How to make menu hierarchy flowchart in ReactJS? - javascript

I am trying to make a hierarchical tree like this, 1
I have designed the basic tree, but I am unable to find a way to draw the lines, connecting the parent and child entries in the menu.
enter image description here
Does anyone know a better way, or literally any way to draw the lines?

I wish I could see some code to see how that's implemented. What about adding borders on divs? Like just a border-left? I'm sorry if I'm missing the question, I'd need more info. I hope this helps. If you share a live code I may be able to work on it live and test some things.


How to arrange nodes in a circular pattern in Vis.js / D3.js

I went through the documentation and saw the examples given, but couldn't find anything related to the pattern that I want to display. Can anyone help me out how to make such network diagram in Vis.js or D3.js?
Basically I am working on an Angular project, after exploring a lot on google, reached to the conclusion of using Vis for the same. I need to make an interactive network diagram, where I can add delete nodes, select a particular node based on some actions performed. Please help me out, am I choosing the right library and
If not, what would be the better option?
If yes, then how can I achieve this?

Jquery ticker not working

I don't know why I've had a few issues explaining this problem so I have created this image to show what I am trying to do.
I have a ticker and I'm simply trying to duplicate it below the existing one with a different list. the black tile bar just represents a break so don't worry about styling. I hope this is possible, if not I would also like to know why.
Many Many thanks, attached is a JSfiddle if it is possible to show a working example in the JSfiddle it would be even nicer :)

How to create styled boxes on a webpage in where I can add graphs,gaugs,numbers?

I'm creating a 1 page dashboard that will run fullscreen on a monitor on which I want to display some graphs. I made the graphs already all I need now is a proper template for the page. I was thinking something like this
I really dig the look but I'm clueless on how to make something like this using presumably css/js. Especially the lines in the background and a titlebox.
First of all, you have to code all of the man div-containers including your graphs and data-visuals. For that, a css-framework could help you managing the different views for all devices (
Later on, you could add inner divs for the title box and the background. Also get yourself some inspiration. For example: this is the admin-theme I am using for my actual project:
After digging into that, you may ask some deeper questions about styling your Dashboard, so it's easier for us to respond to an actual problem ;)

how to manipulate d3js tree layout

I need to develop a functionality wherein a user can add/edit/delete child nodes and the change is displayed as a tree structure in a different panel.
To display the tree structure I am planning to use the D3js tree layout.
But I am completely new to these technologies: d3.js, json, svg, canvas...
Can anyone tell me:
How can I manipulate the tree?
How can I get the click event when a node is clicked?
How can I dynamically show the new node add/edit/delete?
Any tutorial for beginners is also appreciated.
The d3.JS site has a great deal of pretty good tutorials which you can find by navigating the site. There are also a great deal of example visualizations there too.
Here's a good place to start though. Scott Murray has both a deep understanding of the subject as well as an innate ability to communicate this understanding to others.
Try reading through his tutorial as it will explain SVG, .data() and JSON.
Here's a non-interactive tree map code: You'll find it under tree.js.
If you have any questions about that code or the tutorial, comment below and I'll try to answer it.

iBooks highlight style for buttons on website

I want to implement a special highlighting to by buttons. The one, I found on the iBooks app for iPhone/iPad suites my needs. I think it is very complex due to the fact that all the strokes are looking different. I could use some CSS-Sprites-Voodoo but I don’t think I will be able to assign these styles so easily. Has anyone done something similar? I would be happy to hear some ideas.
Thanks, Floyd
I tried this out: Basically, the gist is to grab any selected text and wrap it in a span to give it a class with a background image. Not sure how useful this is, but it might get you started...

