Retain state of multi-level navbar/sidebar on new page - javascript

I'm very new to programming & working on creating a website for a work project.
In it, there will be a multi-level (w/sub-menus) vertical sidebar on each page.
The problem I'm facing is that every time a user clicks on one link, the sidebar resets to its original state & will have to redo the same thing & not very UX friendly.
I took the template of the accordian sidebar from here.
I've looked at various search results on both stack overflow & google, but can't seem to understand how to get it working to retain the state of the sidebar, regardless of how many levels are opened.
Can someone please help me with the JS code to get it working?
Nathan, thanks for writing mate! I really appreciate the help.
So based on your suggestion, I've written the following (shoddy) code that injects the 'checked' attribute to the input element.
But it isn't transferring over to the new/redirected html page when a user clicks on one of the sub-menus. What am I missing here?
var menuIndex = -1;
//extract all the input elements
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('.parent-menu');
//Find index of the element from the array that has "checked == true"
function indexFinder() {
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (inputs[i].checked == true) {
menuIndex = i;
//Function to set/inject the attribute
function attributeSetter() {
inputs[menuIndex].setAttribute('checked', 'checked')
//When a user clicks literally anywhere, it'll run the indexFinder function
//to check if any of the input elements were expanded (i.e. checked == true)
window.addEventListener('click', () => {
//Run the attributeSetter function when a page loads
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {

Welcome to the world of programming! Hopefully I can help you out a little!
So what you're asking is something that can easily get a little complicated.
In order to achieve what you're trying to do you need to specify how you want your menu to look on each individual page!
Allow me to present a few menu options for an imaginary site:
The Company
Our Owner
I've indented the page names based on how we want them to show up in our menu.
So for example you may click on "Contact" and it drops down with the Email and Mail options.
Well, if you take your regular code from that webpage and copy and paste it everywhere. Any time you reload a page (or travel to another page with the same code) it's gonna reset the code! Thus "closing" the menu. Think of it as some sort of multi-dimentional sci-fi. When you load a webpage, you are accessing the main flow of time, any time you make an update to that page it takes you to an alternate reality with that change! but once you reload the webpage you jump back to the main timeline as if you never made that change (when you get into more advanced web dev, this analogy will break down but it should work to help your understanding for now.)
So let's say I click on the Contact > Email option and it takes me to the Email page. Well, in order to make it seem like my changes to the menu bar (clicking "Contact" to expand the dropdown) are still active. I need to hardcode the change into the Email page!
Here's some sample code:
<nav class="nav">
<a class="navOption">Home<a>
<a class="navOption">Contact<a>
<div class="navDropdown">
<a class="navOption">Email<a>
<a class="navOption">Mail<a>
<a class="navOption">About<a>
<div class="navDropdown">
<a class="navOption">The Company<a>
<a class="navOption">Our Owner<a>
By default the .navDropdown will be closed. However when we add a class to them .active they will expand! If this is my base menu, then how should I make it so that the "About" dropdown is expanded when you are on one of the About pages?
Simply by adding .active to that dropdown!
<nav class="nav">
<a class="navOption">Home<a>
<a class="navOption">Contact<a>
<div class="navDropdown">
<a class="navOption">Email<a>
<a class="navOption">Mail<a>
<a class="navOption active">About<a>
<div class="navDropdown">
<a class="navOption">The Company<a>
<a class="navOption">Our Owner<a>
Now, my example is different from yours because it's meant more for JavaScript. However, you can use the same concept in your code too.
For you, instead of having a .active class to expand a dropdown menu. You are using a checkbox element! In your codem you have CSS which is checking to see if the checkbox is checked and then it is opening the dropdown menu if it is:
<input class="cd-accordion__input" type="checkbox" name ="group-1" id="group-1">
So, if we use this method on our example webpage. We could set it to be open by setting the checkbox to start out being checked. Like so:
<input class="cd-accordion__input" type="checkbox" name ="group-1" id="group-1" checked>
It's important to note that as you get better and better at web development (eventually learning JavaScript and a server side language such as PHP). You will be able to piece together more advanced methods to doing what we're trying to accomplish! But for now, I hope I was able to break this down for you!


Navigation with an if that counts and add elements certain times

I'm looking to create a interactive nav bar for my own personal study purposes, so the idea behind it is if you click on down the number in the corner of the screen changes and a new image and text pops up every time this goes til number(page 5) all the other elements would be on display none except that one page that is active
I'd like to know if it would be possible to create a nav bar and lets say you have a set up nav with 2 buttons up and down how to make certain things not show up and others show up, i think my counter or var is not calculating properly, this is my javascript if statement( more in depth js fiddle )
if(numberCount < 1 ) {
add class to nav showing only one button ( down )
and this is my counter
numberCount = numberCount + 1
and then after that between 2-4 to show 2 buttons ( up and down )
and at 5 to only show up.
If someone has any things or knows something online that does this, please link me to it if you want!
I have tried finding how to do this but I am still trying to get it all figured out,
Thanks in advance and for your time!
If I understand correctly, is this what you want to achieve:
User clicks between two buttons to make new things appear (like a slider maybe?) but in a nav bar.
To do so you need JavaScript as well as an HTML structure that helps you out. In summary, you could do something along these lines. Granted this only takes into account a sort of "next button", if you want a previous one then you just need to add another function that instead of adding to the current_slide , subtracts from it.
Happy coding!
<nav id="slider-nav">
<div id="slide-1" class="active"></div>
<div id="slide-2"></div>
<div id="slide-3"></div>
<div id="slide-4"></div>
With this you make sure that only the <div> with class .active is visible
#slider-nav div:not(.active) {
This would be your sweet JavaScript (jQuery)
//To be placed within your document ready function
const nav_slides =[]; //Holds the id of all your slides
var current_slide = 0;
$('#slider-nav div').each(function(){
nav_slides.push('#' + $(this).attr('id'));
/*This would be the part of when clicking happens on the 'next' button in your nav.
Keep in mind that the definition of the function must be within the same
scope as the defined variable, current_slide and nav_slides.
Hopefully, all encapsulated into one single scope that is your api.*/
function nextSlide(){
current_slide = (current_slide + 1) % nav_slides.length;
//Move on to next slide
//It's a circular counter, when it reaches max slide 4, it'll go back to 0
ps: The initialization of current_slide is not dynamic. If in your HTML you happen to change who the first slide with active class is, then you need to update it in your JS. It would be very useful to initialize that current_slide dynamically, in other words, not hard coded out of laziness.

How to capture the value for one of the custom ticket fields in zendesk on the new request page?

In Zendesk's help center, I have a new request page set up which allows the end-user to submit a request.
For one of the questions, there is a dropdown which asks the client to establish whether they are using the basic or enterprise version.
If basic, I would like to display some text, perhaps a modal that has messaging around the prioritization for our customers.
However looking at the code, it isn't apparent how to capture the value from the dropdown to display the messaging accordingly.
So far I didn't see a clear way to accomplish this, I've been looking at the documentation here
This is the code that's set up on the New Request Page template.
<div class="clearfix">
<section class="main-column">
<h1>{{t 'submit_a_request'}}{{#if parent}}
<span class="follow-up-hint">
<div class="form">
You will want to grab the selected value with something like this (using jQuery for simplicity):
$('#request_custom_fields_' + custom_field_id).attr('value');
You can inspect the DOM to see the id. The resulting value will be the tag name you have assigned to the selected value of the custom field.
You can grab it on change and react to it with something like:
$('#request_custom_fields_' + custom_field_id).change(function(){
if ($(this).attr('value') == 'my_cool_tag_value') {
//Do your stuff

Javascript, Jquery, Cross browser issues, Frustration

I am a predominantly PHP developer. I realize in this day and age specialization in one scripting language doesn't cut it, but the fact remains that my skills at JavaScript and jQuery are pretty green. I am a novice at best. I can create my own code but Cross Browser compatibility remains a huge issue with my work in JavaScript.
Anyway, I have a script that filters products according to categories/subcategories. This is how it works: you select a category and the javascript in the background does its thing to filter the subcategories so that the options displayed are the ones pertaining to the parent category- a combination of these two filters the product line.
Here is my code:
function scategories(){
//get the category option value from the category drop down bar
var cat = (document.getElementById('categories').value);
//get all the options from the subcategory drop down bar
var subcat = document.getElementsByClassName('subcategories');
var n=0;
//if the category bar option is set to 0 display everything
//filter the subcategories
//if there is no match b/w the subcategories option and the categories id FILTER
if(Number((subcat.item(n).value).split('|')[1]) != Number(cat) && Number(subcat.item(n).value) != 0){
//else display the subcategory
This code is pretty self explanatory I would say. I also have a shiftfocus function that shifts the focus from the current option selected in the subcategory to the default one which is 'none' whenever a new category is picked. This basically resets the subcategory.. here's the code:
function shiftfocus(){
Shiftfocus is called onChange and scategories is called onClick.
Problem 1:
1) Firefox: Shiftfocus doesn't shift the focus to the default option even though I can see it adds the 'selected' attribute.
2) Safari: Does not work at all.
EDIT: Problem 2 was the product of a careless mistake. I left open an anchor tag which was
creating havoc in IE. Should have double checked before bothering you
guys. Sorry. Problem 1 still persists.
Problem 2:
I understand none of us developers particularly like internet explorer. But I am willing to believe I have made a mistake here. I have some jQuery that fetches data from a script in another file via the native POST function and appends it to a table with the id "content". This works fine on every browser, except IE. If I try going back to IE 7,8 compatibility mode the results are a little better (the data shows up broken in pieces though) and in IE9 compatibility mode nothing is appended at all! Here's the code:
$.post("bagcontents.php", {
"Bid": $(this).attr('bid')
//append here
<div id="contents" style="overflow:auto;height:345px;padding-right:5px;">
<form name="bag_contents" id="bag_contents" method="post" action="<?php _page ;?>">
<table id="content">
<input type="hidden" id="bag_contents_hidden" name="bag_contents_hidden" value="1" />
Any help will be appreciated. I tried outputting the fetched results with alert, alert(data), and the script is fetching everything just fine. Its the just the append part that fails :|
Here are some suggestions and hope you find them somewhat useful.
Problem: 1
Instead of having the shiftfocus() set the to a specific value, have you tried using .val('') just to clear it out. I can imagine that this will default to the first option.
Problem: 2
This will be hard to debug without knowing what data is coming back from the server. Might be bad formatting or some syntax error on the rendered output.

Javascript syntax for objects in jquery

I am trying to enhance my page with a jquery right mouse menu, but am having trouble building the correct structures to populate it easily.
Currently my page contains (among other things) a list of items for the user to review. (an html table) Based on the users role, and the current state and context of the row, the user may take one of various actions on each row of data. (approve, reject, refer it to someone else, ect.) My ASP.Net page handles this by setting the visibility of an imagebutton within the row to true, if the option is available. I can control the Cssclass of each button, and am setting the class of for example the "approve" button to “approvebtn”.
Now I want to enhance my site with a right menu.
I am extending my site with Cory S.N. LaViska’s jQuery Context Menu Plugin -
This plugin allows the default right mouse behavior for any elelement to be overridden with a user controlled context menu. The menu is inserted into your page as an unordered list and becomes visible when it is needed.
<ul id="rightMenu" class="contextMenu">
<li class="details">Details </li>
<li class="addnote">AddNote </li>
<li class="listnote">ShowNotes </li>
<li class="approve">Approve </li>
<li class="reject">Reject </li>
<li class="release">Release </li>
<li class="takeover">Takeover </li>
Your app gets a callback when something on the right menu is clicked, and you can interrogate the action (the bogus href element) to see which item it was.
I really like this menu because it is simple to use and is completely CSS styled.
However, I need to do something that this plugin does not nativly seem to support. I need to change which items are available on the menu from row to row. Basically if an Imagebutton (for say approve) is avaiable in the row, then its corrisponding menu item should exist as well.
I was able to gain access to the menu just before it is displayed by altering the plugin slightly, to call my function right before the menu is displayed.
This works, but the logic I had to write seems so brute force, that there must be a better way….
In my callback:
function jimsbuggeredfunction(menu,el)
"el" is the element that was right clicked on (usually a table cell), and "menu" is the menu that this right click is bound to. (so I should be using that name and not hardcoding to #rightMenu')
So, the “if” line finds out if the table row containing the element that was “right clicked” contains a specific button (by its class name) if it does the menu item is enabled, otherwise it is disabled. This process continues for every menu item that I want to be flexable row-to-row.
function jimsbuggeredfunction(menu,el) {
if($(el).parents("tr:eq(0)").find('.approvebtn').length > 0)
if($(el).parents("tr:eq(0)").find('.rejectbtn').length > 0)
if($(el).parents("tr:eq(0)").find('.releasebtn').length > 0)
if($(el).parents("tr:eq(0)").find('.takeoverbtn').length > 0)
if($(el).parents("tr:eq(0)").find('.revertbtn').length > 0)
if($(el).parents("tr:eq(0)").find('.removebtn').length > 0)
if($(el).parents("tr:eq(0)").find('.addnotebtn').length > 0)
if($(el).parents("tr:eq(0)").find('.listnotebtn').length > 0)
There must be a better way to set this up, so that it also just ignores menu items that I want to display all of the time) but it is escaping me at the moment. Is there a better way to accomplish this?
I would find some way to create a mapping between the two IDs and some more systematic way of finding the relevant button. For example, if the button always belongs inside a certain cell that has a class, let's say "buttonclass", then something like this should work:
var mapping = {
takeoverbtn: '#takeover',
listnotebtn: '#listnote'
// ...
function jimsbuggeredfunction(menu,el) {
var buttontype = $(el).parents("tr:eq(0)").find('.buttonclass').children().attr("class");
My jQuery is a little rusty, there's probably a cleaner way of retrieving the buttontype, but that general idea ought to work.

How to make Collapsible comment box like Stackoverflow

I am building a site and I have a list of status updates and I want to allow the users to write comments for each of of the items in the list
However I am trying to implement a UI similar to the way stack overflow works
specifically the collapsible comment form / list where a user clicks on add comment on the specific status update in the list, and below that item in the list the comment entry form shows up along with the specific comments already posted.
How do I accomplish this using Jquery?
Note: looking also for the markup example another words a working sample. Thanks
And yes if you could show Async postback that would be nice too
To load the content you can just hook up a click event to populate a div using the load method.
For example in the view you could have something like:-
<%= Html.ActionLink("Comments", "CommentList", "Questions", new { Id = this.ViewData.Model.Id }, new { id = "commentLink" })%>
<div id="commentContainer" style="display:none;">
while the javascript to hook everything up would be:-
$(function() {
$("#commentLink").click(function() {
if ($("#commentContainer").is(":visible")) {
} else {
$("#commentContainer").html("Loading..."); //Or just leave it as is...
return false; //Prevent default action
The quick approach (for just showing / hiding the comment area) would resemble something like this:
The jQuery site will provide you with doco on different approaches such as fades, slides or other combined animations.
Your "Comment Area" I've used in the example here would likely be a <div> tag that contains your existing comments, plus whatever textarea or text input box you wanted users to type their answers into.
Do you need to do an asynchronous postback?

