How to remove object element that match from an array using splice? - javascript

here is my data of array1 :
[ { members: [ '60ee9148104cc81bec3b97ab' ] } ]
and here is array2:
[{"_id": "60ee9148104cc81bec3b97ab","username": "user1", "email": ""}, {"_id": "60ee917f767bd11d687326c7","username": "user2","email": ""}]
and I want to remove the object from my array2 which _id is equal to 60ee9148104cc81bec3b97ab
I have tried so far as
let user = await User.find({ _id: { $ne: req.user._id } })
const getNonfriends = (one) => {
user.splice(user.indexOf(one.members[0]), 1)
//user.filter(entry => entry._id !== one.members[0])
filter or splice non of them bring my solutions.

The mistake you make is that you have similar objects, yet you search for identical objects.
var array1 = [ { members: [ '60ee9148104cc81bec3b97ab' ] } ];
var array2 = [{"_id": "60ee9148104cc81bec3b97ab","username": "user1", "email": ""}, {"_id": "60ee917f767bd11d687326c7","username": "user2","email": ""}]
for (var x of array1) {
for (var member of x.members) {
var objects = array2.filter(item => item._id === member)
for (var obj of objects) array2.splice(array2.indexOf(obj), 1)

We can use the Array.prototype.filter()
I think there is no need to find the index of the array and slice.
Also, we can use the, it is similar to use the filter function
const obj1 = [{
members: ['60ee9148104cc81bec3b97ab']
const obj2 = [{
"_id": "60ee9148104cc81bec3b97ab",
"username": "user1",
"email": ""
}, {
"_id": "60ee917f767bd11d687326c7",
"username": "user2",
"email": ""
const getAnswer = (obj2) => {
const res = obj2.filter(item => !obj1[0].members.includes(item._id))
return res;

As you are working with IDs, I am going to assume that the second array cannot contain two items with the same ID.
If that assumption is correct, you could do:
const data = [{
"_id": "60ee9148104cc81bec3b97ab",
"username": "user1",
"email": ""
}, {
"_id": "60ee917f767bd11d687326c7",
"username": "user2",
"email": ""
const filter = [{
members: ['60ee9148104cc81bec3b97ab']
// SOLUTION 1: using Array.prototype.findIndex() and Array.prototype.splice()
const filteredDataA = [] // as splice() modifies the original array, I think it is safer to work on a copy of the original data
filter[0].members.forEach(id => {
const index = filteredDataA.findIndex(item => item._id === id); // find the index of the item with the same ID
if (index > -1) filteredDataA.splice(index, 1); // (if found) remove the item
console.log('SOLUTION 1: using Array.prototype.findIndex() and Array.prototype.splice()');
// SOLUTION 2: using array.prototype.filter() and array.prototype.includes()
const filteredDataB = data.filter(item => !filter[0].members.includes(item._id));
console.log('SOLUTION 2: using array.prototype.filter() and array.prototype.includes()');
I'd prefer "Solution 2" as I think is more readable

From the answers, I got the clue and this brings my desire results. here is one thing that array1 can have multiple elements so it needs to be mapped over with invoking the getNonfriends finction.
let user = await User.find({ _id: { $ne: req.user._id } })
const getNonfriends = (one) => {
user = user.filter(item => !one.members.includes(item._id))
return user;


How to convert object into array in Javascript

I have the below object obj(coming as a JSON response):
var obj = {
0: {
note: 'test1',
id: 24759045,
createTimeStamp: '2022-08-01T17:05:36.750Z',
1: {
note: 'test2',
id: 24759045,
createTimeStamp: '2022-08-01T17:05:51.755Z',
note: 'test1',
id: 24759045,
createTimeStamp: '2022-08-01T17:05:36.750Z',
I only want the objects with numbers("0" , "1" .. so on) to be pushed in an array.
Below is what I am trying to do:
let items = [];
for (var prop in obj) {
// expected output:
note: 'test1',
id: 24759045,
createTimeStamp: '2022-08-01T17:05:36.750Z',
note: 'test2',
id: 24759045,
createTimeStamp: '2022-08-01T17:05:51.755Z',
Any pointers would be highly appreciated.
A few things to consider here.
Are the numeric keys ordered?
Does the order matter?
Are the numeric keys an index of the item in the array?
Are there any gaps in the numeric keys?
First solution, assuming that the numeric keys are the index in the array.
const items = Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => {
const index = parseInt(key);
if (Number.isNaN(index)) {
return acc;
acc[index] = obj[key];
return acc;
}, []);
Second solution, assuming that order matters, but that the numeric keys are not guaranteed to be contiguous.
const items = Object.keys(obj)
.filter((key) => Number.isNaN(parseInt(key)) === false)
.map((key) => obj[key]);
Keep in mind that Object.keys does not guarantee that the keys are ordered alpha-numerically. So if order matters, then you have to sort them.
Third solution, if order doesn't matter.
const items = Object.keys(obj)
.filter((key) => Number.isNaN(parseInt(key)) === false)
.map((key) => obj[key]);
var result = [];
var obj = {
"0": {
"note": "test1",
"id": 24759045,
"createTimeStamp": "2022-08-01T17:05:36.750Z"
"1": {
"note": "test2",
"id": 24759045,
"createTimeStamp": "2022-08-01T17:05:51.755Z"
"note": "test1",
"id": 24759045,
"createTimeStamp": "2022-08-01T17:05:36.750Z"
for (var i in obj)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="result"></div>
You can achieve this by doing the following steps.
Copied your object below -->
var obj = {
"0": {
"note": "test1",
"id": 24759045,
"createTimeStamp": "2022-08-01T17:05:36.750Z"
"1": {
"note": "test2",
"id": 24759045,
"createTimeStamp": "2022-08-01T17:05:51.755Z"
"note": "test1",
"id": 24759045,
"createTimeStamp": "2022-08-01T17:05:36.750Z"
Created new js array -->
var result = [];
Code -->
for (var i in obj)
Find the solution from link below as well --> :) :)
I think you'll need to get the keys of the object, filter out the non-numeric ones, then map each key to the obj[key]:
var obj={"0":{"note":"test1","id":24759045,
.filter((key) =>!Number.isNaN(parseInt(key)))
.map((key) => obj[key])

How to filter array of objects with nested objects with specific properties?

I am trying to filter a Javascript array of objects with nested objects with specific properties. I can filter the name, slug, website, launch year without any issues. But, I can not filter the category name ( which is an object within the object. Why is filtering the category name not working?
var search = "qui"; // does not work (
// var search = "Sauer"; // works (name)
var data = [{ "name": "Sauer-Metz", "slug": "ab-laborum",
"website": "", "launch_year": 2017, "category_id": 6,
"category": { "id": 6, "name": "qui", "slug": "qui" } } ];
var results = data.filter(company => [
'name', 'launch_year', 'website', ''
].some(key => String(company[key]).toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())));
One way you can go about it is to have a value extractor like the one getKey below
const getKey = (value, key) => {
return key.split('.').reduce((acc, curr) => value[curr], '');
var results = data.filter(company => [
'name', 'launch_year', 'website', ''
].some(key => String(getKey(company, key)).toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())));
I believe you have to do a separate condition for this specific nested property, although there might be a cleaner way I don't see right now:
var results = data.filter(
(company) =>
["name", "launch_year", "website"].some((key) =>
) ||
Dot notation doesn't work like that.
const testCase1 = 'qui';
const testCase2 = 'Sauer';
const data = [
name: 'Sauer-Metz',
slug: 'ab-laborum',
website: '',
launch_year: 2017,
category_id: 6,
category: { id: 6, name: 'qui', slug: 'qui' },
const searchResults = (data, search) => {
return data.filter((item) => {
return (
item?.category?.name.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()) ||
['name', 'launch_year', 'website'].some((key) => `${item[key]}`.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()))
console.log('**CASE 1**')
console.log(searchResults(data, testCase1));
console.log('**CASE 2**')
console.log(searchResults(data, testCase2));
To use your approach you can convert '' to ['category','name'] and then use String(company[key[0]][key[1]])... whenever key is an array.
const search = "qui"; // does not work (
//const search = "Sauer"; // works (name)
const data = [{ "name": "Sauer-Metz", "slug": "ab-laborum", "website": "", "launch_year": 2017, "category_id": 6, "category": { "id": 6, "name": "qui", "slug": "qui" } } ];
const results = data.filter(
company => [
'name', 'launch_year', 'website', ['category','name']
key =>
Array.isArray(key) ?
String(company[key[0]][key[1]]).toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()) :

Check if ID Is Found Another Array in ES6

I wanted to filter out the data. I wanted to check if data on data1 is found on data2 and to check if it has errorMessages. Please check my code below. Is there a better way to do it?
"ids": "0111",
"ids": "0222",
"ids": "0333",
"id": "0111",
"errorMessages": [
"message": ["sample error message 1"]
"id": "0333",
"errorMessages": []
const output= data1.filter(
(element) => element.ids === data2.find((data) => data).id
console.log("output", output);
.find((data) => data) doesn't do anything useful - each item in the array is an object, which is truthy, so that'll always return the first element in the array.
If you did want to .find a matching element in the other array - then a better approach would be to make a Set of the IDs found in the other array first (Set lookup is much quicker - O(1) - than .find, which is O(n)).
You also need to implement the logic to check if the errorMessages is empty.
const data1 = [
"ids": "0111",
"ids": "0222",
"ids": "0333",
const data2 = [
"id": "0111",
"errorMessages": [
"message": ["sample error message 1"]
"id": "0333",
"errorMessages": []
const ids = new Set(
.filter(item => item?.errorMessages.length)
.map(item =>
const output= data1.filter(
element => ids.has(element.ids)
console.log("output", output);
Without Set, but use Object as the map.
const IDKeys = {};
data2.forEach(data => {
if (data.errorMessages.length){
IDKeys[] = true; // means valid
const filteredArray = data1.filter(data => IDKeys[]);
This would be only O(n) since accessing key on object is O(1)

Item search between two array in nodejs

I have two fixes, where the first fix that is dataMedical has an attribute called safeId and I need it to look for its name in the dataSafe array, they are associated by the id attribute that is safeId.
*Remembering that dataMedical can have N item as well as dataSafe.*
dataMedical = [
_id: 5da619b36aae5e7028fc27db,
paciente: 5de31abf4c430918a39a7490,
seguroAfiliado: 5d65da2f008b72055d17abfb,
fecha: '2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z',
motivoConsulta: 'dww',
__v: 0
dataSafe = [ { _id: 5d65da2f008b72055d17abfb,
nombre: 'La Seguridad',
email: '',
numeroPoliza: '123456',
pais: 'fdsaafsd',
baremo: 'afdafds',
actoQuirurgico: 'fsdasafd',
__v: 0 },
{ _id: 5d62c609e7179a084ef359fd,
nombre: 'Mappfre',
email: '',
numeroPoliza: '098765',
actoQuirurgico: 'acto2',
baremo: 'rweq',
pais: 'usa' } ]
I need as a result:
dataMedicalResult = [
_id: 5da619b36aae5e7028fc27db,
paciente: 5de31abf4c430918a39a7490,
seguroAfiliado: 5d65da2f008b72055d17abfb,
fecha: '2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z',
motivoConsulta: 'dww',
nameSafe: 'La Seguridad',
email: '',
numeroPoliza: '123456',
pais: 'fdsaafsd',
baremo: 'afdafds',
actoQuirurgico: 'fsdasafd',
Try all code and again and answer me this:
Current Answer:
Code modified with values 'safes' and 'citasMedicas':
Result with POSTMAN:
Try this:
console.log(dataSafe.reduce((acc,el)=> {
const dm = dataMedical.find(dam => dam["_id"] === el["_id"]);
return dm ? [...acc, Object.assign(el, dm)] : acc;
}, []))
Would something like this work? it searches for the given id in both arrays and then joins the two found objects
const dataMedical = [{
"_id": "1",
"pacient": "Jhon",
"safeId": "1",
"data": "2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z",
"consult": "dww",
"__v": 0
const dataSafe = [{
"_id": "1",
"nameSafe": "La Seguridad"
"_id": "2",
"nameSafe": "Mappfre"
function findRecord(id) {
const medical = dataMedical.find(r => r._id === id)
const safe = dataSafe.find(r => r._id === id)
return {
const dataMedicalResult = findRecord("1")
You can use the Array find function to locate the correct dataSafe element. We will map over each element in dataMedical, and use the safeId to find the correct dataSafe. Then, we will copy over the nameSafe property to the safe.
let dataMedical = [
"_id": "1",
"pacient": "Jhon",
"safeId": "1",
"data": "2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z",
"consult": "dww",
"__v": 0
let dataSafe = [
"_id": "1",
"nameSafe": "La Seguridad"
"_id": "2",
"nameSafe": "Mappfre"
let dataMedicalResult = => {
let safe = dataSafe.find(e => e._id == dm.safeId);
return safe
? {, nameSafe: safe.nameSafe}
: dm;
EDIT: It looks like the other answers are not looking at the safeId property to find the correct safe, so this should be the correct solution.
This could help too,
I think trying to make point free results in a more complicate approach...
const mergeWithDataSafe = (merger, data) => merger(
(item) => R.mergeRight(item, R.path([item.safeId, 0], data)),
const aggregate = R.useWith(mergeWithDataSafe, [
const dataMedical = [
"_id": "1",
"pacient": "Jhon",
"safeId": "1",
"data": "2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z",
"consult": "dww",
"__v": 0
const dataSafe = [
"_id": "1",
"nameSafe": "La Seguridad"
"_id": "2",
"nameSafe": "Mappfre"
aggregate(dataMedical, dataSafe),
<script src="" integrity="sha256-xB25ljGZ7K2VXnq087unEnoVhvTosWWtqXB4tAtZmHU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
You can use R.indexBy to convert the dataSafe array to a dictionary using _id as the key. Now you can map dataMedical and merge with the item with the same safeId from the safeDict:
const { curry, indexBy, prop, merge } = R;
const fn = curry((medical, safe) => {
const safeDict = indexBy(prop('_id'), safe); // convert the safe array to a dictionary with _id as key
return => merge(safeDict[o.safeId], o)); // map medical and merge with object with same _id from safeDict
const dataMedical = [{"_id":"1","pacient":"Jhon","safeId":"1","data":"2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z","consult":"dww","__v":0}];
const dataSafe = [{"_id":"1","nameSafe":"La Seguridad"},{"_id":"2","nameSafe":"Mappfre"}];
const result = fn(dataMedical, dataSafe)
<script src="" integrity="sha256-xB25ljGZ7K2VXnq087unEnoVhvTosWWtqXB4tAtZmHU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
The same idea can be easily used without Ramda - create a Map from dataSafe, and then map dataMedical and get the an item from the safeDict using the safeId, and combine with current medical object using spread:
const fn = (medical, safe) => {
const safeDict = new Map( => [o._id, o])); // convert the safe array to a dictionary with _id as key
return => ({ ...o, ...safeDict.get(o.safeId) })); // map medical and merge with object with same _id from safeDict
const dataMedical = [{"_id":"1","pacient":"Jhon","safeId":"1","data":"2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z","consult":"dww","__v":0}];
const dataSafe = [{"_id":"1","nameSafe":"La Seguridad"},{"_id":"2","nameSafe":"Mappfre"}];
const result = fn(dataMedical, dataSafe);
I might write it like this:
const enhance = (safe) => (
{_id,} = safe .find (({_id}) => _id == med.safeId) || {}
) => ({,})
const enhanceAll = (safe) => (enhance (safe))
const dataMedical = [{_id: "1", pacient: "Jhon", safeId: "1", data: "2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z", consult: "dww", __v: 0}]
const dataSafe = [{_id: "1", nameSafe: "La Seguridad"}, {_id: "2", nameSafe: "Mappfre"}]
console .log (
enhanceAll (dataSafe) (dataMedical)
<script src="//"></script>
Note that this barely uses Ramda, using only the map function. I would never introduce Ramda just for that, but if I was already using Ramda, this is nicer than this native version, which requires extra ceremony because the additional parameters supplied to (index and array) interfere with the defaulted parameters in enhance:
const enhanceAll = (safe) => (meds) => meds .map ( med => enhance (safe) (med))
With the changes made to the question, the search term has to change from safeId to seguroAfiliado, making the code look like
const enhance = (safe) => (
{_id,} = safe .find (({_id}) => _id == med.seguroAfiliado) || {}
) => ({,})
const enhanceAll = (safe) => (enhance (safe))
You can see this running in Ramda's REPL.
Update 2
I tried this in node, and it worked fine:
const R = require('ramda');
const dataMedical = [
_id: '5da619b36aae5e7028fc27db',
paciente: '5de31abf4c430918a39a7490',
seguroAfiliado: '5d65da2f008b72055d17abfb',
fecha: '2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z',
motivoConsulta: 'dww',
__v: 0
const dataSafe = [ {
_id: '5d65da2f008b72055d17abfb',
nombre: 'La Seguridad',
email: '',
numeroPoliza: '123456',
pais: 'fdsaafsd',
baremo: 'afdafds',
actoQuirurgico: 'fsdasafd',
__v: 0
}, {
_id: '5d62c609e7179a084ef359fd',
nombre: 'Mappfre',
email: '',
numeroPoliza: '098765',
actoQuirurgico: 'acto2',
baremo: 'rweq',
pais: 'usa'
const enhance = (safe) => (
{_id,} = safe .find (({_id}) => _id == med.seguroAfiliado) || {}
) => ({,})
const enhanceAll = (safe) => (enhance (safe))
console .log (
enhanceAll (dataSafe) (dataMedical),
> npm install ramda
> node --version
> node index
"_id": "5da619b36aae5e7028fc27db",
"paciente": "5de31abf4c430918a39a7490",
"seguroAfiliado": "5d65da2f008b72055d17abfb",
"fecha": "2019-10-01T03:00:00.000Z",
"motivoConsulta": "dww",
"__v": 0,
"nombre": "La Seguridad",
"email": "",
"numeroPoliza": "123456",
"pais": "fdsaafsd",
"baremo": "afdafds",
"actoQuirurgico": "fsdasafd"

Filter array items using forEach

I have one question about filter array in forEach. So I would like filter (bigger than in example) array using outside variable filterKey. I think that my function is correct by after filtered newArr is undefined. Could you explain what is incorrect?
var filterKey = 123456,
var array = [{
ratings:{ users:[id: 123456]}, user: xyz
ratings:{users:[id:9787389023]}, user:zyx
And my filter function
var newArr = array.forEach((ele) =>
ele.ratings.users.filter((newEl) => == filterKey))
Use array.filter method
let array = [
id: 123456, user: 'xyz'
id:9787389023, user: 'zyx'
id: 123456, user: 'che'
let newArray = array.filter((element) => === 123456)
Use .filter and you'll be able to filter your result set without using foreach since it'll loop across the array.
var find = 123456;
var arr = [
id: 123456,
user: 'john'
id: 9787389023,
user: 'leah'
var results = arr.filter(function(node) {
return === find;

