clearTimeout on mouseup doesnt work right - javascript

I want to click on a point and delete it, but when i press my mouse button down for 3 seconds, i want to do something else with this point. My problem is, that the code doesnt clear the timer, it just deletes the point after 3 seconds, no matter how long i clicked it on the point.
Im working with setTimeout and clearTimeout.
function click(event,d){
timer= setTimeout(function(){
/* do something */
function clickRelease(timer){
divMag1=d3.selectAll(".scatterlayer .trace .points path ")
divMag1.on("mousedown", click)

V3 - I think you're deleting the target before you can execute what you want.
Note that setTimout may take more than 3 seconds to execute.
function click(event) {
const currentTarget = event.currentTarget; // for some reason is null in the timer handler, this fixes it 🤷
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
currentTarget.removeEventListener('mouseup', deleteTarget);
// do stuff
}, 3000);
function deleteTarget() {
currentTarget.removeEventListener('mouseup', deleteTarget); // not required if you're actually deleting the target
// remove target
currentTarget.addEventListener('mouseup', deleteTarget);
document.querySelector('#but').addEventListener('mousedown', click)
<button id="but">Click</button>
let timer;
function click(event,d){
timer= setTimeout(function(){
/* do something */
function clickRelease(){
divMag1=d3.selectAll(".scatterlayer .trace .points path ")
divMag1.on("mousedown", click)

You should first declare timer variable. Then to make your mouseup event works on you should wrap clickRelease to event funtion again or use it simply:
.addEventListener("mouseup", function() { clearTimeout(timer) })
Working example with button:
var timer
function click(event, d) {
timer = setTimeout(function () {
console.log('do something')
}, 1000)
function clickRelease(timer){
var divMag1 = document.querySelector('#but')
divMag1.addEventListener("mousedown", click)
document.addEventListener("mouseup", function() { clickRelease(timer) })
<button id="but">Click</button>
If you want event to doing something repeatedly while button is down you need to use setInterval not setTimeout like this:
var timer
function click(event, d) {
timer = setInterval(function () {
console.log('do something')
}, 1000)
var divMag1 = document.querySelector('#but')
divMag1.addEventListener("mousedown", click)
document.addEventListener("mouseup", function() { clearInterval(timer) })
Note for clearing interval uses clearInterval not clearTimeout. Also the mouseup event handler attached on whole document in my solution not on button.


Temporarily disabling javascript function from repeating after mouseleave

I have an image gallery that rotates through the rotator class divs on that pauses on mouseenter and then fires again 1 second after mouseleave.
However, if a user moves the mouse in and out of the rotator class div quickly the function calls stack up and the visible changes until the 'stack' is completed.
I want the 1 second delay that has not been completed to be cancelled on the 2nd and subsequent mouseenter so that this does not happen.
I have tried using clearTimeout within the mouseenter function but it does not seem to work.
I know there is also the stop() function but that did not work either.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var initList = setInterval('RotateIt()', 4000);
$('.rotator').mouseenter(function () {
}).mouseleave(function () {
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
initList = setInterval('RotateIt()', 4000);
function RotateIt() {
if ($('#rotator-visible').next('.rotator').length == 0) {
$('.rotator:first').attr('id', 'rotator-visible');
} else {
$('#rotator-visible').removeAttr("id").next('.rotator').attr("id", "rotator-visible");
If a user moves the mouse in and out of the rotator class div quickly the function calls stack up
Then clearTimeout it - and in exactly that place, not only in the delayed RotateIt. The simplest solution would be to call clearTimeout every time before setTimeout, so that you can be sure there is only one active timeout at once.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var initList = setInterval(rotateIt, 4000),
delay = null;
$('.rotator').mouseenter(function(e) {
}).mouseleave(function(e) {
delay = setTimeout(function () {
initList = setInterval(rotateIt, 4000);
}, 1000);
function rotateIt() {
if ($('#rotator-visible').next('.rotator').length == 0) {
$('.rotator:first').attr('id', 'rotator-visible');
} else {
$('#rotator-visible').removeAttr("id").next('.rotator').attr("id", "rotator-visible");

delay the on("click") event

I have this code
$("input").on('keyup', function () {
The problem is taht when I write fast the block will do the "animation" again and agin much slower than I write
Is there another event I can use to only run the code "after I'm finished writing" lets say, I stop writing and then it taks 500ms and then the code is executed.
function throttle(fn, time ){
var timer = 0;
return function() {
timer = setTimeout($.proxy(fn, this), time);
$("input").on('keyup', throttle(function () {
The throttle returns a new function that calls the old function once 500 milliseconds have elapsed since the function was last called.
Something like this is what I've used before:
* Handler for the keyup event
function onKeyUp() {
myTimer = setTimeout(otherFunction, 500);
Now otherFunction will be called after 500 milliseconds, but on each keyup event this timer will be reset.
Try to use...
function slideDown(){
// call
setTimeout(function(){ slideDown(); }, 1000);

jQuery Fade object after 20 seconds of inactivity

I want to fade out a div if a user hasn't made a mouse click for 20 seconds.
I have the following code:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 20000);
Problem is I don't know how to reset the setTimeout after detecting a user mouse click.
The .setTimeout() method actually returns a reference to the timer it creates. This reference can be used in .clearTimeout to stop the timer before it executes.
Here is an example of how to use this:
var timer;
// create the timer and save its reference
timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 20000);
// when clicking somewhere on the page, stop the timer
$(document).click(function() {
var timeout = null;
var fadeElement = $('.main-popup2');
function fader() {
if(null !== timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(function () {fadeElement.fadeOut('fast');}, 2000);
Use delay function.
(window).click(function () {
Each click restart 6 seconds, after it .main-popup2 fadeout if there isn't

On keypress, when stop after X seconds call function

I have a text input and a textarea and I'm passing the value from the input to the textarea. I am trying to do, when you type something in the input and you stop, after 2 seconds show the values to the textarea.
In this example the textarea gets the input's value instantly:
So i want, when you type and stop, after 2 seconds give the value.
How can I achieve this? I tried to use setTimeout but when the 2 seconds pass, then it keeps getting the value instantly. So basically it works for the first 2 seconds.
You have to reset the timer everytime the user presses the key again:
function changeFn(){
var timer;
$("#string").bind("keyup", function(){
timer = setTimeout(changeFn, 2000)
Once i made this plugin called bindDelay for jQuery:
$.fn.bindDelay = function( eventType, eventData, handler, timer ) {
if ( $.isFunction(eventData) ) {
timer = handler;
handler = eventData;
timer = (typeof timer === "number") ? timer : 300;
var timeouts;
$(this).bind(eventType, function(event) {
var that = this;
timeouts = setTimeout(function() {, event);
}, timer);
Used like a normal bind method but the last argument is the delay before firing the handler (in mil sec):
$("input").bindDelay('keyup', function() {
$("textarea").text( $(this).val() );
}, 2000);
See fiddle:
And you unbind and trigger it like normal:
setTimeout returns an ID of the "job". what you have to do is to clearTimeout(id) every type and setTimeout again:
var tID = null;
onclick() {
if (tID !== null) clearTimeout(tID);
tID = setTimeout(function() { /*Do domething*/ }, 2000);
What you need to do is set a timeout, and save the resulting timeout id. Then you need to check if the timeout id has been saved at each keypress. If the timeout is set, clear the timeout and reset it. Something like this:
var timeoutId = null;
var myFunc = function() {
timeoutId = null;
// Do stuff
var myEventHandler = function() {
if (timeoutId) {
timeoutId = window.setTimeout(myFunc, 2000);
...or check the updated fiddle:
I've updated your fiddle
This will update the textarea value 2 seconds after you end editing the text.
The relevant part is this: we keep a reference to a timeout, when the keyup event is fired we clear the previous timeout and we start a new timeout, that will fire in 2 seconds.
var timeout = null;
$("#string").on("keyup keypress paste mouseup", function () {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
// ... your code here
}, 2000);
Try something like this. Use setTimeout, but each time a key is pressed, reset the timer and start over...
var textTimer=null;
$("#string").on("keyup keypress paste mouseup", function () {
if (textTimer) clearTimeout(textTimer);
textTimer = setTimeout(function(){
var a = $('#string').val();
}, 2000);
$('.btn').click(function() {
You just need to modify your code as follows:
var timeoutId = 0;
$("#string").on("keyup keypress paste mouseup", function () {
var a = $('#string').val();
// Cancel existing timeout, if applicable
if (timeoutId > 0) {
// Start a timeout for 2 seconds- this will be cancelled above
// if user continues typing
timeoutId = window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);

jquery/javascript blur/focus & settimeout

When mouse is over a product number (focus) then show some product information.
When user is not longer over a product number (blur), then wait 3 seconds, then hide details.
$('.productNumber').live('blur', function() {
var divToPutData = $(this);
}, 3000);
Now user says that if user moves mouse back within those 5 seconds to stop the count down, until a blur event fires again. No sure how to do this with setTimeout.
Use clearTimeout()
var myTimeout = null;
$('.productNumber').live('mouseover', function() {
//If timeout is still active, clear
if(myTimeout != null)
$('.productNumber').live('blur', function() {
//Store the ID returned by setTimeout
myTimout = setTimeout(function(){ divToPutData.hide(); }, 3000);
Use the function clearTimeout.
setTimeout returns a numeric id, you can store it in a variable, and then pass it to the clearTimeout function:
var myTimeout = setTimeout ( function(){alert(2);}, 1000);
var t;
$('.productNumber').live('mouseover', function() {
$('.productNumber').live('mouseout', function() {
t = setTimeout(function(){
}, 3000);
have the setTimeout assigned to a variable, so you can cancel it on hover again
var hideTimeout;
$('.productNumber').live('blur',function() {
hideTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
$('.productNumber').live('mouseover',function() {
// Do the show stuff
jQuery is not my strongest language, so you may need to modify this slightly, but this is the general approach to this scenario.
Use the jQuery stop() to abort any ongoing animation
Test it here:
function () {
$(this).find(".productDesc:last").stop(true, true).show();
function () {
<div class="productNumber">1001<span class="productDesc" style="display:none">iPhone</span></div>
<div class="productNumber">2001<span class="productDesc" style="display:none">iPad</span></div>
<div class="productNumber">3333<span class="productDesc" style="display:none">TV</span></div>
<div class="productNumber">9999<span class="productDesc" style="display:none">HiFi</span></div>

