Giving multiple prompts over DM's - javascript

So I need a command to send 4 different messages to the user, each message with a new prompt, so for example "Prompt 1" and what ever the user responds will be pushed into an array called "config". I thought about using message collectors, but couldn't set it up to collect multiple answers.
Pseudo code:
let config = new Array();"Prompt 1");
config.push(collected.answer).then("Prompt 2");

You CAN use message collectors. However, you need to have it in a variable. Here is an example:'some prompt').then(m => {
let i = 0;
var collector = => === && ===, {max: /*some number*/})
collector.on('collect', collected => {
if(collected.content === 'end') return collector.stop();
//basically if you want to stop all the prompts and do nothing
i +=1
if(i === 1) return*something*/); //next prompt
if(i === 2) return*something*/); //and so on until you get to the last prompt
collector.on('end', collectedMsgs => {
if(collectedMsgs.size < /*amount of prompts*/) {
return collectedMsgs.first().channel.send('Ended early, nothing was done.');
//some action you would do after all are finished
There may be some missing parentheses, you will have to add them.


Having an issue with randomization in Discord JS

so i've been trying to make it so that every time the user sends a message there's a 50/50 chance that the bot reacts with an emoji, however the number is only picked every time i restart the bot. any ideas on how i can make it pick the number every time the command is triggered?
i tried to use setInterval but that didn't work so idk
here code;
const userID = "user id"
let random = Math.floor(Math.random()*2)
client.on('messageCreate', (message) => {
if(random === 1) {
if( === userID) {
Simply, define the random variable inside the messageCreate event.
const userID = "user id";
client.on('messageCreate', (message) => {
let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (random === 1) {
if ( === userID) {
If you define random inside of the messageCreate event it means that a new random number is generated each time the even is called.
const userID = "user id"
client.on('messageCreate', (message) => {
let random = Math.floor(Math.random()*2)
if(random === 1) {
if( === userID) {
As Tyler2P has already shown an example, just wanted to explain why this works.

members map with a limit per page

how could I make a member limit on a page? for example: only 10 members would appear on the first page, and to see the second page you would have to react with ⏩
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); = async (client, message, args) => {
const role = message.mentions.roles.first() || message.guild.roles.cache.get(args[0]) || message.guild.roles.cache.find(r => === args.slice(0).join(" "));
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Members with a role`)
{ name: 'alphabetical list', value: `\`\`\`fix\n${message.guild.roles.cache.get( => m.user.tag.toUpperCase()).sort().join('\n') || 'none'}\`\`\``}
I would get the list of users as an array, then use slice to return a portion of the array. In your case I would do:
//Get a list of all user tags
const list = msg.guild.roles.cache.get( => m.user.tag.toUpperCase()).sort();
//Let the user define the starting page
var pageNum = (parseInt(args[0]) * 10) - 10;
//Set a default option
if (!pageNum) {
pageNum = 0;
//Get 10 members, starting at the defined page
//Ex: if args[0] was "2", it would give you entries 10-19 of the array
var userList = list.slice(pageNum, pageNum + 9).join("\n");
Now that you can get users based off of a page number, you just need a way to set it! createReactionCollector is what you're looking for in this case. The website has a great example of this that we can modify to fit our needs:
//Only respond to the two emojis, and only if the member who reacted is the message author
const filter = (reaction, user) => ["◀️", "▶️"].includes( && ===;
//Setting the time is generally a good thing to do, so that your bot isn't constantly waiting for new reactions
//It's set to 2 minutes in this case, which should be plenty of time
const collector = msg.createReactionCollector(filter, {
time: 120000
collector.on('collect', (reaction, user) => {
//Do stuff here
//We can just return when the reactor ends, send a message that the time is up, whatever we want!
collector.on('end', collected => {
return"I'm done looking for reactions on the message!");
Now that we can get users and await reactions, we only need to put everything together. I would put the list retrieval in a seperate function that you can call easily:
//Initially take the page number from user input if requested
var page = parseInt(args[0]);
if (!page) {
page = 1;
//Send the message in a way that lets us edit it later
const listMsg = await"This is what will be reacted to!");
//React in order
await listMsg.react("◀️");
await listMsg.react("▶️");
const filter = (reaction, user) => ["◀️", "▶️"].includes( && ===;
const collector = listMsg.createReactionCollector(filter, {
time: 120000
collector.on('collect', (reaction, user) => {
switch ( {
case "◀️":
//Decrement the page number
//Make sure we don't go back too far
if (page < 1) {
page = 1;
case "▶️":
//Increment the page number
collector.on('end', collected => {
return"I'm done looking for reactions on the message!");
function getUsers(n) {
const list = msg.guild.roles.cache.get( => m.user.tag.toUpperCase()).sort();
//Take the page from the function params
var pageNum = (n * 10) - 10;
if (!pageNum) {
pageNum = 0;
return list.slice(pageNum, pageNum + 9).join("\n");
That's pretty much it! Obviously you'll have to tweak this to fit your own bot, but this code should be a great starting point.

Discord.js for loop behaving oddly

I'm working on a kick command for a Discord bot in Discord.js. How it works is a previous function passes an array of user IDs to attempt to kick from the server. For some reason, the for loop is repeating more than it should and the i value doesn't seem to change sometimes.
Here's my code:
exports.kick = async (guild, targets, member, reason, bot) => {
var modRoleQuery = await exports.queryModRole(guild, member, bot);
var outputMessage = '';
if (modRoleQuery === false && !member.hasPermission('ADMINISTRATOR') && member != return `You do not have permission to execute this command.`;
else if (targets.length === 0) return `Command usage: ${config.prefix}kick <#mentions/IDs> [reason]`;
else if (!'KICK_MEMBERS')) return `I require the \`Kick Members\` permission to execute this command.`;
else if (targets.length > 10) return `You may only kick 10 members at a time.`;
else if (reason.length > 1000) return `The kick reason must not exceed 1000 characters. Currently, it is ${reason.length}.`;
for (i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
console.log(`checking ${targets[i]}, ${i}`);
let targetMember = guild.member(targets[i]);
if (targetMember) {
if (targetMember.kickable) {
let targetMemberModRole = await exports.queryModRole(guild, targetMember, bot);
if ((targetMemberModRole || targetMember.hasPermission('ADMINISTRATOR')) && !member.hasPermission('ADMINISTRATOR')) {
outputMessage += `Unable to kick \`${targetMember.user.tag}\`: Only administrators can kick people with the moderator role and/or admin perms.\n`
} else {
await targetMember.user.send(`You were kicked from ${} by ${member.user.tag}:\nReason: \`${reason}\``).catch(err => {});
await targetMember.kick(`[${member.user.tag}] ${reason}`);
exports.modLogEvent(bot, guild, `KICK`, targetMember.user, member.user, reason);
outputMessage += `Successfully kicked \`${targetMember.user.tag}\`\n`;
} else {
outputMessage += `Unable to kick \`${targetMember.user.tag}\`: I don't have permission to kick them.\n`;
} else {
outputMessage += `Unable to kick \`${targets[i]}\`: They don't seem to be in this server.\n`;
console.log(`${targets[i]} is not a member`)
outputMessage += `**Kick Reason:**\n\`${reason}\``;
return outputMessage;
When the size of the array is 1, this works as expected, however when it is more than 1, it doesn't. I've put in some console.log() functions for debugging purposes.
For some reason, the i value gets stuck on 1. I also ran it a bit earlier (this is before I added the console.log()s) and it behaved even more oddly:
I've been trying to debug this for over a day now and I'm not getting anywhere. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Search a given discord channel for all messages that satisfies the condition and delete

I was trying to make a code that will check all messages in a channel for messages that contain certain words, and delete them if it does contain them. So something like:
if(msg.content.startsWith(prefix+'clean') {
let check = msg.content.split(prefix+'clean')[1]; // Condition, in this case if it containts a certain string => { // Get messages to check
let msglog = msgs.array() // Make an array with all the messages fetched
for(var i = 0; i < msglog.size; i++) { // Loop to check all messages in array
if (check in msglog[i]) {
// Code to delete that message
I am aware that this will not check the entire channel and it will only check the last 50 messages, but I do not know how to make it check the whole channel so this will do until I find out how to do that.
But what code would delete the message that passes the check? Or any different way I could approach this?
It seems I was not clear enough, so let's say a channel has the following conversation:
Person A: Hi, guys!
Person B: Hi
Person C: Bye
Let's say I want to delete all the messages with "Hi" in it through my bot, how should I do this? Note: I do not with to delete a message right after it has been sent, I only want to delete it when I want to do so.
Well, this is how I solved my problem after I realised the 2 week limitation of fetchMessages()
else if(msg.content.startsWith(`${prefix}clean`}) { // Check for command
let check = msg.content.split(`${prefix}clean`)[1] // Defines a check{ limit: 100 }).then(msgs => { // Fetches the last 100 messages of the channel were the command was given
const msgstodelete = msgs.filter(del => del.content.includes(check)) // Filters the messages according to the check
msg.delete() // Deletes the original message with the command
for (var i = 0; i<Array.from(msgstodelete.keys()).length; i++) {[i]).then(deldel => deldel.delete())
} // Loop to delete all messages that passed the filter
The bulkDelete function delete given messages that are newer than two weeks.
if(msg.content.startsWith(prefix+'clean') {
let check = msg.content.split(prefix+'clean')[1]; // Condition, in this case if it containts a certain string => { // Get messages to check
let msgDel = msgs.filter(msgss => msgss.content.includes(check)) // Finds all messages with 'check' // Deletes all messages that got found
To delete the messages older than 2 weeks, you have to iterate through the messages manually to delete them:
async function deleteReturnLast(chan, option, prevMsg, cond) {
return chan.fetchMessages(option)
.then(async msgs => {
if (msgs.size === 0){
if (cond(prevMsg)) {
.then(d => console.log('last message deleted: ' + d.content))
.catch(err => console.log('ERR>>', err, prevMsg.content, option.before)); }
return prevMsg;
let last = msgs.last();
for (const[id, msg] of msgs) {
let tmp = (id === ? prevMsg : msg;
if (cond(tmp)) {
.then(d => console.log('Message deleted: ' + d.content))
.catch(err => console.log('ERR>>', err));
return last;
.catch(err => console.log('ERR>>', err));
function cond(msg) {
return !msg.content.includes('a');
client.on('message', async function(msg) {
let chan =;
let last = chan.lastMessage;
while (last !== (last = await deleteReturnLast(chan, {limit: 2, before:}, last, cond))){

Show users that reacted to a message with a ReactionCollector

I'm trying to make a "vote" command where you can see who voted. This is my current code:"React with 🗡 to vote").then(Msent =>
Msent.react('🗡')).then(Msent => {
const collector = Msent.message.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => === '🗡', {
time: 15000
collector.on('collect', r => {
if ( === '🗡') {"someone voted!");
collector.on('end', collected => {`${collected.size} users voted`);
I've been trying to replace "someone voted!" with the name of the user who voted: how can I do this?
Another thing is that collected.size is 0 if no one reacted, but its always 1 no matter if 1 or 5 users reacted: what am I doing wrong there?
I've been trying to replace "someone voted!" with the name of the user who voted: how can I do this?
You can't get the user from the 'collect' event handler because the parameter is a MessageReaction: you can only get all the users that reacted.
The only thing you can do is modify the filter to something like this:
const filter = (reaction, user) => {
if ( === '🗡') {`${user} voted!`); // This will mention the user`${user.tag} voted!`); // This will only say their name
return true;
} else return false;
const collector = Msent.createReactionCollector(filter, { time: 15000 });
collected.size is 0 if no one reacted, but its always 1 no matter if 1 or 5 users reacted: what am I doing wrong there?
The problem is that collected contains the collected reactions, not the users, and since your filter accepts only one emoji its size will only be 0 or 1.
To get the number of users you need to check for MessageReaction.users.size:
collector.on('end', collected => {
let n_users = 0;
if (collected.size > 0) { // Check if there was any vote
let reaction = collected.first(); // Take the first (and only) 'type' of reaction
n_users = reaction.users.size; // Get the number of users that used it
}`${n_users} users voted`);

