How to extract only a part of the string in angular / javascript - javascript

I am using time-picker to get the time :
<div class="timePicker-container" >
And timeSelectionChanged is as shown below:
public timeSelectionChanged(momentTime) {
console.log('momentTime', momentTime._d)
This contains the below data:
Tue Jun 15 2021 00:17:32 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
Now , how will I be able to get only the time part , i.e. 00:17:32 ?

You can convert into Date format and get hours , minutes and seconds from there.
let newFormat = new Date(dateTimeFormat);
let hr = newFormat .getHours();
let mins = newFormat .getMinutes();
let secs = newFormat .getSeconds();
let timeOnly = hr + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;
return timeOnly;
You can call the method to retrieve the time.
let timeFormat = getOnlyTime(momentTime._d);

I am not sure what package you are using to convert into the required format, but if you are using 'moment.js' package, you can take a look at this website
Link to moment.js ==>
What you want to do is something like this:
var myDate = "2017-08-30T14:24:03";
console.log(moment(myDate).format("HH:mm")); // 24 hour format
console.log(moment(myDate).format("hh:mm")); // 12 hour format
console.log(moment(myDate).format("hh:mm a")); // use 'A' for uppercase AM/PM
console.log(moment(myDate).format("hh:mm:ss A")); // with milliseconds

const dt = "Tue Jun 15 2021 00:17:32 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"
const d = new Date(dt).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, {
timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata'


How to get total minutes of difference between two dates using pure JavaScript

Updated My Question
How to get total minutes of difference between two dates using pure JavaScript when
Condition (1):: Same month, same year but date changes
newDate: 18/10/2016 0:50
oldDate: 17/10/2016 23:05
Condition (2):: Last date of current month and 1st date of next month
newDate: 1/11/2016 0:50
oldDate: 31/10/2016 23:05
Condition (3):: Last date of year and 1st date of new year
newDate: 1/1/2017 0:50
oldDate: 31/12/2016 23:05
Note: Please have a look newDate and oldDate to understand the conditions.
Since you don't want to use a library for parsing date strings, you can write a simple function such as:
// Parse date string in "Sat Dec 31 2016 15:35:57 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)" format
function parseDate(s) {
// Split into tokens
var b = s.match(/\w+/g) || [];
var months = 'jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec'.split(' ');
// Determine offset in minutes
var offSign = /GMT+/.test(s)? -1 : 1;
var offset = b[8].substr(0,2)*60 + +b[8].substr(2,2);
// Create date, applying offset to minutes
var date = new Date(Date.UTC(b[3],
+b[5] + (offSign*offset),
return date;
var d = parseDate("Sat Dec 31 2016 15:35:57 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)")
console.log('UTC: ' + d.toISOString() + '\n' +
'Local: ' + d.toLocaleString());
Completed My Requirements with the below pure JavaScript code
In my code starttime and endtime are
//var startTime = localStorage.getItem("starttime");
//var endTime = new Date();
Example Here.
var startTime = new Date("Sat Dec 31 2016 15:35:57 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)");
var endTime = new Date("Sun Jan 1 2017 15:35:57 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)");
var totalMiliseconds = endTime - startTime;
//output:: 86400000
var totalSeconds = totalMiliseconds/1000;
//output:: 86400
var totalMinuts = totalSeconds/60;
//output:: 1440
var totalHours = totalMinuts/60;
//output:: 24
And this fulfill my all 3 conditions.
Thank You For Your Support !!!

How to convert result from to yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss ffff?

I'm looking for something like yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss ffff returns the total of milliseconds (ex: 1431308705117).
How can I do this?
You can use the Date constructor which takes in a number of milliseconds and converts it to a JavaScript date:
var d = new Date(;
d.toString() // returns "Sun May 10 2015 19:50:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)"
In reality, however, doing Date( does the same thing as Date(), so you really only have to do this:
var d = new Date();
d.toString() // returns "Sun May 10 2015 19:50:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)"
You can use native JavaScript Date methods to achieve that or you can use a library like Moment.js.
It is a simple as:
moment().format('YYYY/MM/D hh:mm:ss SSS')
If you are going use a lot of date formatting/parsing in your application then I definitely recommend using it.
You can use Date().toISOString(), i.e.:
let d = new Date().toISOString();
let d = new Date().toISOString();
const DateNow =; // 1602710690936
console.log(new Date(DateNow).toString()) // returns "Sun May 10 2015 19:50:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)"
function formatted_date()
var result="";
var d = new Date();
result += d.getFullYear()+"/"+(d.getMonth()+1)+"/"+d.getDate() +
" "+ d.getHours()+":"+d.getMinutes()+":"+
d.getSeconds()+" "+d.getMilliseconds();
return result;
Output: "2015/5/10 22:5:26 429"
function millisecondsToHuman(ms) {
const seconds = Math.floor((ms / 1000) % 60);
const minutes = Math.floor((ms / 1000 / 60) % 60);
const hours = Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60 / 60);
const humanized = [
pad(hours.toString(), 2),
pad(minutes.toString(), 2),
pad(seconds.toString(), 2),
return humanized;
function pad(numberString, size) {
let padded = numberString;
while (padded.length < size) padded = `0${padded}`;
return padded;
Step 1: use new Date() to get the date as JavaScript format as Sun Jul 12 2020 15:40:16 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)
var d = new Date()
Step 2: use .toString() to convert to string and .substr string method to convert the previous string to "Jul 12 2020" and get rid of the rest
var d2 = d.toString().substr(4, 11)
Step 3: use .slice method to add '/' between dat, month and year to get Jul / 12 / 2020
var d3 = d2.slice(0, 3) + ' /' + d2.slice(3, 6) + ' /' + d2.slice(6))
const formattedDate = () => {
d = new Date()
cd = num => num.toString().padStart(2, 0)
return d.getFullYear()+"/"+cd(d.getMonth() + 1)+"/"+cd(d.getDate()) +
" "+ cd(d.getHours())+":"+cd(d.getMinutes())+":"+
cd(d.getSeconds())+" "+d.getMilliseconds()
console.log(formattedDate) //returns "2022/11/01 03:00:36 777"
var date = new Date();
will get you an answer formatted like this: Sun May 10 2015 21:55:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
var d = new Date();
var n = d.toJSON();
will get you the answer formatted the way you were looking for it.
Here is a great explanation of all the ways to manipulate the Date object
I like the dataformat package:
you can install using:
npm i dataformat.
and you can use like that:
dateFormat(medicao.DataHora, 'UTC:HH:MM')

Javascript - Format date to yyyy-mm-dd from unixtime

I need some help with converting unixtime to a specific format. Here is what I am currently working with:
var date = "2014-05-01";
var indexPie = Date.parse(date);
I need indexPie in yyyy-mm-dd format. What I do not understand is that when log
var newDate = new Date(indexPie);
The results is:
Wed Apr 30 2014 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)
when it should be:
Thur May 01 2014 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)
Why is new Date(indexPie) resulting in Apr 30 and how do I get my correct format of yyyy-mm-dd?
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
I resolved the issue with the following:
var date = new Date(indexPie);
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1;
var day = date.getUTCDate();
var dateString = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
You are expecting that the value in date variable: "2014-05-01" will be parsed as in local timezone, but actually it is parsed as in UTC.
You can convert the date from UTC to local timezone like this:
var newDate = new Date(indexPie + new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);

Javascript DATE add AM PM

I am doing a check of two different date times to see if one is greater than the other:
Here is my (now) current date time: Thu Aug 01 2013 10:27:40 GMT-0500 (CDT)
And here is my date time that I am seeing if it is greater or less than: Thu Aug 01 2013 12:15:00 GMT-0500 (CDT) - (that should be 12:15 am by the way)
Here is my code:
var current_date_time = new Date();
var date_time_checking_against = new Date(date_segment[0], date_segment[1]-1, date_segment[2], time_segment[0], time_segment[1]);
Which comes out to Thu Aug 01 2013 12:15:00 GMT-0500 (CDT). And then I am doing a simple if check:
if(current_date_time >= date_time_checking_against){ }
This is not working as 10:27:40 is not after 12:15:00. But it should be, seeing as how both times are AM. I need to know if this is the right way, or if there is a way to change it to 24 hour format or add am pm in there somehow. Any help is greatly appreciated, let me know if you need more clarity.
Here is the date time array:
var date_time_str = date+' '+time;
date_time_str = date_time_str.split(' ');
["2013-08-01", "12:15", "am"] // result from split above
var date_segment = date_time_str[0].split('-');
var time_segment = date_time_str[1].split(':');
var date_time_checking_against = new Date(date_segment[0], date_segment[1]-1, date_segment[2], time_segment[0], time_segment[1]);
Given the following data sources, this is how you'd properly create the Date object for it...
date_time_str = ["2013-08-01", "12:15", "am"];
var date_segment = date_time_str[0].split('-');
var time_segment = date_time_str[1].split(':');
var date_time_checking_against = new Date(
date_segment[0], // year
date_segment[1]-1, // month of year
date_segment[2], // day of month
(time_segment[0]%12) + (date_time_str[2] == 'pm' ? 12 : 0), // hour of day
time_segment[1]); // minute of hour
console.log(new Date() >= date_time_checking_against); // true, we've already passed this time

Getting current time from the date object

function formatDate (input) {
var datePart = input.match(/\d+/g),
year = datePart[0].substring(2), // get only two digits
month = datePart[1], day = datePart[2];
document.write(new Date(day+'/'+month+'/'+year));
formatDate ('2010/01/18');
When i print this i get Thu Jun 01 1911 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) but the system is actually 3:42 P.M
Use the current date to retrieve the time and include that in the new date. For example:
var now = new Date,
timenow = [now.getHours(),now.getMinutes(),now.getSeconds()].join(':'),
dat = new Date('2011/11/30 '+timenow);
you must give the time:
//Fri Nov 11 2011 00:00:00 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)
alert(new Date("11/11/11"));
//Fri Nov 11 2011 23:23:00 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)
alert(new Date("11/11/11 23:23"));
What do you want? Just the time? Or do you want to define a format? Cu's the code expects this format for date: dd/mm/yyyy, changed this to yyyy/mm/dd
Try this:
function formatDate (input) {
var datePart = input.match(/\d+/g),
year = datePart[0],
month = datePart[1], day = datePart[2],
now = new Date;
document.write(new Date(year+'/'+month+'/'+day+" " + now.getHours() +':'+now.getMinutes() +':'+now.getSeconds()));
formatDate ('2010/01/18')
Mon Jan 18 2010 11:26:21 GMT+0100
Passing a string to the Date constructor is unnecessarily complicated. Just pass the values in as follows:
new Date(parseInt(year, 10), parseInt(month, 10), parseInt(day, 10))
You're creating a Date() object with no time specified, so it's coming out as midnight. if you want to add the current date and time, create a new Date with no arguments and borrow the time from it:
var now = new Date();
var myDate = new Date(parseInt(year, 10), parseInt(month, 10), parseInt(day, 10),
now.getHours(), now.getMinutes(), now.getSeconds())
No need to strip the last two characters off the year. "2010" is a perfectly good year.

