Rate exceeded error when calling AWS CloudFront update - javascript

I have to delete CloudFront distribution using AWS SDK for JavaScript so I'm trying to update it first, but when I sent the request I'm getting Rate exceeded internal server error. I tried many different values inside my config but it always returns this rate error. I'm not sure if it's problem with configuration or maybe I did something else wrong. I have also created function that creates new distribution and it works fine.
My current config object looks like this:
const originId = `S3-${buckets.build.name}`;
const originDomain = `${buckets.build.name}.s3.amazonaws.com`;
const updateParams: CloudFront.UpdateDistributionRequest = {
Id: distribution.id,
IfMatch: distribution.eTag,
DistributionConfig: {
DefaultRootObject: 'index.html',
CallerReference: caller,
Comment: 'Zilo catalog',
DefaultCacheBehavior: {
AllowedMethods: {
Items: ['HEAD', 'GET'],
Quantity: 2,
CachedMethods: {
Items: ['HEAD', 'GET'],
Quantity: 2,
TargetOriginId: originId,
ViewerProtocolPolicy: 'allow-all',
MinTTL: 3600,
SmoothStreaming: false,
Compress: false,
DefaultTTL: 5000,
FieldLevelEncryptionId: '',
MaxTTL: 10000,
LambdaFunctionAssociations: {
Quantity: 0,
Items: [],
ForwardedValues: {
QueryString: true,
Cookies: {
Forward: 'all',
Headers: {
Quantity: 0,
Items: [],
QueryStringCacheKeys: {
Quantity: 0,
Items: [],
Enabled: false,
Origins: {
Items: [
DomainName: originDomain,
Id: originId,
CustomOriginConfig: {
HTTPPort: 80,
HTTPSPort: 443,
OriginProtocolPolicy: 'match-viewer',
OriginSslProtocols: { Items: ['SSLv3'], Quantity: 1 },
OriginReadTimeout: 10000,
OriginKeepaliveTimeout: 10000,
OriginPath: '',
CustomHeaders: { Quantity: 0 },
Quantity: 1,
Aliases: {
Quantity: 0,
Logging: {
Enabled: false,
IncludeCookies: false,
Bucket: '',
Prefix: '',
WebACLId: '',
HttpVersion: 'http2',
Restrictions: {
GeoRestriction: {
RestrictionType: 'none',
Quantity: 0,
ViewerCertificate: {
MinimumProtocolVersion: 'SSLv3',
CustomErrorResponses: {
Items: [],
Quantity: 0,
PriceClass: 'PriceClass_100',
CacheBehaviors: { Quantity: 0, Items: [] },
Any ideas what could gone wrong here?

Ran into this same issue while attempting to disable CloudFront distribution before deleting it. Ended up finding this working solution in Java:
GetDistributionConfigResponse distributionConfigResponse =
distributionETag = distributionConfigResponse.eTag();
DistributionConfig originalConfig = distributionConfigResponse.distributionConfig();
UpdateDistributionResponse updateDistributionResponse =
cloudFrontClient.updateDistribution(r -> r.id(distributionId)


DevExtreme Datagrid Popup with cascading dropdown/lookups?

I would like to find a solution to cascade lookups on a popup form, given that the second lookup needs to set its dataSource at runtime (or calling an API), since the lookup source could be coming from different sources. For example, say that if I selected Arkansas, then it would set a different lookup from a web service call, and if California is selected it would use a call from a database to populate the lookup values.
I have taken the DevExtreme sample below as an example, what events or methods would I need to achieve this?
Code Example:
$(() => {
keyExpr: 'ID',
dataSource: employees,
showBorders: true,
editing: {
allowUpdating: true,
allowAdding: true,
mode: 'popup',
onEditorPreparing(e) {
if (e.parentType === 'dataRow' && e.dataField === 'CityID') {
e.editorOptions.disabled = (typeof e.row.data.StateID !== 'number');
columns: ['FirstName', 'LastName', 'Position',
dataField: 'StateID',
caption: 'State',
setCellValue(rowData, value) {
rowData.StateID = value;
rowData.CityID = null;
lookup: {
dataSource: states,
valueExpr: 'ID',
displayExpr: 'Name',
dataField: 'CityID',
caption: 'City',
lookup: {
//this is not a static list and will need to be populated when the State changes from various sources...
dataSource(options) {
return {
store: cities,
filter: options.data ? ['StateID', '=', options.data.StateID] : null,
valueExpr: 'ID',
displayExpr: 'Name',
const states = [{
ID: 1,
Name: 'Alabama',
}, {
ID: 2,
Name: 'Alaska',
}, {
ID: 3,
Name: 'Arizona',
}, {
ID: 4,
Name: 'Arkansas',
}, {
ID: 5,
Name: 'California',
const cities = [{
ID: 1,
Name: 'Tuscaloosa',
StateID: 1,
}, {
ID: 2,
Name: 'Hoover',
StateID: 1,
}, {
ID: 3,
Name: 'Dothan',
StateID: 1,
}, {
ID: 4,
Name: 'Decatur',
StateID: 1,
}, {
ID: 5,
Name: 'Anchorage',
StateID: 2,
}, {
ID: 6,
Name: 'Fairbanks',
StateID: 2,
}, {
ID: 7,
Name: 'Juneau',
StateID: 2,
}, {
ID: 8,
Name: 'Avondale',
StateID: 3,
}, {
ID: 9,
Name: 'Buckeye',
StateID: 3,
I managed to resolve the issue using the onEditorPreparing method, basically you have to register the onValueChanged event to manipulate the column cell you need to:
onEditorPreparing: (e): any => {
if (e.parentType === 'dataRow') {
if (e.dataField === 'FieldType') {
e.editorName = 'dxLookup';
$.extend(e.editorOptions, {
showClearButton: true,
dataSource: this.SetDatasource(this.GetArrayDataStore(AdvancedSettingsBuilder.GetFieldTypes)),
valueExpr: 'value',
displayExpr: 'text',
value: e.value || [],
onValueChanged: async (args): Promise<void> => {

Mongoose - Push objects into nested array

I am trying to push every object inside of an array into an array using Mongoose.
This is an example of what the structure of my playlist collection looks like:
playlist: {
userName: 'user-name',
userId: 'user-id',
playlistArray: [
playlistName: 'playlist1',
playlistSongs: [
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
playlistName: 'playlist2',
playlistSongs: [
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
I want to push the following array of objects into the playlistSongs array that also has playlistName: 'playlist2' within the same object
{ title: '1', duration: 123, uri: 'a' },
{ title: '2', duration: 456, uri: 'b' },
{ title: '3', duration: 789, uri: 'c' },
So the result would look like this:
playlist: {
userName: 'user-name',
userId: 'user-id',
playlistArray: [
playlistName: 'playlist1',
playlistSongs: [
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
playlistName: 'playlist2',
playlistSongs: [
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
{ title: '', duration: 0, uri: '' },
{ title: '1', duration: 123, uri: 'a' },
{ title: '2', duration: 456, uri: 'b' },
{ title: '3', duration: 789, uri: 'c' },
Here is my code trying to update the model:
const newPlaylistSongs = [
{ title: '1', duration: 123, uri: 'a' },
{ title: '2', duration: 456, uri: 'b' },
{ title: '3', duration: 789, uri: 'c' },
await playlist
$addToSet: {
'playlistArray.$[pl].playlistSongs': {
$each: {
arrayFilters: [
But I have gotten this error:
MongoServerError: The argument to $each in $addToSet must be an array but it was of type object
$each is expected with an array value.
$each: []
await playlist
$addToSet: {
'playlistArray.$[pl].playlistSongs': {
$each: newPlaylistSongs
arrayFilters: [
Sample Mongo Playground

Parsing JSON responses and looking for specific variables

I need to parse through and look for a specific id. In the code below I need to be able to pull out the id number. It looks like this "itemIds":["918e337d-82ae-4e91-bdc3-16ad06572e21". I need to be able to pull the number "918e337d-82ae-4e91-bdc3-16ad06572e21". I have been having trouble understanding this concept. If you could send how or the actual code to do it . That would be very much appreciated.
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Edit Below! Edit Below! Edit Below!
For future visitors -
I like to use split to find what I specifically need. For example for this problem I had above. I would just use
let myId = string.split(`"itemIds":["`)[1].split('"')[0]
This should work well and I use this method all the time. If you have any better methods feel free to reply or leave an answer. You can also use JSON.parse(your data) and look for your specific variable that way. This article should also help you understand how to use it. https://www.tutorialrepublic.com/javascript-tutorial/javascript-json-parsing.php
First you need to determine which prop will you get the value of? And then try this, in this case I will get "itemIds" so my findProp function will take 2 parameters:
const myObj = {
dbSessionTokenMap: {
id: "e5b96399-fefc-4d9d-93ba-2aa1059008ce",
checkoutFlowType: "Guest",
cartId: "ffd6cb2f-efc2-47b2-96d9-52d2cfb3d69b",
items: [
id: "918e337d-82ae-4e91-bdc3-16ad06572e21",
offerId: "864A02B3BF7442A4802E6DF7BA2EDA28",
productId: "1ZPTYHZN85S6",
productName: "Pokemon Assorted Lot of 50 Single Cards [Any Series]",
itemId: 127446742,
sellerId: "A577588AB81D43AE9E7F468183B3568A",
legacySellerId: 3340,
productClassType: "REGULAR",
quantity: 1,
unitPrice: 8.61,
type: "REGULAR",
price: 8.61,
unitOfMeasure: "EA",
hasCarePlan: false,
brand: "Pok?mon",
discount: {},
rhPath: "20000:25000:25003:25114:25333",
isWarrantyEligible: false,
category: "0:4171:3318550:617941:8920388",
"Home Page/Toys/Shop Toys by Age/Toys for Kids 5 to 7 Years/Toys for Kids 5 to 7 Years",
isCarePlan: false,
isEgiftCard: false,
isAssociateDiscountEligible: false,
isShippingPassEligible: false,
isTwoDayShippingEligible: false,
classId: "5",
maxQuantityPerOrder: 100,
isSubstitutable: false,
isInstaWatch: false,
isAlcoholic: false,
isSnapEligible: false,
isAgeRestricted: false,
isSubstitutionsAllowed: false,
fulfillmentSelection: {
fulfillmentOption: "S2H",
shipMethod: "STANDARD",
availableQuantity: 172,
servicePlanType: "NONE",
errors: [],
wfsEnabled: false,
isAlcohol: false,
shipping: { postalCode: "82001", city: "CHEYENNE", state: "WY" },
promotions: [
promotionId: "1c2cbad1-205e-425f-9297-8629d68e97f6",
okToPayAwards: [
actionType: "AWARD",
name: "DS_Donors_Choose_Teachers_Card",
awardType: "OK_TO_PAY",
description: "DonorsChoose Card",
applicableTo: {
ITEM_TAX: true,
SHIP_TAX: true,
FEE: true,
asset: {
imageAlt: "",
awardEligibleItemIds: [],
awardEligibleTotalsByItemId: {},
dsEligibleItemIds: [],
dsEligibleTotals: {},
summary: {
subTotal: 8.61,
shippingIsEstimate: false,
taxIsEstimate: true,
grandTotal: 8.61,
quantityTotal: 1,
amountOwed: 8.61,
merchandisingFeesTotal: 0,
shippingCosts: [
label: "Top Cut Central shipping",
type: "marketplace_shipping",
cost: 0.0,
shippingTotal: 0.0,
hasSurcharge: false,
preTaxTotal: 8.61,
addOnServicesTotal: 0,
itemsSubTotal: 8.61,
pickupPeople: [],
email: "",
buyer: {
customerAccountId: "9afb345e-74b8-4afb-93d0-4bf52697e18f",
isGuestSignupRequired: false,
isGuest: true,
isAssociate: false,
applyAssociateDiscount: false,
allowedPaymentTypes: [
{ type: "CREDITCARD", cvvRequired: true },
{ type: "PAYPAL", cvvRequired: false },
{ type: "GIFTCARD", cvvRequired: false },
{ type: "VISA_CHECKOUT", cvvRequired: false },
{ type: "MASTERPASS", cvvRequired: false },
{ type: "CHASEPAY", cvvRequired: false },
{ type: "AMEX_CHECKOUT", cvvRequired: false },
registries: [],
payments: [],
cardsToDisable: [],
allowedPaymentPreferences: [],
isRCFEligible: false,
isMarketPlaceItemsExist: true,
version: "v3",
shippingCategory: {
shippingGroups: [
itemIds: ["918e337d-82ae-4e91-bdc3-16ad06572e21"],
seller: "Top Cut Central",
defaultSelection: true,
fulfillmentOption: "S2H",
shippingGroupOptions: [
method: "EXPEDITED",
methodDisplay: "Expedited",
selected: false,
charge: 8.99,
deliveryDate: 1606766400000,
availableDate: 1606766400000,
fulfillmentOption: "S2H",
onlineStoreId: 0,
isThresholdShipMethod: false,
method: "STANDARD",
methodDisplay: "Standard",
selected: true,
charge: 0.0,
deliveryDate: 1606939200000,
availableDate: 1606939200000,
fulfillmentOption: "S2H",
onlineStoreId: 0,
isThresholdShipMethod: false,
isEdelivery: false,
hasWFSItem: false,
itemSellerGroups: [],
entityErrors: [],
oneDaySelected: false,
paymentWithBagFee: false,
giftDetails: {
giftOrder: false,
hasGiftEligibleItem: false,
xoGiftingOptIn: false,
canApplyDetails: [],
dbName: "e5b96399-fefc-4d9d-93ba-2aa1059008ce|C",
const findProp = (obj, prop, out) => {
let i,
proto = Object.prototype,
ts = proto.toString,
hasOwn = proto.hasOwnProperty.bind(obj);
if ("[object Array]" !== ts.call(out)) {
out = [];
for (i in obj) {
if (hasOwn(i)) {
if (i === prop) {
} else if (
"[object Array]" === ts.call(obj[i]) ||
"[object Object]" === ts.call(obj[i])
) {
findProp(obj[i], prop, out);
return out;
console.log(findProp(myObj, "itemIds"));

Changing bloodhound icons

I try to change the icons of bloodhound
i edited the file index.js with the following content:
global.appStore = {
dagre: false,
startNode: null,
endNode: null,
highlightedEdges: [],
spotlightData: {},
queryStack: [],
currentTooltip: null,
highResPalette: {
imageScheme: {
'User': {
url: './img1.png',
scale: 1.3,
clip: 0.85
highResStyle: {
nodes: {
label: {
by: 'label'
size: {
by: 'degree',
bins: 5,
min: 10,
max: 20
icon: {
by: 'type',
scheme: 'imageScheme'
edges: {
type : {
by : 'type',
scheme: 'edgeScheme'
but i am getting red question mark in black circle, t doesn`t work when i put url from internet site.
what to do?

Why am I only getting one association with this model?

Using Sequelize for Node.js I have defined some relationships. The only issue is that the promotion models contain just one gamePlayLog each instead of all for each. The example promotion below should have over 100 gamePlayLogs's. I copied just one from the array of returned promotions/tournaments for reference. Am I doing something wrong?
var Sequelize = require('sequelize'),
seqlz = new Sequelize('wegweg', 'wegwegweg', 'wegwegweg!', {
host: '...',
port: '3306',
dialect: 'mysql',
timezone: 'UTC-05:00',
pool: {
max: 5,
min: 0,
idle: 10000
Promotion = seqlz.define('promotion', {
tournamentId: {
type: Sequelize.BIGINT(20),
primaryKey: true
iconFilePath: Sequelize.STRING,
name: Sequelize.STRING(75),
eventStartDate: Sequelize.DATE,
eventEndDate: Sequelize.DATE
}, {
timestamps: false,
tableName: 'Tournament'
Advertiser = seqlz.define('advertiser', {
advertiserId: {
type: Sequelize.BIGINT(20),
primaryKey: true
name: Sequelize.STRING(75),
}, {
timestamps: false,
tableName: 'Advertiser'
Game = seqlz.define('game', {
gameId: {
type: Sequelize.BIGINT(20),
primaryKey: true
name: Sequelize.STRING(75)
}, {
timestamps: false,
tableName: 'Game'
GamePlayLog = seqlz.define('gamePlayLog', {
gamePlayLogId: {
type: Sequelize.BIGINT(20),
primaryKey: true
createdDate: Sequelize.DATE
}, {
timestamps: false,
tableName: 'GamePlayLog'
Promotion.belongsTo(Advertiser, {foreignKey: 'advertiserId'});
Promotion.belongsTo(Game, {foreignKey: 'gameId'});
Promotion.hasMany(GamePlayLog, {foreignKey: 'gamePlayLogId'});
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
where: {status: 3},
include: [Advertiser, Game, GamePlayLog]
}).then(function(promos) {
context.done(null, promos);
"tournamentId": 607,
"iconFilePath": "uploadfiles/tournament/icon/...-mobile-icon.jpg",
"name": "Win Custom Artwork",
"eventStartDate": "2015-07-27T05:00:00.000Z",
"eventEndDate": "2016-08-02T04:00:00.000Z",
"advertiserId": 37,
"gameId": 14,
"advertiser": {
"advertiserId": 37,
"name": "...Customs"
"game": {
"gameId": 14,
"name": "Eggcetera"
"gamePlayLogs": [
"gamePlayLogId": 607,
"createdDate": "2015-02-26T13:31:34.000Z"
You're specifying the foreign key as the gamePlayerLogId but that's a primary key in the gamePlayerLog table so there will only ever be one with a corresponding id. I think what you probably want is to specify the promotion id in the gamePlayerLog table as the foreign key.

