Access scoped slot from component - javascript

I got this component:
<Popover v-slot="{ open }">
{{ title }}
<div v-if="computedOpen">
<PopoverPanel static>
<slot name="popover"></slot>
import {Popover, PopoverButton, PopoverPanel} from '#headlessui/vue'
import {computed, ref, watch} from 'vue'
import {useRoute} from 'vue-router'
export default {
name: 'DropdownMenuButton',
mixins: [slots],
props: {
name: {
type: String,
title: {
type: String,
default: ''
components: {
setup(props) {
const isOpen = ref(null);
const route = useRoute()
watch(route, () => {
isOpen.value = false;
const computedOpen = computed(() => {
let open = ...? //this is missing...
return isOpen.value && open.value;
return {
This component makes use of headless UI's popover.
Now I'd like to close the popover once the route changes. While the route-change is being detected fine, I can not access the <Popover>'s open value in the setup() method to determine, whether computedOpen should return true or false.
My question: How can I access v-slot="{ open } in the computed value?

What you want is not possible.
Think about it:
Everything inside <Popover> element (the slot content) is compiled by Vue to a function returning the virtual DOM representation of the content
This function is passed to the Popover component as slots.default and when the Popover component is rendering, it calls that function passing the open value as an argument
So open value is Popover component's internal state and is only accessible inside the template (ie. slot render function)
So I think your best bet is throw away the computed idea and just use the open value directly in the template or use method instead, passing open as an argument
<div v-if="isOpen && open">
<PopoverPanel static>
<slot name="popover"></slot>
<div v-if="isPanelOpen(open)">
<PopoverPanel static>
<slot name="popover"></slot>


Vue.js Loading and hiding async component

I am making a chatbot in vue.js and I need your help. I created 2 Vue components:
ChatLoader.vue - first components that render a button to open actual webchat window
Webchat.vue - the async component that only loads when I
Click on a button to open the chat window.
So what my ChatLoader.vue is doing is setting parameter chatInitialized = true on button click. Then the chat window is opened.
In my Webchat.vue I have a close button which on click only hides the chat window (not removed from DOM) by setting showWindow = false;
Now when the chat window is hidden I again see the button to open the chat (which was there all the time only not visible because overlapped by chatwindow) but when I click on the button now I want to set showWindow = true in Webchat.vue component instead of the previous behavior, so the webchat window is shown again.
<span class="open-chat" v-on:click="showChat">
<i class="icon ficon-live-chat"></i>
Virtual assistant
<Webchat v-if="chatInitialized"></Webchat>
import ChatLoading from "./ChatLoading.vue";
const Webchat = () => ({
component: import('./Webchat.vue'),
loading: ChatLoading
export default {
data() {
return {
chatInitialized: false
components: {
methods: {
showChat() {
this.chatInitialized = true;
<div class="chat-window" v-show="showWindow">
<button type="button" class="cancel icon ficon-close" v-on:click="minimize"></button>
import <WebchatPlugin{
} from "botframework-webchat/lib/index";
import {DirectLine} from "botframework-directlinejs";
export default {
data() {
return {
showWindow : true
components: <WebchatPlugin
methods: {
minimize() {
this.showWindow = false
How can I accomplish that? Thank you
If you want to toggle the child component's (<Webchat>) state showWindow from a consuming parent component, then you will have to create a method in the child component that can be invoked by the parent element.
First of all, in your Webchat component, create a new method, say maximize, that will change this.showWindow to true:
methods: {
minimize() {
this.showWindow = false;
maximize() {
this.showWindow = true;
Then, in your parent component, you can then:
Create a reference to your Webchat component
Use this.$ref to access the component and its inner methods, and call the maximize() method you've just created:
<span class="open-chat" v-on:click="showChat">
<i class="icon ficon-live-chat"></i>
Virtual assistant
<!-- Use `ref` attribute to create a reference to component -->
<Webchat ref="webchat" v-if="chatInitialized"></Webchat>
import ChatLoading from "./ChatLoading.vue";
const Webchat = () => ({
component: import('./Webchat.vue'),
loading: ChatLoading
export default {
data() {
return {
chatInitialized: false
components: {
methods: {
showChat() {
this.chatInitialized = true;
// Access Webchat component's inner method
// Do this inside `this.$nextTick` to ensure it is accessible
this.$nextTick(() => {

What does v-on="..." syntax mean in VueJS?

I came across a Vuetify example for the v-dialog component which has the scoped slot called activator defined as follows:
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
color="red lighten-2"
Click Me
I understand the purpose of scoped slots from VueJS docs and the concept of destructuring slot props but I don't understand what the meaning of v-on="on" is in this example. In particular what it means when the event is not specified with the v-on directive?
The VueJS docs on v-on only show its usage in combination with an event name explicitly specified (eg. v-on:click="...") but there is no explanation of just using it as v-on="...".
Can someone explain this syntax and its usage in the Vuetify example?
basic usage
<!-- object syntax (2.4.0+) -->
<button v-on="{ mousedown: doThis, mouseup: doThat }"></button>]
So basically #click="..." equals v-on:click="..." equals v-on="{click:...}"
vuetify implementation:
genActivator () {
const node = getSlot(this, 'activator', Object.assign(this.getValueProxy(), {
on: this.genActivatorListeners(),
attrs: this.genActivatorAttributes(),
})) || []
this.activatorNode = node
return node
Some insight:
It is useful if you want to abstract components and pass down multiple listeners at once instead of writing multiple lines of assignments.
Consider a component:
export default {
data() {
return {
on: {
click: console.log,
contextmenu: console.log
value: "any key value pair"
<slot name="activator" :on="on" :otherSlotPropName="value" >
<defaultComponent v-on="on" />
Given the component above, you can access the slot properties and pass them into your custom component:
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, otherSlotPropName }">
color="red lighten-2"
Click Me
<ExampleComponent />
Somethimes its easier to see it in plain javascript:
Comparing the component from above - with render function instead of template:
export default {
data() {
return {
on: {
click: console.log,
contextmenu: console.log
value: "any key value pair"
return h('div', [
this.$scopedSlots.activator &&
on: this.on,
otherSlotPropName: this.value
|| h('defaultComponent', {
listeners: this.on
In the source:
In case of a blank v-on="eventsObject" the method bindObjectListener will be called resulting in the assignment of the events to data.on.
This happens in the createComponent scope.
Finaly the listeners are passed as VNodeComponentOptions and updated by updateListeners.
Where Vue extends - the Vuetify implementation inspected:
When taking into account that one can join and extend vue instances, one can convince himself that any component can be reduced to a more atomic version.
This is what vuetify utilizes in the e.g. v-dialog component by creating a activator mixin.
For now one can trace down the content of on mounted by the activatable:
const simplyfiedActivable = {
this.activatorElement = this.getActivator()
// if is el?
methods: {
this.listeners = this.genActivatorListeners()
return {
click: ...,
mouseenter: ...,
mouseleave: ...,
genActivator () {
const node = getSlot(this, 'activator', Object.assign(this.getValueProxy(), {
on: this.genActivatorListeners(),
attrs: this.genActivatorAttributes(),
})) || []
this.activatorNode = node
return node
With above snippet all there is left is to implement this into the actual component:
// vuetify usage/implemention of mixins
const baseMixins = mixins(
const sympliefiedDialog = baseMixins.extend({
const children = []
return h(root, ...options, children)

Is it possible to add content to a global Vue component from a single file comp?

I have made a global component that will render the content we want.
This component is very simple
<div class="container-fluid">
<slot />
export default {
name: 'VHelp',
I use it inside my base template with
<v-help />
I'm trying to add content to this component slot from another single file component using.
But this logically create another instance of my comp, with the p tag inside. Not the correct thing I want to do.
So I tried with virtual DOM and rendering function, replacing slot by <v-elements-generator :elements="$" /> inside my VHelp comp.
The store helpElements is a simple array with objects inside.
type: 'a',
config: {
class: 'btn btn-default',
nestedElements: [
type: 'span',
value: 'example',
type: 'i',
Then inside my VElementsGenerator comp I have a render function that with render element inside virtual DOM from an object like
import {
} from 'lodash';
export default {
name: 'VElementsGenerator',
props: {
elements: {
type: Array,
required: true,
methods: {
iterateThroughObject(object, createElement, isNestedElement = false) {
const generatedElement = [];
for (const entry of object) {
const nestedElements = [];
let elementConfig = {};
if (typeof entry.config !== 'undefined') {
elementConfig = cloneDeep(entry.config);
if (entry.nestedElements) {
nestedElements.push(this.iterateThroughObject(entry.nestedElements, createElement, true));
isEmpty(elementConfig) ? entry.value : elementConfig,
if (typeof entry.parentValue !== 'undefined') {
if (isNestedElement) {
return generatedElement.length === 1 ? generatedElement[0] : generatedElement;
return createElement('div', generatedElement);
render(createElement) {
if (this.elements) {
return this.iterateThroughObject(this.elements, createElement);
return false;
This second method is working well but if I want to render complex data, the object used inside the rendering function is very very long and complex to read.
So I'm trying to find another way to add content to a global component used inside a base layout only when I want it on a child component.
I can't use this VHelp component directly inside children comps because the HTML page architecture will be totally wrong.
I'm wondering if this is possible to add content (preferably HTML) to a component slot from a single file comp without re-creating a new instance of the component?
Furthermore I think this is very ugly to save HTML as string inside a Vuex store. So I don't even know if this is possible and if I need to completely change the way I'm trying to do this.
Any ideas ?
In the store, you should only store data and not an HTML structure. The way to go with this problem would be to store the current state of the content of the v-help component in the store. Then, you would have a single v-help component with a slot (like you already proposed). You should pass different contents according to the state in the store. Here is an abstract example:
<content-one v-if="$store.state.content === 'CONTENT_ONE' />
<content-two v-else-if="$store.state.content === 'CONTENT_TWO' />
<content-fallback v-else />
Child element somewhere else:
<button #click="$store.commit('setContentToOne')">Content 1</button>
Vuex Store:
state: {
content: null
mutations: {
setContentToOne(state) {
state.content = 'CONTENT_ONE';
Of course it depends on your requirements and especially on how many different scenarios are used if this is the best way to achieve this. If I understood you correctly, you are saving help elements to the store. You could also save an array of currently selected help elements in there and just display them directly in the v-help component.
Of course you can also just save the static component (or its name) in the store. Then, you could dynamically decide in the child components, which content is shown in v-help. Here is an example:
<component :is="$store.state.helpComponent" v-if="$store.state.helpComponent !== null" />
Test Component:
test component
export default {
name: 'test-component'
Child element somewhere else (variant 1, storing the name in Vuex):
<button #click="$store.commit('setHelpComponent', 'test-component')">Set v-help component to 'test-component'</button>
Child element somewhere else (variant 2, storing the whole component in Vuex):
<button #click="$store.commit('setHelpComponent', testComponent)">Set v-help component to testComponent (imported)</button>
import TestComponent from '#/components/TestComponent';
export default {
name: 'some-child-component',
computed: {
testComponent() {
return TestComponent;
Child element somewhere else (variant 3, storing the name, derived from the imported component, in Vuex; I would go with this variant):
<button #click="$store.commit('setHelpComponent', testComponentName)">Set v-help component to 'test-component'</button>
import TestComponent from '#/components/TestComponent';
export default {
name: 'some-child-component',
computed: {
testComponentName() {
Vuex Store:
state: {
helpComponent: null
mutations: {
setHelpComponent(state, value) {
state.helpComponent = value;
See also the documentation for dynamic components (<component :is=""> syntax):

Cannot make vue.js element-ui's dialog work while it's inside a child component

Here is the parent component:
<template lang="pug">
el-button(type="primary", #click="dialogAddUser = true") New User
// Dialog: Add User
import * as data from '#/components/partials/data'
import AddUser from './partials/AddUser'
export default {
name: 'users',
components: { AddUser },
data () {
return {
users: data.users,
dialogAddUser: false
Here is the child component:
<template lang="pug">
el-dialog(width="75%", title="New User", :visible.sync="dialogVisible", top="5vh")
div 'el-dialog-body' - content goes here
export default {
name: 'add-user',
props: {
dialogVisible: Boolean
I am able to open the dialog but when close the dialog using top right button inside the dialog then I am getting this error:
Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten
whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or
computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated:
Later I tried to play and did something like below, but now I cannot even open the dialog:
<template lang="pug">
el-dialog(width="75%", title="New User", :visible.sync="visibleSync", top="5vh")
div 'el-dialog-body' - content goes here
export default {
name: 'add-user',
props: {
dialogVisible: Boolean
watch: {
visibleSync (val) {
this.$emit('update:dialogVisible', val)
data () {
return {
visibleSync: this.dialogVisible
If visible.sync works, the component is emitting an update:visible event.
So, to not mutate in the child and, instead, propagate the event to the parent, instead of:
:visible="dialogVisible", v-on:update:visible="visibleSync = $event"
Full code:
<template lang="pug">
el-dialog(width="75%", title="New User", :visible="dialogVisible", v-on:update:visible="visibleSync = $event", top="5vh")
div 'el-dialog-body' - content goes here
export default {
name: 'add-user',
props: {
dialogVisible: Boolean
watch: {
visibleSync (val) {
this.$emit('update:dialogVisible', val)
data () {
return {
visibleSync: this.dialogVisible
As another alternative, you could emit directly from the v-on listener and do without the visibleSync local property:
<template lang="pug">
el-dialog(width="75%", title="New User", :visible="dialogVisible", v-on:update:visible="$emit('update:dialogVisible', $event)", top="5vh")
div 'el-dialog-body' - content goes here
export default {
name: 'add-user',
props: {
dialogVisible: Boolean
I think a nice way to handle this is to:
Use a prop to pass the visible state from the parent to the child.
Forward el-dialog's close event from the child to the parent.
In the parent, handle the close event to set the prop to false.
<el-dialog :visible="visible" #close="$emit('close')">
export default {
props: {
visible: Boolean
Parent (assuming you store the open state in state.modalOpen):
<el-button #click="state.modalOpen = true">Open Modal</el-button>
<child-component :visible="state.modalOpen" #close="state.modalOpen = false" />

VueJS 2 - How to Pass Parameters Using $emit

I am working on a modal component using VueJS 2. Right now, it basically works -- I click on a button and the modal opens, etc.
What I want to do now is create a unique name for the modal and associate the button with that particular button.
This is what I have in mind. The modal has a unique name property:
<modal name='myName'>CONTENT</modal>
And this would be the associate button:
<button #click="showModal('myName')"></button>
What I need to figure out is how to pass the parameter of showModal to the modal component.
Here is the method that I'm using in the root vue instance (i.e, NOT inside my modal component):
methods: {
showModal(name) { this.bus.$emit('showModal'); },
What I want to do is to access the name property in the component -- something like this:
created() {
this.bus.$on('showModal', () => alert(;
But this shows up as undefined.
So what am I doing wrong? How can I access the name property inside the modal component?
NOTE: If you are wondering what this.bus.$on is, please see the following answer to a previous question that I asked:
Pass it as a parameter to $emit.
methods: {
showModal(name) { this.bus.$emit('showModal', name); },
created() {
this.bus.$on('showModal', (name) => alert(name));
Also, if you want to give the modal a name, you need to accept it as a prop in the modal component.
Then I assume you will want to do something like,
if (name ==
//show the modal
<!-- File name is dataTable.vue -->
<insertForm v-on:emitForm="close"></insertForm>
import InsertForm from "./insertForm";
import Axios from "axios";
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
methods: {
close(res) {
console.log('res = ', res);
<!-- File name is insertForm.vue -->
<v-btn #click.native="sendPrameter">
export default {
data: () => ({
msg:"Saved successfully",
methods: {
sendPrameter: function() {
this.$emit("emitForm", this.mesage);

