var key in objects) {
for (var i = 0; i < objects[key].length; i++) {
object = objects[key][i]
// shift all objects on the canvas except left and down borders and its content
var shiftObjects = function(event) {
// if mouse clicked now -> we can move canvas view left\right
if (mouseDown) {
var object
for (var key in objects) {
if (canMove(key)) {
for (var i = 0; i < objects[key].length; i++) {
object = objects[key][i]
object.move(event.movementX, event.movementY)
// transfer x to canvas drawing zone x coord (for not drawing on borders of the canvas)
var transferX = function(x) {
return objects.borders[0].width + x
var transferCoords = function(x, y) {
// no need to transfer y because borders are only at the left
return {
x : transferX(x),
y : y
// change mouse state on the opposite
var toggleMouseState = function() {
mouseDown = !mouseDown
// make mouseDown = false, (bug removal function when mouse down & leaving the canvas)
var refreshMouseState = function() {
mouseDown = false
// print information about all objects on the canvas
var print = function() {
var groupLogged = true
console.log("Objects on the canvas:")
for (var key in objects) {
groupLogged = !groupLogged
if (!groupLogged) {console.log(key, ":"); groupLogged = !groupLogged}
for (var i = 0 ; i < objects[key].length; i++) {
var restrictEdges = function() {
console.log("offsetLeft", objects['borders'][0])
var getMouseCoords = function() {
return {
x : lastX,
y : lastY
var addCircleTracker = function() {
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {
var polyline = objects.polyline[0]
var mouseCoords = getMouseCoords()
var adjNodes = polyline.get2NeighbourNodes(mouseCoords.x)
if (adjNodes != -1) {
var prevNode = adjNodes.prev
var currNode = adjNodes.curr
var cursorNode = polyline.linearInterpolation(prevNode, currNode, mouseCoords.x)
// cursorNode.cursorX, cursorNode.cursorY are coords
// for circle that should be drawn on the polyline
// between the closest neighbour nodes
var circle = objects.circles[0]
circle.changePos(cursorNode.x, cursorNode.y)
// create canvas
var canvas = createHiDPICanvas()
// we created canvas so we can track mouse coords
var trackMouse = function(event) {
lastX = event.offsetX || (event.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft)
lastY = event.offsetY || (event.pageY - canvas.offsetTop)
// 2d context
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
// add event listeners to the canvas
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove" , shiftObjects )
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) =>{ trackMouse(e) })
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown" , () => { toggleMouseState () })
canvas.addEventListener("mouseup" , () => { toggleMouseState () })
canvas.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => { refreshMouseState() })
canvas.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => { refreshMouseState() })
return {
// base objects
canvas : canvas,
ctx : ctx,
// sizes of the canvas
width : w,
height : h,
color : color,
// add object on the canvas for redrawing
add : add,
print : print,
// refresh canvas
refresh: refresh,
// objects on the canvas
objects: objects,
// get mouse coords
getMouseCoords : getMouseCoords
// cci -> canvas ctx info (dict)
var cci = HiDPICanvas("lifespanChart", "bisque", 780, 640)
var ctx = cci.ctx
var canvas = cci.canvas
var Polyline = function(path, color) {
var create = function() {
if (this.path === undefined) {
this.path = path
this.color = color
p = this.path
ctx.fillStyle = color
ctx.moveTo(p[0].x, p[0].y)
for (var i = 0; i < p.length - 1; i++) {
var currentNode = p[i]
var nextNode = p[i+1]
// draw smooth polyline
// var xc = (currentNode.x + nextNode.x) / 2;
// var yc = (currentNode.y + nextNode.y) / 2;
// taken from
// ctx.quadraticCurveTo(currentNode.x, currentNode.y, xc, yc);
// draw rough polyline
ctx.lineTo(currentNode.x, currentNode.y)
// circle that will track mouse coords and be
// on the corresponding X coord on the path
// following mouse left\right movements
var circle = new Circle(50, 50, 5, "purple")
cci.add(circle, "circles")
var get2NeighbourNodes = function(x) {
// x, y are cursor coords on the canvas
// Get 2 (left and right) neighbour nodes to current cursor x,y
// N are path nodes, * is Node we search coords for
// N-----------*----------N
for (var i = 1; i < this.path.length; i++) {
var prevNode = this.path[i-1]
var currNode = this.path[i]
if ( prevNode.x <= x && currNode.x >= x ) {
return {
prev : prevNode,
curr : currNode
return -1
var linearInterpolation = function(prevNode, currNode, cursorX) {
// calculate x, y for the node between 2 nodes
// on the path using linearInterpolation
var cursorY = prevNode.y + (cursorX - prevNode.x) * ((currNode.y - prevNode.y)/(currNode.x - prevNode.x))
return {
x : cursorX,
y : cursorY
var move = function(diff_x, diff_y) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
this.path[i].x += diff_x
this.path[i].y += diff_y
return {
create : create,
refresh: create,
move : move,
get2NeighbourNodes : get2NeighbourNodes,
linearInterpolation : linearInterpolation,
path : path,
color : color
var Circle = function(x, y, radius, fillStyle) {
var create = function() {
if (this.x === undefined) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.radius = radius
this.fillStyle = fillStyle
ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, radius, 0, 2*Math.PI)
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle
ctx.strokeStyle = fillStyle
var changePos = function(new_x, new_y) {
this.x = new_x
this.y = new_y
var move = function(diff_x, diff_y) {
this.x += diff_x
this.y += diff_y
return {
refresh : create,
create : create,
changePos: changePos,
move : move,
radius : radius,
x : this.x,
y : this.y
var Node = function(x, y) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
return {
x : this.x,
y : this.y
var poly = new Polyline([
Node(30,30), Node(150,150),
Node(290, 150), Node(320,200),
Node(350,350), Node(390, 250),
Node(450, 140)
], "green")
cci.add(poly, "polyline")
<div id="lifespanChart"></div>
But if you go to the comment draw smooth polyline and uncomment code below (and comment line that draws rough polyline) - it will draw smooth polyline now (quadratic Bézier curve). But when you try to move mouse left and right - Circle sometimes goes out of polyline bounds.
before quadratic curve:
after quadratic curve:
Here is a question : I calculated x, y coordinates for the Circle on the rough polyline using linear interpolation, but how could I calculate x, y coordinates for the Circle on the smooth quadratic curve?
ADD 1 : QuadraticCurve using Beizer curve as a base in calculations when smoothing polyline
ADD 2 For anyone who a little stucked with the implementation I found & saved easier solution from here, example:
var canvas = document.getElementById("canv")
var canvasRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
var p0 = {x : 30, y : 30}
var p1 = {x : 20, y :100}
var p2 = {x : 200, y :100}
var p3 = {x : 200, y :20}
// Points are objects with x and y properties
// p0: start point
// p1: handle of start point
// p2: handle of end point
// p3: end point
// t: progression along curve 0..1
// returns an object containing x and y values for the given t
// link
var BezierCubicXY = function(p0, p1, p2, p3, t) {
var ret = {};
var coords = ['x', 'y'];
var i, k;
for (i in coords) {
k = coords[i];
ret[k] = Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * p0[k] + 3 * Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * p1[k] + 3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * p2[k] + Math.pow(t, 3) * p3[k];
return ret;
var draw_poly = function () {
ctx.moveTo(p0.x, p0.y)// start point
// cont cont end
ctx.bezierCurveTo(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y)
var clear_canvas = function () {
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
var draw_circle = function(x, y) {;
// semi-transparent arua around the circle
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
ctx.fillStyle = "white"
ctx.strokeStyle = "white"
ctx.arc(x, y, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
var refresh = function(circle_x, circle_y) {
draw_circle(circle_x, circle_y)
var dist = function(mouse, point) {
return Math.abs(mouse.x - point.x)
// return ((mouse.x - point.x)**2 + (mouse.y - point.y)**2)**0.5
var returnClosest = function(curr, prev) {
if (curr < prev) {
return curr
return prev
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {
var mouse = {
x : e.clientX - canvasRect.left,
y : e.clientY -
var Point = BezierCubicXY(p0, p1, p2, p3, 0)
for (var t = 0; t < 1; t += 0.01) {
var nextPoint = BezierCubicXY(p0, p1, p2, p3, t)
if (dist(mouse, Point) > dist(mouse, nextPoint)) {
Point = nextPoint
// console.log(Point)
refresh(Point.x, Point.y)
canvas {
background: grey;
<canvas id="canv" width = 300 height = 300></canvas>
Just iterate through all the lines of the curve & find closest position using this pattern
This can be done using an iterative search, as you have done with the lines.
BTW there is a much better way to find the closest point on a line that has a complexity of O(1) rather than O(n) where n is length of line segment.
Search for closest point
The following function can be used for both quadratic and cubic beziers and returns the unit position of closest point on bezier to a given coordinate.
The function also has a property foundPoint that has the position of the point found
The function uses the object Point that defines a 2D coordinate.
The function has two signatures, one for quadratic beziers and the other for cubic.
closestPointOnBezier(point, resolution, p1, p2, cp1)
closestPointOnBezier(point, resolution, p1, p2, cp1, cp2)
point as Point is the position to check
resolution as Number The approx resolution to search the bezier. If 0 then this is fixed to DEFAULT_SCAN_RESOLUTION else it is the distance between start and end points times resolution IE if resolution = 1 then approx scan is 1px, if resolution = 2 then approx scan is 1/2px
p1, p2 as Point's are the start and end points of the bezier
cp1, cp2 as Point's are the first and/or second control points of the bezier
They both return Number that is the unit pos on the bezier of closest point. The value will be 0 <= result <= 1 Where 0 is at start of bezier and 1 is end
The function property closestPointOnBezier.foundPoint as Point has the coordinate of the closest point on the bezier and can be used to calculate the distance to the point on the bezier.
The function
const Point = (x = 0, y = 0) => ({x, y});
const MAX_RESOLUTION = 2048;
closestPointOnBezier.foundPoint = Point();
function closestPointOnBezier(point, resolution, p1, p2, cp1, cp2) {
var unitPos, a, b, b1, c, i, vx, vy, closest = Infinity;
const v1 = Point(p1.x - point.x, p1.y - point.y);
const v2 = Point(p2.x - point.x, p2.y - point.y);
const v3 = Point(cp1.x - point.x, cp1.y - point.y);
resolution = resolution > 0 && reolution < MAX_RESOLUTION ? (Math.hypot(p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y) + 1) * resolution : 100;
const fp = closestPointOnBezier.foundPoint;
const step = 1 / resolution;
const end = 1 + step / 2;
const checkClosest = (e = (vx * vx + vy * vy) ** 0.5) => {
if (e < closest ){
unitPos = i;
closest = e;
fp.x = vx;
fp.y = vy;
if (cp2 === undefined) { // find quadratic
for (i = 0; i <= end; i += step) {
a = (1 - i);
c = i * i;
b = a*2*i;
a *= a;
vx = v1.x * a + v3.x * b + v2.x * c;
vy = v1.y * a + v3.y * b + v2.y * c;
} else { // find cubic
const v4 = Point(cp2.x - point.x, cp2.y - point.y);
for (i = 0; i <= end; i += step) {
a = (1 - i);
c = i * i;
b = 3 * a * a * i;
b1 = 3 * c * a;
a = a * a * a;
c *= i;
vx = v1.x * a + v3.x * b + v4.x * b1 + v2.x * c;
vy = v1.y * a + v3.y * b + v4.y * b1 + v2.y * c;
return unitPos < 1 ? unitPos : 1; // unit pos on bezier. clamped
Example usage to find closest point on two beziers
The defined geometry
const bzA = {
p1: Point(10, 100), // start point
p2: Point(200, 400), // control point
p3: Point(410, 500), // end point
const bzB = {
p1: bzA.p3, // start point
p2: Point(200, 400), // control point
p3: Point(410, 500), // end point
const mouse = Point(?,?);
Finding closest
// Find first point
closestPointOnBezier(mouse, 2, bzA.p1, bzA.p3, bzA.p2);
// copy point
var found = Point(closestPointOnBezier.foundPoint.x, closestPointOnBezier.foundPoint.y);
// get distance to mouse
var dist = Math.hypot(found.x - mouse.x, found.y - mouse.y);
// find point on second bezier
closestPointOnBezier(mouse, 2, bzB.p1, bzB.p3, bzB.p2);
// get distance of second found point
const distB = Math.hypot(closestPointOnBezier.foundPoint.x - mouse.x, closestPointOnBezier.foundPoint.y - mouse.y);
// is closer
if (distB < dist) {
found.x = closestPointOnBezier.foundPoint.x;
found.y = closestPointOnBezier.foundPoint.y;
dist = distB;
The closet point is found as Point

Changing color of intersecting area of squares

I am working on a project these days. My goal is to change the color of the intersecting areas of the two squares. I have written the code which detects whenever two squares intersect but I cant figure out how to change the color of the intersecting area. Kindly help me with this.
var sketch = function (p) {
with(p) {
let squares = [];
let dragObject = null; // variable to hold the object being dragged
p.setup = function() {
createCanvas(600, 520);
button1 = createButton("Alpha");
button2 = createButton("Bravo");
button3 = createButton("Charlie");
button4 = createButton("Delta");
button5 = createButton("Echo");
button6 = createButton("Foxtrot");
button7 = createButton("Golf");
button8 = createButton("Hotel");
button9 = createButton("India");
button10 = createButton("Juliet");
p.draw = function() {
background(25, 240, 255);
// if a square is being dragged, update its position
if (this.dragObject != null) {
this.dragObject.position.x = mouseX;
this.dragObject.position.y = mouseY;
//draw all squares
for (let i = 0; i < squares.length; i++) {
let s = squares[i];;
for (let i = 0; i < squares.length; i++) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < squares.length; j++) {
if (i != j && squares[i].collides(squares[j])) {
p.mousePressed = function () {
if (this.dragObject == null) {
//ask every square if they are being "hit"
for (let i = 0; i < squares.length; i++) {
let s = squares[i];
if (s.hitTest()) {
//if so, set the drag object as this square and return
this.dragObject = s;
//no squares are hit, create a new square.
let square = new Square(mouseX, mouseY);
//mouse is released, release the current dragged object if there is one
p.mouseReleased = function () {
this.dragObject = null;
class Square {
constructor(InitialX, InitialY) {
this.w = 60;
this.h = 60;
this.position = {
x: InitialX,
y: InitialY
//basic test of mouse position against square position and if its inside the rectangle
hitTest() {
let x = mouseX - this.position.x;
let y = mouseY - this.position.y;
return (x > 0 && x < this.w) && (y > 0 && y < this.h);
show() {
rect(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.w, this.h);
collides(sqr) {
if (this.position.x < sqr.position.x + sqr.w &&
this.position.x + this.w > sqr.position.x &&
this.position.y < sqr.position.y + sqr.h &&
this.position.y + this.h > sqr.position.y) {
return true;
return false;
changecolor() {
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
background(200, 255, 100);
for (let i = 0; i < squares.length; i++) {
let s = squares[i];;
function doSomething() {
// fill(230, 170, 90);
// ellipse(random(600), random(410), 30, 30);
let node = document.createElement('div');
new p5(sketch, node);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="p5-container"></div>
Lets think a bit how we could represent the intersecting area between two squares. Surely, one of the ways to do is simply to represent it as another rectangle, whose color we simply change based on the intercepting area. To draw a rectangle, we need to know the coordinates of the upper left corner, the width and the height. Therefore the challenge is to calculate those as we drag our squares around. This should be done in the draw() function. You already have the intersection check implemented, whats left is to calculate the new rectangle upper left point (newX, newY), width (newW) and height (newH).
In order to calculate the upper left corner, the width and height, we can add this to the block where we check for collision:
//block checking collision
if (i != j && squares[i].collides(squares[j])) {
//set intersection color
//calculate parameters
newX = Math.max(squares[i].position.x, squares[j].position.x);
newY = Math.max(squares[i].position.y, squares[j].position.y);
newW = Math.min(squares[i].position.x + squares[i].w, squares[j].position.x + squares[j].w) - newX;
newH = Math.min(squares[i].position.y + squares[i].h, squares[j].position.y + squares[j].h) - newY;
//draw rectangle
rect(newX, newY, newW, newH);

Resizing Image Without Affecting Look of Original Canvas?

I have a canvas where a user draws. After tapping a button, I do a few things in a second canvas such as trimming away the white space and re-centering the drawing (so as to not affect the original canvas).
I also create a third canvas so I can resize the output to a certain size. My problem is that I don't want the original canvas where users draw to be affected. Right now everything works and my image is resized, but so is the original canvas. How to I leave the original canvas unaffected?
Here's my function:
//Get Canvas
c = document.getElementById('simple_sketch');
//Define Context
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
//Create Copy of Canvas
var copyOfContext = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
//Get Pixels
var pixels = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
//Get Length of Pixels
var lengthOfPixels =;
//Define Placeholder Variables
var i;
var x;
var y;
var bound = {
top: null,
left: null,
right: null,
bottom: null
//Loop Through Pixels
for (i = 0; i < lengthOfPixels; i += 4) {
if ([i+3] !== 0) {
x = (i / 4) % c.width;
y = ~~((i / 4) / c.width);
if ( === null) { = y;
if (bound.left === null) {
bound.left = x;
} else if (x < bound.left) {
bound.left = x;
if (bound.right === null) {
bound.right = x;
} else if (bound.right < x) {
bound.right = x;
if (bound.bottom === null) {
bound.bottom = y;
} else if (bound.bottom < y) {
bound.bottom = y;
//Calculate Trimmed Dimensions
var padding = 1;
var trimmedHeight = bound.bottom + padding -;
var trimmedWidth = bound.right + padding - bound.left;
//Get Longest Dimension (We Need a Square Image That Fits the Drawing)
var longestDimension = Math.max(trimmedHeight, trimmedWidth);
//Define Rect
var trimmedRect = ctx.getImageData(bound.left,, trimmedWidth, trimmedHeight);
//Define New Canvas Parameters
copyOfContext.canvas.width = longestDimension;
copyOfContext.canvas.height = longestDimension;
copyOfContext.putImageData(trimmedRect, (longestDimension - trimmedWidth)/2, (longestDimension - trimmedHeight)/2);
copyOfContext.globalCompositeOperation = "source-out";
copyOfContext.fillStyle = "#fff";
copyOfContext.fillRect(0, 0, longestDimension, longestDimension);
//Define Resized Context
var resizedContext = c.getContext('2d');
resizedContext.canvas.width = 32;
resizedContext.canvas.height = 32;
resizedContext.drawImage(copyOfContext.canvas, 0, 0, 32, 32);
//Get Cropped Image URL
var croppedImageURL = resizedContext.canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
//Open Image in New Window, '_blank');
How to make a "spare" copy of an html5 canvas:
var theCopy=copyCanvas(originalCanvas);
function copyCanvas(originalCanvas){
var c=originalCanvas.cloneNode();
Make a spare copy of the original canvas you don't want affected. Then after you've altered the original, but want the original contents back ...
// optionally clear the canvas before restoring the original content

How to detect shape on a transparent canvas?

I'm looking for a method of detecting a shape in a transparent PNG.
For example, I will create a transparent canvas of 940x680, then place a fully opaque object somewhere in that canvas.
I want to be able to detect the size (w, h), and top + left location of that object.
Here is an example of the original image:
Here is an example of what I would like to achieve (Bounding box overlay, with top + left margin data):
I've found a resource that does some transparency detection, but I'm not sure how I scale something like this to what I'm looking for.
var imgData,
width = 200,
height = 200;
$('#mask').bind('mousemove', function(ev){
if(!imgData){ initCanvas(); }
var imgPos = $(this).offset(),
mousePos = {x : ev.pageX - imgPos.left, y : ev.pageY -},
pixelPos = 4*(mousePos.x + height*mousePos.y),
alpha =[pixelPos+3];
$('#opacity').text('Opacity = ' + ((100*alpha/255) << 0) + '%');
function initCanvas(){
var canvas = $('<canvas width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" />')[0],
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage($('#mask')[0], 0, 0);
imgData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
What you need to do:
Get the buffer
Get a 32-bits reference of that buffer (If your other pixels are transparent then you can use a Uint32Array buffer to iterate).
Scan 0 - width to find x1 edge
Scan width - 0 to find x2 edge
Scan 0 - height to find y1 edge
Scan height - 0 to find y2 edge
These scans can be combined but for simplicity I'll show each step separately.
Online demo of this can be found here.
When image is loaded draw it in (if the image is small then the rest of this example would be waste as you would know the coordinates when drawing it - assuming here the image you draw is large with a small image inside it)
(note: this is a non-optimized version for the sake of simplicity)
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, w, h);
var idata = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h), // get image data for canvas
buffer =, // get buffer (unnes. step)
buffer32 = new Uint32Array(buffer.buffer), // get a 32-bit representation
x, y, // iterators
x1 = w, y1 = h, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; // min/max values
Then scan each edge. For left edge you scan from 0 to width for each line (non optimized):
// get left edge
for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { // line by line
for(x = 0; x < w; x++) { // 0 to width
if (buffer32[x + y * w] > 0) { // non-transparent pixel?
if (x < x1) x1 = x; // if less than current min update
For the right edge you just reverse x iterator:
// get right edge
for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { // line by line
for(x = w; x >= 0; x--) { // from width to 0
if (buffer32[x + y * w] > 0) {
if (x > x2) x2 = x;
And the same is for top and bottom edges just that the iterators are reversed:
// get top edge
for(x = 0; x < w; x++) {
for(y = 0; y < h; y++) {
if (buffer32[x + y * w] > 0) {
if (y < y1) y1 = y;
// get bottom edge
for(x = 0; x < w; x++) {
for(y = h; y >= 0; y--) {
if (buffer32[x + y * w] > 0) {
if (y > y2) y2 = y;
The resulting region is then:
ctx.strokeRect(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1);
There are various optimizations you could implement but they depend entirely on the scenario such as if you know approximate placement then you don't have to iterate all lines/columns.
You could do a brute force guess of he placement by skipping x number of pixels and when you found a non-transparent pixel you could make a max search area based on that and so forth, but that is out of scope here.
Hope this helps!
I was in need of something similar to this, just recently. Although the question is answered, I wanted to post my code for a future reference.
In my case, I'm drawing a (font) icon on a blank/transparent canvas, and want to get the bounding box. Even if I know the height of the icon (using font-size, i.e., height), I can't know the width. So I have to calculate it manually.
I'm not sure if there's a clever way to calculate this. First thing that popped into my head was doing it the hard way: manually checking every pixel, and that's what I did.
I think the code is pretty self-explanatory, so I won't do any explanation. I tried to keep the code as clean as possible.
/* Layer 3: The App */
let canvas = document.querySelector("#canvas");
let input = document.querySelector("#input");
let output = document.querySelector("#output");
canvas.width = 256;
canvas.height = 256;
let context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.font = "200px Arial, sans-serif";
let drawnLetter = null;
function drawLetter(letter) {
letter = letter ? letter[0] : null;
if (!letter) {
// clear canvas
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
output.textContent = null;
if (letter == drawnLetter) {
drawnLetter = letter;
// clear canvas
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// draw letter
context.fillText(letter, 50, canvas.height - 50);
// find edges
let boundingBox = findEdges(context);
// mark the edges
context.rect(boundingBox.left,, boundingBox.width, boundingBox.height);
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.strokeStyle = "red";
// output the values
output.textContent = JSON.stringify(boundingBox, null, " ");
/* Layer 2: Interacting with canvas */
function findEdges(context) {
let left = findLeftEdge(context);
let right = findRightEdge(context);
let top = findTopEdge(context);
let bottom = findBottomEdge(context);
// right and bottom are relative to top left (0,0)
return {
width : right - left,
height : bottom - top,
function findLeftEdge(context) {
let imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height);
let emptyPixel = [0, 0, 0, 0].join();
for (let x = 0; x < context.canvas.width; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < context.canvas.height; y++) {
let pixel = getPixel(imageData, x, y).join();
if (pixel != emptyPixel) {
return x;
function findRightEdge(context) {
let imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height);
let emptyPixel = [0, 0, 0, 0].join();
for (let x = context.canvas.width - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
for (let y = 0; y < context.canvas.height; y++) {
let pixel = getPixel(imageData, x, y).join();
if (pixel != emptyPixel) {
return x;
function findTopEdge(context) {
let imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height);
let emptyPixel = [0, 0, 0, 0].join();
for (let y = 0; y < context.canvas.height; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < context.canvas.width; x++) {
let pixel = getPixel(imageData, x, y).join();
if (pixel != emptyPixel) {
return y;
function findBottomEdge(context) {
let imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height);
let emptyPixel = [0, 0, 0, 0].join();
for (let y = context.canvas.height - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
for (let x = 0; x < context.canvas.width; x++) {
let pixel = getPixel(imageData, x, y).join();
if (pixel != emptyPixel) {
return y;
/* Layer 1: Interacting with ImageData */
* Returns the pixel array at the specified position.
function getPixel(imageData, x, y) {
return getPixelByIndex(imageData, pos2index(imageData, x, y));
* Returns the RGBA values at the specified index.
function getPixelByIndex(imageData, index) {
return [[index + 0],[index + 1],[index + 2],[index + 3],
* Returns the index of a position.
function pos2index(imageData, x, y) {
return 4 * (y * imageData.width + x);
body {
background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 95%);
canvas {
background: white;
image-rendering: pixelated;
zoom: 0.8; /* this counters the scale up (125%) of my screen; can be removed */
input {
padding: 0.2em;
margin-top: 0.5em;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<input type="text" id="input" placeholder="type a letter" value="A" onkeyup="drawLetter(this.value)" />
<pre id="output"></pre>

