how to pass a props value in a vuejs scss file - javascript

I want to pass the props (string) value in my scss file
my component uses the nbColor props which is 'warning' and I want to put this value in my scss file which has the class .colorNb {color: color (nbColor);}
I would like nbColor to take the value nbColor = color: color (warning)
My component call <Table :nbColor="'warning'" />
in my component Table <span: class = "{colorNb: nbColor}"> {{nb}} </span>
props nbColor: { type: String, required: false }

It's a bit unclear what you're looking to do, since you're saying you want to pass the value into the scss file but from the example it seems like you're wanting to pass it to a tag as a class.
If you're trying to pass it to the scss file, that's not possible.
The file is compiled, so the value would need to be created at compile time. But there are ways to get around that by using css variables or style.
If you're looking to pass a variable to the class, then you should be able to to achieve that this way:
<span :class="nbColor"> {{nb}} </span>
The following code uses object-based assignment, which uses the key as the value, and the value as a boolean to determine if the value is added or not, so would give you a <span class="colorNb"> if nbColor is set and <span class=""> if it is not. This is usefull for having state-based classes like {active:item.isActive, disabled:item.isDisabled}.
<span :class = "{colorNb: nbColor}"> {{nb}} </span>


Conditinally rendering text using Angular clipboard

I want to implement a simple copy-to-clipboard function in my Angular application.
The function to copy works, however, I do not understand how conditional statements in Angular as most of my experience is in React.
In React I would define my variable
[copy, setCopy] = useState(false)
Then, I would pass this into wherever I want to change the text or graphic element:
<button>{copy ? "click to copy" : "url copied"}</button>
Using the Angular docs, this is what my copy function looks like in Angular:
export class ThankyouComponent {
copied = false
value =''
And here is where I want to use it in my HTML file
<button [cdkCopyToClipboard]="value">{{SOME_EVENT ? "copy url" : "url copied" }}</button>
How do I access the click event of cdkCopyToClipboard in order to conditionally render the string within the button as in my React example? I've been looking around online and can't find a solution.
to display something conditionally inside an HTML template in Angular, you can use property that holds text
In HTML button attribute you can add
Which calls method inside ts file whenever click event occures.
And in that method (that should belong to ts file in the same component you can do something like which changes button text to anything you want after the click.
// Omitted for simplicity
export class MyComponent{
public buttonText: string = 'Copy url'
public myOnClickMethod(): void {
this.buttonText = 'Copied'
Then you can pass that variable with string interpolation to that button content like
<button ...>{{ buttonText }}</button>
If you want to display some blocks conditionally, like some kind of fallback in case of no data, for example, in React you would probably do something like
if(!props.myList || props.myList.length < 1) return <strong>No data</strong>
return <> // some processing </>
In Angular you can use *ngIf directive
<div *ngIf="myList?.length > 0 else no-data">
// some processing
<ng-template #no-data>
<strong>No data</strong>
Of course you don´t need to use else statement and you can use opposite condition in other *ngIf instead.

Why is my decoration-${some_color} class not working correctly?

I have been trying to change the underline color decoration of some text according to a specific value given to a React component via this method:
<span className={`underline underline-offset-4 decoration-4 decoration-${decorationColor ? decorationColor : 'primary'}`}> {sentence.text}</span>
However, it is not working correctly. When I inspect the HTML file it has indeed the color I wrote, for instance: decoration-secondary. Nevertheless, the text doesn't appear to be changing accordingly.
If I write directly 'decoration-secondary' instead of passing 'secondary' within the props and then using decoration-${decorationColor ? decorationColor : 'primary'}, it suddenly works.
I found out that this only happens whenever I had not previously directly written the class name within the file. For example: I have used 'bg-primary', 'bg-secondary', and several times in other parts of the app, and thus, when using `bg-${decorationColor ? decorationColor : 'primary'}' it just works perfectly.
TailwindCSS doesn't allow you to generate classes dynamically. So when you use the following to generate the class…
`underline underline-offset-4 decoration-4 decoration-${decorationColor ? decorationColor : 'primary'}
…TailwindCSS will not pick that up as a valid TailwindCSS class and therefore will not produce the necessary CSS.
Instead, you must include the full name of the class in your source code. You can return the full value like this
function myDecoStyle(decorationColor) {
return "underline underline-offset-4 decoration-4 decoration-"+decorationColor;
return "underline underline-offset-4 decoration-4 decoration-primary";
where decorationColor is your colour value you are passing here.
By doing it this way, the entire string for every class is in your source code, so TailwindCSS will know to generate the applicable CSS.
And use it like
<span className={`${myDecoStyle(secondary)}`}> {sentence.text}</span>
Read more:

How do I add style to a react element within the return function?

I'm trying to add style to an element in my return of a react component, but I want to achieve this without adding a class. My text editor auto fills a style option, but I believe the syntax is wrong, since when trying to add a function on an onClick event, its a little different when its in the return of a react element. For example, instead of
onClick={() => {function()}}
I'm hoping that instead of style={"background-color: green;"} its a different syntax to actually allow style changes once it hits the dom.
In-line styles can be done, and here is a code example as you have not provided one.
for example, lets inline style an h1 tag
<h1 style={{background-color:'green', color:'white'}}>This is a tilte</h1>
more can be found here
additionally, I would not recommend inline styling as it's not industry-standard and can cause your code to become bloted.
Style tags in react can indeed contain a references to functions.
I am not fully sure if you are working with React component classes or component functions, but your syntax can besides as follows. Create a variable called customStyle which will contain a function that returns your required style object:
customStyle = () => { return { color: 'red' } };
You can then reference customStyle inside markup as follows:
<div style={this.customStyle()}>My Element</div>
idont know if i understood your question well, You can achieve what you want by making a style state, then mutate it whatever style you want with setState
const [style, setStyle] = useState({})
const App = () => {
return <div style={style}>
<button onClick={() => setStyle({color: 'red'})}>handler button </button>

Why do I see passed props in HTML output in a React app?

I have a simple Text component created with Styled components:
const Text = styled.p`
color: ${({color, theme}) => color ? theme.colors[color] : 'inherit'};
It works, however for some reason I can see the color prop passed in an HTML output in console.
<p color="gray700" class="sc-ifAKCX GLYnD">2 active deals</p>
Weird is that if I rename the prop from color to variant, it doesn't appear in the console:
<p class="sc-ifAKCX GLYnD">2 active deals</p>
What does this depend on?
Have been trying to figure out this for over an hour but finally I found the reason.
The color prop is being passed down to your HTML because color is an attribute of the <font> HTML tag and thus this is the expected behavior.
Therefore I would avoid using color as prop for styled-components/React to avoid passing down unnecessary HTML attributes

Polymer, evaluate element based off object

I am using the tile example from polymers neon elements - and I am trying to make each expanded tile unique. My first try on how to do this was to pass a string in with the grid items like
value: 1,
color: 'blue',
template: 'slide-1'
And have that element be evaluated when rendered in a new element something like this. (this is the card template itself)
<div id="fixed" class$="[[_computeFixedBackgroundClass(color)]]"></div>
<div id="card" class$="[[_computeCardClass(color)]]">
This does not work - however I am wondering if there is some way to do this so I can load custom elements for the content of each card. For reference - , it is the grid example and I am trying to replace the content of each card once it is clicked on ( the fullsize-page-with-card.html, here is all the html for it - ). Is this the wrong way of approaching this? Or maybe I have some syntax wrong here. Thanks!
Edit : OK, So I can send it through if i add it to the click to open the card like so
scope._onTileClick = function(event) {
this.$['fullsize-card'].color =;
this.$['fullsize-card'].template =;
this.$.pages.selected = 1;
and in the card's properties like so
template: {
type: String
So I can then evaluate it as [[template]] , however - the question still remains how to call a custom element (dynamically) using this string. I could pass a couple of properties and fill in a card or form so they are unique, but i think I would have much more creative freedom if I could call custom elements inside each card.
I have an element that allows referenced templates. There are a couple of others other there, but this one also allows data bindings to work:

