Vue cannot get value of object in data options - javascript

So I have a data options like this
data() {
return {
userPayload: {
description: '',
languageCodes: [],
facebookUrl: '',
youtubeUrl: ''
Later I applied some functions to fill out each attributes in data. Then when I want to submit the data using handleSaveData(), I passed this userPayload object to axios and turns out it's only read the value of description attributes.
handleSaveData() {
const userPayload = {
description: this.userPayload.description,
profile: {
languageCodes: this.userPayload.languageCodes,
facebookUrl: this.userPayload.facebookUrl,
youtubeUrl: this.userPayload.youtubeUrl
// this one contains value of all attributes
// this one only shows value of description attributes, while the others are empty string or empty array
// i expect it also return value of another attributes
// because i already access it with this.userPayload.{attributeName}
I already tried out deepClone userPayload object but it doesn't work


watch: true for nested objects - NuxtJS (Vue), latest version

I have a form with many fields attached to a data - this.myData:
data: function() {
return {
isDataChanged: false,
myData: {},
myChangedData: {
default: '',
default1: {},
default2: []
myData is populated from a response from the server and it populates the form values.
myChangedData is for the new values, which are changed v-on:input="onChangeMyData($event, 'default')":
onChangeMyData(e, name, required = false){
const val =;
this.myChangedData[name] = val;
I can use the same method, providing a key as a second param. With the method checkIsmyDataChanged I am checking is it changed some field in the form. This method loops through myChangedData and compares its properties with changedData and if there is a difference this.isDataChanged = true.
The problem is that, I have a complicated structure of mydata/mydatachanged. default1 has objects in it and default1 is an array of objects. This means that, I can't use onChangeMyData, but other methods with different checks (validations) and now I need to call in all of them this.checkIsmyDataChanged();.
I created a watch for myChangedData:
myChangedData: {
handler: function (newVal) {
deep: true
, but it doesn't execute on change data
Did you try with Vue.set ? Source
Change this.myChangedData[name] = val; to
this.$set(this.myChangedData, 'name', val)
Thanks to that, the modification on the object should be detected and execute the watcher.

Initialize array data from array prop in a Vue component

In my Vue component I have an array (of objects) prop called selectedSuppliers. I want to initialize a data prop called suppliers to selectedSuppliers, but any subsequent changes to suppliers should not propogate to selectedSuppliers.
I tried the following
props: {
selectedSuppliers: {
type: Array,
required: true
data () {
return {
selected: [...this.selectedSuppliers],
But it doesn't work. What is the correct way to initialize an array data property to an array prop?
If selectedSuppliers is an array of object, then the spread operator only performs a shallow copy of this array. It means that updating any object of suppliers will update the content of selectedSuppliers.
You can take a look at this short post.
This might work,
props: {
selectedSuppliers: {
type: Array,
required: true
data () {
return {
selected: => Object.assign({}, o)

Selecting specific object inside array of objects throwing undefined in Vuejs /Java app

In this app im building i have a little problem referring to adress the SPA to the selected item by its id.
Fetching my data to my end point(action) i got a array of objects , then through a getter i just grab all that data, and using the function find() i filter all the array throwing the object which contains the id referrig to the selected one.Lets say:
First- Exposing on the router the link and the condition of the id which demark the object to select
path: '/game/selected/:gameCrabId',
name: 'GameSelectedView',
component: GameSelectedView,
Second- Eexposing the component where in i access through router link the supposed object which contains the requested id
<v-btn router-link :to="`/game/selected/${game.game_id}`" >Access</v-btn>
Third-Initializing the view in general of the supposed selected object
<v-container v-if="allGames">
<!-- <div>{{gameSelected}}</div> -->
import { mapActions, mapGetters, mapState } from "vuex";
export default {
name: "GameSelectedview",
props: ["gameCrabId"],
data() {
return {};
// props:{SelectedGameComponent:Object},
methods: {
computed: {
gameSelected() {
return this.getSelectedGame(this.gameCrabId);
async created() {
await this.allGames;
await this.gameSelected;
await console.log(this.gameSelected);
then on my state managment component (Vuex) , i trigger the method getter which eventually brings me once i click that button of step 2 , the object which has the same id than the required one, but first im exposing the state where in that array of objects is
state: {
allGamesData: {all_games:[
{"game_id": 1,"game_player": "Romi","game_score": 0},
{"game_id": 2,"game_player": "Messi","game_score": 0},
{"game_id": 3,"game_player": "CR7","game_score": 0},
getSelectedGame: (state) => (gameCrabId) => {
return state.allGamesData.all_games.find((gameID) => {
gameID.game_id === gameCrabId;
And this is the getter which eventuallly accesses the state and that array of objects , and using a double arrow function first aims to the state ,and second through the parameter (gameCrabId)which is the once that expose the id so neccesary to complete the link to that selected item;then returning the access to that array of objects in my state , i just use the function find() to establish a comparison between that id carried by the parameter (gameCrabId) and the array of objects brought from the state , breaking the cycle once find the first comparable item in the objects which match with that id gameID.game_id === gameCrabId
In order to see if ,my id carrier works i set a log , and works , the number is brought , but for any reason the filter find() throws me undefined in the object selected despite of already have the id once the comparison get settled, being imposible retrieve any information of that object
Missing return from find()
The callback to Array.prototype.find() must return a Boolean, but currently it returns nothing, so the result of find() would always be null:
return state.allGamesData.all_games.find((gameID) => {
gameID.game_id === gameCrabId; // FIXME: No return statement
Mismatched types
game_id is a Number, but gameCrabId is a string, and getSelectedGame() uses === to compare the two, which requires the operands to have the same type. One solution is to perform explicit type conversion to ensure both operands are Number:
getters: {
getSelectedGame: state => gameCrabId => {
return state.allGamesData.all_games.find((gameID) => {
// return gameID.game_id === gameCrabId; // DON'T DO THIS
return gameID.game_id === Number(gameCrabId);

Delete a json inside another in React

Imagine that I have this kind of JSON object on my react state:
to delete the child1 I did the following method:
deleteChild1 = (index,test) => {
const childs= [...this.state.parent.childs];
childs[index] = {
child1: null
this.setState(prevState => ({
parent: {
childs: [
This works with no problem, but imagine that I have 100 childs, I have to do 100 methods like this but instead putting the child1 to null I have to put the child100, child99, you get the idea.
My question is that is another way to put the variable null.
Currently your data structure isn't valid so its hard to write up a solution. If I try to create that exact state object it raises an exception Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : This is because you have an array written like an object. So first thing to do is adjust your state model to be valid syntax
this.state = {
parent: {
childs: {
child1: {
child2: {
child3: null,
Now, what you are describing / what you want to do is a dynamic key reference.
You can do this like so
const childTarget = 'child1'
childs = {
[childTarget]: null
so to abstract that concept a little more. make it a function parameter
deleteChild = (childTarget) => {
then when you want to remove any particular child you can let them pass their value to this function
<Child onRemove={this.deleteChild} name={name} />
// name here would be like 'child1'
// assuming you are looping over state and rendering a child component for each item
and when the child calls this function
The answer is very simple, this would be my approach.
Create a function which updates your state with the expect result (removing that property).
If you wish to assign null that you can replace .filter() with a .map() solution. Typically if you are removing a piece of data it does not make sense to null it, but to remove it.
FYI your property childs is an array you have an object within, so you need a list of objects to fix this.
name: "child1"
name: "child2"
name: "child3"
removeChild = (child) => {
const newChildList = this.state.parent.childs.filter(({name}) => name !== child);
this.setState(previousState => ({
parent: {
childs: newChildList
The key part here is that the data is being updated and overriding the original array. Because you have nested data structure we don’t want to delete any pre-existing data (hence the spreading).
Call the function however you want and if your childs array has an object with the property called name that matches the child function argument, it will be not be present on the next re-render.
Hope this helps.

Trying to dynamically populate an object where one or more fields being passed are null

I have a node/express/mongoose project where I'm not getting something...
I have an endpoint where I'm passing in an object, to populate another object.
The first object may not have all the values needed to populate the new object.
I've tried a number of ways to check each field and if there isn't a matching field in the req.body, then just add a '' to it.
So here is the object I'm trying to build:
var share = {
facebook: {
item: req.body.facebook.item,
_id: req.body.facebook._id
linkedin : {
item: req.body.linkedin.item,
_id: req.body.linkedin._id
google: {
and let's say the object I'm passing in looks like this:
var share = {
facebook: {
item: req.body.facebook.item,
_id: req.body.facebook._id
google: {
_id: "5c18929c75727bad4144c0a8"
As you can see, 'linkedin' is missing all together, and 'google' is missing the 'item' field.
How do I check to see if a field is missing, then populate it with '_blank' fields so I keep the structure of the object the way I need it to be?
Otherwise, I end up with the dreaded: error: "Cannot read property 'item' of undefined" returned.
Try to map the object and check if this property is set if it is not then fill it with blank.

