React useEffect and useState interaction - javascript

I am using React and Material UI to create a table (XGrid) with some buttons. When you click the row, it should set the row id using useState. When you click the delete button, it should delete the row. It seems that the delete click handler is not using the value from use state. This is either some kind of closure thing or some kind of React thing.
const MyTableThing: React.FC = (props) =>
const { data } = props;
const [filename, setFilename] = React.useState<string>("")
const [columns, setColumns] = React.useState<GridColDef[]>([])
const handleDelete = () =>
someFunctionThatDeletes(filename); // filename is always ""
setFilename(""); // Does not do anything.. !
React.useEffect(() =>
if (data)
let columns: GridColumns = data.columns;
columns.forEach((column: GridColDef) =>
if (column.field === "delete")
column.renderCell = (cellParams: GridCellParams) =>
return <Button onClick={handleDelete}>Delete</Button>
}, [data?.files])
// Called when a row is clicked
const handleRowSelected = (param: GridRowSelectedParams) =>
console.log(`set selected row to ${}`) // This works every time

The reason for this behavior is that React does not process setState action synchronously. It is stacked up with other state changes and then executed. React does this to improve performance of the application. Read following link for more details on this.
you can disable your deleteRow button till the filename variable is updated. you can use useEffect or setState with callback function.
useEffect(() => {
//Enable your delete row button, fired when filename is updated
}, filename)
this.setFilename(newFilename, () => {
// ... enable delete button
Let me know if this helps! Please mark it as answer if it helps.

The main problem I see here is that you are rendering JSX in a useEffect hook, and then saving the output JSX into columns state. I assume you are then returning that state JSX from this functional component. That is a very bizarre way of doing things, and I would not recommend that.
However, this explains the problem. The JSX being saved in state has a stale version of the handleDelete function, so that when handleDelete is called, it does not have the current value of filename.
Instead of using the useEffect hook and columns state, simply do that work in your return statement. Or assign the work to a variable and then render the variable. Or better yet, use a useMemo hook.
Notice that we add handleDelete to the useMemo dependencies. That way, it will re-render every time handleDelete changes. Which currently changes every render. So lets fix that by adding useCallback to handleDelete.
const MyTableThing: React.FC = (props) => {
const { data } = props;
const [filename, setFilename] = React.useState<string>('');
const handleDelete = React.useCallback(() => {
someFunctionThatDeletes(filename); // filename is always ""
setFilename(''); // Does not do anything.. !
}, [filename]);
const columns = React.useMemo(() => {
if (!data) {
return null;
let columns: GridColumns = data.columns;
columns.forEach((column: GridColDef) => {
if (column.field === 'delete') {
column.renderCell = (cellParams: GridCellParams) => {
return <Button onClick={handleDelete}>Delete</Button>;
return columns;
}, [data?.files, handleDelete]);
// Called when a row is clicked
const handleRowSelected = (param: GridRowSelectedParams) => {
console.log(`set selected row to ${}`); // This works every time
return columns;


state inside realm listener is undefined (Realm and React Native)

I am facing the following problem with Realm and React Native.
Inside my component I want to listen to changes of the Realm, which does work. But inside the listener, my state is always undefined - also after setting the state inside the listener, the useEffect hook does not trigger. It looks like everything inside the listener doesn't have access to my state objects.
I need to access the states inside the listener in order to set the state correctly. How can I do this?
edit: The state seems to be always outdated. After hot reloading, the state is correct, but still lags behind 1 edit always.
const [premium, setPremium] = useState<boolean>(true);
const [settings, setSettings] = useState<any>({loggedIn: true, userName: 'XYZ'});
useEffect(() => {
console.log('updated settings'); // never gets called
}, [settings]);
useEffect(() => {
const tmp: any = settingsRealm.objects([0];
tmp.addListener(() => {
console.log(premium, settings); // both return undefined
if (premium) {
// for demonstration purposes
}, []);
For anyone having the same problem:
Adding a useRef referencing the state, and updating both(!) at the same time (state and ref) will solve the problem. Now all instances (inside the listener) of "premium" will have to be changed to "premiumRef.current".
const [premium, _setPremium] = useState<boolean>(true);
const [settings, setSettings] = useState<any>({loggedIn: true, userName: 'XYZ'});
const premiumRef = useRef<boolean>(premium);
const setPremium = (data) => {
premiumRef.current = data;
useEffect(() => {
const tmp: any = settingsRealm.objects([0];
tmp.addListener(() => {
if (premiumRef.current) {
}, []);

Prevent child state resets on props change

I am currently making a Graph component that fetches data from an API, parses the data to be used with a graph library, and then renders the graph. I have all of that working right now, but the issue I am having is with adding the ability to filter. The filtering I am currently doing is done by the parent of the Graph component, which will set the filters prop in the component which is then processed by a useEffect. But this seems causes some portions to re-render and I am trying to prevent. Below is what I have roughly speaking.
Rough example of Parent:
const Parent = (props) => {
const [filters, setFilters] = useState({});
//there are more state values than just this one also cause
//the same problem when their setState is called.
return (
<Graph filters={filters} />
onChange={(value) => setFilters(value)}
export default Parent
Rough example of Child:
const Graph = (props) => {
const [nodes, setNodes] = useState({});
const [links, setLinks] = useState({});
const [velocity, setVelocity] = useState(0.08);
const createGraph = async () => {
//fetches the data, processes it and then returns it.
//not including this code as it isn't the problem
return {
nodes: nodes,
links: links,
//loads the graph data on mount
useEffect(() => {
const loadGraph = async () => {
const data = await createGraph();
}, []);
//filters the graph on props change
useEffect(() => {
//this function uses setNodes/setLinks to update the graph data
}, [props.filters]);
return (
nodes: nodes,
links: links,
onEngineStop={() => setVelocity(1)}
export default Graph
My main issue is that whenever the FilterComponent updates, while I want it to update the graph data, this seems to re-render the Graph component. This causes the graph to start moving. This graph library creates a graph which kinda explodes out and then settles. The graph has a cooldown of 300, and after which it isn't supposed to move, which is where onEngineStop's function is called. But changing the filter state in Parent causes the graph to regain it's starting velocity and explode out again. I want to be able to change the filter state, update the graph data, without re-rendering it. I've looked into useMemo, but don't know if that's what I should do.
I'm fairly new to React having just started two weeks ago, so any help is greatly appreciated! Also, this is my first post on stackOverflow, so I apologize if I didn't follow some community standards.
I was asked to include the filterGraph function. The function actually was designed to handle different attributes to filter by. Each node/link has attributes attached to them like "weight" or "size". The filterComponent would then pass the attr and the value range to filter by. If a component falls outside that range it becomes transparent.
const Graph = (props) => {
//attr could be something like "weight"
//val could be something like [5,10]
const filterGraph = ({ attr, val }) => {
for (const [id, node] of Object.entries(nodes)) {
const value = nodes[id][attr];
if (val.length == 2) {
if (val[0] > value || val[1] < value) {
const color = nodes[id]["color"] || "#2d94adff";
nodes[id]["color"] = setOpacity(color, 0)
} else {
const color = nodes[id]["color"] || "#2d94adff";
nodes[id]["color"] = setOpacity(color, 1)
In your example you mention that filterGraph uses setNodes/setLinks. So everytime the filter changes (props.filters) you will do 2 setState and 2 rerenders will be triggered. It can be that React will batch them so it will only be 1 rerender.
Depending on what filterGraph does exactly you could consider let it return filteredNodes en filteredLinks without putting the filterGraph in a useEffect.
Then pass the filteredNodes en filteredLinks to the graphData like graphData={{
nodes: filteredNodes,
links: filteredLinks,
This way you won't trigger extra rerenders and the data will be filtered on every render. which is already triggered when the props.filters change. This is an interesting article about deriving state
Since you also mention that there are more state values in the parent you could make the component a pure component, which means it won't get rerendered when the parent renders but the props that are being passed don't change
Also it's better to include createGraph in the useEffect it's being used or wrap it in a useCallback so it won't be recreated every render.
const Graph = React.memo((props) => {
const [nodes, setNodes] = useState({});
const [links, setLinks] = useState({});
const [velocity, setVelocity] = useState(0.08);
//loads the graph data on mount
useEffect(() => {
const createGraph = async () => {
//fetches the data, processes it and then returns it.
//not including this code as it isn't the problem
return {
nodes: nodes,
links: links,
const loadGraph = async () => {
const data = await createGraph();
}, []);
const { filteredNodes, filteredLinks } = filterGraph(props.filter)
return (
nodes: filteredNodes,
links: filteredLinks,
onEngineStop={() => setVelocity(1)}
export default Graph

How to prevent state updates from a function, running an async call

so i have a bit of a weird problem i dont know how to solve.
In my code i have a custom hook with a bunch of functionality for a fetching a list
of train journeys. I have some useEffects to that keeps loading in new journeys untill the last journey of the day.
When i change route, while it is still loading in new journeys. I get the "changes to unmounted component" React error.
I understand that i get this error because the component is doing an async fetch that finishes after i've gone to a new page.
The problem i can't figure out is HOW do i prevent it from doing that? the "unmounted" error always occur on one of the 4 lines listed in the code snippet.
Mock of the code:
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [journeys, setJourneys] = useState([]);
const [hasLaterDepartures, setHasLaterDepartures] = useState(true);
const getJourneys = async (date, journeys) => {
const selectedDateJourneys = await fetchJourney(date); // Fetch that returns 0-3 journeys
if (condition1) setHasLaterDepartures(false); // trying to update unmounted component
if (condition2) {
if (condition3) {
setJourneys(something1); // trying to update unmounted component
} else {
setJourneys(something2) // trying to update unmounted component
} else {
setJourneys(something3); // trying to update unmounted component
// useEffects for continous loading of journeys.
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasLaterDepartures) setLoading(false);
}, [hasLaterDepartures]);
useEffect(() => {
if (hasLaterDepartures && journeys.length > 0) {
const latestStart = ... // just a date
if (latestStart.addMinutes(5).isSameDay(latestStart)) {
getJourneys(latestStart.addMinutes(5), journeys);
} else {
}, [journeys]);
I can't use a variable like isMounted = true in the useEffect beacuse it would reach inside the if statement and reach a "setState" by the time i'm on another page.
Moving the entire call into a useEffect doesn't seem to work either. I am at a loss.
Create a variable called mounted with useRef, initialised as true. Then add an effect to set mounted.current to false when the component unmounts.
You can use mounted.current anywhere inside the component to see if it's mounted, and check that before setting any state.
useRef gives you a variable you can mutate but which doesn't cause a rerender.
When you use useEffect hook with action which can be done after component change you should also take care about clean effect when needed. Maybe example help you, also check this page.
useEffect(() => {
let isClosed = false
const fetchData = async () => {
const data = await response.json()
if ( !isClosed ) {
setState( data )
return () => {
isClosed = true
}, []);
In your use case, you probably want to create a Store that doesn't reload everytime you change route (client side).
Example of a store using useContext();
const MyStoreContext = createContext()
export function useMyStore() {
const context = useContext(MyStoreContext)
if (!context && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
throw new Error(`useMyStore must be used within a MyStoreContext`)
return context
export function MyStoreProvider(props) {
const [ myState, setMyState ] = useState()
//....whatever codes u doing with ur hook.
const exampleCustomFunction = () => {
return myState
const getAllRoutes = async (mydestination) => {
return await getAllMyRoutesFromApi(mydestination)
// you return all your "getter" and "setter" in value props so you can use them outside the store.
return <MyStoreContext.Provider value={{ myState, setMyState, exampleCustomFunction, getAllRoutes }}>{props.children}</MyStoreContext.Provider>
You will wrap the store around your entire App, e.g.
<App />
In your page where you want to use your hook, you can do
const { myState, setMyState, exampleCustomFunction, getAllRoutes } = useMyStore()
const onClick = async () => getAllRouters(mydestination)
Considering if you have client side routing (not server side), this doesn't get reloaded every time you change your route.

Why the following react functional component does not work properly?

It is quite straight forward, when you press "add" it should add(and it adds) and when you press "remove" it should pop the last element and re-render the list but it doesn't. I am make mistake somewhere?
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
const Test = () => {
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
const add = () => {
setList([list.length, ...list]);
const remove = () => {
useEffect(() => {
}, [list])
return (<ul>
<button onClick={add}>add</button>
<button onClick={remove}>remove</button>
{ => <li>{el}</li>)}
export default Test;
Actually it updates the state by removing the last element but the re-render happen only when button "add" is pressed
It's not recommended to modify the state itself because it is immutable.
So instead using .pop() on the original state of the array, first I suggest to clone that one and remove the required element from there, then the result should passed to setList() function.
Try as the following instead:
const remove = () => {
const copy = [...list];
Think about the following:
const list = [1,3,5,6,7];
const copy = [...list];
I hope this helps!
You need to set a new array in this case, setList(list) will not cause React to re-render because it's still the same array you're using.
Try setList([...list]) in your remove function.
There's also an alternative to pop, and doesn't mutate the original variable:
const remove = () => {
const [removed, ...newList] = list

React Hook useEffect issue with setState

I am using useState which has 2 array imageList and videoList and then in useEffect hook i am using forEach on data then if type is image then push to item to image .
But at last i am not getting imagelist or video list of array.
const [list, setDataType] = useState({imageList:[], videoList:[] });
useEffect (()=>{
//data is list of array
dataList.forEach(item =>{
if(!item.images) {
setDataType({...list, imageList:item})
else if (item.images[0].type === "video/mp4")
setDataType({...list, videoList :item})
else if((item.images[0].type === "images/gpeg")
setDataType({...list, imageList:item})
Here type check is working correctly but at last i get last fetch data only which can be videolist or imageList
In last i should get list of all imageList whose type is image and same video list whose type is video
It is not a proper way to call setState in a loop. Below is an attempted solution using array method filter to functionally construct the list.
const [list, setDataType] = useState({ imageList: [], videoList: [] });
useEffect(() => {
let videos = dataList.filter(item => item.images[0].type === "video/mp4")
let images = dataList.filter(item => item.images[0].type === "images/gpeg")
setDataType({imageList: images, videoList: videos})
}, []);
Ideally you don't want to be calling setState constantly inside your loop. Build the state up and then set it.
Two filters might work for you here..
const [list, setDataType] = useState({imageList:[], videoList:[] });
useEffect (()=>{
//data is list of array
videoList: dataList.filter(item => item.images[0].type === 'video/mp4'),
imageList: dataList.filter(item => item.images[0].type === 'images/gpeg')
Don't use the useEffect & useState hooks for data transformation, which is not part of an asynchronous flow.
This case is better handled with useMemo. When the datalist changes, useMemo will produce the list, and if it doesn't change, the memoized value would be used. In addition, it won't cause an infinite loop, because it won't cause a rerender while listening to its own state.
To create list, use a Map that will hold the mime-types and their respective types. Reduce the array of items, and according to the type you get from the Map, push them in the images or videos sub-arrays.
/** external code (not in the hook) **/
const types = new Map([['video/mp4', 'video'], ['images/gpeg', 'image']])
const getListType = ({ type }) => types.has(type) ?
`${types.get(type)}List` : null
/** hook code **/
const list = useMemo(() => dataList.reduce((r, item) => {
const list = getListType(item.images[0])
is(list) r[list].push(item)
return r;
}, { imageList:[], videoList:[] }), [dataList])
Avoid set state inside a loop. On each setState, React will re-render the component. So recommended to prepare your state first and then update the state.
const [list, setDataType] = useState({imageList:[], videoList:[] });
useEffect (() =>{
let newState = {imageList:[], videoList:[] };
dataList.forEach(item =>{
if(!item.images) {
} else if (item.images[0].type === "video/mp4") {
} else if((item.images[0].type === "images/gpeg") {
setDataType(prevState => {
return {
imageList: newState.imageList,
videoList: newState.videoList

