How is this import working without any relative path? - javascript

This is the directory I'm working in:
Now, Auth.js is importing a component from components like this:
import AuthNavbar from "components/Navbars/AuthNavbar.js";
Should'nt it be
import AuthNavbar from "../components/Navbars/AuthNavbar.js";
How is that import even working?

This might be working because your webpack configuration most likely has an alias.


Creating File Template in Intellij with importing files relativly

I'm trying to build a file template for a react component for my team at work.
I have built the file template according to what Intellij offers, but I get stuck in one thing:
How can I import files into my file template, but without knowing where I am regarding the root folder?
We do use absolute imports so I do use it inside my component file, but it doesn't work in my test file and I have something that calls AppMock that mocks the behavior of our app, and I can't import absolute on it.
Any solutions will be welcomed, thanks
I tried to look for import files relatively in my file template but I couldn't find anything that matches to my problem
Here is an example of what I talk about:
import { render, screen } from '#testing-library/react';
import user from '#testing-library/user-event';
import React from 'react';
import { $NAME } from './${NAME}';
import { noop } from 'lodash'
import { AppMock } from '../../../../../../config/jest/testHelpers/AppMock';
As you can see, the imports are external libraries, except AppMock because we don't work with absolute imports in test files, and because of that I didn't find a way to create a file template for test file.

How to import a CSS file in a React Component on Electron

I have seen that it is used
import React from 'react';
import './cssName.css';
but it does not work for me, I am working on the electron app and add react as shown here
It is not working because you do not have a build process set up. You will need to setup webpack or something like that to be able to import css.
I suggest you read this article:

Why should absolute imports come before relative imports?

I'm importing some resources in my Vue file. The fact that it's Vue, though, have nothing to do with my question, I believe.
I import them as such:
import Vue from 'vue'
import { mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex'
import ChessPiece from '../assets/classes/chesspiece'
import 'vue-awesome/icons/rotate-left'
import 'vue-awesome/icons/search'
ESLint then tells me:
Absolute imports should come before relative imports
I'm just wondering, why is this?
It's just an coding convention to make everything cleaner.
Usually absolute imports comes from external library, and relative imports from your code.

Vuejs, import component file issues

I have a files structure issue that I am trying to fix when referencing components into other components as imports.
The current files setup I have looks like this...
I am working on the file called security_passphrase.vue and within that file I reference 2 files to import as I need to use them there.
import dropdown from '../components/vue_form/dropdown.vue'
import formbutton from '../components/vue_form/form_button.vue'
The compiler cannot find the modules I am trying to load.
Error: Cannot find module '../../components/vue_form/dropdown.vue' from 'C:\wamp64\www\merchant-backend-new\merchant-backend\resources\assets\js\components\vue_form\concertina_form'
Error: Cannot find module '../../components/vue_form/form_button.vue'
I have tried different ways to make this work but no success. The files I am trying to import are outside of the folder where the file is I am working with.
/concertina_form/security_passphrase.vue /vue_form/form_button.vue
Help will be great :)
import dropdown from '../dropdown.vue'
import formbutton from '../form_button.vue'
Should be the correct way to import these files, using ../ goes down one directory which will take you from the concertina_form directory to the vue_form directory.

React & Jest: Cannot find module from test file

Setting up a Jest test ('App-test.js') for a Redux action ('App.js') in a directory app/__tests__:
Here's the header of App.js:
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils'
import * as App from '../../modules/actions/App.js'
In app/ there is a module config.js. This is being imported where it is needed.
The problem is, when I run my Jest tests, such as App-test.js, it is looking for config and not finding it:
FAIL __tests__/actions/App-test.js
Runtime Error
Error: Cannot find module 'config' from 'User.js'
And User.js is importing config like so:
import config from 'config'
User.js is another action being used App.js.
Any ideas?
You should specify the module location, otherwise Node.js will try to guess the location for you, like:
The problem in your code is the assumption that node will look for the file in the desired location, as you can see in the algorithm I provided in the previous lines.
To fix the issue you have to specify the location inside your User.js file, for example, check the hypothetical file organization:
Then, you'd import inside User.js:
import config from '../config.js'
The file config.js is relative to User.js, located in the parent directory.

