How to do page break when exporting google sheet into PDF - javascript

I want to export the current google sheet data into pdf page but I do want a page break at row 10 so that any data after row 10 goes on to the next page. This means there will be multiple pages for more data. I do not want to print all data on one page. The final pdf file should have multiple pages for data that crosses row 10 in the google sheet
var saveToRootFolder = false
function onOpen() {
.addItem('Export all sheets', 'exportAsPDF')
.addItem('Export all sheets as separate files', 'exportAllSheetsAsSeparatePDFs')
.addItem('Export current sheet', 'exportCurrentSheetAsPDF')
.addItem('Export selected area', 'exportPartAsPDF')
.addItem('Export predefined area', 'exportNamedRangesAsPDF')
function _exportBlob(blob, fileName, spreadsheet) {
blob = blob.setName(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('E4:G4').getValue())
var folder = saveToRootFolder ? DriveApp : DriveApp.getFileById(spreadsheet.getId()).getParents().next()
var pdfFile = folder.createFile(blob)
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("FOLDER_ID");
// Display a modal dialog box with custom HtmlService content.
const htmlOutput = HtmlService
.createHtmlOutput('<p>Click to open ' + fileName + '</p>')
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(htmlOutput, 'Export Successful')
function exportAsPDF() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var blob = _getAsBlob(spreadsheet.getUrl())
_exportBlob(blob, spreadsheet.getName(), spreadsheet)
function _getAsBlob(url, sheet, range) {
var rangeParam = ''
var sheetParam = ''
if (range) {
rangeParam =
'&r1=' + (range.getRow() - 1)
+ '&r2=' + range.getLastRow()
+ '&c1=' + (range.getColumn() - 1)
+ '&c2=' + range.getLastColumn()
if (sheet) {
sheetParam = '&gid=' + sheet.getSheetId()
// A credit to
// these parameters are reverse-engineered (not officially documented by Google)
// they may break overtime.
var exportUrl = url.replace(/\/edit.*$/, '')
+ '/export?exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf'
+ '&size=A4'
+ '&portrait=true'
+ '&fitw=true'
+ '&top_margin=0.2'
+ '&bottom_margin=0.2'
+ '&left_margin=0.2'
+ '&right_margin=0.1'
+ '&scale=3'
+ '&sheetnames=false&printtitle=false'
+ '&pagenum=UNDEFINED' // change it to CENTER to print page numbers
+ '&gridlines=true'
+ '&fzr=FALSE'
+ sheetParam
+ rangeParam
Logger.log('exportUrl=' + exportUrl)
var response
var i = 0
for (; i < 5; i += 1) {
response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(exportUrl, {
muteHttpExceptions: true,
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken(),
if (response.getResponseCode() === 429) {
// printing too fast, retrying
} else {
if (i === 5) {
throw new Error('Printing failed. Too many sheets to print.')
return response.getBlob()
function exportAllSheetsAsSeparatePDFs() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var files = []
var folder = saveToRootFolder ? DriveApp : DriveApp.getFileById(spreadsheet.getId()).getParents().next()
spreadsheet.getSheets().forEach(function (sheet) {
var blob = _getAsBlob(spreadsheet.getUrl(), sheet)
var fileName = sheet.getName()
blob = blob.setName(fileName)
var pdfFile = folder.createFile(blob)
url: pdfFile.getUrl(),
name: fileName,
const htmlOutput = HtmlService
.createHtmlOutput('<p>Click to open PDF files</p>'
+ '<ul>'
+ files.reduce(function (prev, file) {
prev += '<li>' + + '</li>'
return prev
}, '')
+ '</ul>')
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(htmlOutput, 'Export Successful')
function exportCurrentSheetAsPDF() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var currentSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
var blob = _getAsBlob(spreadsheet.getUrl(), currentSheet)
_exportBlob(blob, currentSheet.getName(), spreadsheet)
function exportPartAsPDF(predefinedRanges) {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi()
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var selectedRanges
var fileSuffix
if (predefinedRanges) {
selectedRanges = predefinedRanges
fileSuffix = '-predefined'
} else {
var activeRangeList = spreadsheet.getActiveRangeList()
if (!activeRangeList) {
ui.alert('Please select at least one range to export')
selectedRanges = activeRangeList.getRanges()
fileSuffix = '-selected'
if (selectedRanges.length === 1) {
// special export with formatting
var currentSheet = selectedRanges[0].getSheet()
var blob = _getAsBlob(spreadsheet.getUrl(), currentSheet, selectedRanges[0])
var fileName = spreadsheet.getName() + fileSuffix
_exportBlob(blob, fileName, spreadsheet)
var tempSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create(spreadsheet.getName() + fileSuffix)
if (!saveToRootFolder) {
var tempSheets = tempSpreadsheet.getSheets()
var sheet1 = tempSheets.length > 0 ? tempSheets[0] : undefined
for (var i = 0; i < selectedRanges.length; i++) {
var selectedRange = selectedRanges[i]
var originalSheet = selectedRange.getSheet()
var originalSheetName = originalSheet.getName()
var destSheet = tempSpreadsheet.getSheetByName(originalSheetName)
if (!destSheet) {
destSheet = tempSpreadsheet.insertSheet(originalSheetName)
Logger.log('a1notation=' + selectedRange.getA1Notation())
var destRange = destSheet.getRange(selectedRange.getA1Notation())
// remove empty Sheet1
if (sheet1) {
Logger.log('lastcol = ' + sheet1.getLastColumn() + ',lastrow=' + sheet1.getLastRow())
if (sheet1 && sheet1.getLastColumn() === 0 && sheet1.getLastRow() === 0) {
function exportNamedRangesAsPDF() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var allNamedRanges = spreadsheet.getNamedRanges()
var toPrintNamedRanges = []
for (var i = 0; i < allNamedRanges.length; i++) {
var namedRange = allNamedRanges[i]
if (/^print_area_.*$/.test(namedRange.getName())) {
Logger.log('found named range ' + namedRange.getName())
if (toPrintNamedRanges.length === 0) {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('No print areas found. Please add at least one \'print_area_1\' named range in the menu Data > Named ranges.')
} else {
toPrintNamedRanges.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.getSheet().getIndex() - b.getSheet().getIndex()

I developed an example script to test the approach described in my comment. I'll leave it here for future reference, but feel free to leave a comment if you have any doubt about it. This is the final script:
function exportRowsToPDF() {
var importantRows = [2, 13, 14, 15, 19]; // Exported rows
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var originalSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var sheets = spreadsheet.getSheets();
var tempSheet = spreadsheet.insertSheet("TEMP", 10);
var maxColumn = originalSheet.getLastColumn();
for (var i = 0; i < importantRows.length; i++) {
tempSheet.appendRow(originalSheet.getRange(importantRows[i], 1, 1, maxColumn)
for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
if (sheets[i].getSheetName() !== "TEMP") {
DriveApp.createFile(spreadsheet.getBlob().setName("Exported Sheet"));
for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
You can modify the script to export any particular rows, but I used five of them for testing. This script will create a new sheet on your spreadsheet, and it will copy any relevant row there. Then, it will hide every sheet minus the newly created one. After that it will export the spreadsheet as a PDF blob directly to your Drive. Finally, it will reset the spreadsheet to the original state (by removing the created sheet and unhiding every other sheet). This code uses the same methods as your example, but write to me if you want to clarify any point.


For loop not iterating a variable

I'm just learning javascript and I'm trying to update woocommerce products through GAS.
The issue in question is the following:
I have a variable that parses the response from woocommerce
for (let sku of skuSearch) {
var surl = website + "/wp-json/wc/v3/products?consumer_key=" + ck + "&consumer_secret=" + cs + "&sku=" + sku;
var url = surl
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, optionsGet);
if (result.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var wooProducts = JSON.parse(result.getContentText());
Then I have another for to iterate and from a new array that contains id + sku of wooProducts and price from a different variable that takes the updated price from my sheet:
var idLength = wooProducts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < idLength; i++) {
var container = [];
id: wooProducts[i]["id"],
sku: wooProducts[i]["sku"],
price: data[i]["price"],
I can't tell exactly why it doesn't work. I mean the for loop works, it pushes id, sku and price in every loop, it's just that data[i] only provides the first ¿object? instead of looping like wooProducts which add +1 at every loop.
I'll copy 3 loops so it's crystal clear, I'm not sure it's already clear.
Loop 1:
Loop 2:
Loop 3:
As you can see id+sku change but price doesn't.
For further context, I'll include the data variable that is declaed outside the For:
const data =, indice) {
return {
sku: codigos[0],
price: precios[indice][0]
//** EDIT:
I'm adding the entire code so it makes more sense maybe?
function getDataloopwoo() {
var ck = 'xxx'
var cs = 'xxx'
var website = 'xxx'
var optionsGet =
"method": "GET",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
"muteHttpExceptions": true,
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('PreciosBULK');
var codigos = sheet.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
var precios = sheet.getRange("B2:B").getValues();
var skuSearch = sheet.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
const data =, indice) {
return {
sku: codigos[0],
price: precios[indice][0]
for (let sku of skuSearch) {
var surl = website + "/wp-json/wc/v3/products?consumer_key=" + ck + "&consumer_secret=" + cs + "&sku=" + sku;
var url = surl
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, optionsGet);
if (result.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var wooProducts = JSON.parse(result.getContentText());
var idLength = wooProducts.length;
var container = [];
for (var i = 0; i < idLength; i++) {
id: wooProducts[i]["id"],
sku: wooProducts[i]["sku"],
price: data[i]["price"],
var wooBatch = JSON.stringify(container);
// FINAL EDIT with "solve":
So I figured it was inefficient to ask by 1 sku at a time, so now I'm asking by the 100, and paginating with a while if and saving id, sku, price to the container array.
I will need now to compare the container array to the array with the updated prices and form a new array with id, sku and updated price, I'm reading up on that right now. The code:
function getDataloopwoo() {
var ck = 'xx'
var cs = 'xx'
var website = 'xx'
var optionsGet =
"method": "GET",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
"muteHttpExceptions": true,
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('PreciosBULK');
var codigos = sheet.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
var precios = sheet.getRange("B2:B").getValues();
const data =, indice) {
return {
sku: codigos[0],
price: precios[indice][0]
var container = [];
var surl = website + "/wp-json/wc/v3/products?consumer_key=" + ck + "&consumer_secret=" + cs + "&per_page=100";
var url = surl
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, optionsGet);
var headers = result.getAllHeaders();
var total_pages = headers['x-wp-totalpages'];
var pages_count = 0;
while (pages_count < total_pages) {
if (result.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var wooProducts = JSON.parse(result.getContentText());
for (var i = 0; i < wooProducts.length; i++) {
id: wooProducts[i]["id"],
sku: wooProducts[i]["sku"],
price: wooProducts[i]["price"],
if (pages_count < total_pages){
var surl = website + "/wp-json/wc/v3/products?consumer_key=" + ck + "&consumer_secret=" + cs + "&per_page=100" + "&page=" + (pages_count + 1);
var url = surl
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, optionsGet);
You're reseting the array container in every iteration of the loop:
for (var i = 0; i < idLength; i++) {
var container = []; // <-----------------here
I think the array should be defined outside the loop:
var container = [];
for (var i = 0; i < idLength; i++) {

Editing PDFs with Hummus.js problem with certain pages

i am currently trying to edit a pdf with hummus.js to replace certain placeholder characters in the pdf with others.
This works perfectly fine for almost every page, but for certain pages I get the following error:
pageObject.getDictionary(...).toJSObject(...).Contents.getObjectID is
not a function for:
const textObjectID = pageObject.getDictionary().toJSObject().Contents.getObjectID();
Whenever that error happens and it doesnt work,
pageObject.getDictionary().toJSObject().Contents returns a PDFArray {}, while, when it works, it returns an PDFIndirectObjectReference {}
Does anybody know how I could solve this issue or any other way to edit a pdf that way (replacing certain placeholder characters with others)
UPDATE 1: I can now differentiate between IndirectObjectReferences and arrays containing IndirectObjectReferences, but for some reason it removes all text but keeps the images from pdf pages which i access through these arrays, the rest of the pdf pages still work perfectly fine
async function replacetext(filePath, callback) {
var pageCount = 0;
const modPdfWriter = hummus.createWriterToModify(filePath+'.pdf', { modifiedFilePath: `${filePath}-modified.pdf`, compress: false })
const numPages = modPdfWriter.createPDFCopyingContextForModifiedFile().getSourceDocumentParser().getPagesCount()
var log="";
for (let page = 0; page < numPages; page++) {
const copyingContext = modPdfWriter.createPDFCopyingContextForModifiedFile()
const objectsContext = modPdfWriter.getObjectsContext()
const pageObject = copyingContext.getSourceDocumentParser().parsePage(page)
pageCount = pageCount + 1;
var replaceTextRight = " " + pageCount.toString();
if(pageCount > 9 && pageCount < 100)
replaceTextRight = " " + pageCount.toString();
else if(pageCount > 99)
replaceTextRight = " " + pageCount.toString();
const textStream = copyingContext.getSourceDocumentParser().queryDictionaryObject(pageObject.getDictionary(), 'Contents')
if(textStream.toString() == 'Array')
let data = []
streamArray = textStream.toJSArray();
for(var i = 0; i<streamArray.length; i++)
var streamo = copyingContext.getSourceDocumentParser().queryArrayObject(textStream, i);
const readStream = copyingContext.getSourceDocumentParser().startReadingFromStream(streamo)
while (readStream.notEnded()) {
const readData =
data = data.concat(readData)
var redactedPdfPageAsString = new Buffer.from(data).toString();
var replacedBuffer = replace(redactedPdfPageAsString, "12345", pageCount.toString());
log = log+" \n Replaced " +page +" with " + pageCount.toString();
var replacedBuffer = replace(replacedBuffer, "67890", replaceTextRight);
log = log+" \n Replaced " +page +" with " + replaceTextRight;
var textObjectID = streamArray[i].getObjectID();
var stream = objectsContext.startUnfilteredPDFStream();
let data = []
const readStream = copyingContext.getSourceDocumentParser().startReadingFromStream(textStream)
while (readStream.notEnded()) {
const readData =
data = data.concat(readData)
var redactedPdfPageAsString = new Buffer.from(data).toString();
var replacedBuffer = replace(redactedPdfPageAsString, "12345", pageCount.toString());
log = log+" \n Replaced " +page +" with " + pageCount.toString();
var replacedBuffer = replace(replacedBuffer, "67890", replaceTextRight);
log = log+" \n Replaced " +page +" with " + replaceTextRight;
const textObjectID = pageObject.getDictionary().toJSObject().Contents.getObjectID();
var content = pageObject.getDictionary().toJSObject().Contents;
const stream = objectsContext.startUnfilteredPDFStream();
fs.writeFile('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\PDFModifyDebugging\\PDFWRITELOG.txt', log, function (err) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
console.log('written in file');
hummus.recrypt(`${filePath}-modified.pdf`, filePath)

How to transfer image to Google Drive and save its URL to a Google Sheet in a single script?

I would like to transfer several images from ESP32 to Google Drive and, in the same script, record the image's URL along with date and time in a Google Sheet for future access.
The Script I am using to receive the image on the Google Drive side is as below:
function doPost(e) {
var myFoldername = e.parameter.myFoldername;
var myFile = e.parameter.myFile;
var myFilename = e.parameter.myFilename;
//var myFilename = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT", "yyyyMMddHHmmss")+"-"+e.parameter.myFilename;
var myToken = e.parameter.myToken;
var contentType = myFile.substring(myFile.indexOf(":")+1, myFile.indexOf(";"));
var data = myFile.substring(myFile.indexOf(",")+1);
data = Utilities.base64Decode(data);
var blob = Utilities.newBlob(data, contentType, myFilename);
// Save a captured image to Google Drive.
var folder, folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(myFoldername);
if (folders.hasNext()) {
folder =;
} else {
folder = DriveApp.createFolder(myFoldername);
var file = folder.createFile(blob);
file.setDescription("Uploaded by " + myFilename);
var imageID = file.getUrl().substring(file.getUrl().indexOf("/d/")+3,file.getUrl().indexOf("view")-1);
var imageUrl = ""+imageID;
// Send a link message to Line Notify.
var res = "Line Notify: ";
try {
var url = '';
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + myToken,
'method': 'post',
'payload': {
'message': imageUrl
res += response.getContentText();
} catch(error) {
res += error;
//Here is where the code to save imageUrl to Google Sheet was added **********
return ContentService.createTextOutput(myFoldername+"/"+myFilename+"\n"+imageUrl+"\n"+res);
What do I have to add to save "imageUrl" to a Google Sheet?
I have tried to save it to the current sheet, that is the sheet this script is attached to but I get error.
In the line indicated above I added the code below that I cut from a script that only writes to the Goggle sheet (no image transfer) but it fails to save the image URL and complains of the line:
var sheet = getSpreadSheet();
var result = 'Ok'; // default result
if (e.parameter == 'undefined') {
result = 'No Parameters';
} else {
var alarm= e.parameter.alarm;
if (typeof alarm != 'undefined') {
sendEmail("alarm text:" + stripQuotes(alarm));
return ContentService.createTextOutput(result);
var sheet = getSpreadSheet(); //---> Error here
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var newRow = 1;
if (lastRow > 0) {
var lastVal = sheet.getRange(lastRow, 1).getValue();
//if there was no info for (sentEmailIfUnitIsOutForMinutes) checkIfDead() function will append row with 'dead' text
// so checking do we need to override it
if (lastVal == 'dead')
newRow = lastRow; //to overwrite "dead" value
newRow = lastRow + 1;
var rowData = [];
var namesOfParams=[];
for (var param in parseQuery(e.queryString))
//creatating headers if first row
if (newRow == 1) {
rowData[0] = "Date";
var i = 1;
for (var i=0; i<namesOfParams.length;i++ ) {
rowData[i+1] = namesOfParams[i];
var newRange = sheet.getRange(newRow, 1, 1, rowData.length);
rowData = [];
rowData[0] = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), timeZone, dateTimeFormat);
for (var i=0; i<namesOfParams.length;i++ ) {
var value = stripQuotes(e.parameter[namesOfParams[i]]);
rowData[i+1] = value;
var newRange = sheet.getRange(newRow, 1, 1, rowData.length);
Help highly apreciated.
Problem solved with the following script:
var timeZone = "GMT";
var dateTimeFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss";
var logSpreadSheetId = "1W1ypQEkfKNFSqhtfgbjbjFgzHO8LDaTv6mNWTP9h4M8";
// logSpreadSheetId is to be copied from the sheet's URL as follows:
function doPost(e) {
var myFoldername = e.parameter.myFoldername;
var myFile = e.parameter.myFile;
//var myFilename = e.parameter.myFilename;
//var myFilename = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), timeZone, "ddMMyyyyHHmmss")+"-"+e.parameter.myFilename;
var myFilename = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), timeZone, "ddMMyyyyHHmmss")+".jpg";
var myToken = e.parameter.myToken;
var contentType = myFile.substring(myFile.indexOf(":")+1, myFile.indexOf(";"));
var data = myFile.substring(myFile.indexOf(",")+1);
data = Utilities.base64Decode(data);
var blob = Utilities.newBlob(data, contentType, myFilename);
// Save a captured image to Google Drive.
var folder, folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(myFoldername);
if (folders.hasNext()) {
folder =;
} else {
folder = DriveApp.createFolder(myFoldername);
var file = folder.createFile(blob);
file.setDescription("Uploaded by " + myFilename);
var imageID = file.getUrl().substring(file.getUrl().indexOf("/d/")+3,file.getUrl().indexOf("view")-1);
var imageUrl = ""+imageID;
return ContentService.createTextOutput(myFoldername+"/"+myFilename+"\n"+imageUrl+"\n"); //+res);
function addLog(myFilename,imageUrl) {
var spr = SpreadsheetApp.openById(logSpreadSheetId);
var sheet = spr.getSheets()[0];
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var pos = sheet.getLastRow();
var rowData = [];
pos = 1;
rowData[0] = "Date";
rowData[1] = "Image";
rowData[2] = "URL";
var newRange = sheet.getRange(pos, 1, 1, rowData.length);
pos = pos +1;
rowData = [];
rowData[0] = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), timeZone, dateTimeFormat);
rowData[1] = myFilename;
rowData[2] = imageUrl;
var newRange = sheet.getRange(pos, 1, 1, rowData.length);
Also, for simplicity, the sheet and the script now sit on independent files as the script can refer to the sheet using its ID as in:
var logSpreadSheetId = "1W1ypQEkfKNFSqhtfgbjbjFgzHO8LDaTv6mNWTP9h4M8";.

How could I speed up this exporting data function using javascript

I have a feature for users to be able to export the database information. But if the user choose all options to export it takes 1 minute or more to download the .csv file. I'm only including 1 part of the if statement, where I'm pulling in all the data.
here it is:
function exportTheData() {
//get the data for data array
if(exportVolumeData == 1) {
for(j=0; j<plantData1.length; j++) {
i = plantData["MergeKey_lvl00"].indexOf(plantData1["MergeKey_lvl00"][j]);
if(statesExport == 1) {
countyindex = counties["CountyId"].indexOf(plantData["LocationId"][i]);
stateid = counties["StateId"][countyindex];
statename = states["StateName"][states["StateId"].indexOf(stateid)];
if(countyExport == 1) {
countyindex = counties["CountyId"].indexOf(plantData["LocationId"][i]);
countyname = counties["CountyName"][countyindex];
if(basinsExport == 1) {
countyindex = counties["CountyId"].indexOf(plantData["LocationId"][i]);
subbasinid = counties["SubBasinId"][countyindex];
subbasinindex = basinSub["SubBasinId"].indexOf(subbasinid);
basinid = basinSub["BasinId"][subbasinindex];
basinindex = basin["BasinId"].indexOf(basinid);
basinname = basin["BasinName"][basinindex];
if(subBasinsExport == 1) {
countyindex = counties["CountyId"].indexOf(plantData["LocationId"][i]);
subbasinid = counties["SubBasinId"][countyindex];
subbasinindex = basinSub["SubBasinId"].indexOf(subbasinid);
subbasinname = basinSub["SubBasinName"][subbasinindex];
if(paddsExport == 1) {
countyindex = counties["CountyId"].indexOf(plantData["LocationId"][i]);
subpaddid = counties["SubPaddId"][countyindex];
subpaddindex = paddSub["SubPaddId"].indexOf(subpaddid);
paddid = paddSub["PaddId"][subpaddindex];
paddindex = padd["PaddId"].indexOf(paddid);
paddname = padd["PaddName"][paddindex];
if(subPaddsExport == 1) {
countyindex = counties["CountyId"].indexOf(plantData["LocationId"][i]);
subpaddid = counties["SubPaddId"][countyindex];
subpaddname = paddSub["SubPaddName"][paddSub["SubPaddId"].indexOf(subpaddid)];
if(fullNameExport == 1) {
companyindex = getCompanyInfo["MergeKey_lvl00"].indexOf(plantData["OperatorId"][i]);
fullname = getCompanyInfo["FullName"][companyindex];
if(shortNameExport == 1) {
companyindex = getCompanyInfo["MergeKey_lvl00"].indexOf(plantData["OperatorId"][i]);
shortname = getCompanyInfo["ShortName"][companyindex];
if(tickerExport == 1) {
companyindex = getCompanyInfo["MergeKey_lvl00"].indexOf(plantData["OperatorId"][i]);
ticker = getCompanyInfo["Ticker"][companyindex];
volumeindex = plantData1["MergeKey_lvl00"].indexOf(plantData["MergeKey_lvl00"][i]);
startdate = plantData1["MonthStartDate"][volumeindex];
volumetypeindex = plantData2["VolumeTypeId"].indexOf(plantData1["VolumeTypeId"][j]);
volumetype = plantData2["VolumeType"][volumetypeindex];
volumeunit = plantData2["Unit"][volumetypeindex];
volume = plantData1["Volume"][volumeindex];
/* * Convert our data to CSV string */
var CSVString = prepCSVRow(titles, titles.length, '');
CSVString = prepCSVRow(data, titles.length, CSVString);
/* * Make CSV downloadable*/
var downloadLink = document.createElement("a");
var blob = new Blob(["\ufeff", CSVString]);
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
downloadLink.href = url; = "data.csv";
/** Actually download CSV */
Here is where I convert the data array to csv string:
function prepCSVRow(arr, columnCount, initial) {
var row = ''; // this will hold data
var delimeter = ','; // data slice separator, in excel it's `;`, in usual CSv it's `,`
var newLine = '\r\n'; // newline separator for CSV row
/* * Convert [1,2,3,4] into [[1,2], [3,4]] while count is 2
* #param _arr {Array} - the actual array to split
* #param _count {Number} - the amount to split
* return {Array} - splitted array */
function splitArray(_arr, _count) {
var splitted = [];
var result = [];
_arr.forEach(function(item, idx) {
if ((idx + 1) % _count === 0) {
splitted.push('"' + item + '"');
splitted = [];
} else {
splitted.push('"' + item + '"');
return result;
var plainArr = splitArray(arr, columnCount);
// don't know how to explain this
// you just have to like follow the code
// and you understand, it's pretty simple
// it converts `['a', 'b', 'c']` to `a,b,c` string
plainArr.forEach(function(arrItem) {
arrItem.forEach(function(item, idx) {
row += item + ((idx + 1) === arrItem.length ? '' : delimeter);
row += newLine;
return initial + row;
Any idea on how I could speed this up? We have over 6,000 rows of data in the database. Thanks!
Changing the data.push.. to data[data.length] = .. has made the function a lot faster. Also, I created variables for countyindex and companyindex instead of calling it multiple times in the same function.
Also, cleaning up the last part of the function really helped:
/* * Convert our data to CSV string */
var CSVString = prepCSVRow(titles, titles.length);
CSVString += prepCSVRow(data, titles.length);
/* * Make CSV downloadable*/
var downloadLink = document.createElement('a'),
blob = new Blob(['\ufeff', CSVString]);
downloadLink.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = 'data.csv';
/** Actually download CSV */

Javascript JSON to Excel file download

I have Json data and i need convert json data to Excel file using javascript,
Reference URL :
i am using this code:
function JSONToTSVConvertor(JSONData, ReportTitle, ShowLabel, myTemplateName){
//If JSONData is not an object then JSON.parse will parse the JSON string in an Object
var arrData = typeof JSONData != 'object' ? JSON.parse(JSONData) : JSONData;
var TSV = '';
//Set Report title in first row or line
//TSV += ReportTitle + '\r\n\n';
//This condition will generate the Label/Header
if (ShowLabel) {
var row = "";
//This loop will extract the label from 1st index of on array
for (var index in arrData[0]) {
//Now convert each value to string and tab-seprated
row += index + ' ';
row = row.slice(0, -1);
//append Label row with line break
TSV += row + '\r\n';
//1st loop is to extract each row
for (var i = 0; i < arrData.length; i++) {
var row = "";
//2nd loop will extract each column and convert it in string tab-seprated
for (var index in arrData[i]) {
row += '"' + arrData[i][index] + '" ';
row.slice(0, row.length - 1);
//add a line break after each row
TSV += row + '\r\n';
if (TSV == '') {
alert("Invalid data");
var blob = new Blob([TSV], {type: "data:text/tsv;charset=utf-8"});
//Generate a file name
var fileName = myTemplateName;
//this will remove the blank-spaces from the title and replace it with an underscore
fileName += ReportTitle.replace(/ /g,"_");
saveAs(blob, ""+fileName+".tsv");
this sample code work to csv and tsv format. and i need to Excel format i don't think any idea please help me.
pls suggest some example code.
I have used the following code Javascript JSON to Excel or CSV file download
change file extension only (reports.xlsx or reports.CSV)
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
function ExportData()
data=[{Market: "IN", New Arrivals: "6", Upcoming Appointments: "2", Pending - 1st Attempt: "4"},
{Market: "KS/MO", New Arrivals: "4", Upcoming Appointments: "4", Pending - 1st Attempt: "2"},
{Market: "KS/MO", New Arrivals: "4", Upcoming Appointments: "4", Pending - 1st Attempt: "2"},
{Market: "KS/MO", New Arrivals: "4", Upcoming Appointments: "4", Pending - 1st Attempt: "2"}]
var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data);
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "People");
CSV, as said, is excel file itself. But, in many locales, csv generated by the script above is opened incorrectly, where excel puts everything into 1 cell. Small modification of original script helps: just replace header with "sep=,".
var CSV = 'sep=,' + '\r\n\n';
Working example with change here:
Spent some time figuring this out, and therefore answering old thread to help others save some time.
I've created a class to export json data to excel file. I'll be happy if some productive edit is made in my code.
Just add the class in your JS library and call:
var myTestXML = new myExcelXML(myJsonArray);
My myExcelXML Class:
let myExcelXML = (function() {
let Workbook, WorkbookStart = '<?xml version="1.0"?><ss:Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:html="">';
const WorkbookEnd = '</ss:Workbook>';
let fs, SheetName = 'SHEET 1',
styleID = 1, columnWidth = 80,
fileName = "Employee_List", uri, link;
class myExcelXML {
constructor(o) {
let respArray = JSON.parse(o);
let finalDataArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < respArray.length; i++) {
let s = JSON.stringify(finalDataArray);
fs = s.replace(/&/gi, '&');
downLoad() {
const Worksheet = myXMLWorkSheet(SheetName, fs);
WorkbookStart += myXMLStyles(styleID);
Workbook = WorkbookStart + Worksheet + WorkbookEnd;
uri = 'data:text/xls;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(Workbook);
link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = uri; = "visibility:hidden"; = fileName + ".xls";
get fileName() {
return fileName;
set fileName(n) {
fileName = n;
get SheetName() {
return SheetName;
set SheetName(n) {
SheetName = n;
get styleID() {
return styleID;
set styleID(n) {
styleID = n;
const myXMLStyles = function(id) {
let Styles = '<ss:Styles><ss:Style ss:ID="' + id + '"><ss:Font ss:Bold="1"/></ss:Style></ss:Styles>';
return Styles;
const myXMLWorkSheet = function(name, o) {
const Table = myXMLTable(o);
let WorksheetStart = '<ss:Worksheet ss:Name="' + name + '">';
const WorksheetEnd = '</ss:Worksheet>';
return WorksheetStart + Table + WorksheetEnd;
const myXMLTable = function(o) {
let TableStart = '<ss:Table>';
const TableEnd = '</ss:Table>';
const tableData = JSON.parse(o);
if (tableData.length > 0) {
const columnHeader = Object.keys(tableData[0]);
let rowData;
for (let i = 0; i < columnHeader.length; i++) {
TableStart += myXMLColumn(columnWidth);
for (let j = 0; j < tableData.length; j++) {
rowData += myXMLRow(tableData[j], columnHeader);
TableStart += myXMLHead(1, columnHeader);
TableStart += rowData;
return TableStart + TableEnd;
const myXMLColumn = function(w) {
return '<ss:Column ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="' + w + '"/>';
const myXMLHead = function(id, h) {
let HeadStart = '<ss:Row ss:StyleID="' + id + '">';
const HeadEnd = '</ss:Row>';
for (let i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
const Cell = myXMLCell(h[i].toUpperCase());
HeadStart += Cell;
return HeadStart + HeadEnd;
const myXMLRow = function(r, h) {
let RowStart = '<ss:Row>';
const RowEnd = '</ss:Row>';
for (let i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
const Cell = myXMLCell(r[h[i]]);
RowStart += Cell;
return RowStart + RowEnd;
const myXMLCell = function(n) {
let CellStart = '<ss:Cell>';
const CellEnd = '</ss:Cell>';
const Data = myXMLData(n);
CellStart += Data;
return CellStart + CellEnd;
const myXMLData = function(d) {
let DataStart = '<ss:Data ss:Type="String">';
const DataEnd = '</ss:Data>';
return DataStart + d + DataEnd;
const flatten = function(obj) {
var obj1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
const obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
for (var k1 in obj2) {
if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(k1)) {
if (typeof obj2[k1] === 'object' && obj2[k1] !== null) {
delete obj1[k1]
for (var k2 in obj2[k1]) {
if (obj2[k1].hasOwnProperty(k2)) {
obj1[k1 + '-' + k2] = obj2[k1][k2];
var hasObject = false;
for (var key in obj1) {
if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (typeof obj1[key] === 'object' && obj1[key] !== null) {
hasObject = true;
if (hasObject) {
return flatten(obj1);
} else {
return obj1;
} else {
return obj1;
return myExcelXML;
I know its a little late to answer but I have found an nice angular library that does all the hard work it self.
GITHUB: ngJsonExportExcel
Library Direct Download : Download
Filesaver JS : Download
How to use?
Include the module in you app
var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['ngJsonExportExcel'])
Add a export button and use the ng-json-export-excel directive and pass data into the directive
ng-json-export-excel : it is the directive name
data : it is the data that will be exported (JSON)
report-fields :
pass the column name and the keys that are present in your JSON e.g.
customer_name": "Customer Name"
<button ng-json-export-excel data="dataList" report-fields="{'uesr.username': 'Heder 1', keyjson2: 'Header 2', keyjson3: 'Head 3'}" filename =" 'export-excel' " separator="," class="css-class"></button>
Excel is a very complex format with many versions. If you really need to do this I would investigate some of the JavaScript libraries that others have written. Do a Google search for "javascript excel writer" to see some examples.
This code snippet is using node.js with the excel4node and express modules in order to convert JSON data to an Excel file and send it to the client, using Javascript.
const xl = require('excel4node');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
var json = [{"Vehicle":"BMW","Date":"30, Jul 2013 09:24 AM","Location":"Hauz Khas, Enclave, New Delhi, Delhi, India","Speed":42},{"Vehicle":"Honda CBR","Date":"30, Jul 2013 12:00 AM","Location":"Military Road, West Bengal 734013, India","Speed":0},{"Vehicle":"Supra","Date":"30, Jul 2013 07:53 AM","Location":"Sec-45, St. Angel's School, Gurgaon, Haryana, India","Speed":58},{"Vehicle":"Land Cruiser","Date":"30, Jul 2013 09:35 AM","Location":"DLF Phase I, Marble Market, Gurgaon, Haryana, India","Speed":83},{"Vehicle":"Suzuki Swift","Date":"30, Jul 2013 12:02 AM","Location":"Behind Central Bank RO, Ram Krishna Rd by-lane, Siliguri, West Bengal, India","Speed":0},{"Vehicle":"Honda Civic","Date":"30, Jul 2013 12:00 AM","Location":"Behind Central Bank RO, Ram Krishna Rd by-lane, Siliguri, West Bengal, India","Speed":0},{"Vehicle":"Honda Accord","Date":"30, Jul 2013 11:05 AM","Location":"DLF Phase IV, Super Mart 1, Gurgaon, Haryana, India","Speed":71}]
const createSheet = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// setup workbook and sheet
var wb = new xl.Workbook();
var ws = wb.addWorksheet('Sheet');
// Add a title row
ws.cell(1, 1)
ws.cell(1, 2)
ws.cell(1, 3)
ws.cell(1, 4)
// add data from json
for (let i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
let row = i + 2
ws.cell(row, 1)
ws.cell(row, 2)
ws.cell(row, 3)
ws.cell(row, 4)
resolve( wb )
app.get('/excel', function (req, res) {
createSheet().then( file => {
file.write('ExcelFile.xlsx', res);
app.listen(3040, function () {
console.log('Excel app listening on port 3040');

