What is the alternative of ~i in this code? [duplicate] - javascript

var attr = ~'input,textarea'.indexOf( target.tagName.toLowerCase() )
? 'value'
: 'innerHTML'
I saw it in an answer, and I've never seen it before.
What does it mean?

~ is a bitwise operator that flips all bits in its operand.
For example, if your number was 1, its binary representation of the IEEE 754 float (how JavaScript treats numbers) would be...
0011 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
So ~ converts its operand to a 32 bit integer (bitwise operators in JavaScript do that)...
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001
If it were a negative number, it'd be stored in 2's complement: invert all bits and add 1.
...and then flips all its bits...
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110
So what is the use of it, then? When might one ever use it?
It has a quite a few uses. If you're writing low level stuff, it's handy. If you profiled your application and found a bottleneck, it could be made more performant by using bitwise tricks (as one possible tool in a much bigger bag).
It's also a (generally) unclear trick to turn indexOf()'s found return value into truthy (while making not found as falsy) and people often use it for its side effect of truncating numbers to 32 bits (and dropping its decimal place by doubling it, effectively the same as Math.floor() for positive numbers).
I say unclear because it's not immediately obvious what it is being used for. Generally, you want your code to communicate clearly to other people reading it. While using ~ may look cool, it's generally too clever for its own good. :)
It's also less relevant now that JavaScript has Array.prototype.includes() and String.prototype.includes(). These return a boolean value. If your target platform(s) support it, you should prefer this for testing for the existence of a value in a string or array.

Using it before an indexOf() expression effectively gives you a truthy/falsy result instead of the numeric index that's directly returned.
If the return value is -1, then ~-1 is 0 because -1 is a string of all 1 bits. Any value greater than or equal to zero will give a non-zero result. Thus,
if (~someString.indexOf(something)) {
will cause the if code to run when "something" is in "someString". If you try to use .indexOf() as a boolean directly, then that won't work because sometimes it returns zero (when "something" is at the beginning of the string).
Of course, this works too:
if (someString.indexOf(something) >= 0) {
and it's considerably less mysterious.
Sometimes you'll also see this:
var i = ~~something;
Using the ~ operator twice like that is a quick way to convert a string to a 32-bit integer. The first ~ does the conversion, and the second ~ flips the bits back. Of course if the operator is applied to something that's cannot be converted to a number, you get NaN as a result. (edit — actually it's the second ~ that is applied first, but you get the idea.)

The ~ is Bitwise NOT Operator, ~x is roughly the same as -(x+1). It is easier to understand, sort of. So:
~2; // -(2+1) ==> -3
Consider -(x+1). -1 can perform that operation to produce a 0.
In other words, ~ used with a range of number values will produce a falsy (coerce to false from 0) value only for the -1 input value, otherwise, any other truthy value.
As we know, -1 is commonly called a sentinel value. It is used for many functions that return >= 0 values for success and -1 for failure in C language. Which the same rule of return value of indexOf() in JavaScript.
It is common to check of presence/absence of a substring in another string in this way
var a = "Hello Baby";
if (a.indexOf("Ba") >= 0) {
// found it
if (a.indexOf("Ba") != -1) {
// found it
if (a.indexOf("aB") < 0) {
// not found
if (a.indexOf( "aB" ) == -1) {
// not found
However, it would be more easily to do it through ~ as below
var a = "Hello Baby";
~a.indexOf("Ba"); // -7 -> truthy
if (~a.indexOf("Ba")) { // true
// found it
~a.indexOf("aB"); // 0 -> falsy
!~a.indexOf("aB"); // true
if (!~a.indexOf( "aB" )) { // true
// not found
You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar by Kyle Simpson

~indexOf(item) comes up quite often, and the answers here are great, but maybe some people just need to know how to use it and "skip" the theory:
if (~list.indexOf(item)) {
// item in list
} else {
// item *not* in list

For those considering using the tilde trick to create a truthy value from an indexOf result, it is more explicit and has less magic to instead use the includes method on String.
'hello world'.includes('hello') //=> true
'hello world'.includes('kittens') //=> false
Note that this is a new standard method as of ES 2015 so it won't work on older browsers. In cases where that matters, consider using the String.prototype.includes polyfill.
This feature is also available for arrays using the same syntax:
['apples', 'oranges', 'cherries'].includes('apples') //=> true
['apples', 'oranges', 'cherries'].includes('unicorns') //=> false
Here is the Array.prototype.includes polyfill if you need older browser support.


is there a difference between these two snippets of code and if yes what is it?

function addBinary(a,b) {
let sum= a+b
if (sum<0){
return parseInt(sum).toString(2)
and especially the logic of how 0xffffffff has been used to achieve same result
function decimalToBinary(decimal){
return (decimal >>> 0).toString(2);
function addBinary(a,b) {
return decimalToBinary(a+b);
The >>> operator always interprets the given number as an unsigned 32 bit number. When the second operand is 0, nothing changes to that and the result is unsigned.
So for instance, -1 in binary is 0xffffffff in signed 32-bit, where the most significant bit (at the left) is the sign bit. But because exceptionally the >>> does not interpret that as a sign bit, it actually is seen as a positive number, i.e. 0xffffffff. Compared to the original -1 that is 0x100000000 more! This is always the difference for negative inputs. For -2 you'll get 0xfffffffe, for -3 you'll get 0xfffffffd, ...etc.
The first function emulates this. If sum is negative, we must do something, as the other function (using >>>) will never return a negative number.
The idea is to add that 0x100000000 difference. In fact, the author of this function was prudent, and evidently didn't want to work with numbers that exceed the 32 bit range, so 0x100000000 was off the board (it uses 33 bits). But one can split the job into parts. We can add one less (0xffffffff) to the sum, and then add the remaining 1. This is just a theoretical game though. In JavaScript there is no problem in adding 0x100000000, so they could just as well have done that. In other languages however, those that use 32 bit numbers, it would be necessary to first add 0xffffffff and only then 1.

I need an explanation (and possible workaround) for ((2^32-1) << 0) resulting -1 in Javascript

EDIT: Explanation at the end.
I was trying to implement a 64bit integer class using a Uint32Array and have bitwise operations performed under the hood on two uint32 members. I quickly found out that, as to my understanding of the specification, bitwise operations return a signed 32bit integer. Initially I was hoping that the Uint32Array would just take care of the sign bit, but it doesn't.
I tried coding around the sign issue, but I am stuck at something I simply can't make sense of at all.
var a = (Math.pow(2, 32)-1); //set a to uint32 max value
So far, so good.
a.toString(2);// gives "11111111111111111111111111111111", as expected
(a << 0); // gives "-1"
(a >> 1); // gives "-1"
(a << 0) == (a >> 1); // evaluates to true
Even if JS bitwise operations turn numbers into signed 32bit integers, 32 set bits shifted to the right by 1 should never be -1. Or should they? Should a non-zero number shifted by 0 bits equal itself shifted 1 bit? Is this a bug? Am I running into undefined behaviour?
Usually the answer to similar questions has to do with the signed 32bit conversion but I can't see how that should cause this behaviour.
EDIT2, explanation: The cause of my confusion was a fundamental misunderstanding of how negative numbers are represented in binary. While the first bit is in fact the sign bit, 1 indicating a negative, 0 a positive number, the remaining bits aren't just used to store the abs(), as I assumed.
Signed 4bit example:
0111 equals +7. 1111 does not equal -7, it equals -1. How do we end up with negative one? Because the two's complement of 1111 is 0001. To get a number's two's complement, flip all bits and add one:
1111 -> 0000 -> 0001.
Now that I know that, making sense of 11..11 << 0 being -1 is easy. It's perfectly similar to my 4bit example. 11..11 >> 1 being -1 is also completely expected now. The signed right shift >> is 1 filling, so 11..11 >> 1 is still 11..11 which is still -1.
I will leave this as is for now, because I'm certainly not the only one misunderstanding binary signed integer representation. Thanks for everyone's time.
Even if JS bitwise operations turn numbers into signed 32bit integers, 32 set bits shifted to the right by 1 should never be -1. Or should they? Should a non-zero number shifted by 0 bits equal itself shifted 1 bit? Is this a bug? Am I running into undefined behaviour?
That's normal, expected and defined. And yes, they should.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Right_shift is what you use, and its description is this:
The right shift operator (>>) shifts the first operand the specified number of bits to the right. Excess bits shifted off to the right are discarded. Copies of the leftmost bit are shifted in from the left. Since the new leftmost bit has the same value as the previous leftmost bit, the sign bit (the leftmost bit) does not change. Hence the name "sign-propagating".
So if you have 32 bits of 1, after applying right shift by 1 you will have 32 bits of 1.
The fact that it's 32 bits wide is in the specs, https://tc39.es/ecma262/ Number::signedRightShift ( x, y )
4. Return the result of performing a sign-extending right shift of lnum by shiftCount bits. The most significant bit is propagated. The result is a signed 32-bit integer.
(Similarly, << produces 32-bit signed integer)

~ bitwise operator in JavaScript

I have the following code :
var a = parseInt('010001',2);
// 10001
var b = ~a;
// -10010
The MSDN Say
~ Performs the NOT operator on each bit. NOT a yields the inverted
value (a.k.a. one's complement) of a.
010001 should thus return this 101110.
This Topic kinda confirm that
So I can't understand how we can get -10010 instead ? The only potential explanation is that:
010001 is negated 101110 but he write this -10001
and then for an obscure reason he give me the two complements
and -10001 become -10010.
But all this is very obscure in my mind, would you have an idea on what happen precisely.
JavaScript's bitwise operators convert their operands to 32-bit signed integers (the usual 2's complement), perform their operation, then return the result as the most appropriate value in JavaScript's number type (double-precision floating point; JavaScript doesn't have an integer type). More in §12.5.11 (Bitwise NOT Operator ~) and §7.1.5 (ToInt32).
So your 10001 is:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00010001
which when ~ is:
11111111 11111111 11111111 11101110
...which is indeed negative in 2s complement representation.
You may be wondering: If the bit pattern is as above, then why did b.toString(2) give you -10010 instead? Because it's showing you signed binary, not the actual bit pattern. - meaning negative, and 10010 meaning 18 decimal. The bit pattern above is how that's represented in 2s complement bits. (And yes, I did have to go check myself on that!)
Under the covers, when Javascript does bitwise operations, it converts to a 32-bit signed integer representation, and uses that, then converts the result back into its internal decimal representation.
As such, your input value, 010001 becomes 00000000 00000000 00000000 00010001.
This is then inverted:
~00000000 00000000 00000000 00010001 => 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101110
Converted into hex, the inverted value is 0xFFFFFFEE, which is equivalent to the decimal value of -18.
Since this is a signed integer with a value of -18, this value is converted to the underlying decimal representation of -18 by Javascript.
When Javascript tries to print it as a base-2 number, it sees the negative sign and the value of 18, and prints it as -10010, since 10010 is the binary representation of positive 18.
JavaScript uses 32-bit signed numbers,so
a (010001) (17) is 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0001
b = ~a (?) (-18) is 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 1110
The reason for printing -18 as -10010 and methods to get actual value is explained well here Link
As per the documentation on the Mozilla developer website here. Bitwise NOTing any number x yields -(x + 1). For example, ~5 yields -6. That is why you are getting the negative sign in front of the number.

What does the combination of !!~ do? [duplicate]

If you read the comments at the jQuery inArray page here, there's an interesting declaration:
!!~jQuery.inArray(elm, arr)
Now, I believe a double-exclamation point will convert the result to type boolean, with the value of true. What I don't understand is what is the use of the tilde (~) operator in all of this?
var arr = ["one", "two", "three"];
if (jQuery.inArray("one", arr) > -1) { alert("Found"); }
Refactoring the if statement:
if (!!~jQuery.inArray("one", arr)) { alert("Found"); }
jQuery.inArray("one", arr) // 0
~jQuery.inArray("one", arr) // -1 (why?)
!~jQuery.inArray("one", arr) // false
!!~jQuery.inArray("one", arr) // true
I also noticed that if I put the tilde in front, the result is -2.
~!!~jQuery.inArray("one", arr) // -2
I don't understand the purpose of the tilde here. Can someone please explain it or point me towards a resource?
There's a specfic reason you'll sometimes see ~ applied in front of $.inArray.
~$.inArray("foo", bar)
is a shorter way to do
$.inArray("foo", bar) !== -1
$.inArray returns the index of the item in the array if the first argument is found, and it returns -1 if its not found. This means that if you're looking for a boolean of "is this value in the array?", you can't do a boolean comparison, since -1 is a truthy value, and when $.inArray returns 0 (a falsy value), it means its actually found in the first element of the array.
Applying the ~ bitwise operator causes -1 to become 0, and causes 0 to become `-1. Thus, not finding the value in the array and applying the bitwise NOT results in a falsy value (0), and all other values will return non-0 numbers, and will represent a truthy result.
if (~$.inArray("foo", ["foo",2,3])) {
// Will run
And it'll work as intended.
!!~expr evaluates to false when expr is -1 otherwise true.
It is same as expr != -1, only broken*
It works because JavaScript bitwise operations convert the operands to 32-bit signed integers in two's complement format. Thus !!~-1 is evaluated as follows:
-1 = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111b // two's complement representation of -1
~-1 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000b // ~ is bitwise not (invert all bits)
!0 = true // ! is logical not (true for falsy)
!true = false // duh
A value other than -1 will have at least one bit set to zero; inverting it will create a truthy value; applying ! operator twice to a truthy value returns boolean true.
When used with .indexOf() and we only want to check if result is -1 or not:
!!~"abc".indexOf("d") // indexOf() returns -1, the expression evaluates to false
!!~"abc".indexOf("a") // indexOf() returns 0, the expression evaluates to true
!!~"abc".indexOf("b") // indexOf() returns 1, the expression evaluates to true
* !!~8589934591 evaluates to false so this abomination cannot be reliably used to test for -1.
The tilde operator isn't actually part of jQuery at all - it's a bitwise NOT operator in JavaScript itself.
See The Great Mystery of the Tilde(~).
You are getting strange numbers in your experiments because you are performing a bitwise logical operation on an integer (which, for all I know, may be stored as two's complement or something like that...)
Two's complement explains how to represent a number in binary. I think I was right.
~foo.indexOf(bar) is a common shorthand to represent foo.contains(bar) because the contains function doesn't exist.
Typically the cast to boolean is unnecessary due to JavaScript's concept of "falsy" values. In this case it's used to force the output of the function to be true or false.
jQuery.inArray() returns -1 for "not found", whose complement (~) is 0. Thus, ~jQuery.inArray() returns a falsy value (0) for "not found", and a truthy value (a negative integer) for "found". !! will then formalise the falsy/truthy into real boolean false/true. So, !!~jQuery.inArray() will give true for "found" and false for "not found".
The ~ for all 4 bytes int is equal to this formula -(N+1)
~0 = -(0+1) // -1
~35 = -(35+1) // -36
~-35 = -(-35+1) //34
Tilde is bitwise NOT - it inverts each bit of the value. As a general rule of thumb, if you use ~ on a number, its sign will be inverted, then 1 will be subtracted.
Thus, when you do ~0, you get -1 (0 inverted is -0, subtract 1 is -1).
It's essentially an elaborate, super-micro-optimised way of getting a value that's always Boolean.
The ~ operator is the bitwise complement operator. The integer result from inArray() is either -1, when the element is not found, or some non-negative integer. The bitwise complement of -1 (represented in binary as all 1 bits) is zero. The bitwise-complement of any non-negative integer is always non-zero.
Thus, !!~i will be true when integer "i" is a non-negative integer, and false when "i" is exactly -1.
Note that ~ always coerces its operand to integer; that is, it forces non-integer floating point values to integer, as well as non-numeric values.
You're right: This code will return false when the indexOf call returns -1; otherwise true.
As you say, it would be much more sensible to use something like
return this.modifiedPaths.indexOf(path) !== -1;
The ~ operator is the bitwise NOT operator. What this means is that it takes a number in binary form and turns all zeroes into ones and ones into zeroes.
For instance, the number 0 in binary is 0000000, while -1 is 11111111. Likewise, 1 is 00000001 in binary, while -2 is 11111110.
My guess is that it is there because it's a few characters shorter (which library authors are always after). It also uses operations that only take a few machine cycles when compiled into the native code (as opposed to the comparison to a number.)
I agree with another answer that it's an overkill but perhaps might make sense in a tight loop (requires performance gain estimation, though, otherwise may turn out to be premature optimization.)
I assume, since it is a bitwise operation, it is the fastest (computationally cheap) way to check whether path appears in modifiedPaths.
As (~(-1)) === 0, so:
!!(~(-1)) === Boolean(~(-1)) === Boolean(0) === false

Why is ~null === -1?

A questions that stumped me on this JavaScript test was that ~null evaluates to -1.
Why does ~null evaluate to -1?
That's because ~ is a numeric operator, so it casts null to 0 first:
> ~0
It would be equivalent to this expression:
> ~[]
> ~{}
First of all, ~ is a bitwise NOT operator. That means it flips all the bits in the number representation. 0010 1010 becomes 1101 0101.
As a consequence of computers using 2's complement for storing numbers, this equality holds:
~number == -number - 1
As can be shown from my previous example:
0010 1010 (this represents number 42)
1101 0101 (this represents number -43)
Now, because ~ is an operator that operates on numbers, its argument gets cast to a number first. Since null gets cast to a 0, you get -1 as a result (according the above equation).

