how do I get and display the referenced data in mongodb? - javascript

I have created two model users and post where users reference post.
This is my user model.
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/demo",{ useNewUrlParser: true });
var Post = require('./post');
var UserSchema = mongoose.Schema({
username: String,
password: String,
ref: Post
}] });
This is my post model
var postSchema = mongoose.Schema({
content: String,
When I create and save a new post to a specific user I get an id in the post field of the user model. like this:-
posts: [
_id: 60d9e931b5268920245c27f0,
username: 'user1',
password: '1234',
__v: 5
How do I access and display the contents of the post field?

You can get and display Reference data in MongoDB with Aggregate.
await User.aggregate([
$match: { _id: ObjectId(user._id)}
$lookup: { from: "Posts", localField: "post", foreignField: "_id", as: "posts" }
$unwind: { path: "$users", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,}
}, {
$project: {
" Now you can select here whatever data you want to show "
PS: If you have any confusion please do comment.

Mongoose has a powerful alternative to using aggregate. You can do this with populate .
Use it like this 👇 this will populate the ids inside the posts field with the actual post documents.
// Full example
try {
const user = await User.findById(id).populate('posts').exec();
for (let post of user.posts) {
} catch (ex) {
If I may, a small suggestion on how to setup your document model or just to show you an alternative. Don't reference the Posts inside your User Document. Do it the other way round and reference the User inside your Post Document.
const postSchema = mongoose.Schema({
title : String,
content : String,
likes : Number,
user : { type:mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }
This way you don't need to use populate when trying to show all posts of 1 user.


How to find key with type objectId , ref to <some model>

I have created a Notes model having schema as shown below
const notesschema = new Schema({
user :{
type : Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref : 'User',
required : true
problem : {
type : Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref : 'Problems',
required : true
content : {
type : 'string'
timestamps : true
To show the User his notes for a particular task/problem I am trying to fetch notes and show to him and possibly update if he do some changes and save, The problem is with this schema I dont know how to write <model.findById >API to find notes from my notes model having particular user and specific task/problem.Which I would know the Id of.
With this particular schema , and my current knowledge i would have to write So much code. So if there is any easier way to do this task is welcomed, I was also thinking to change my schema and just placing my user id in my schema instead of whole user and finding notes from my database
edit : as suggested by all the answers we can simply find using which I thought initially would not word as that was just the path, but which stores actually
You create the notes' collection the same way you're doing it,
const notesSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User', // # the name of the user model
required: true
problem: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Problem', // # the name of the user model
required: true
content: String
Then you'll create the model of the notesSchema as follows:
const NoteModel = mongoose.model('Note', notesSchema, 'notes')
export them so you can use them in your controllers:
module.exports = {
or if you're using +es6 modules (think of, if you're using TypeScript):
export default {
This will result in creating the following table (collection) in the database:
Let's think of the following challenges:
To get all the notes:
To get all the users:
UserModel.find({}) // you should have something like this in your code of course
To get all the problems:
ProblemModel.find({}) // you should have something like this in your code of course
To get all the notes of a user:
NotesModel.find({ user: USER_ID })
To search for notes by problems:
NotesModel.find({ problem: PROBLEM_ID })
Now, the above is how you do it in mongoose, now let's create a RESTFUL controller for all of that: (assuming you're using express)
const expressAsyncHandler = require('express-async-handler') // download this from npm if you want
app.route('/notes').get(expressAsyncHandler(async (req, res, next) => {
const data = await NotesModel.find(req.query)
status: 'success',
The req.query is what's going to include the search filters, the search filters will be sent by the client (the front-end) as follows:
const notesschemaOfUser = await notesschema.findOne({user: user_id});

Populate and Aggregate MongoDB documents

I am currently working with mongoose ODM and MongoDB. Currently, I have faced a tiny issue that I can't seem to get going. So I have a User collection like so:
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
posts: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Post'}],
createdAt: Date,
updatedAt: Date
and a Post collection like so:
const postSchema = new Schema({
text: String,
user: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User'},
createdAt: Date,
updatedAt: Date
The user collection has a posts field embedded in it that is an array of the user posts. A typical example of what it looks like is given below:
_id: 56we389iopks,
name: John,
posts: ['6748ufhsgshsklop...', '5e43tiodo...']
A user has an array of posts, I find the user by their respective ID and populate the posts array.
I want to be able to fetch a user by their ID and get all posts, which are sorted with the newest and oldest post. I know mongoose has an aggregate method, but I don't know how to go about this. Thank you, any help will be appreciated.
Example of expected output document:
const user = {
_id: 5e34647489930hhff494,
name: John,
posts: [
text: 'aloha',
createdAt: 2021-08-30 // newest post
updatedAt: 2021-08-30
text: 'heyyy',
createdAt: 2021-02-14 // oldest post
updatedAt: 2021-02-14
You have the #Populate from Mongoose that can help you out.
Let's try the following
Let's retrieve posts by User
const postsByUser = await User
.find({ _id: '...' })
console.log('postsByUser', postsByUser);
Once we're able to retrieve the posts, let's improve it ordering them by the createdAt
const postsByUserOrdered = await User
.find({ _id: '...' })
path: 'posts',
options: { sort: { 'createdAt': -1 } }
console.log('postsByUserOrdered', postsByUserOrdered);

How do i use populate with a custom ObjectId of a type: String?

I have a firebase project that I use for authentication. I also save additional user info in the mongodb and assign the uid of the firebase user to the _id field of the user model. In order to do that, I have to set the type of ObjectId to a String, otherwise mongodb doesn't let me save the user as the firebase uid is a bit longer than ObjectId. It seems that the ObjectId is of type:String, I can no longer use populate on my queries.
Here are the models:
const UserSchema = new Schema({
_id: String,
name: String,
const SurveySchema = new Schema({
user_id: { type: String, ref: "users" },
category: String,
I tried to set user_id: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: "users" }, but I just get an error(Cast to ObjectId failed) instead of undefined.
Here is the controller where I use populate:
const SurveyList = await Survey.find(
user_id: req.currentUser.uid,
category: "example",
"_id user_id category createdAt updatedAt"
I checked, the ids match, but I still get undefined. The populate used to work when I had regular mongo ObjectIds, but after I started using firebase it no longer works.
The response I get is like this:
"SurveyList": [
"status": "1",
"_id": "60abcd94e9cddb2ba44f24b4",
"user_id": null,
"category": "Health",
"createdAt": "2021-05-24T16:00:20.688Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-05-24T16:00:20.688Z"
Please note that the error began occurring only after I changed _id to type:String. It used to work fine when it was a default mongoose.ObjectId
You cannot populate the field that you're using to store the reference to the user's id. That field is the one that will be used in order to populate the virtual field. If what you want to do is having a virtual field SurveyList[i].user that retrieves the user's data in each SurveyList entry, you need to create it:
SurveySchema.virtual("user", {
ref: "users",
localField: "user_id",
foreignField: "_id",
justOne: true,
Then you'll need to populate the virtual field:
const SurveyList = await Survey.find(
user_id: req.currentUser.uid,
category: "example",
"_id user_id user category createdAt updatedAt"

Mongoose: Merging two documents that reference each other

I am currently trying to learn how to work with NoSQL, coming from a relational database background. In this project, I am using Express with Mongoose.
I am struggling with callbacks as I try to merge two models together, which reference each other. I am trying to edit each item in a group of one model (Ribbits) to contain the attributes of another (Users who posted a Ribbit). Because the call to find the User associated with a Ribbit is asynchronous, I am unable to return the collection of edited Ribbits (with user info).
In my website, I have ribbits (a.k.a. tweets) which belong to users. Users can have many ribbits. In one of my pages, I would like to list all of the ribbits on the service, and some information associated with the user who posted that ribbit.
One solution I found was embedded documents, but I discovered that this is, in my case, limited to showing ribbits which belong to a user. In my case, I want to start by getting all of the ribbits first, and then, for each ribbit, attach info about who posted that.
Ideally, I'd want my schema function to return an array of Ribbit objects, so that I can then render this in my view.
// models/user.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var userSchema = Schema({
username: String,
email: String,
password: String,
name: String,
profile: String,
ribbits: [{
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Ribbit',
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
// models/ribbit.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema,
User = require('./user');
var ribbitSchema = Schema({
content: { type: String, maxlength: 140 },
created: { type: Date, default: },
owner: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
ribbitSchema.methods.getOwnerObj = function(cb) {
return User.findOne({ _id: this.owner }, cb);
ribbitSchema.statics.getAllRibbits = function(cb) {
this.find({}, function(err, ribbits) {
console.log('Before Transform');
ribbits.forEach(function(ribbit) {
ribbit.getOwnerObj(function(err, owner) {
ribbit = {
content: ribbit.content,
created: ribbit.created,
owner: {
username: owner.username,
profile: owner.profile,
module.exports = mongoose.model('Ribbit', ribbitSchema);
If I understand correctly, you can use Mongoose populate method for this scenario:
ribbitSchema.statics.getAllRibbits = function(cb) {
this.find({}).populate('owner').exec(function(err, ribbits){
return cb(err, ribbits);

MongoDB query on populated fields

I have models called "Activities" that I am querying for (using Mongoose). Their schema looks like this:
var activitySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
actor: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
required: true
recipient: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
timestamp: {
type: Date,
activity: {
type: String,
required: true
event: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Event'
comment: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Comment'
When I query for them, I am populating the actor, recipient, event, and comment fields (all the references). After that, I also deep-populate the event field to get event.creator. Here is my code for the query:
var activityPopulateObj = [
{ path: 'event' },
{ path: 'event.creator' },
{ path: 'comment' },
{ path: 'actor' },
{ path: 'recipient' },
{ path: 'event.creator' }
eventPopulateObj = {
path: 'event.creator',
model: User
Activity.find({ $or: [{recipient: user._id}, {actor: {$in: user.subscriptions}}, {event: {$in: user.attending}}], actor: { $ne: user._id} })
.sort({ _id: -1 })
.exec(function(err, retrievedActivities) {
if(err || !retrievedActivities) {
deferred.reject(new Error("No events found."));
else {
User.populate(retrievedActivities, eventPopulateObj, function(err, data){
if(err) {
else {
This is already a relatively complex query, but I need to do even more. If it hits the part of the $or statement that says {actor: {$in: user.subscriptions}}, I also need to make sure that the event's privacy field is equal to the string public. I tried using $elemMatch, but since the event has to be populated first, I couldn't query any of its fields. I need to achieve this same goal in multiple other queries, as well.
Is there any way for me to achieve this further filtering like I have described?
The answer is to change your schema.
You've fallen into the trap that many devs have before you when coming into document database development from a history of using relational databases: MongoDB is not a relational database and should not be treated like one.
You need to stop thinking about foreign keys and perfectly normalized data and instead, keep each document as self-contained as possible, thinking about how to best embed relevant associated data within your documents.
This doesn't mean you can't maintain associations as well. It might mean a structure like this, where you embed only necessary details, and query for the full record when needed:
var activitySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
event: {
_id: { type: ObjectId, ref: "Event" },
name: String,
private: String
// ... other fields
Rethinking your embed strategy will greatly simplify your queries and keep the query count to a minimum. populate will blow your count up quickly, and as your dataset grows this will very likely become a problem.
You can try below aggregation. Look at this answer:
And then, you can use fields from $addFields in your query. Like
{score: {$gte: 5}}
but since the event has to be populated first, I couldn't query any of its fields.
No can do. Mongodb cannot do joins. When you make a query, you can work with exactly one collection at a time. And FYI all those mongoose populates are additional, distinct database queries to load those records.
I don't have time to dive into the details of your schema and application, but most likely you will need to denormalize your data and store a copy of whatever event fields you need to join on in the primary collection.

