Get value from response and transfer to another component in React - javascript

I have this handleSubmit that returns me a key (verifyCode) that I should use in another component. How can I pass this verifyCode to another component?
const SendForm = ({ someValues }) => {
const handleSubmitAccount = () => {
dispatch(createAccount(id, username))
.then((response) => {
// I get this value from data.response, its works
const { verifyCode } = response;
.catch(() => {
//the form with handleSubmitAccount()
export default SendForm;
The other component is not a child component, it is loaded after this submit step. But I don't know how to transfer the const verifyCode.
This is the view where the components are loaded, it's a step view, one is loaded after the other, I need to get the const verifyCode in FormConfirmation
<SendForm onSubmit={handleStepSubmit} onFieldSubmit={handleFieldSubmit} />
<FormConfirmation onSubmit={handleStepSubmit} onFieldSubmit={handleFieldSubmit} />
Does anyone know how I can do this?

You need to move up the state to a component that has both as children and then pass down a function that updates as a prop
import React from "react";
export default function App() {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0);
return (
<div className="App">
<Updater onClick={() => setValue(value + 1)} />
<ValueDisplay number={value} />
const Updater = (props) => <div onClick={props.onClick}>Update State</div>;
const ValueDisplay = (props) => <div>{props.number}</div>;
Check out the docs here
For more complex component structures or where your passing down many levels you may want to look into reactContext
import React from "react";
//Set Default Context
const valueContext = React.createContext({ value: 0, setValue: undefined });
export default function App() {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0);
return (
<div className="App">
{/** Pass in state and setter as value */}
<valueContext.Provider value={{ value: value, setValue }}>
<Updater />
<ValueDisplay />
const Updater = () => {
/** Access context with hook */
const context = React.useContext(valueContext);
return (
<div onClick={() => context.setValue(context.value + 1)}>Update State</div>
const ValueDisplay = () => {
/** Access context with hook */
const context = React.useContext(valueContext);
return <div>{context?.value}</div>;


Create State from another context state in function component

I am trying to get a state from context and initialize to new state. But the newly created state is not initializing. Help me out.
import { ProductsContext } from "../../../store/ProductsContext";
const EditVariant = () => {
let { id } = useParams();
const navigate = useNavigate();
const { getProductsById, singleProduct } = useContext(ProductsContext);
const [productName, setProductName] = useState(singleProduct.productName);
console.log(productName) // This is undefined
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
export default EditVariant;
The Form component gets the undefined value. The value is not initializing properly.
You need to export your UserContext so it can be imported into the components that need it:
export const UserContext = React.createContext();
function App() {
const [name, setName] = useState('Name');
return (
<UserContext.Provider value={{ name, setName }}>
<Home />
Afterward, you can import it into your desired component:
import { UserContext } '../../App'
function Home() {
const user = useContext(UserContext);
return (
<label>Your name:</label>
<input type='text' onChange={e => user.setName(} />
It might be because singleProduct.productName was undefiend in initial and get value later so you can simply set that in useEffect like this:
const { getProductsById, singleProduct } = useContext(ProductsContext);
const [productName, setProductName] = useState();
useEffect(() => {

How can I send the state (useState) of one file component to another file's component?

Let say I have a home page with a search bar, and the search bar is a separate component file i'm calling.
The search bar file contains the useState, set to whatever the user selects. How do I pull that state from the search bar and give it to the original home page that
SearchBar is called in?
The SearchBar Code might look something like this..
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import {DropdownButton, Dropdown} from 'react-bootstrap';
import axios from 'axios';
const StateSearch = () =>{
const [states, setStates] = useState([])
const [ stateChoice, setStateChoice] = useState("")
useEffect (()=>{
const getStates = async () => {
let response = await axios.get('/states')
const populateDropdown = () => {
return (
<Dropdown.Item as="button" value={}>{}</Dropdown.Item>
const handleSubmit = (value) => {
return (
onClick={(e) => handleSubmit(}
export default StateSearch;
and the home page looks like this
import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react'
import RenderJson from '../components/RenderJson';
import StateSearch from '../components/StateSearch';
import { AuthContext } from '../providers/AuthProvider';
const Home = () => {
const [stateChoice, setStateChoice] = useState('')
const auth = useContext(AuthContext)
<h2> Hey there! Glad to see you. Please login to save a route to your prefered locations, or use the finder below to search for your State</h2>
<StateSearch stateChoice={stateChoice} />
export default Home;
As you can see, these are two separate files, how do i send the selection the user makes on the search bar as props to the original home page? (or send the state, either one)
You just need to pass one callback into your child.
<StateSearch stateChoice={stateChoice} sendSearchResult={value => {
// Your Selected value
}} />
Search bar
const StateSearch = ({ sendSearchResult }) => {
..... // Remaining Code
const handleSubmit = (value) => {
You can lift the state up with function you pass via props.
const Home = () => {
const getChoice = (choice) => {
return <StateSearch stateChoice={stateChoice} giveChoice={getChoice} />
const StateSearch = (props) => {
const handleSubmit = (value) => {
// Remaining code ...
Actually there is no need to have stateChoice state in StateSearch component if you are just sending the value up.
Hello and welcome to StackOverflow. I'd recommend using the below structure for an autocomplete search bar. There should be a stateless autocomplete UI component. It should be wrapped into a container that handles the search logic. And finally, pass the value to its parent when the user selects one.
// import { useState, useEffect } from 'react' --> with babel import
const { useState, useEffect } = React // --> with inline script tag
// Autocomplete.jsx
const Autocomplete = ({ onSearch, searchValue, onSelect, suggestionList }) => {
return (
onChange={({target: { value }}) => onSearch(value)}
onChange={({target: {value}}) => onSelect(value)}
<option value="DEFAULT" disabled>Select!</option>
{{ id, value }) => (
<option key={id} value={value}>{value}</option>
// SearchBarContainer.jsx
const SearchBarContainer = ({ onSelect }) => {
const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useState('')
const [suggestionList, setSuggestionList] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
if (searchValue) {
// some async logic that fetches suggestions based on the search value
{ id: 1, value: `${searchValue} foo` },
{ id: 2, value: `${searchValue} bar` },
}, [searchValue, setSuggestionList])
return (
// Home.jsx
const Home = ({ children }) => {
const [result, setResult] = useState('')
return (
<SearchBarContainer onSelect={setResult} />
result: {result}
ReactDOM.render(<Home />, document.getElementById('root'))
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Just pass a setState to component
parent component:
const [state, setState] = useState({
selectedItem: ''
<StateSearch state={state} setState={setState} />
change parent state from child component:
const StateSearch = ({ state, setState }) => {
const handleStateChange = (args) => setState({…state, selectedItem:args})
return (...
<button onClick={() => handleStateChange("myItem")}/>

How to use React component's custom hook with "map"

I'm trying to make a Checkbox component.
Here is my Checkbox.tsx.
import React from "react";
import * as S from "./style";
const Checkbox: React.FC<S.ICheckboxProps> = ({ checked, setChecked }) => {
return <S.StyledCheckbox checked={checked} onClick={setChecked} />;
and this is my useCheckbox.tsx,
import { useState } from "react";
export const useCheckbox = (initialState: boolean) => {
const [checked, _setChecked] = useState<boolean>(initialState);
const setCheckedToggle = () => _setChecked((prev) => !prev);
const setCheckedTrue = () => _setChecked(true);
const setCheckedFalse = () => _setChecked(false);
return { checked, setCheckedToggle, setCheckedTrue, setCheckedFalse };
export default Checkbox;
It works good. I can use this like
import Layout from "components/Layout";
import { useCheckbox } from "hooks/useCheckbox";
import Checkbox from "components/Checkbox";
const Home = () => {
const { checked, setCheckedToggle } = useCheckbox(false);
return (
<Checkbox checked={checked} setChecked={setCheckedToggle} />
export default Home;
But I have trouble in the List component.
List has a Checkbox component, and I have to use this List with data.
const Home = ({data}) => {
return (
{ => <List />)}
In this case, is there a way to determine if the list is selected?
If the List has useCheckbox, the Home component doesn't know the checked state.
Should I use useCheckbox in the Home component for data.length times? I think this is not good.
Thanks for reading, and Happy new year.
If you want the checkbox state to exist at the level of Home then you'll need state in the Home component that can handle multiple items, either as an array or object.
Then where you map over data you can pass down checked and setChecked as props to List, with all the logic defined in Home using the item index (or preferably an ID if you have one) in relation to your Home state.
Here's an example of a hook you could use in Home
import { useState } from "react";
export const useCheckboxes = () => {
const [checkedIds, setCheckedIds] = useState([]);
const addToChecked = (id) => setCheckedIds((prev) => [...prev, id]);
const removeFromChecked = (id) =>
setCheckedIds((prev) => prev.filter((existingId) => existingId !== id));
const isChecked = (id) => !!checkedIds.find(id);
const toggleChecked = (id) =>
isChecked(id) ? removeFromChecked(id) : addToChecked(id);
return { isChecked, toggleChecked };
And you would use it like this
const Home = ({ data }) => {
const { isChecked, toggleChecked } = useCheckboxes();
return (
{ => (
toggleChecked={() => toggleChecked(}

How to access the latest state value in the functional component in React

import React, { useState } from "react";
import Child from "./Child";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
let [state, setState] = useState({
value: ""
let handleChange = input => {
setState(prevValue => {
return { value: input };
return (
<div className="App">
<Child handleChange={handleChange} value={state.value} />
import React from "react";
function Child(props) {
return (
onChange={e => {
let newValue =;
export default Child;
Here I am passing the data from the input field to the parent component. However, while displaying it on the page with the h1 tag, I am able to see the latest state. But while using console.log() the output is the previous state. How do I solve this in the functional React component?
React state updates are asynchronous, i.e. queued up for the next render, so the log is displaying the state value from the current render cycle. You can use an effect to log the value when it updates. This way you log the same state.value as is being rendered, in the same render cycle.
export default function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState({
value: ""
useEffect(() => {
}, [state.value]);
let handleChange = input => {
setState(prevValue => {
return { value: input };
return (
<div className="App">
<Child handleChange={handleChange} value={state.value} />
Two solution for you:
- use input value in the handleChange function
let handleChange = input => {
setState(prevValue => {
return { value: input };
use a useEffect on the state
Maybe it is helpful for others I found this way...
I want all updated projects in my state as soon as I added them
so that I use use effect hook like this.
useEffect(() => {
[temp_variable] = projects //projects get from useSelector
let newFormValues = {}; //data from useState
newFormValues.Projects = pro; //update my data object
setData(newFormValues); //set data using useState

Passing data to sibling components with react hooks?

I want to pass a variable username from sibling1 component to sibling2 component and display it there.
Sibling1 component:
const sibling1 = ({ usernameData }) => {
// I want to pass the username value I get from input to sibling2 component
const [username, setUsername] = useState("");
const handleChange = event => {
return (
<Button content='Login' onClick={handleClick} />
export default sibling1;
Sibling2 component:
export default function sibling2() {
return (
<h1> Here is where i want to display it </h1>
You will need to handle your userName in the parent of your siblings. then you can just pass setUsername to your sibling1, and userName to your sibling2. When sibling1 use setUsername, it will update your parent state and re-render your sibling2 (Because the prop is edited).
Here what it looks like :
const App = () => {
const [username, setUsername] = useState('Default username');
return (
<Sibling1 setUsername={setUsername} />
<Sibling2 username={username} />
const Sibling2 = ({username}) => {
return <h1> Helo {username}</h1>;
const Sibling1 = ({setUsername}) => {
return <button onClick={setUsername}>Set username</button>;
In parent of these two components create a context where you will store a value and value setter (the best would be from useState). So, it will look like this:
export const Context = React.createContext({ value: null, setValue: () => {} });
export const ParentComponent = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(null);
return (
<Context.Provider value={{value, setValue}}>
<Sibling1 />
<Sibling2 />
Then in siblings you are using it like this:
const Sibling1 = () => {
const {setValue} = useContext(Context);
const handleChange = event => {
// rest of code here
const Sibling2 = () => {
const {value} = useContext(Context);
return <h1>{value}</h1>;
best way: React Context + hooks
you can use React Context. take a look at this example:

