Ridiculously slow Apps-Script Loop - javascript

I've just switched from excel to Google sheets and I've had to go through a bit of a learning curve with moving on with "Macros" or scripts as they're now called.
Anyway, a short while later I've written a loop to go through everything in column B and if it's less than 50, delete the row.
It works and I'm happy but it's so slow. I have about 16,000 rows and I'll probably end with more. I let it run for about 4 minutes and it didn't even get rid of 1,000 rows. I refuse to believe that a popular programming language is that slow I can still read stuff as it's being deleted 20 rows up.
function grabData(){
let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Keywords");
var rangeData = sheet.getDataRange();
var lastColumn = rangeData.getLastColumn();
var lastRow = rangeData.getLastRow();
let range = sheet.getRange("B2:B16000");
let values=range.getValues();
for (var i = 0, len = values.length; i<len; i++){
if(values[i] <= 50 ){
I keep seeing somewhere that something's not being reset, but I have no idea what that means.
Is it because the array length starts off at 16,000 and when I delete a row I'm not accounting for it properly?

Since I never use formulas I would do it this way:
function grabData() {
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let sh = ss.getSheetByName("Keywords");
let rg = s.getRange(2, 2, sh.getLastRow() - 1, sh.getLastColumn());
let values = rg.getValues();
let oA = [];
values.forEach((r, i) => {
if (r[0] > 50) {
It's much faster but it will probably mess up your formulas. Which is one of the reasons I never use formulas. Deleting lines is quite slow. Pretty much anything you do with the UI is slow.

Welcome to App Script and the community! App Script is actually very fast if follow the best practice of App Script.
Here is an example for you that will complete what you need in one second (*modify the variable value in config to fit your own application):
function myFunction() {
// config
const filterValue = 50
const targetSheetName = "Sheet1"
const targetColumn = "A"
const startRowNum = "2"
// get data from target sheet
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
const sheet = ss.getSheetByName(targetSheetName)
const endRowNum = sheet.getLastRow()
const targetRange =`${targetColumn + startRowNum }:${targetColumn + endRowNum}`
const data = sheet.getRange(targetRange).getValues()
// filter data based on filterValue and set filtered result into new ary
const ary = data.filter(row=>row[0]>=filterValue)
//get max row number in the sheet
const maxRowNum = sheet.getMaxRows()
// break if nothing is filtered out
// remove all row and break
let deleteStartFromRowNum = parseInt(startRowNum,10) - 1
let deleteRowsCount = maxRowNum - deleteStartFromRowNum
sheet.deleteRows(deleteStartFromRowNum, deleteRowsCount)
// break if all is filtered out
// remove all trailing empty rows
let deletStartFromRowNum = endRowNum+1
let deleteRowsCount = maxRowNum-endRowNum
// get lowerbound (the last row of filtered data in ary)
const lowerBound = parseInt(startRowNum,10) + ary.length - 1
// set ary into sheet range according to lowerBound value
sheet.getRange(`${targetColumn + startRowNum}:${targetColumn + lowerBound.toString()}`).setValues(ary)
// delete rest of the rows that are below lower bound
let deleteStartFromRowNum = lowerBound + 1
let deleteRowsCount = maxRowNum - lowerBound
sheet.deleteRows(deleteStartFromRowNum, deleteRowsCount)

In Apps Script, you want to minimize calls to other service, including requests to Spreadsheets (see Minimize calls to other services). Calling other services in a loop will slow down your script considerably.
Because of this, it's much preferrable to filter out the undesired rows from values, remove all existing data in the range via Range.clearContent(), and then use setValues(values) to write the filtered values back to the spreadsheet (see Use batch operations).
Code snippet:
function grabData(){
let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Keywords");
const range = sheet.getRange("B2:B16000");
const values = range.getValues().filter(val => val[0] > 50);
Best Practices


Automatically generate new divisions and label it

I'm trying to use a script that automatically creates divisions on a spreadsheet. It receives as a value the number of times it has to create the same category of division. Each division/label it's composed of a merge of 6 cells in the same line.
I'm trying to make it work by using getLastRow as a base of the placement of the label, but I can't make it work it out with the merge.
Basically what I'm doing is:
function resumo() {
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let resumo = ss.getSheetByName("Resumo");
let numEntrada = resumo.getRange("c12").getValue();
function criaParcela() {
for (i = 0;i < numEntrada; i++){
var fLine = resumo.getLastRow();
var bcell = (fLine+1);
var fcell = (fLine+6);
As you can notice, I'm not professional programmer.
Assuming that this is the end result you are looking for:
You can try the below script:
function doStuff() {
let spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let sheetResumo = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Resumo");
let numEntrada = sheetResumo.getRange("C12").getValue();
for (let i = 0; i < numEntrada; i++) {
let lastRow = sheetResumo.getLastRow() + 1;
sheetResumo.getRange(lastRow, i+1, 6, 1).mergeVertically();
The most notable changes that have been done to your script are the following:
+ using only one function;
Apps Script does not accept a function within a function in the way you had tried to use it.
+ getRange method is getting the proper parameters in order to perform the merge operation successfully;
As you can see, the i index is needed if you want to merge the same cells numEntrada multiple times.
Apps Script Sheet Class - getRange(row, column, numRows, numColumns).

Apps Script - For loop is slow. How to make it faster?

My spreadsheet has a column (A) with over 1000 rows of values like 10.99€, 25.99 € and so on. for optimizing purposes, I am looping through this column and removing the "EUR" mark and replacing "." with ",". While the code works, my problem is that it takes super long to execute and for thousands of products it sometimes time outs. I know I am probably not following the best practices, but this was the best solution I could come up with because of my limited JavaScript skills. Any help?
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Table');
var lastRow = sheet.getRange(1,1).getDataRegion(SpreadsheetApp.Dimension.ROWS).getLastRow();
for (var i = 1; i < lastRow +1; i++) {
var price = sheet.getRange(i,1).getValue();
var removeCur = price.toString().replace(" EUR","").replace(".",",");
It's a classic question. Classic answer -- you need to replace cell.getValue() with range.getValues(). To get this way 2D-array. Process the array with a loop (or map, etc). And then set all values of the array at once back on sheet with range.setValues()
For this case it could be something like this:
function main() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Table');
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var data = range.getValues(); // get a 2d array
// process the array (make changes in first column)
const changes = x => x.toString().replace(" EUR","").replace(".",",");
data = data.map(x => [changes(x[0])].concat(x.slice(1,)));
range.setValues(data); // set the 2d array back to the sheet
Just in case here is the same code with loop for:
function main() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Table');
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var data = range.getValues();
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
data[i][0] = data[i][0].toString().replace(" EUR","").replace(".",",")
Probably the loop for looks cleaner in this case than map.
And if you sure that all changes will be in column A you can make the script even faster if you change third line in the function this way:
var range = sheet.getRange("A1:A" + sheet.getLastRow());
It will narrow the range to one column.
Well, there's something you can do to improve your code, can't guarantee it will help you to make it faster, but we'll see.
Here's the updated version
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Table');
var lastRow = sheet.getRange(1,1).getDataRegion(SpreadsheetApp.Dimension.ROWS).getLastRow() + 1;
var price;
var removeCur;
for (var i = 1; i < lastRow; i++) {
price = sheet.getRange(i,1).getValue();
removeCur = price.toString().replace(" EUR","").replace(".",",");
What I did:
Line 5: I removed the +1 in the loop and added on lastRow directly. If you have 1000 rows, you'll save 1000 assignments
Line 6-7: removed declarations in the loop. If you have 1000 rows, you'll save 2000 re-declarations (not sure if it does, but it's best practise anyway)
You could use regex for the replace, so you do it only once, but I think it's slower, so I kept the 2 replaces there

Google Apps Script - Usage of "indexOf" method

first: I really tried hard to get along, but I am more a supporter than a programmer.
I put some Text in Google Calc and wanted to check the amount of the occurances of "Mueller, Klaus" (It appears 5 times within the data range). The sheet contains 941 rows and 1 Column ("A").
Here is my code to find out:
function countKlaus() {
// Aktives Spreadsheet auswählen
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// Aktives Tabellenblatt auswählen
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Tabellenblatt1");
var start = 1;
var end = sheet.getLastRow();
var data = sheet.getRange(start,1,end,1).getValues();
var curRow = start;
var cntKlaus = 0;
for( x in data )
var value = daten[x];
if(value.indexOf("Mueller, Klaus")> -1){
cntKlaus = cntKlaus + 1;
The result message is "0" but should be "5".
You are very close to the solution, except for these two issues:
daten[x] should be replaced by data[x].
ui.alert(cntKlaus) should be replaced by SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert(cntKlaus).
Solution (optimized by me) - Recommended:
function countKlaus() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Tabellenblatt1");
const cntKlaus = sheet
.getRange('A1:A' + sheet.getLastRow())
.filter(r=>r.includes("Mueller, Klaus"))
You can leave out this term + sheet.getLastRow() since we are filtering on a non-blank value. But I think it will be faster to have less data to use filter on in the first place.
flat : convert the 2D array to 1D array.
filter : filter only on "Mueller, Klaus".
Array.prototype.length: get the length of the filtered data
which is the desired result.
includes: check if Mueller, Klaus is included in the text.
Bonus info
Just for your information, my solution can be rewritten in one line of code if that's important to you:
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Tabellenblatt1").getRange('A1:A').getValues().flat().filter(r=>r.includes("Mueller, Klaus")).length);

Compare 4 different columns in 2 different Google Sheets

I am trying to compare the data from 2 google sheets. Each sheet has a column that is the identifier (sheet1:H and sheet2:C), if these match then I want to change sheet1:I to the value in sheet2:E. I'm running this code, but get no errors. It's not working though.
I tried to see similar posts this issue but they all seem to be lacking the compare a different column method I am using.
function changestatus() {
// gets spreadsheet A and the range of data
ssA = SpreadsheetApp.openById('IDHERE');
sheetA = ssA.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
dataA = sheetA.getRange('H2:H').getValues();
dataD = sheetA.getRange('I2:I').getValues();
// gets spreadsheet B and the range of data
ssB = SpreadsheetApp.openById('IDHERE');
sheetB = ssB.getSheetByName('responses');
dataB = sheetB.getRange('C2:C').getValues();
dataC = sheetB.getRange('E2:E').getValues();
for (var i = 0; i > sheetA.getLastRow(); i++) {
if (dataA[1][i] == dataB[1][i] && dataC[1][i] != dataD[1][i]){
var value = sheetA.getRange(i+1, 2).getValue(dataD);
sheetB.getRange(i+1, 2).setValue(value);
} // end if
} // end i
Starting results of sheets files would be something like:
Sheet 1
H:(ID) 1 I:(grade) pass
Sheet 2
C:(ID) 1 E:(grade) fail
After Function:
Sheet 1
H:(ID) 1 I:(grade) fail
#tehhowch is quite right; you need to review JavaScript comparison operators, for loop syntax, the format of object returned by Range#getValues, and how to access JavaScript array indices. Each of these contributes to your code problems, but it's reasonable that that we help you along the road a little more.
Loop syntax
This is an easy one. Instead of "i > sheetA.getLastRow()", it should read i < sheetA.getLastRow(). i starts with a value of zero, and its value increases by one at the end of each loop; so you want the loop to process all the values of i that are less than the value of the last row.
Array values
getValues returns a two-dimensional array but the IF statement fails because the array values are back to front.
For example, instead of "dataA[1][i]", it should be dataA[i][0]. There are two changes here:
1 - "i" moves to the first half of the array value (the 'row' value); and
2 - the second half of the array value is [0] (not "[1]"). This is because each variable is only one column wide. For example, dataA only returns the value of column H; same is true for dataB, dataC and dataD - they all return the value of just one column.
How could you tell whether the IF statement was a problem? It "looks" OK. One way is to display (or log) the values being returned.
I use Logger.log() (there are other options) to display information in the script editor under "View, Logs". Each time the script is run, the "Logger" statements are updated and you can check their value.
For example, you could insert this code at line 13 (before the loop) to check some values of the data variables.
Logger.log("dataA[1][0] = "+dataA[1][0]);
That line will show: "dataA[1][0] = 2". That's a valid result but you might notice that it is reporting ID=2 but, say, you were expecting a result of ID=1.
So change the line to:
Logger.log("dataA[1][1] = "+dataA[1][1]);
This line shows "dataA[1][1] = undefined". OK, something definitely wrong.
So, let's try:
Logger.log("dataA[0][0] = "+dataA[0][0]);
This line shows "dataA[0][0] = 1". Now that's more like it.
You can make Logger long or short; for example, you might want to evaluate the results of of the variables in one line. So the Logger might look like this:
Logger.log("dataA[0][0] = "+dataA[0][0]+", dataB[0][0] = "+dataB[0][0]+", dataC[0][0] = "+dataC[0][0]+", dataD[0][0] = "+dataD[0][0]);
And it would return:
"dataA[0][0] = 1, dataB[0][0] = 1, dataC[0][0] = Fail, dataD[0][0] = Pass".
This might confirm that you are on the right track, or that you need to debug further
The Failing IF statement
Original line = "(dataA[1][i] == dataB[1][i] && dataC[1][i] != dataD[1][i])"
Corrected line = (dataA[i][0] == dataB[i][0] && dataC[i][0] != dataD[i][0])
Updating the results on Sheet 1
The code here is:
var value = sheetA.getRange(i+1, 2).getValue(dataD);
sheetB.getRange(i+1, 2).setValue(value);
This is confusing and complicates a couple of things.
1 - the value just needs to be "the value in sheet2:E - this was in the IF statement: dataC[i][0]. So value = dataC[i][0]
2 - The goal is "change sheet1:I to the value in sheet2:E". You've already got the value, so focus now on sheet1:I.
Some times it is more simple to define the range and then, on a second line, update the value for that range.
the target sheet is sheetA;
the target row is: i+1 (that was correct);
the target column is: I (or column 9).
So, var range = sheetA.getRange(i+2, 9);
You could check this with "Logger":
Logger.log("range = "+range.getA1Notation()); might return "range = I2".
Then update the value:
Meaningful variable names
It helps (a LOT) to use meaningful variable names. For example, the original code uses:
"dataA" = Sheet1, Column H (contains ID); so maybe this could be "data1_H" or even "targetID.
"dataD" = Sheet1, Column I (contains grade); so maybe this could be "data1_I" or targetGrade.
"dataB" = Sheet2, Column C (contains ID), so maybe this could be "data2_C" or sourceID.
"dataC" = Sheet2, Column E (contains grade); so maybe this could be "data2_E" or sourceGrade.
Summary of changes
function so_changestatus() {
// gets spreadsheet A and the range of data
ssA = SpreadsheetApp.openById('IDHERE');
sheetA = ssA.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
dataA = sheetA.getRange('H2:H').getValues();
dataD = sheetA.getRange('I2:I').getValues();
// gets spreadsheet B and the range of data
ssB = SpreadsheetApp.openById('IDHERE');
sheetB = ssB.getSheetByName('responses');
dataB = sheetB.getRange('C2:C').getValues();
dataC = sheetB.getRange('E2:E').getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < sheetA.getLastRow(); i++) {
if (dataA[i][0] == dataB[i][0] && dataC[i][0] != dataD[i][0]){
var value = dataC[i][0];
var range = sheetA.getRange(i+2, 9);
} // end if
UPDATE - 1 April 2019
ID on SheetA vs SheetB does NOT match row-by-row
The original code was written on the basis that the ID matched on a row-by-row basis. This is not the case. So a variation in the code is needed to test whether the ID on SheetA exists on SheetB, and then test the respective status.
The evaluation of the sheetA ID on sheetB is done with [indexof] Docs reference.
In this code, I also took the opportunity to make the variable names of the data ranges more meaningful.
Note also: the loop continues while i is less than the lastrow minus one "i < (lastrow-1);". This is necessary because the first row are headers and the data range starts on row 2, so the number of data rows will be the "lastrow minus one" (to a allow for the header row).
function ejb2so_changestatus() {
// gets spreadsheet A and the range of data
// ssA = SpreadsheetApp.openById('IDHERE');
ssA = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
sheetA = ssA.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
dataA_ID = sheetA.getRange('H2:H').getValues();
data_Status = sheetA.getRange('I2:I').getValues();
//Logger.log("DEBUG: H3 = "+dataA_ID[4][0]+", I3 = "+data_Status[4][0]);//DEBUG
// gets spreadsheet B and the range of data
//ssB = SpreadsheetApp.openById('IDHERE');
ssB = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
sheetB = ssB.getSheetByName('Responses');
dataB_ID = sheetB.getRange('C2:C').getValues();
dataB_Status = sheetB.getRange('E2:E').getValues();
// Logger.log("DEBUG: C3 = "+dataB_ID[0][0]+", E3 = "+dataB_Status[0][0]);//DEBUG
var lastrow = sheetA.getLastRow()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: sheetA last row = "+lastrow);//DEBUG
// Flatten the array
var dataB_IDFlat = dataB_ID.map(function(row) {
return row[0];
//Loop through values on sheetA; check if they exist on sheetB
for (var i = 0; i < (lastrow - 1); i++) {
var A_ID = dataA_ID[i][0];
// Logger.log("DEBUG: id = "+A_ID);//DEBUG
// assign variable to return value index
var result = dataB_IDFlat.indexOf(A_ID);
if (result != -1) {
// it's there
// Logger.log("DEBUG: i: "+i+", ID: "+A_ID+", it's there"+", result#: "+result);//DEBUG
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Sheet1 status: "+data_Status[i][0]+" Vs Sheet2 status = "+dataB_Status[result][0]);//DEBUG
// compare status from sheetsA to sheetB
if (data_Status[i][0] != dataB_Status[result][0]) {
// Logger.log("DEBUG: status change to: "+dataB_Status[result][0]);//DEBUG
var range = sheetA.getRange(i + 2, 9);
//Logger.log("DEBUG: value = "+value);//DEBUG
//Logger.log("DEBUG: range = "+range.getA1Notation());//DEBUG
} else {
// it's not there
// Logger.log("DEBUG: i: "+i+", ID: "+A_ID+", it's not there");//DEBUG
// Credit: Flatten array: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49354635/1330560

Creating a leaderboard with Firebase

I'm trying to build a top 10 leaderboard using the Firebase Realtime DB - I am able to pull the top 10 ordered by score (last 10 due to the way firebase stores in ascending order) however when I attempt to place them in the page they all appear in key order.
If I was a betting man I'd guess it's to do with the for loop I have to create the elements - but I'm not good enough at Javascript to work out where the issue is I've spent the last 3 hours on MDN and W3Schools and I can't for the life of me work it out.
Either that or I need to run a For Each loop on the actual data query? but I feel like I could avoid that as I'm already collecting the score data so I could just arrange that somehow?
I was sort of expecting everything to appear in ascending order - meaning I would have to go back and prepend my JQuery but instead I've managed to accidentally create a new problem for myself.
Any suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated
Here is my current code:
var db = firebase.database()
var ref = db.ref('images')
ref.orderByChild('score').limitToLast(10).on('value', gotData, errData);
function gotData(data) {
var scores = data.val();
var keys = Object.keys(scores);
var currentRow;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
var currentObject = scores[keys[i]];
if(i % 1 == 0 ){
currentRow = document.createElement("div");
var col = document.createElement("div")
var image = document.createElement("img")
var p = document.createElement("P")
Use .sort() beforehand, then iterate over each score object to add it to the page:
function gotData(data) {
const scores = data.val();
const keys = Object.keys(scores);
const sortedKeys = keys.sort((keyA, keyB) => scores[keyB].score - scores[keyA].score);
const content = document.querySelector('#content');
sortedKeys.map(sortedKey => scores[sortedKey])
.forEach(scoreObj => {
const row = content.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
row.classList.add('pure-u-1-5'); // better done in the CSS if possible
const col = row.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
const img = col.appendChild(document.createElement('img'));
img.src = scoreObj.url;
col.appendChild(document.createElement('p')).textContent = scoreObj.score;
For loops have worse abstraction, require manual iteration, and have hoisting problems when you use var - use the array methods instead when you can.

