How do the Render Engine and JavaScript Engine Communicate in a browser? - javascript

I'm looking for a detailed answer on this.
What I already Know
So I have some understanding about the call stack and callbacks, and that the browser add functionality through web APIs which add callbacks through the event loop. I also read somewhere about the JS engine having an API.
What I want to understand
How are the web APIs exposed to the JS engine? (If this is about the
JS engine having an API, some description on how that API works would
How can the behavior of the Render Engine be manipulated through
JavaScript, like manipulating the DOM, CSSOM etc.? (If I understood
correctly, this is the equivalent of asking how web APIs work)

From a (C++ etc.) application development perspective, JavaScript engines are embeddable libraries; and a browser is one such embedder. Any library defines a public interface through which it can be used -- its Application Programming Interface (or API for short). There is no standard for what a JS engine's API should look like; each engine defines its own, and evolves it as necessary over time. V8's is here.
The core functionality of a JS engine's API is to allow the embedder to provide objects and functions to the JavaScript environment that are backed by the embedder's own C++ implementations. Essentially, this defines a mapping, sometimes also called "bindings". For example, the embedder can say "I want there to be a document object, and it should appear to have a property .location that's backed by my getter function DocumentLocationGetter() {...}, and it should (appear to) have a method .createElement() that's backed by my other function DocumentCreateElement(...) {...}", and so on.
And that's the answer to both of your questions: the browser exposes certain functions to JavaScript that can then be called from there. The browser decides what to do when such a function is called (e.g.: add or remove a DOM node, change a CSS property, store an event handler in some element's event handlers list, ...). Of course the browser/embedder can also call into the JS engine, for example when invoking an event handler, it can tell the engine "please execute function button1_clicked now".
For more details, see e.g.


Javascript: Where getter/setter values are stored? [duplicate]

I was thinking about this today and I realized I don't have a clear picture here.
Here are some statements I think to be true (please correct me if I'm wrong):
the DOM is a collection of interfaces specified by W3C.
when parsing HTML source code, the browser creates a DOM tree which has nodes that implement DOM interfaces.
the ECMAScript spec has no reference of browser host objects (DOM, BOM, HTML5 APIs etc.).
how the DOM is actually implemented depends on browser internals and is probably different among most of them.
modern JS interpreters use JIT to improve the code performance and translate it to bytecode
I am curious about what happens behind the scenes when I call document.getElementById('foo'). Does the call get delegated to browser native code by the interpreter or does the browser have JS implementations of all host objects? Do you know about any optimizations they do in regard to this?
I read this overview of browser internals but it didn't mention anything about this. I will look through the Chrome and FF source when I have time, but I thought about asking here first. :)
All of your bullet points are correct, except:
modern JS interpreters use JIT to improve the code performance and translate it to bytecode
should be "...and translate it to native code". SpiderMonkey (the JS engine in Firefox) worked as a bytecode interpreter for a long time before the current JS speed arms race.
On Mozilla's JS-to-DOM bridge:
The host objects are typically implemented in C++, though there is an experiment underway to implement DOM in JS. So when a web page calls document.getElementById('foo'), the actual work of retrieving the element by its ID is done in a C++ method, as hsivonen noted.
The specific way the underlying C++ implementation gets called depends on the API and also changed over time (note that I'm not involved in the development, so might be wrong about some details, here's a blog post by jst, who was actually involved in creating much of this code):
At the lowest level every JS engine provides APIs to define host objects. For example, the browser can call JS_DefineFunctions (as demonstrated in the SpiderMonkey User Guide) to let the engine know that whenever script calls a function with the specified name, a provided C callback should be called. Same for other aspects of the host objects (e.g. enumeration, property getters/setters, etc.)
For the core ECMAScript functionality and in some tricky DOM cases the JS engine/the browser uses these APIs directly to define host objects and their behaviors, but it requires a lot of common boilerplate code for e.g. checking parameter types, converting them to the appropriate C++ types, error handling etc.
For reasons I won't go into, let's say historically, Mozilla made heavy use of XPCOM for many of its objects, including much of the DOM. One feature of XPCOM is its binding to JS called XPConnect. Among other things, XPConnect can take an interface definition in IDL (such as nsIDOMDocument; or more precisely its compiled representation), expose an object with the specified properties to the script, and later, when a script calls getElementById, perform the necessary parameter checks/conversions and route the call directly to a C++ method (nsDocument::GetElementById(const nsAString& aId, nsIDOMElement** aReturn))
The way XPConnect worked was quite inefficient: it registered generic functions as callbacks to be executed when a script accesses a host object, and these generic functions figured out what they needed to do in every particular case dynamically. This post about quickstubs walks you through one example.
"Quick stubs" mentioned in the previous link is a way to optimize JS->C++ calls time by trading some code size for it: instead of always using generic C++ functions that know how to make any kind of call, the specialized code is automatically generated at the Firefox build time for a pre-defined list of "hot" calls.
Later on the JIT (tracemonkey at that time) was taught to generate the code calling C++ methods as part of the native code generated for "hot" paths in JS. I'm not sure how the newer JITs (jaegermonkey) work in this regard.
With "paris bindings" the objects are exposed to webpage JS without any reliance on XPConnect, instead generating all the necessary glue JSClass code based on WebIDL (instead of XPCOM-era IDL). See also posts by developers who worked on this: jst and khuey. Also see How is the web-exposed DOM implemented?
I'm fuzzy on details of the three last points in particular, so take it with a grain of salt.
The most recent improvements are listed as dependencies of bug 622298, but I don't follow them closely.
JS calls to DOM methods like getElementById cause the JS engine to call into the C++ code that implements the DOM. For example, in Firefox, the call ends up in nsDocument::GetElementById(const nsAString& aId, nsIDOMElement** aReturn).
As you can see, Firefox maintains a hashtable that maps ids to elements in C++ as an optimization in this case, so it doesn't walk the whole DOM tree looking for the id.
The DOM is implemented as a language-independent library pretty much in all major browser implementations, which means it's in a different library from the Javascript engine. For example in IE, the JS engine is implemented in jscript.dll while the DOM is implemented in mshtml.dll. Safari has Nitro(JS) and WebCore(DOM). Chrome has V8(JS) and WebCore(DOM), and Firefox has SpiderMonkey/TraceMonkey(JS) and Gecko(DOM).
What this means is that anytime your JS has to access the DOM, it has to reach over to the DOM library - which is inherently slow because of all the marshaling that has to take place. An analogy that has been used is 2 pieces of land connected by a toll bridge, any time you touch the DOM, you must cross over the bridge and cross back - paying a performance toll.
Video: Building High Performance Web Applications and Sites
Book: High Performance Javascript (Chapter 3 on the DOM)

Are DOM objects javascript objects?

This is something I cannot find an official answer about. For some, DOM objects are JS objects, for others they differ. What is the right answer?
By searching in stackoverflow, you may see controversial opinions.
For example, does the object document.body belongs to DOM API only or may it be considered as part of javascript engine too?
Does Javascript create an internal representation of it or does it just communicates with DOM to access it?
The DOM API is a collection of standards which have implementations in a variety of programming languages.
The DOM available to JavaScript in a browser provides things in the form of JavaScript objects. Large portions of it are written in native code (so are handled by libraries not written in JavaScript but made available through a JavaScript API).
Where JavaScript leaves off and native code begins doesn't really matter, it is an implementation detail and probably varies from browser to browser. The point of having a standard API is that developers using it interact with that API and don't need to worry about how it is implemented under the hood.
Strictly speaking, no. The JavaScript runtime has access to them, and in that capacity they can function as JavaScript objects. But they are defined in a way that is not bound to any particular language, and in most DOM implementations, they're native code. Most DOM implementations take care to make the objects function the same way you'd expect other objects in the chosen language to work, but that's not always the same way that JavaScript objects do: for example, you can't go around adding dynamic properties to objects when you're working in Java.
For most practical purposes, when you're working in the browser or in some other JavaScript runtime, yes. As I stated above, most DOM implementations try to make the DOM objects work the same way as other objects in the language, and for JavaScript, that means making them work like "real" JavaScript objects. Although IE took a while to really get this right (you need IE9+ to take full advantage), these days you can pretty much use DOM objects the same way you'd use any other JavaScript object.
If you inspect deeply the __proto__ of document.body for instance, you would find this :
HTMLBodyElement > HTMLElement > Element > Node > EventTarget > Object
So yes : in the browser's context, DOM objects are JS objects, this is not reciprocal of course.
But DOM API is not exclusive to Javascript, it defines interfaces which can be implemented in any languages, for instance Python has a DOM API too and in this case, DOM objects are Python objects.
The DOM objects are not part of the JavaScript language, they are part of the environment that is provided when JavaScript runs in a browser.
When JavaScript runs in another environment, for example in Node.js, then there is no DOM. Instead there are other objects that make up the environment that the script works with.
The DOM objects are there just for JavaScript so the script works directly with the objects, there is no extra wrapper to make them available to JavaScript.

Automatically call a function when accessing an object in Javascript

I am currently on a big Javascript project with a lot of libraries.
I would like to have some part of this project to run on separate thread. There is already something inJavascript doing that : the web workers.
Though, the web workers can't access the window object, and a lot of the libraries use it. Is there a way to automatically change the call to the window object (in the libraries used for the web workers), into a message sent to the parent thread ?
Then, the parent thread would perform the action that the worker want and send back the result to the worker.
Is it possible to do that ? And id yes, do you have any idea how ?
Thank you !
I'm afraid there's no real solution to this. What you'd probably want is a special object in your worker, which, at every property access, passes the execution to the dispatching thread - which handles the request using the original window object.
To do this, you would need some sort of catch-all accessor method which would run whenever a property is referenced. Sadly, there's no such thing in Javascript, see this detailed discussion (especially T.J. Crowder's answer): Is it possible to implement dynamic getters/setters in JavaScript?
ECMAScript 6 introduces a new mechanism called Proxy (currently supported in FF and IE12 (go figure!)), which would enable you to do these dynamic property lookups, technically - but I feel there's a more fundamental problem with your idea: you're aiming to turn a local call into a message across the boundaries of single threaded environments.
Message passing from and to the worker threads must be asynchronous (as a javascript "thread" cannot be interrupted until it yields), which would mean that even if you do manage to set up a proxy like that, it'd be effectively turning a usually synchronous operation (ie. a property access) into an asynchronous one, which is a pretty big issue, especially if you're looking for a drop-in replacement in order to use some existing libraries.

Using Google Caja to run user-supplied Javascript

It appears that the official examples use a caja.js file that just wraps an iframe to load an URL from a server hosting a caja compilation service, which in turn, gets its input from some URL. The relevant API for that is available here.
However, what I really want is to just safely (and repeatedly) run a user-supplied piece of Javascript, like so:
for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
var x = getUserResult(currentState);
updateState(currentState, x);
Is there any way to do this directly? The code here has the compiler. Why can't I just use that to compile the code and then run that within an emulated context? Is it because the only way to get a safe context in a browser is an iframe? And, if so, is there any way I can use an iframe to directly run given source code, without having to fetch it from an external URL?
Caja needs an iframe no matter what. Both modes of execution require a set of JavaScript globals (obtained by creating the frame) which is available to be radically modified to enable safe execution.
Modern Caja (ES5 mode) does not require any server-side compilation step; provided the browser is compatible you can use Caja in the standard way and the server will never be contacted. To force this, specify es5Mode: true in the options to caja.initialize.
You can load guest code once and repeatedly execute it; just provide an api which lets the guest pass a function out when it's loaded, then call the function whenever you like.
For your use case, it would also be possible to use SES, the modern safe-eval subsystem of Caja, without using Caja itself at all; this would allow you to skip having any iframes, but would require you to write your code in a SES-compatible way; that is,
refraining from modifying global objects such as Object.prototype, and
protecting all objects directly or indirectly exposed to the user-supplied code using Object.freeze().)
If you're up for it, I do recommend using SES directly, as it removes a lot of indirections and total complexity, but it does require understanding the concepts to succeed at safety.

What type of objects are the DOM objects?

Are DOM objects regular Javascript objects? If not, what are they?
Does the DOM objects are reguler Javascript objects? if not, what are they?
No, they're "host objects". They don't necessarily play by all the same rules as native JavaScript objects.
They're in some sense objects, but they're added by the host environment and are not part of the ECMAScript specification.
For example, I don't believe there's anything that requires them to accept expando properties. Or in the case of functions, I don't know that they're required to have an accessible and extendable prototype property.
Also functions may or may not have the typical methods of Function.prototype, like .call() and .apply().
The rules are simply much looser than those of objects defined by the ECMAScript specification, so you can't necessarily rely on the same behavior in all cases.
They are of type HTMLElement
Yes, they are:
> typeof document.body
> document.body instanceof Object
Here is a description of the Documnet Object Model (DOM) from the Mozilla Development Network:
The Document Object Model is an API for HTML and XML documents. It
provides a structural representation of the document, enabling you to
modify its content and visual presentation. Essentially, it connects
web pages to scripts or programming languages.
All of the properties, methods, and events available to the web
developer for manipulating and creating web pages are organized into
objects (e.g., the document object that represents the document
itself, the table object that represents a HTML table elements, and so
forth). Those objects are accessible via scripting languages in most
recent web browsers.
The DOM is most often used in conjunction with JavaScript. That is,
the code is written in JavaScript, but it uses the DOM to access the
web page and its elements. However, the DOM was designed to be
independent of any particular programming language, making the
structural representation of the document available from a single,
consistent API. Though we focus on JavaScript throughout this site,
implementations of the DOM can be built for any language.
The World Wide Web Consortium establishes a standard for the DOM,
called the W3C DOM. It should, now that the most important browsers
correctly implement it, enable powerful cross-browser applications.
The DOM is an API , so a set of predefined "objects" attached to the window "namespace".
It can be HTMLElements but not only and they are not part of the javascript core.
So there is the javascript core and the DOM , and you can have other APIS.

