JS : Map an array ... So simple but BrainBreaker [closed] - javascript

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I face an issue with a so simple js transformation !
Here is my array
["one", "two"]
Here is what I want to output
["en/one", "en/one", "fr/two", "fr/two"]
What I'm trying to do with my knowledge
let a = ["one", "two"];
let b = a.map(x => `en/${x}`,`fr/${x}`);
But I get an error:
ReferenceError: x is not defined
How can I make this work?

The way you wrote it, `fr/${x}` becomes a second argument to .map() (where x is not in scope). You need to combine the two values in an array...
And then you can use flatMap:
let b = a.flatMap(x => [`en/${x}`,`fr/${x}`]);


Cam someone explain what this statement does? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have troubles understanding the meaning of (_,idx) in the following statement
arr.filter((_, idx) => idx % 2 === 0)
I understand it is filtering the array and just returning on the new array all elements that respect the condition(basically with even index). But i do not understand what this (_,idx) means?
Any help?
(_, idx) are two variable names.
arr.filter((currentValue, index, array) => )
As you can read here.
So "_" is currentValue and "idx" is the index.
"_" is not use but still defindes because it is a non-optional parameter, so you always have to give it an name.

JavaScript : How create proportionality rule function with array parameter [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to create an Array from another by applying the proportionality rule.
For example:
Array1 = [15,550,76,3,400,230]
I take the maximum value from Array1 which is equal in my array 550
Now, with a function, I want to create a second array Array2 with a value equal to 10 which corresponds to 550 in the first array, like Array2 = [?,10,?,?,?,?]
I want to apply the proportionality rule function to determine the other values of Array2 to get Array2=[0.27,10,1.38,0.05,7.27,4.6]
Any help please how can I create the function with array param?
Thank you.
const array1 = [15,550,76,3,400,230]
function proportionalityRule(array){
const maxValue = Math.max(...array)
return array.map(element => (element/maxValue) * 10)
// (6) [0.2727272727272727, 10, 1.3818181818181818, 0.05454545454545455, 7.272727272727273, 4.181818181818182]

Javascript convert [[ ]] to [] [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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var a = [['12ae11ee12-1bhb222','2019-10-10T19:46.19.632z','a123']]
var a= ['12ae11ee12-1bhb222','2019-10-10T19:46.19.632z','a123']
I dont want two square brackets in front and end.
I want output
a[2] = 'a123'
The best way to do is just assigning the first value to the array:
var a = [['12ae11ee12-1bhb222','2019-10-10T19:46.19.632z','a123']];
a = a[0];
But the right way of dealing it should be making sure that the endpoint or whatever that outputs should output correctly.
You can use Array.prototype.flat().
This solution works if it's extremely nested too:
['2019-10-10T19:46.19.632z', 'a123']

Keep frozen object as global state [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am playing around with immer.js. Immer.js lock obejct after giving new instance. Is it ok to use this locked object as global state?
windows.initialState = {a: 'a'};
const nextState = produce(initialState , draftState => {
draftState.a = 'b',
windows.initialState = nextState;
Yes, you can assign and keep the frozen object to the global state. As long as your global object(initial state) is not declared as const. So, Nothing wrongs with this code.

Remove an array-Javascript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have an array like this:
var animals=["cat","dog","snake","rhino"];
But sometimes I have to delete this array(remove it from the dom).
I have tried animals.remove; and $(animals).remove() and animals.remove() but none of them did the trick.Any ideas?
var animals=["cat","dog","snake","rhino"];
then to clear it do:
while(animals.length > 0) {
Just assign the animals array to a value undefined and the array data will be dereferenced and garbage collected.
Donot try to call delete operator that is explicit removal.
animals = undefined
animals = void 0
Just Clear The Array
Using This 2 Methods
animals.length =0

