I am trying to get the total duration of audio from an array of audio paths.
Here is what the array would look like:
var sound_paths = ["1.mp3","2.mp3",...]
I have looked at this post, which helped:
how to get audio.duration value by a function
However, I do not know how to implement this over an array. The idea is that I want to loop over each audio file, get its duration, and add it to a "sum_duration" variable.
I cannot seem to figure out a way to do this over a for loop. I have tried Promises (which I am admittedly new at): (Note the functions come from a class)
// takes a source audio file and a callback function
var audio = new Audio();
audio.src = src;
// takes in an array of audio paths, finds the total audio duration
// in seconds
return new Promise((resolve)=>{
var duration = 0;
for(const aud_path in aud_path_arr){
var audio = new Audio();
audio.src = aud_path;
audio.onloadedmetadata = ()=>{
duration += audio.duration;
However, this obviously does not work, and will just return the duration value of 0.
How can I loop over audio files and return the total audio duration of each file summed?
I think, in this case, working with promises is the right approach, time to get used to them ;) Try to remember, a promise will fullfil your wish in the near future. What makes your problem harder is that you have an array of files to check, each will need to separately be covered by it's own Promise, just so that your program can know when all of them have been fullfilled.
I always call my 'promised' getters 'fetch...', that way I know it'll return a promise instead of a direct value.
function fetchDuration(path) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const audio = new Audio();
audio.src = path;
() => {
// To keep a promise maintainable, only do 1
// asynchronous activity for each promise you make
function fetchTotalDuration(paths) {
// Create an array of promises and wait until all have completed
return Promise.all(paths.map((path) => fetchDuration(path)))
// Reduce the results back to a single value
.then((durations) => durations.reduce(
(acc, duration) => acc + duration,
At some point, your code is going to have to deal with this asynchronous stuff, I honestly believe that Promises are the easiest way to do this. It takes a little getting used to, but it'll be worth it in the end. The above could be used in your code something along the lines of:
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
.then((totalDuration) => {
document.querySelector('.player__total-duration').innerHTML = totalDuration;
I hacked this together real quick, so you'll have to adapt it to your function structure, but it's a working code snippet that should send you in the right direction.
Simply keep track of which audio files have been loaded, and if that matches the number of audio files queried, you call the callback with the total duration.
You should also take failing requests into account, so that if the loadedmetadata event never fires, you can react accordingly (by either falling back to 0 duration for that file, or throwing an Exception, etc.).
const cb = function(duration) {
console.log(`Total duration: ${duration}`);
let sound_paths = ["https://rawcdn.githack.com/anars/blank-audio/92f06aaa1f1f4cae365af4a256b04cf9014de564/5-seconds-of-silence.mp3","https://rawcdn.githack.com/anars/blank-audio/92f06aaa1f1f4cae365af4a256b04cf9014de564/2-seconds-of-silence.mp3"];
let totalDuration = 0;
let loadedSounds = [];
sound_paths.map(src => {
const audio = new Audio();
audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", ()=>{
totalDuration += audio.duration;
if ( loadedSounds.length === sound_paths.length ) {
cb( totalDuration );
audio.src = src;
I wrote a simple application that streams from one master to several clients. Since the Master may use something like an IP-Webcam (Has ~1sec Latency) but the internal microphone (No Latency) i wanted to add a delay to the audiotrack. Unfortunately it seems like the delay does not work on Firefox and on chrome it automaticle synchronizes all tracks to the highest set playoutDelayHint. So everything becomes delayed one second. I checked both consumer RTPreceivers values for both tracks, only audio has set playoutDelayHint to one second which doesn't change over time, but after a few secons streaming the video becomes delayed for one second too.
const stream = new MediaStream;
let el = document.querySelector('#remote_video');
function addVideoAudio(consumer) {
if (consumer.kind === 'video') {
el.setAttribute('playsinline', true);
consumer._rtpReceiver.playoutDelayHint = 0;
} else {
el.setAttribute('playsinline', true);
el.setAttribute('autoplay', true);
consumer._rtpReceiver.playoutDelayHint = 1;
el.srcObject = stream;
el.consumer = consumer;
Even when i add another video element and another mediastream, so every stream (consumer) get's it's own html element i still get the same effect:
const stream1 = new MediaStream;
const stream2 = new MediaStream;
let el1 = document.querySelector('#remote_video');
let el2 = document.querySelector('#remote_audio');
function addVideoAudio(consumer) {
if (consumer.kind === 'video') {
el1.setAttribute('playsinline', true);
consumer._rtpReceiver.playoutDelayHint = 0;
el1.srcObject = stream1;
el1.consumer = consumer;
} else {
el2.setAttribute('playsinline', true);
el2.setAttribute('autoplay', true);
consumer._rtpReceiver.playoutDelayHint = 1;
el2.srcObject = stream2;
el2.consumer = consumer;
Is it possible to delay only one track and why does the delay only (kinda) work on chrome?
Thanks in advance. :)
You can use jitterBufferDelayHint to delay the audio.
Weirdly enough, playoutDelayHint on a video delay the video and audio.
But to delay the audio only, it seem jitterBufferDelayHint fixes it.
audioReceiver.playoutDelayHint = 1;
audioReceiver.jitterBufferDelayHint = 1;
This behavior might change over time.
I am trying to play multiple audio files with ionic media plugin : https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/media. but I am having a hard time making it work as a playlist without using a timeout function.
Here is what I have tried out
playOne(track: AudioFile): Promise<any> {
return new Promise(async resolve =>{
const AudFile = await this.media.create(this.file.externalDataDirectory+track.trackUrl);
await resolve(AudFile.play())
Then to play All , I have this :
async playAll(tracks: AudioFile[]): Promise<any>{
let player = (acc, track:AudioFile) => acc.then(() =>
tracks.reduce(player, Promise.resolve());
This way they are all playing at the same time.
But If The PlayOne method is wrapped in a timeout function, the interval of the milli seconds set on the timeout exists among the play list, but one does not necessarily finish before the other starts and sometimes it waits for a long time before the subsequent file is plaid.
The timeout implementation looks like this :
playOne(track: AudioFile): Promise<any> {
return new Promise(async resolve =>{
setTimeout(async ()=>{
const AudFile = await this.media.create(this.file.externalDataDirectory+track.trackUrl);
await resolve(AudFile.play())
Digging into ionic wrapper of the plugin, the create method looks like this :
* Open a media file
* #param src {string} A URI containing the audio content.
* #return {MediaObject}
Media.prototype.create = function (src) {
var instance;
if (checkAvailability(Media.getPluginRef(), null, Media.getPluginName()) ===
true) {
// Creates a new media object
instance = new (Media.getPlugin())(src);
return new MediaObject(instance);
Media.pluginName = "Media";
Media.repo = "https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-media";
Media.plugin = "cordova-plugin-media";
Media.pluginRef = "Media";
Media.platforms = ["Android", "Browser", "iOS", "Windows"];
Media = __decorate([
], Media);
return Media;
Any suggestion would be appreciated
You may get it working by looping over your tracks and await playOne on each track.
async playAll(tracks: AudioFile[]): Promise<any> {
for (const track of tracks) {
await this.playOne(track);
If I'm not mistaking play function doesn't block until playing the audio file is finished. It doesn't return a promise either. A work around would be to use a seTimeout for the duration of the track
playOne(track: AudioFile): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const audFile = await this.media.create(this.file.externalDataDirectory+track.trackUrl);
const duration = audFile.getDuration(); // duration in seconds
setTimeout(() => {
duration * 1000 // setTimeout expect milliseconds
I eventually got it to work with a recursive function. This works as expected.
PlayAllList(i,tracks: AudioFile[]){
var self = this;
this.Audiofile = this.media.create(this.file.externalDataDirectory+tracks[i].trackUrl);
this.Audiofile.onSuccess.subscribe(() => {
if ((i + 1) == tracks.length) {
// do nothing
} else {
self.PlayAllList(i + 1, tracks)
If there is any improvement on this, I will appreciate.
I think you will be better of with the Web Audio API. I have used it before, and the possibilities are endless.
Apparently it can be used in Ionic without issues:
I have used it on http://chordoracle.com to play multiple audio samples at the same time (up to 6 simultaneous samples for each string of the guitar). In this case i also alter their pitch to get different notes.
In order to play multiple samples, you just need to create multiple bufferSources:
Some links to get you started:
Tone.BufferSource: buffer is either not set or not loaded. This error occurs in try/catch block. It only occurs, when I trigger update function constantly or sometimes randomly.
When this error occurs my audio just turns off for a brief moment.
The logic behind my code. When program starts create function is invoked in the constructor creating Tone.sequence later on when I change/update track parameters i call update fuction,
which calls loopprocessor with new/updated tracks. But when i trigger update which triggers loopprocessor function it runs into tone.sourcebuffer is either not set ir loaded. How can i work around this problem?
My code:
import Tone from "tone";
export function create(tracks, beatNotifier){
const loop = new Tone.Sequence(
loopProcessor(tracks, beatNotifier),
[...new Array(16)].map((_, i) => i),
Tone.Transport.bpm.value = 120;
return loop;
export function update(loop, tracks, beatNotifier){
loop.callback = loopProcessor(tracks, beatNotifier);
return loop;
function loopProcessor (tracks, beatNotifier) {
const urls = tracks.reduce((acc, {name}) => {
return {...acc, [name]: `http://localhost:3000/src/sounds/${name}.[wav|wav]`};
}, {});
const keys = new Tone.Players(urls, {
fadeOut: "64n"
return (time, index) => {
tracks.forEach(({name, vol, muted, note, beats}) => {
if (beats[index]) {
try {
var vel = Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.5;
.start(time, 0, note, 0, vel);
.get(name).volume.value = muted
? -Infinity
: vol;
} catch(e) {
console.log("error", e);
I had this problem recently and found a solution that worked for my case.
Tone.js doesn't like it when you initialise an audio buffer inside a function (what you're doing when you call new Tone.Players inside loopprocessor).
To get around this at the top of your code declare a new global variable buffer1 = new Tone.Buffer(url1) for each url that you need. https://tonejs.github.io/docs/r13/Buffer
Then inside loopprocessor just replace urls with each buffer and a name tag and you shouldn't have any problems. So new Tone.Players({"name1": buffer1, "name2": buffer2, ...})
Dear Javascript Guru's:
I have the following requirements:
Process a large array in batches of 1000 (or any arbitrary size).
When each batch is processed, update the UI to show our progress.
When all batches have been processed, continue with the next step.
For example:
function process_array(batch_size) {
var da_len = data_array.length;
var idx = 0;
function process_batch() {
var idx_end = Math.min(da_len, idx + batch_size);
while (idx < idx_end) {
// do the voodoo we need to do
// This loop kills the browser ...
while (idx < da_len) {
setTimeout(process_batch, 10);
// Show some progress (no luck) ...
// Process array ...
// Continue with next task ...
Since I am new to javascript, I discovered that everything is done on a single thread and as such, one needs to get a little creative with regard to processing and updating the UI. I have found some examples using recursive setTimeout calls, (one key difference is I have to wait until the array has been fully processed before continuing), but I cannot seem to get things working as described above.
Also -- I am in need of a "pure" javascript solution -- no third party libraries or the use of web workers (that are not fully supported).
Any (and all) guidance would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can make a stream from array and use batch-stream to make batches so that you can stream in batches to UI.
In JavaScript when executing scripts in a HTML page, the page becomes unresponsive until the script is finished. This is because JavaScript is single thread.
You could consider using a web worker in JavaScript that runs in the background, independently of other scripts, without affecting the performance of the page.
In this case User can continue to do whatever he wants in the UI.
You can send and receive messages from the web worker.
More info on Web Worker here.
So part of the magic of recursion is really thinking about the things that you need to pass in, to make it work.
And in JS (and other functional languages) that frequently involves functions.
function processBatch (remaining, processed, batchSize,
transform, onComplete, onProgress) {
if (!remaining.length) {
return onComplete(processed);
const batch = remaining.slice(0, batchSize);
const tail = remaining.slice(batchSize);
const totalProcessed = processed.concat(batch.map(transform));
return scheduleBatch(tail, totalProcessed, batchSize,
transform, onComplete, onProgress);
function scheduleBatch (remaining, processed, batchSize,
transform, onComplete, onProgress) {
onProgress(processed, remaining, batchSize);
setTimeout(() => processBatch(remaining, processed, batchSize,
transform, onComplete, onProgress));
const noop = () => {};
const identity = x => x;
function processArray (array, batchSize, transform, onComplete, onProgress) {
transform || identity,
onComplete || noop,
onProgress || noop
This can be simplified extremely, and the reality is that I'm just having a little fun here, but if you follow the trail, you should see recursion in a closed system that works with an arbitrary transform, on arbitrary objects, of arbitrary array lengths, with arbitrary code-execution when complete, and when each batch is completed and scheduling the next run.
To be honest, you could even swap this implementation out for a custom scheduler, by changing 3 lines of code or so, and then you could log whatever you wanted...
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
const batchSize = 2;
const showWhenDone = numbers => console.log(`Done with: ${numbers}`);
const showProgress = (processed, remaining) =>
`${processed.length} done; ${remaining.length} to go`;
const quintuple = x => x * 5;
// 0 done; 6 to go
// 2 done; 4 to go
// 4 done; 2 to go
// Done with: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
Overkill? Oh yes. But worth familiarizing yourself with the concepts, if you're going to spend some time in the language.
Thank-you all for your comments and suggestions.
Below is a code that I settled on. The code works for any task (in my case, processing an array) and gives the browser time to update the UI if need be.
The "do_task" function starts an anonymous function via setInterval that alternates between two steps -- processing the array in batches and showing the progress, this continues until all elements in the array have been processed.
function do_task() {
const k_task_process_array = 1;
const k_task_show_progress = 2;
var working = false;
var task_step = k_task_process_array;
var batch_size = 1000;
var idx = 0;
var idx_end = 0;
var da_len = data_array.length;
// Start the task ...
var task_id = setInterval(function () {
if (!working) {
working = true;
switch (task_step) {
case k_task_process_array:
idx_end = Math.min( idx + batch_size, da_len );
while (idx < idx_end) {
// do the voodoo we need to do ...
task_step = k_task_show_progress;
working = false;
// Show progress here ...
// Continue processing array ...
task_step = k_task_process_array;
working = false;
// Check if done ...
if (idx >= da_len) {
task_id = null;
working = false;
}, 1);
I have the following JS code for a canvas based game.
var EXPLOSION = "sounds/explosion.wav";
function playSound(str, vol) {
var snd = new Audio();
snd.src = str;
snd.volume = vol;
function createExplosion() {
playSound(EXPLOSION, 0.5);
This works, however it sends a server request to download the sound file every time it is called. Alternatively, if I declare the Audio object beforehand:
var snd = new Audio();
snd.src = EXPLOSION;
snd.volume = 0.5;
function createExplosion() {
This works, however if the createExplosion function is called before the sound is finished playing, it does not play the sound at all. This means that only a single playthrough of the sound file is allowed at a time - and in scenarios that multiple explosions are taking place it doesn't work at all.
Is there any way to properly play an audio file multiple times overlapping with itself?
I was looking for this for ages in a tetris game i'm building and I think this solution is the best.
function playSoundMove() {
var sound = document.getElementById("move");
just have it loaded and ready to go.
You could just duplicate the node with cloneNode() and play() that duplicate node.
My audio element looks like this:
<audio id="knight-audio" src="knight.ogg" preload="auto"></audio>
and I have an onClick listener that does just that:
function click() {
const origAudio = document.getElementById("knight-audio");
const newAudio = origAudio.cloneNode()
And since the audio element isn't going to be displayed, you don't actually have to attach the node to anything.
I verified client-side and server-side that Chrome only tries to download the audio file once.
Caveats: I'm not sure about performance impacts, since this on my site this clip doesn't get played more than ~40x maximum for a page. You might have to clean up the audio nodes if you're doing something much larger than that?
Try this:
(function() {
var snds = {};
window.playSound(str,vol) {
if( !snds[str]) (snds[str] = new Audio()).src = str;
snds[str].volume = vol;
Then the first time you call it it will fetch the sound, but every time after that it will reuse the same sound object.
EDIT: You can also preload with duplicates to allow the sound to play more than once at a time:
(function() {
var snds = {}
window.playSound = function(str,vol) {
if( !snds[str]) {
snds[str] = [new Audio()];
snds[str][0].src = str;
var snd = snds[str], pointer = 0;
while( snd[pointer].playing) {
if( pointer >= snd.length) {
snd.push(new Audio());
snd[pointer].src = str;
snd[pointer].volume = vol;
Note that this will send multiple requests if you play the sound overlapping itself too much, but it should return Not Modified very quickly and will only do so if you play it more times than you have previously.
In my game i'm using preoading but after the sound is initiated (its not so smart to not preload at all or preload everything on page load, some sound hasn't played in some gameplay at all, why to load them)
const audio {};
audio.dataload = {'entity':false,'entityes':[],'n':0};
audio.dataload.ordernum = function() {
audio.dataload.n = (audio.dataload.n + 1)%10;
return audio.dataload.n;
audio.dataload.play = function() {
audio.dataload.entity = new Audio('/some.mp3');
for (let i = 0; i<10;i++) {
audio.dataload.play() // plays sound and preload sounds to memory when it isn't
I've created a class that allows for layered audio. This is very similar to other answers where it creates another node with the same src, but this class will only do that if necessary. If it has created a node already that has been completed, it will replay that existing node.
Another tweak to this is that initially fetch the audio and use the URL of the blob. I do this for efficiency; so the src doesn't have to be fetched externally every single time a new node is created.
class LayeredAudio {
samples = [];
.then(response => response.blob())
.then((blob) => {
this.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
this.samples[0] = new Audio(this.url);
if(!this.samples.find(e => e.paused)?.play()){
this.samples.push(new Audio(this.url))
this.samples[this.samples.length - 1].play()
const aud = new LayeredAudio("URL");
Relying more on memory than process time, we can make an array of multiple clones of the Audio and then play them by order:
function gameSnd() {
tick_wav = new Audio('sounds/tick.wav');
victory_wav = new Audio('sounds/victory.wav');
counter = 0;
ticks = [];
for (var i = 0; i<10;i++)
tick = function(){
counter = (counter + 1)%10;
victory = function(){
When I tried some of the other solutions there was some delay, but I may have found a better alternative. This will plow through a good chunk of memory if you make the audio array's length high. I doubt you will need to play the same audio more than 10 times at the same time, but if you do just make the array length longer.
var audio = new Array(10);
// The length of the audio array is how many times
// the audio can overlap
for (var i = 0; i < audio.length; i++) {
audio[i] = new Audio("your audio");
function PlayAudio() {
// Whenever you want to play it call this function
if(audioIndex > audio.length - 1) {
audioIndex = 0;
I have found this to be the simples way to overlap the same audio over itself
<button id="btn" onclick="clickMe()">ding</button>
function clickMe() {
const newAudio = new Audio("./ding.mp3")