Await / Async with a conditional statement and IIAEF - javascript

I want to conditionally call a db SELECT within a non-async function. I wrapped it in a IIAEF? like so
async function getScopedDataPolicies() {
const test = new Promise((res) => {
return test;
function nonAsyncMethod() {
(async () => {
const test = getScopedDataPolicies();
const policies = await test;
My expectation is
But I get
What wouldn't the await work in the immediately invoking method??
Look at these examples; am I missing something?

All await does is pause the execution of the current function, until an async task has finished, at which point execution will continue. It does not pause all of Javascript, that kind of behavior is synchronous programming, and Javascript is built to avoid it, because it makes for a really bad user experience if Javascript has to stall every time you make a rest request, etc.
Some possible workarounds:
await the IIFE, or take out the IIFE entirely. The IIFE is an async function, so it'll return a promise when it'scalled. You're not awaiting that promise, which is why your outer sync function continues on without waiting for it to finish.
async function nonAsyncMethod() {
await (async () => {
const test = getScopedDataPolicies();
const policies = await test;
Move console.log('4') into your IIFE. I know that console.log('4') might represent a whole log of code, but in some cases, you've just got to move it all inside - break up your function into smaller functions if you have to.

await inside the IIFE doesn't effect the outer function
To do so, you could either do this:
async function getScopedDataPolicies() {
const test = new Promise((res) => {
return test;
async function nonAsyncMethod() {
await (async () => {
const test = getScopedDataPolicies();
const policies = await test;
or this:
async function getScopedDataPolicies() {
const test = new Promise((res) => {
return test;
function nonAsyncMethod() {
(async () => {
const test = getScopedDataPolicies();
const policies = await test;
})().then(() => {
Note: if you need to "wait" for nonAsyncMethod - you can only do await nonAsyncMethod(), or nonAsyncMethod.then(() => { continue here })


Jest with async function calls before and after setTimeout

I have a main function which calls two async functions with sleep function in between. This is a basic example:
const func1 = async() => {
setTimeout(()=>{console.log('func 1...')}, 1000);
const func2 = async() => {
setTimeout(()=>{console.log('func 2...')}, 1000);
const sleep = ms => {
console.log(`Sleeping for ${ms/1000} seconds`);
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
const main = async() => {
try {
await func1();
// Sleeping for a long long time
console.log('Before Sleep');
await sleep(2000000);
console.log('After Sleep')
await func2();
return 'success';
} catch(err) {
return 'error'
And this is my test code:
const index = require('./index');
describe('Testing index.js...', () => {
test('Should return success', async() => {
const promise = index();
promise.then(response => {
The test passes, but the console shows the following:
func 1...
Before Sleep
Sleeping for 2000 seconds
I tried the same this, but with func1() and func2() being synchronous functions:
const func1 = () => {
console.log('func 1...');
const func2 = () => {
console.log('func 2...');
const sleep = ms => {
// Sleeping for a long time
console.log(`Sleeping for ${ms/1000} seconds`);
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
const main = async() => {
try {
// Sleeping for a long long time
console.log('Before Sleep');
await sleep(2000000);
console.log('After Sleep')
return 'success';
} catch(err) {
return 'error'
In that case, the test passes and the logs are also as expected:
func 1...
Before Sleep
Sleeping for 2000 seconds
After Sleep
func 2...
In the same synchronous code, if I make func1 async (keeping func2 synchronous), the problem reappears.
If func1 is synchronous and func2 is async, everything works as expected.
I have also tried using jest.runAllTimers() and jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(). I have also tried using async-await in the test file, but that (understandably) gives a timeout error:
index.test.js using async-await
const index = require('./index');
describe('Testing index.js...', () => {
test('Should return success', async() => {
const promise = index();
const response = await promise;
func 1...
Before Sleep
Sleeping for 2000 seconds
Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Timeout
How can I make this work?
I have gone through and tried a solutions on lot of Github issues in jest, and also a lot of questions on stack overflow, none of the solutions seem to work.
I am using jest 25.5.4
Edit: I also tried increasing the value in jest.advanceTimersBytTime() to a day. And also tried making the function in describe async.
I've had a similar issue recently, what worked for me is to advance the timers from within an async-call. Seems like jest does not support setting the timers within a promise (see Try doing:
describe('Testing index.js...', () => {
it('Should return success', () => {
const promise = main();
Promise.resolve().then(() => jest.advanceTimersByTime(2000005));
return promise.then((res) => {
async, raw promises and done callback shouldn't be used together in tests. This is a common sign that a developer isn't fully comfortable with Jest asynchronous testing, this leads to error-prone tests.
The problem with original is that promise.then(...) promise is ignored because it's not chained. Asynchronous test should return a promise in order for it to be chained.
func1 and func2 return promises that resolve immediately and produce one-tick delay rather than 1 second delay. This should be taken into account because otherwise there's a race condition with setTimeout being called after advanceTimersByTime.
It should be:
test('Should return success', async() => {
const promise = index();
await null; // match delay from await func1()
const response = await promise;

async await, process one item of For loop at a time

I can't seem to wrap my head around async await, let's say I want to process one item of an array at a time, with a 1 second delay:
myfunction() {
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
for (const item of this.myarray) {
this.dosomething(item).then((res: string) => {
setTimeout(() => {
await this.final_thing_before_the_next_item.push(res);
}, 1000);
}, 200);
Where would I put the "async"?
Stackblitz demo
You can put an async inside the setTimeout:
myfunction() {
setTimeout(async () => {
for (const item of this.myarray) {
await this.wait(1000);
wait(timer: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), timer);
In a simplified form, await is syntax sugar for consuming promises. The following snippets are pretty much equivalent:
doSomethingAsync().then(value => {
console.log('it finished', value);
const value = await doSomethingAsync();
The caveat is that if you want to use await, you need to mark the function as async. I will assume you want to have a 1s delay after full completion. Your code might look something like this:
function wait() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
async function processItems(items) {
for (const item of items) {
const res = await this.doSomething(item);
// This isn't processed until doSomething completes.
const other = await this.doFinalThing(res);
// This isn't run until doFinalThing completes.
await wait(1000);
// The loop now continues after waiting 1s.
you marked this as angular, so I'm going to say, consider rxjs...
// imports
import {timer, from, concat} from 'rxjs'
import {switchMap, delay} from 'rxjs/operators'
// wait 200 ms
// switch
switchMap(() => {
// map array into streams
const obs$ = => {
// from promise, do whatever
return from(this.dosomething(i)).pipe(
// switch again, to do final thing, again from promise
switchMap(res => from(this.finalThing(res))),
// delay 1s
return concat(...obs$); // execute one after the other
).subscribe(v => console.log('values 1 by 1, spaced 1s apart', v))
If you want to process one asynchronous operation at a time, you could do the following:
// "wait" for a 1000ms before resolving the Promise
const wait = (ms = 1000) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms);
// array of asynchronous operations
const promises = Array.from({ length: 4 }).map((_, idx) =>
async function main() {
const data = [];
for (let item of promises) {
const result = await item;
await wait(1000);
console.log("result", result);
console.log("final data", data);
If I understand your question (and code sample) correctly, you basically want to
Sleep 200 ms
Iterate over a list of items. For each item you want to:
Call a function, passing the current item to it and getting a response in return.
Pause for 1 second.
Call a second function, passing it the response
To do that you need a sleep() function that returns a promise that will resolve when the specified time has elapsed:
function sleep(ms = 1000) {
const p = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve());
return p;
Having that, you need an async function to do the actual work. It has to be async because that is what lets it await other things:
async function process_items( items, delayInMs = 1000 ) {
for ( item of items ) {
const res = await doSomething( item, delayInMs );
await sleep(delay);
await doSomethingElse( res );
As you can see from the above bit of code, the advantage of using async/await over callbacks or promise chains is that it gives you a rather more succinct and declarative syntax.
Then you can wrap it all up in another async function:
async function myfunction() {
await sleep(200);
await process_items( this.myarray, 1000 );
Marking a function as async does two things: it
Enables the use of await within that function, and
Converts the function into a function returning a promise, regardless of what its ostensible return value is.
If you take this function:
function foo() {
return 1;
and mark it as async:
async function foo() {
return 1;
it is (more or less) as if you had changed to to read:
function foo() {
return Promise.resolve(1);
The easiest way, without looking at the specifics of your code is before myFunction ie async myFunction(). I see 'this' being used so I imagine this is a method of some object/class in which case that would be one way to go about it.

Which is better Promise.all or nested async await?

I have two blocks of code. First is using async await
async sendEmailNotifications() {
try {
const users = await User.find(...)
const promises = => {
const _promises = => {
const todayVisitorsCount = await Session.count({...})
const yesterdayVisitorsCount = await UserSession.count({...})
const emailObj = {
const sendNotification = await emailService.analyticsNotification(emailObj)
await Promise.all(_promises)
return promises
} catch (err) {
return err
(await sendEmailNotifications())
And then I have using Promise.all
sendEmailNotifications() {
const users = await User.find(...)
const promises = => {
const allPromises = [] => {
const data = await Promise.all(allPromises)
const emailObj = {
todayVisitorsCount: data[0],
yesterdayVisitorsCount: data[1]
const sendNotification = await emailService.analyticsNotification(emailObj)
return promises
sendNotification.then((data) => console.log(data))
Now I need to know which piece of code will faster execute? One is with series(async await) and one is with parellel(Promise.all). Which has better performance?
In the first code, you have two separate await statements:
const todayVisitorsCount = await Session.count({...})
const yesterdayVisitorsCount = await UserSession.count({...})
whereas in the second, you only have one, before a Promise.all:
const data = await Promise.all(allPromises)
In the first code, the second Promise will only initialize after the first Promise has finished, resulting in a longer time required before the script ends. For example:
const fn = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
(async () => {
await fn();
await fn();
console.log('two awaits done');
(async () => {
await Promise.all([fn(), fn()]);
console.log('Promise.all done');
The version without Promise.all pauses the function when the first call of fn() is made, and waits for the Promise returned by fn() to resolve (1000 ms) before proceeding to the next line. The next line calls fn() again, and the await waits for it to complete (1000 more ms).
In contrast, the Promise.all version calls both fn()s immediately - both Promises are initialized, and the await that pauses the function is waiting for both Promises to complete. There's no down time between the initialization of the first Promise and the initialization of the second Promise.
So, the Promise.all version will run more significantly more quickly than the version with two awaits. Using Promise.all will be preferable unless the first Promise (UserSession.count) must be completed before the second Promise (Session.count) starts.
With destructuring and without unnecessary variables, this is how I would clean up your Promise.all code, you might consider it to be a bit more readable:
async sendEmailNotifications() {
const users = await User.find();
return (user) => {
const [todayVisitorsCount, yesterdayVisitorsCount] = await Promise.all([
await emailService.analyticsNotification({ todayVisitorsCount, yesterdayVisitorsCount });

Await for an async queue to be proceeded (async module)

I'm trying to build a queue with nodejs and async module but it's not working as desired.
Here is my code:
const async = require('async');
const queueSize = 10;
const taskHandler = function (task, done) {
const myQueue = async.queue(taskHandler, queueSize);
myQueue.drain = function () {
console.log('The queue is now empty.');
function delay() {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
async function delayedLog(item) {
await delay();
const run = async () => {
for (let item = 0; item < 30; item++) {
myQueue.push(async function (done) {
await delayedLog(item)
(async () => {
await run();
What I want:
// logs from delayedLog
// logs from delayedLog
As you can see await isn't working. I tried to promisify the module but the problem is still here. I tried with d3-queue and I had exactly the same problem.
Any suggestion ?
As #Chiến Nghê said you are using some async/await where there is no need to but this is another problem.
Your await isn't working at the end because your drain function is called at the end of your queue and it's not returning a promise.
You have to promisify your function, here is a sample example to do that:
function end() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
myQueue.drain = function () {
console.log('The queue is now empty.');
And then you can use your async await on your end function:
(async () => {
await end();
// a lot of logs
Your program is working as it is. Actually you dont need to declare async for function run(). This function is simply to put 30 async tasks to the queue for later execution then it ends after that.
I don't know exact what you want, but if you want the console.log('END') logic is executed only every async tasks in queue are finished. Please move it to queue's drain() function.

Wait for async function in multiple places

With Promises I can have two separate "threads" both waiting for the same value:
let trigger;
const promise = new Promise(r => {
console.log('promise is created *once*');
trigger = value => {
console.log('trigger is called *once*');
(async () => {
console.log('A waiting');
const value = await promise;
console.log(`A finished, got ${value}`);
(async () => {
console.log('B waiting');
const value = await promise;
console.log(`B finished, got ${value}`);
console.log('And *two* things are waiting on the single promise');
I've tried to replicate this with async/await but to no avail.
The following snippet does not work:
let trigger = async () => {
console.log('trigger should be called *once*');
return 'hello';
(async () => {
console.log('A waiting');
const value = await trigger; // <-- What do I need to put here?
console.log(`A finished, got ${value}`);
(async () => {
console.log('B waiting');
const value = await trigger; // <-- What do I need to put here?
console.log(`B finished, got ${value}`);
trigger(); // <-- How can this "kick off" the two awaits above?
Is it possible to write the same functionality in the first snippet, using async/await?
I'm okay with falling back to using Promise if that's needed.
To await, you need to have a reference to the singular promise, so you can't call a function on demand and have that function create a promise and then use that same promise elsewhere (unless the function that creates the promise also holds it in state to return to other callers, like a singleton).
I'd create a singular promise initially, and then send it to the async functions:
const trigger = async () => {
console.log('trigger should be called *once*');
return 'hello';
async function as1(prom) {
console.log('A waiting');
const value = await prom;
console.log(`A finished, got ${value}`);
async function as2(prom) {
console.log('B waiting');
const value = await prom;
console.log(`B finished, got ${value}`);
const thePromise = trigger();
Don't use async just to return a promise, though - if the purpose of a function is to create a promise, then do it explicitly - that way, it's more clear what your code is meant to do. Async and await have not made the Promise keyword obsolete, it's just syntax sugar which is useful in some situations (and unnecessary in others).

