Fade In and Fade Out using pure Javascript in a simple way - javascript

I've been trying to create a fadeIn & fadeOut animation using VanillaJS in my project but I literally don't understand what's the problem. I'm using SCSS. I made it simple for you.
I tried visibility but it didn't work too. like it appears e.g. for 200ms but then immediately disappears. In another way of explanation, it appears whenever I click on it (stable) and then goes away after 200ms (unstable).
const fade = () => {
const box = document.querySelector('#box');
document.querySelector('#fadebtn').addEventListener('click', fade);
#box {
width: 70px;
height: 50px;
background: #FD7A6B;
display: none;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: 200ms ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: 200ms ease-in-out;
-o-transition: 200ms ease-in-out;
transition: 200ms ease-in-out;
#box.fade {
display: block !important;
opacity: 1 !important;
// I also tried this, wondered it may work, but didn't.
// .fade {
// display: block !important;
// opacity: 1 !important;
// }
<button type="button" id="fadebtn">Fade</button>
<div id="box"></div>

I wrote this due to the title of the question: "Fade in ... pure javascript ... simple way."
tl;dr https://jsfiddle.net/nqfud4j0/
The following solution is a basic example of how you can use only Javascript to fade in/out to a desired value. You could also use this with other values/properties, but it also serves as an example for basic tweening.
It's intentionally using setInterval rather than requestAnimationFrame to demonstrate the example's use of time + controlled framerate rather than a delta or 'fast as possible.' A good solution would abstract this logic into a tweening library that combines both RAF + intervals to manage latency between frames.
function fadeTo(element, toValue = 0, duration = 200) {
// Store our element's current opacity (or default to 1 if null)
const fromValue = parseFloat(element.style.opacity) || 1;
// Mark the start time (in ms). We use this to calculate a ratio
// over time that applied to our supplied duration argument
const startTime = Date.now();
// Determines time (ms) between each frame. Sometimes you may not
// want a full 60 fps for performance reasons or aesthetic
const framerate = 1000 / 60; // 60fps
// Store reference to interval (number) so we can clear it later
let interval = setInterval(() => {
const currentTime = Date.now();
// This creates a normalized number between now vs when we
// started and how far into our desired duration it goes
const timeDiff = (currentTime - startTime) / duration;
// Interpolate our values using the ratio from above
const value = fromValue - (fromValue - toValue) * timeDiff;
// If our ratio is >= 1, then we're done.. so stop processing
if (timeDiff >= 1) {
interval = 0;
// Apply visual. Style attributes are strings.
element.style.opacity = value.toString();
}, framerate)
// Element reference
const element = document.querySelector('div');
// Fade in and out on click
element.addEventListener('click', e => {
// Animates our element from current opacity (1.0) to 0.25 for 1000ms
fadeTo(element, 0.25, 1000);
// Waits 1s, then animates our element's opacity to 1.0 for 500ms
setTimeout(() => {
fadeTo(element, 1.0, 500);
}, 1000);


how to know opacity value using javascript?

I am using transition: opacity 5s; property. I want to show different alert or console message when my opacity value is 0.4 or 0.6 or .2 . on button click I am doing transition but I want to know opacity progress so that i will show those message ?
is there any way to do this
var btn = document.querySelector("button");
var par = document.querySelector("#parId");
btn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
par.addEventListener("transitionend", () => {
#parId {
transition: opacity 5s;
.removed {
opacity: 0;
we are getting transitionend callback if there any progress callback where I will check opacity value ?
There is no event that can be listened to to give what you want - unless you are going to use a linear transition. In that case you can carve your changes of opacity up into 0.2s slots, changing opacity on transitionend to the next value down - 0.8, 0.6 etc.
Your code however takes the default for the transition-timing-function property which is ease - not linear - so transitionend is of no use to you.
This snippet polls the opacity changes every tenth of a second and writes the current opacity to the console so you can see what is happening.
A couple of points: you will have to check for when the opacity goes just less than one of your break points, you are unlikely every to hit it just at exactly 0.6s or whatever; also notice that the console carries on being written to after the element has totally disappeared. The timing will not be exact, things are happening asynchronously.
#parId {
transition: opacity 5s;
width: 50vw;
height: 50vh;
background: blue;
opacity: 1;
display: inline-block;
.removed {
opacity: 0;
<div id="parId"></div>
<button>Click me</div>
var btn = document.querySelector("button");
var par = document.querySelector("#parId");
btn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
let interval = setInterval(function () {
const opacity = window.getComputedStyle(par).opacity
if (opacity == 0) {clearInterval(interval);}
}, 100);
par.style.opacity = 0;
You could potentially check periodically like this, although your interval will need to be at least the speed of the opacity animation or be quicker than it to catch the values.
var par = document.querySelector("#parId");
setInterval(function() {
}, 100)
opacity: 0.2;
transition: opacity 3s ease-in-out;
#parId:hover {
opacity: 1;
<div id="parId">
Take a look in this example
You could define your animation stages as diferent ranimations on css then call them in chain via javascript. Before, you must set an event listener for the animationend event, and every time the event is fired you check the #parId opacity.
You could do it.with jQuery to, totaly in javascript

Transition Opacity w/javascript not working

I want to fadein a component after ajax call completes and jquery has rebuilt DOM.
I have this setup:
body {
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 2s;
<body onload="document.body.style.opacity='1'">
<div class="content">
<!-- Markup for content -->
.content {
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 6s;
transition: opacity 2s;
-webkit-transition: opacity 6s;
-moz-transition: opacity 6s;
$(document).ready(function () {
const contentEl = document.querySelector(".content");
$(".submit").on("click", async function (e) {
if (contentEl.style.opacity == 1) {
contentEl.style.opacity = 0;
console.log("Style opacity is in if and = %s", contentEl.style.opacity);
// Do Ajax and update DOM via jQuery
contentEl.style.opacity = 1;
The first time thru .content fades in as expected as well as fade in of whole page on initial render. However subsequent times thru there is no transition effect. Logging shows that I am changing style.opacity from 1 -> 0 and back to 1 after initial iteration. Any CSS guru's versed in CSS's dark secrets input advice appreciated.
$(document).ready(function () {
const contentEl = document.querySelector(".content");
contentEl.style.opacity = 1; // Define initial opacity (starting val)
$(".submit").on("click", async function (e) {
contentEl.style.opacity = 0; // on click set opacity to 0?
FadeIn(); // Let's Fade from 0 to 1!
let FadeIn = () => { // Function
if (contentEl.style.opacity < 1) { // If opacity doesn't equal 1
contentEl.style.opacity += 0.2; // Let's add 0.2!
setTimeout(FadeIn(), 300); // Hell let's repeat that more 300ms
}; // Once we equal 1 we should be done
I don't play with the JQuery like that, I much rather too use CSS entirely for the animation process of these types of things, it's cleaner (less jitter). I'm assuming this is what you're sort of after though, a simple set value and slowly loop till finished. Button will start out 1 opacity, when clicked jump to 0 and slowly climb its way back up to 1.

Can I wait for multiple CSS animations using JS?

We have a way to detect when an animation ends using JS:
const element = $('#animatable');
element.addClass('being-animated').on("animationend", (event) => {
console.log('Animation ended!');
#keyframes animateOpacity {
0% {
opacity: 1;
100% {
opacity: 0;
#keyframes animatePosition {
0% {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
100% {
transform: translate3d(0, 15px, 0);
#animatable.being-animated {
animation: animateOpacity 1s ease 0s forwards, animatePosition 2s ease 0s forwards;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="animatable">I'm probably being animated.</div>
And as you can see, JS, rightfully, because I'm hooked to the animationend event tells me "yup, an animation is done" but isn't aware of what's coming after and I'm missing the second one.
Isn't there an animation queue? Surely CSS has to register these things somewhere in the system before they're fired and I could peak inside.
Disclaimer: I don't think jQuery is important to answer this question and would hurt both load and runtime performance if others choose to rely on this code after seeing this answer. So, I will be answering with vanilla JavaScript to help as many people as I can with this, but if you want to use jQuery, you can still apply the same concepts.
Answer: There isn't an animation queue, but you could make your own.
For example, you could link data about animations to your target element using a closure, and/or a Map (In the snippet below, I actually used a WeakMap in an attempt to help garbage collection). If you save animation states as true when they are completed, you could check and eventually fire a different callback when all are true, or dispatch a custom event of your own. I used the custom event approach, because it's more flexible (able to add multiple callbacks).
The following code should additionally help you avoid waiting for ALL animations in those cases where you only actually care about a couple specific ones. It should also let you handle animation events multiple times and for multiple individual elements (try running the snippet and clicking the boxes a few times)
const addAnimationEndAllEvent = (() => {
const weakMap = new WeakMap()
const initAnimationsObject = (element, expectedAnimations, eventName) => {
const events = weakMap.get(element)
const animationsCompleted = {}
for (const animation of expectedAnimations) {
animationsCompleted[animation] = false
events[eventName] = animationsCompleted
return (element, expectedAnimations, eventName = 'animationendall') => {
if (!weakMap.has(element)) weakMap.set(element, {})
if (expectedAnimations) {
initAnimationsObject(element, expectedAnimations, eventName)
// When any animation completes...
element.addEventListener('animationend', ({ target, animationName }) => {
const events = weakMap.get(target)
// Use all animations, if there were none provided earlier
if (!events[eventName]) {
initAnimationsObject(target, window.getComputedStyle(target).animationName.split(', '), eventName)
const animationsCompleted = events[eventName]
// Ensure this animation should be tracked
if (!(animationName in animationsCompleted)) return
// Mark the current animation as complete (true)
animationsCompleted[animationName] = true
// If every animation is now completed...
if (Object.values(animationsCompleted).every(
isCompleted => isCompleted === true
)) {
const animations = Object.keys(animationsCompleted)
// Fire the event
target.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, {
detail: { target, animations },
// Reset for next time - set all animations to not complete (false)
initAnimationsObject(target, animations, eventName)
const toggleAnimation = ({ target }) => {
document.querySelectorAll('.animatable').forEach(element => {
// Wait for all animations before firing the default event "animationendall"
// Wait for the provided animations before firing the event "animationend2"
addAnimationEndAllEvent(element, [
], 'animationend2')
// Listen for our added "animationendall" event
element.addEventListener('animationendall', ({detail: { target, animations }}) => {
console.log(`Animations: ${animations.join(', ')} - Complete`)
// Listen for our added "animationend2" event
element.addEventListener('animationend2', ({detail: { target, animations }}) => {
console.log(`Animations: ${animations.join(', ')} - Complete`)
// Just updated this to function on click, so we can test animation multiple times
element.addEventListener('click', toggleAnimation)
.animatable {
margin: 5px;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: black;
#keyframes animateOpacity {
0% {
opacity: 1;
100% {
opacity: 0;
#keyframes animatePosition {
0% {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
100% {
transform: translate3d(0, 15px, 0);
#keyframes animateRotation {
100% {
transform: rotate(360deg);
.animatable.being-animated {
animateOpacity 1s ease 0s forwards,
animatePosition 1.5s ease 0s forwards,
animateRotation 2s ease 0s forwards;
<div class="animatable"></div>
<div class="animatable"></div>
#BDawg's awesome snippet is more flexible and thorough, it certainly deserves to be the accepted answer. That said, I was inspired to see if a less verbose approach was feasible. Here's what I came up with.
It's pretty self-explanitory, but basically the concept is that all the animation properties' indexes correlate, and we can use that to find the name of the animation that finishes last.
const getFinalAnimationName = el => {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(el)
// get the combined duration of all timing properties
const [durations, iterations, delays] = ['Duration', 'IterationCount', 'Delay']
.map(prop => style[`animation${prop}`].split(', ')
.map(val => Number(val.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''))))
const combinedDurations = durations.map((duration, idx) =>
duration * iterations[idx] + delays[idx])
// use the index of the longest duration to select the animation name
const finalAnimationIdx = combinedDurations
.findIndex(d => d === Math.max(...combinedDurations))
return style.animationName.split(', ')[finalAnimationIdx]
// pipe your element through this function to give it the ability to dispatch the 'animationendall' event
const addAnimationEndAllEvent = el => {
const animationendall = new CustomEvent('animationendall')
el.addEventListener('animationend', ({animationName}) =>
animationName === getFinalAnimationName(el) &&
return el
// example usage
const animatable = document.querySelector('.animatable')
.addEventListener('animationendall', () => console.log('All animations have finished'))
.animatable {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background-color: red;
position: relative;
left: 0;
animation: 1.5s slidein, 1s fadein;
#keyframes slidein {
0% { left: 100vw; }
100% { left: 0; }
#keyframes fadein {
0% { opacity: 0; }
100% { opacity: 1; }
<div class="animatable"></div>
First technique:
Add a class to an element, then handle every animation and wait for them to end, no matter what. This is the common way to do things where you trigger animations by classes.
As per Kaiido's comment and pointing out, this waits for every single animation, no matter how long to finish. This was the motivation behind all of this: create a nice animation and make JS aware of it (no matter how complex / long) finishing it so you could then chain other things.
If you don't do this, you might have a nice animation running and suddenly being cut by something else and...that's bad.
const triggerAnimationWithClass = (classToAdd, toWhat) => {
const element = document.querySelector(toWhat);
* Initialize the count with 1, because you'll always have at least one animation no matter what.
let animationCount = 1;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
element.addEventListener('animationend', (event) => {
if((window.getComputedStyle(element).animationName).split(',').length - animationCount === 0) {
* Remove the current function being hooked once we're done. When a class gets added that contains any N number of animations,
* we're running in a synchronous environment. There is virtually no way for another animation to happen at this point, so, we're
* surgically looking at animations that only happen when our classToAdd gets applied then hooking off to not create conflicts.
element.removeEventListener('animationend', this);
const animationsDonePackage = {
'animatedWithClass': classToAdd,
'animatedElement': toWhat,
'animatedDoneTime': new Date().getTime()
} else {
This handles multiple classes being added. Let's assume that from the outside, someone adds yet another class at the same time (weird, but, let's say it happens) you've added yours. All the animations on that element are then treated as one and the function will wait for all of them to finish.
Second technique:
Based on #B-Dawg's answer. Handle a set of animations, based on name (CSS animation names), not class, please read the after-word:
const onAnimationsComplete = ({element, animationsToLookFor}) => {
const animationsMap = new WeakMap();
if(!animationsMap.has(element)) {
const animationsCompleted = {};
for(const animation of animationsToLookFor) {
animationsCompleted[animation] = false;
animationsMap.set(element, animationsCompleted);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// When any animation completes...
element.addEventListener('animationend', ({target, animationName, elapsedTime}) => {
const animationsCompleted = animationsMap.get(target);
animationsCompleted[animationName] = true;
// If every animation is now completed...
if(Object.values(animationsCompleted).every(isCompleted => isCompleted === true)) {
const animations = Object.keys(animationsCompleted);
// Reset for next time - set all animations to not complete (false)
animations.forEach(animation => animationsCompleted[animation] = false);
//Remove the listener once we're done.
element.removeEventListener('animationend', this);
'animationsDone': animationsToLookFor
This has a bug. Assuming that a new animation comes from, say, maybe a new class, if it's not put in the animationsToLookFor list, this never resolves.
Trying to fix it but if we're talking about a precise list of animations you're looking for, this is the go-to.

JS changing source image with animation

I have a problem with looped fade-in/fade-out image source changing in JS and CSS and using SetTimeout() callback.
The problem is, that the sequence is working strange: sometimes the image changes before the transition starts, sometimes it works fine, and sometimes in the other way.
Here is my JS:
const animationTime = 5000;
const transitionTime = 500;
function nextImage() {
let img = document.getElementById('img1');
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(nextImage, animationTime);
randomize() function just gets a random image path from array.
Here is HTML:
<div class="some-class">
<img class="some-image" id="img1" src="1.png">
And here is CSS:
.some-image {
transition: opacity 0.5s linear;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s linear;
-o-transition: opacity 0.5s linear;
-moz-transition: opacity 0.5s linear;
-moz-border-radius: 15px;
.hidden {
opacity: 0;
So I have edited CSS file:
.some-image {
width: 370px;
height: 190px;
animation: fade-out;
animation-duration: 1s;
.hidden {
animation: fade-out;
animation-duration: 1s;
#keyframes fade-in {
from {opacity: 0;}
to {opacity: 1;}
#keyframes fade-out {
from {opacity: 1}
to {opacity: 0}
And JS-file:
function nextImage() {
let img = document.getElementById('img1');
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(nextImage, animationTime);
And, somehow, it works perfectly on a local machine, but on a dedicated website animation sometimes fades-in before the image source changed.
I think the problem is about timing. The setTimeout function didn't guarantee to execute exactly time as argument set. So there is a possibility that you change the src of image before/after it add/remove hidden class. These delay is rarely happens that might be the reason why it works on your machine.
So this problem can solve by every time you change the image you must have to make sure the image is completely hide.
const nextImage = function () {
let img = document.querySelector('img')
setTimeout(() => {
img.style.visibility = 'hidden'
img.src = randomImage()
// skip to next frame, may be this not necessary to use setTimeout
setTimeout(() => {
img.style.visibility = ''
}, 10)
}, animationDuration)
setTimeout(nextImage, intervalDuration + animationDuration)
The new cycle will be: fade image out, wait for animation then change image (with set visibility to hidden) and then fade in. And loop.
With this approach. If setTimeout is early execute before the image has completely fade out the visibility will be set hidden. If it's delayed, the image will be hide a bit longer.
Live example here. In that code I add a little bit noise with random time to test.
Unfortunately, After I spent an hour to see my answer is right I still feel it's not perfect anyway and it will be worse if you image is large. I would recommend you try two or more img tags instead.
You should try using css animations instead. You can easily implement the above with it, and it will save you the trouble of handling animations in your code.

Proper way to sync setInterval and transition

Problem statement
To move the square along the perimeter of the viewport on click of the button as can be seen in the example:
What do I need?
I'm using this code in combination with the transition property in the CSS. I think combination of transition and setInterval() is causing a delay. Is there a better and efficient method to accomplish this only using javascript?
Following is my code:
<div class="box" style="left:0;top:0"></div>
<button type="button" name="button" onclick="init()">Start!</button>
transition: all 1s linear;
var elem = document.querySelector(".box");
var viewportWidth = window.innerWidth;
var viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;
var dimension = elem.clientWidth;
var deltaX = viewportWidth - dimension;
var deltaY = viewportHeight - dimension;
function move(x,y){
if(x <=0 && y==0){
else if(x==(deltaX) && y==0){
else if(x==(deltaX) && y==(deltaY)){
else if(x==0 && y==(deltaY)){
function getCoordinates(elem){
return {
x: elem.getBoundingClientRect().left,
y: elem.getBoundingClientRect().top
var init = function(){
var clearTimer = 1;
var startTimer = setInterval(function(){
move(getCoordinates(elem).x,getCoordinates(elem).y )
}, 1000);
I would generally say that using both css and javascript to manage a transition is going to cause trouble. Part of the problem is that javascript timers aren't very precise. If you set a timer for 1 second it doesn't actually sleep for exactly one second. The exact amount of time it sleeps can vary depending on how busy the CPU is, what the user is doing, etc. It is very easy for the javascript timer to take longer than the CSS animation.
Since you are using jQuery I would use the jQuery.animate function to run things. It has a callback function that is invoked when the animation completes, and you can use that to execute the next step of the animation without any timers at all. That will make sure there aren't any delays. It should also be fairly performant. CSS animations are usually the slowest in terms of computer performance, so I expect jQuery.anmiate to probably be a bit better. There are other libraries out there designed for high performance animations, but unless performance actually becomes a problem, I wouldn't worry about it. Right now your issue is likely the imprecise timing of the timeout method, and not any performance issues.
Here's my go at it (I developed something from scratch instead of reusing your code) :
let box=document.getElementById("box"),
isLeft = false,
isTop = false
const toggleLeft = () => {
box.style.left = (isLeft=!isLeft) ? "calc( 100% - 50px )" : "0";
setTimeout(toggleTop, 2000);
const toggleTop = () => {
box.style.top = (isTop=!isTop) ? "calc( 100% - 50px )" : "0";
setTimeout(toggleLeft, 2000);
setTimeout(toggleLeft, 1000)
#box {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background: #00f;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
-webkit-transition: all 2s ease-in-out;
transition: all 2s ease-in-out;
<div id="box"></div>
And a more condensed and recursive version :
let box=document.getElementById("box"),
is = { left : false, top : false }
const toggle = what => {
box.style[what] = (is[what]=!is[what]) ? "calc( 100% - 50px )" : "0";
setTimeout(()=>toggle(what==="left"?"top":"left"), 2000);
setTimeout(()=>toggle("left"), 100)
#box {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background: #00f;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
-webkit-transition: all 2s ease-in-out;
transition: all 2s ease-in-out;
<div id="box"></div>

