Show quarter markers instead of years in JSCharting Gantt Chart - javascript

I am new to this JSCharting library and working with it to create a Gantt Chart. When I map my data on the chart, it slices the Y Axis based on years. I am trying to slice it based on 3 months intervals. Instead of 2021, 2022, 2023, I want to show Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 for each year.
One quick and dirty solution I found is below, to create markers on Y Axis like this:
yAxis: {
markers: [2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028].reduce(
(all: { label: { text: string; color: string }; value: string }[], year) => {
return [
...[1, 4, 7, 10].map((month) => ({
label: {
text: month === 1 ? "Q1" : month === 4 ? "Q2" : month === 7 ? "Q3" : "Q4",
color: "#ddd",
color: "#ddd",
value: `${month}/1/${year}`,
legendEntry: {
visible: false,
However, when I do that, first line of data covers the quarter labels like so.
Is there a proper way to do this and show it in the bottom with along with years? I'd appreciate any help.

You can use calendar patterns to create ticks for quarters and months more easily. Here's an example.
var chart = JSC.chart('chartDiv', {
debug: true,
axisToZoom: 'x',
margin_right: 10,
xAxis: {
scale_type: 'time',
defaultTick_enabled: false,
customTicks: [
value_pattern: 'month',
label_text: '%min'
value_pattern: 'quarter',
label_text: qTickText
value_pattern: 'year',
label_text: '%min'
legend_visible: false,
'Apple iPhone sales (in million units)',
series: [
type: 'line spline',
defaultPoint: {
marker: {
outline: { width: 2, color: 'white' }
points: [
{ x: '04/1/2016', y: 74.78 },
{ x: '07/1/2016', y: 51.19 },
{ x: '10/1/2016', y: 40.4 },
{ x: '1/1/2017', y: 45.51 },
{ x: '04/1/2017', y: 78.29 },
{ x: '07/1/2017', y: 50.76 },
{ x: '10/1/2017', y: 41.03 },
{ x: '1/1/2018', y: 46.68 },
{ x: '04/1/2018', y: 67.32 },
{ x: '07/1/2018', y: 52.22 },
{ x: '10/1/2018', y: 41.3 },
{ x: '1/1/2019', y: 46.89 }
function qTickText(v) {
return dateToQuarter(v[0]);
function dateToQuarter(d) {
d = new Date(d);
return 'Q' + (Math.floor(d.getMonth() / 3) + 1);


Chart in javascript doesn't change color

I have a problem in javascript with building financial candlestick charts. I made a chart with apex.js and it displays the correct data where it should be but the color of the chart doesn't change, when the stock price is going up candlestick should be green when it goes down it should be red but on some stocks candlestick in always red and on some stocks it works fine. Here are the images, both charts use the same code but different data because it's different stock but that doesn't mean it should be displayed like this.
Here is code for chart:
<div id="chart">
var options = {
series: [{
name: 'OHLC',
data: [
{% for stock in stocks %}
x: new Date("{{}}"),
y: [Number("{{}}"), Number("{{stock.high}}"), Number("{{stock.low}}"), Number("{{stock.price}}")],
{% endfor %}
chart: {
type: 'candlestick',
title: {
text: '{{ticker}} Stock ',
align: 'center'
yaxis: {
tooltip: {
enabled: true
var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);
I am using Django in the backend so here is a function that returns chart data:
def chart(request, ticker):
stocks = Stock.objects.filter(ticker = ticker).order_by('date')
context = {'stocks':stocks, 'ticker':ticker}
return render(request, 'stock_app/chart.html', context)
I am struggling with this for a few days and didn't even make slight progress, can anyone help me or at least tell me where the issue could be I would be really thankful. I check the database, data, and code, switched a few services, and used chart.js, plotly, and a few others and it's always the same issue. I also checked data on yahoo finance for stocks that are not displayed correctly and data is correct.
Usually, when you replace libraries and the issue prevails, the problem cannot be the library; instead the provided data might contain wrong information that lead to an indifferent resolution on your chart.
I see that you don't specify the candlestick colors specifically inside the specification, so this might be worth a shot, albeit its probably only basis configuration:
plotOptions: {
candlestick: {
colors: {
upward: '#3C90EB',
downward: '#DF7D46'
However, if the problem is the data itself you should rather provide an excerpt of a faulty stock and also one where it works just fine. Without stepping too deeply into Apex, maybe High/Low or Opening/Closing is mixed or wrong.
It is hard to say what is going on without your dataset. However, I suspect a lack of configuration of your xaxis, especially because your time scale does not seem consistent. Could you put this in your options and see what happens?
xaxis: {
type: 'datetime'
You can also have a category axis with a candlestick chart, but you may need extra configuration (a formatter, for example...). See this official demo: Category x-axis – ApexCharts.js
I paste the example below for convenience.
var options = {
series: [{
name: 'candle',
data: [
x: new Date(1538778600000),
y: [6629.81, 6650.5, 6623.04, 6633.33]
x: new Date(1538780400000),
y: [6632.01, 6643.59, 6620, 6630.11]
x: new Date(1538782200000),
y: [6630.71, 6648.95, 6623.34, 6635.65]
x: new Date(1538784000000),
y: [6635.65, 6651, 6629.67, 6638.24]
x: new Date(1538785800000),
y: [6638.24, 6640, 6620, 6624.47]
x: new Date(1538787600000),
y: [6624.53, 6636.03, 6621.68, 6624.31]
x: new Date(1538789400000),
y: [6624.61, 6632.2, 6617, 6626.02]
x: new Date(1538791200000),
y: [6627, 6627.62, 6584.22, 6603.02]
x: new Date(1538793000000),
y: [6605, 6608.03, 6598.95, 6604.01]
x: new Date(1538794800000),
y: [6604.5, 6614.4, 6602.26, 6608.02]
x: new Date(1538796600000),
y: [6608.02, 6610.68, 6601.99, 6608.91]
x: new Date(1538798400000),
y: [6608.91, 6618.99, 6608.01, 6612]
x: new Date(1538800200000),
y: [6612, 6615.13, 6605.09, 6612]
x: new Date(1538802000000),
y: [6612, 6624.12, 6608.43, 6622.95]
x: new Date(1538803800000),
y: [6623.91, 6623.91, 6615, 6615.67]
x: new Date(1538805600000),
y: [6618.69, 6618.74, 6610, 6610.4]
x: new Date(1538807400000),
y: [6611, 6622.78, 6610.4, 6614.9]
x: new Date(1538809200000),
y: [6614.9, 6626.2, 6613.33, 6623.45]
x: new Date(1538811000000),
y: [6623.48, 6627, 6618.38, 6620.35]
x: new Date(1538812800000),
y: [6619.43, 6620.35, 6610.05, 6615.53]
x: new Date(1538814600000),
y: [6615.53, 6617.93, 6610, 6615.19]
x: new Date(1538816400000),
y: [6615.19, 6621.6, 6608.2, 6620]
x: new Date(1538818200000),
y: [6619.54, 6625.17, 6614.15, 6620]
x: new Date(1538820000000),
y: [6620.33, 6634.15, 6617.24, 6624.61]
x: new Date(1538821800000),
y: [6625.95, 6626, 6611.66, 6617.58]
x: new Date(1538823600000),
y: [6619, 6625.97, 6595.27, 6598.86]
x: new Date(1538825400000),
y: [6598.86, 6598.88, 6570, 6587.16]
x: new Date(1538827200000),
y: [6588.86, 6600, 6580, 6593.4]
x: new Date(1538829000000),
y: [6593.99, 6598.89, 6585, 6587.81]
x: new Date(1538830800000),
y: [6587.81, 6592.73, 6567.14, 6578]
x: new Date(1538832600000),
y: [6578.35, 6581.72, 6567.39, 6579]
x: new Date(1538834400000),
y: [6579.38, 6580.92, 6566.77, 6575.96]
x: new Date(1538836200000),
y: [6575.96, 6589, 6571.77, 6588.92]
x: new Date(1538838000000),
y: [6588.92, 6594, 6577.55, 6589.22]
x: new Date(1538839800000),
y: [6589.3, 6598.89, 6589.1, 6596.08]
x: new Date(1538841600000),
y: [6597.5, 6600, 6588.39, 6596.25]
x: new Date(1538843400000),
y: [6598.03, 6600, 6588.73, 6595.97]
x: new Date(1538845200000),
y: [6595.97, 6602.01, 6588.17, 6602]
x: new Date(1538847000000),
y: [6602, 6607, 6596.51, 6599.95]
x: new Date(1538848800000),
y: [6600.63, 6601.21, 6590.39, 6591.02]
x: new Date(1538850600000),
y: [6591.02, 6603.08, 6591, 6591]
x: new Date(1538852400000),
y: [6591, 6601.32, 6585, 6592]
x: new Date(1538854200000),
y: [6593.13, 6596.01, 6590, 6593.34]
x: new Date(1538856000000),
y: [6593.34, 6604.76, 6582.63, 6593.86]
x: new Date(1538857800000),
y: [6593.86, 6604.28, 6586.57, 6600.01]
x: new Date(1538859600000),
y: [6601.81, 6603.21, 6592.78, 6596.25]
x: new Date(1538861400000),
y: [6596.25, 6604.2, 6590, 6602.99]
x: new Date(1538863200000),
y: [6602.99, 6606, 6584.99, 6587.81]
x: new Date(1538865000000),
y: [6587.81, 6595, 6583.27, 6591.96]
x: new Date(1538866800000),
y: [6591.97, 6596.07, 6585, 6588.39]
x: new Date(1538868600000),
y: [6587.6, 6598.21, 6587.6, 6594.27]
x: new Date(1538870400000),
y: [6596.44, 6601, 6590, 6596.55]
x: new Date(1538872200000),
y: [6598.91, 6605, 6596.61, 6600.02]
x: new Date(1538874000000),
y: [6600.55, 6605, 6589.14, 6593.01]
x: new Date(1538875800000),
y: [6593.15, 6605, 6592, 6603.06]
x: new Date(1538877600000),
y: [6603.07, 6604.5, 6599.09, 6603.89]
x: new Date(1538879400000),
y: [6604.44, 6604.44, 6600, 6603.5]
x: new Date(1538881200000),
y: [6603.5, 6603.99, 6597.5, 6603.86]
x: new Date(1538883000000),
y: [6603.85, 6605, 6600, 6604.07]
x: new Date(1538884800000),
y: [6604.98, 6606, 6604.07, 6606]
chart: {
height: 350,
type: 'candlestick',
title: {
text: 'CandleStick Chart - Category X-axis',
align: 'left'
annotations: {
xaxis: [
x: 'Oct 06 14:00',
borderColor: '#00E396',
label: {
borderColor: '#00E396',
style: {
fontSize: '12px',
color: '#fff',
background: '#00E396'
orientation: 'horizontal',
offsetY: 7,
text: 'Annotation Test'
tooltip: {
enabled: true,
xaxis: {
type: 'category',
labels: {
formatter: function(val) {
return dayjs(val).format('MMM DD HH:mm')
yaxis: {
tooltip: {
enabled: true
var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart"></div>
Thanks to everyone who tried to help I found out what was the problem. The close price was misconfigured by the API provider so the close price was higher by a few cents than the low price which caused the error

Last label on xaxis disappears when resize

I am trying to force highcharts to show last label on x-axis when "step" is enabled. Code below works but it hides last label when I change device width (let's say open chrome console). Problem arises on mobile devices when I scroll down after the chart, last label disappears.
renderTo: "container",
type: "line",
var ticks = $.map(this.axes[0].ticks, function(t){return t;});
First of all the last label 2020 is appearing because of your logic in load event. Ideally that label shouldn't be appearing because your step value is 3. Anyways, you need to add the same logic of load in redraw event to get the last label on resize.
const df = [
{ Period: 2009, value: 1056043 },
{ Period: 2010, value: 1278495 },
{ Period: 2011, value: 1482508 },
{ Period: 2012, value: 1545703 },
{ Period: 2013, value: 1579593 },
{ Period: 2014, value: 1620531.9 },
{ Period: 2015, value: 1502572.2 },
{ Period: 2016, value: 1451010.7 },
{ Period: 2017, value: 1546273 },
{ Period: 2018, value: 1663982.3 },
{ Period: 2019, value: 1643160.9 },
{ Period: 2020, value: 1431638.4 }
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: "container",
height: 300,
type: "areaspline",
events: {
load: function () {
var ticks = $.map(this.axes[0].ticks, function (t) {
return t;
ticks[ticks.length - 2].render(0);
redraw: function () {
var ticks = $.map(this.axes[0].ticks, function (t) {
return t;
ticks[ticks.length - 2].render(0);
title: {
text: "Emissions of CO2 - from Fossil Fuels - Total (CDIAC)"
xAxis: {
categories: => o.Period),
labels: {
step: 3,
style: {
fontFamily: "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;",
fontSize: "0.8rem",
fontWeight: "600",
background: "#000000",
whiteSpace: "nowrap",
textOverflow: "none"
showLastLabel: true,
endOnTick: true,
overflow: "allow"
yAxis: {
min: 0
series: [
data: => o.value),
name: "Germany"

Plotline (vertical line) in highcharts scatter chart
I would like to have a plotline at today's date. The list can get quite long and in that case it helps with having an oversight. I fear it doesn't work because it is a scatter chart but I don't know what the problem is. I've searched all over the place but everything leads to plotlines, which clearly doesn't work. I would also be thankful if anyone knew, whether there was an easy way to filter my data the way I have it (standard highcharts filtering is deactivated but doesn't really help because of the static y values, so I get a huge, white space in the middle unless I filter at the edges. Thank you in advance for your help.
data = [{
"id": 1,
"release": "Software1",
"routine_failure_analysis_ended_on": null,
"sw_maintenance_releases_ended_on": "2014-04-01",
"sale_ended_on": "2013-04-01",
"security_vul_support_ended_on": "2015-04-01",
"service_contract_renewal_ended_on": null,
"svc_attach_ended_on": null,
"support_ended_on": "2018-03-31",
"updated_dates_on": "2012-10-03",
"created_at": "2018-05-04T18:53:21.301+02:00",
"updated_at": "2018-05-16T08:36:24.940+02:00"
"id": 2,
"release": "Software2",
"routine_failure_analysis_ended_on": null,
"sw_maintenance_releases_ended_on": "2019-07-24",
"sale_ended_on": "2017-07-31",
"security_vul_support_ended_on": "2020-07-24",
"service_contract_renewal_ended_on": null,
"svc_attach_ended_on": null,
"support_ended_on": "2022-07-31",
"updated_dates_on": "2015-08-14",
"created_at": "2018-05-05T04:00:44.170+02:00",
"updated_at": "2018-05-16T08:36:29.325+02:00"
"id": 3,
"release": "Software3",
"routine_failure_analysis_ended_on": null,
"sw_maintenance_releases_ended_on": "2018-03-01",
"sale_ended_on": "2017-03-01",
"security_vul_support_ended_on": "2018-12-01",
"service_contract_renewal_ended_on": null,
"svc_attach_ended_on": null,
"support_ended_on": "2022-02-28",
"updated_dates_on": "2016-09-02",
"created_at": "2018-05-05T04:00:44.401+02:00",
"updated_at": "2018-05-16T08:36:31.643+02:00"
const colors = ["#516", "#1781e3", "#25b252", "#20c997", "#ffc107", "#ff8b2e", "#dd1122"];
//Change to store y value paired to release/pid
var change = {};
//Which y values need to be displayed
var ticks = [0];
//Description of events
var sale = "Sale";
var support = "Support";
var svc = " SVC attach";
var sw = "Software maintenance";
var routine = "Routine failure analysis";
var service = "Service contract renewal";
var security = "Security vulnerability support";
//Data array for series
var high = [];
data.sort(function(a, b) {
return Date.parse(a.support_ended_on) < Date.parse(b.support_ended_on) ? 1 : -1
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var arr = [{
x: Date.parse(data[i].sale_ended_on),
y: (i + 1) * 20,
color: colors[0],
myValue: sale
x: Date.parse(data[i].sw_maintenance_releases_ended_on),
y: (i + 1) * 20,
color: colors[1],
myValue: sw
x: Date.parse(data[i].security_vul_support_ended_on),
y: (i + 1) * 20,
color: colors[2],
myValue: security
x: Date.parse(data[i].svc_attach_ended_on),
y: (i + 1) * 20,
color: colors[3],
myValue: svc
x: Date.parse(data[i].routine_failure_analysis_ended_on),
y: (i + 1) * 20,
color: colors[4],
myValue: routine
x: Date.parse(data[i].service_contract_renewal_ended_on),
y: (i + 1) * 20,
color: colors[5],
myValue: service
x: Date.parse(data[i].support_ended_on),
y: (i + 1) * 20,
color: colors[6],
myValue: support
var key, value;
line = [{
x: Date.parse(data[i].sale_ended_on),
y: (i + 1) * 20
}, {
x: Date.parse(data[i].support_ended_on),
y: (i + 1) * 20
//Adding to change list, so we can add release/pid as label to y axis
key = (i + 1) * 20;
if (data[i].pid) {
value = data[i].pid;
} else {
value = data[i].release;
change[key] = value;
//Expanding high (which is used for the highcharts series) with arr (all points for one pid)
if (data[i].pid) {
label: data[i].pid,
name: data[i].pid,
type: 'scatter',
data: arr
}, {
type: 'line',
data: line,
linkedTo: ":previous"
} else {
label: data[i].release,
name: data[i].release,
type: 'scatter',
data: arr,
showInLegend: false
}, {
type: 'line',
data: line,
linkedTo: ":previous"
Highcharts.chart("container", {
chart: {
height: data.length * 75
credits: {
enabled: false
yAxis: {
title: {
text: null
tickPositions: ticks,
visible: true,
labels: {
formatter: function() {
var value = change[this.value];
return value !== 'undefined' ? value : this.value;
xAxis: {
plotlines: [{
color: "#dd1122",
width: 2,
value: +new Date()
type: 'datetime',
plotOptions: {
scatter: {
marker: {
symbol: 'circle',
radius: 7,
lineWidth: 2
line: {
enableMouseTracking: false,
marker: {
enabled: false
color: '#bbb',
lineWidth: 3
tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
var str = '<b>' + + '</b><br/>'
if (this.point.myValue) {
str += this.point.myValue;
} else {
str += "Corrupted data!";
if (this.point.x < Date.parse(new Date))
return str += " ended on:<br/>" + Highcharts.dateFormat('%e %b %Y', new Date(this.x));
return str += " will end on:<br/>" + Highcharts.dateFormat('%e %b %Y', new Date(this.x));
shared: false
series: high
You have a typo, use plotLines instead of plotlines:
xAxis: {
plotLines: [{
Live demo:
API Reference:

How to get percentage axes in a Highcharts Treemap?

I have a HighCharts Treemap showing a set of categories containing subcategories. The point of the graph is to show how much of the data is in Category A, and how much of Category A is in Subcategory A1.
I have created this as follows:
$(function () {
series: [{
colorByPoint: true,
layoutAlgorithm: "stripes",
alternateStartingDirection: true,
allowPointSelect: true,
point: {
events: {
click: function () {
alert( + ": " + this.value);
dataLabels: {
type: "treemap",
levels: [{
level: 1,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
align: 'right',
rotation: 30,
crop: false,
overflow: 'none',
inside: false,
style: {
fontSize: '15px',
fontWeight: 'bold'
}, {
level: 2,
dataLabels: {
style: {
layoutAlgorithm: "stripes",
data: [{
// Add parents without values
id: 'CategoryA',
name: 'Category A'
}, {
id: 'CategoryB',
name: 'Category B',
}, {
// And the children with values
name: 'Subcat A1',
value: 4,
parent: 'CategoryA'
}, {
name: 'Subcat A2',
value: 6,
parent: 'CategoryA'
}, {
name: 'Subcat B1',
value: 6,
parent: 'CategoryB'
}, {
name: 'Subcat B2',
value: 2,
parent: 'CategoryB'
title: {
text: 'Treemap',
margin: 100
xAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 100
I want to get both the X- and Y axes in the graph to show percentages so I can more easily see how much of my data is in a certain category.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I didn't find anything about axis on treemaps and i'm not really sure if showing a percentage on X and Y axis would help you that much, because you basically have to multiply the values on X and Y(eg. if your subcat B1 is from 20% to 100% on X axis and from 60% to 100% on the Y axis then you would have to do (100% - 20%) * (100% - 60%) = 32%).
I did implement however a tooltip formatter that will show you the percentage when you hover over the subcategories.
formatter: function () {
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
if ([i].node.children.length == 0)[i].node.val;
var value;
if (this.point.node.children.length == 0)
value = this.point.options.value;
value = this.point.node.childrenTotal;
return this.key + " " + (value / total) *100 + " %";
Here is the working fiddle

Restacking cumulative columns in Highcharts marimekko charts

I've got a basic variable width column chart (aka Marimekko) set up using Highcharts but am having trouble getting it to restack the columns properly to eliminate the data gap once a series has been removed or hidden.
JSFIDDLE DEMO <-- I've set up a demo of the issue here.
You'll notice clicking on a legend item removes the series from the chart, but it also removes all of the following data points in the array (i.e. clicking on series C removes series C, D, and E whereas it should redraw to A-B-D-E). Since the y-axis data is meant to display a cumulative sum of all series, these should re-shuffle as adjacent columns with no gaps. How can I get this to render properly?
THIS POST uses similar demo code and attempting to solve the same problem, however the answer is somewhat elusive and I am unable to get it working.
Thanks in advance!
$(function () {
var dataArray = [
{ name: 'A', x: 200, y: 120 },
{ name: 'B', x: 380, y: 101 },
{ name: 'C', x: 450, y: 84 },
{ name: 'D', x: 198, y: 75 },
{ name: 'E', x: 95, y: 55 }
function makeSeries(listOfData) {
var sumX = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < listOfData.length; i++) {
sumX += listOfData[i].x;
var allSeries = []
var x = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < listOfData.length; i++) {
var data = listOfData[i];
allSeries[i] = {
data: [
[x, 0], [x, data.y],
x: x + data.x / 2.0,
y: data.y,
dataLabels: { enabled: false, format: data.x + ' x {y}' }
[x + data.x, data.y], [x + data.x, 0]
w: data.x,
h: data.y
x += data.x + 0;
return allSeries;
chart: { type: 'area' },
xAxis: {
tickLength: 0,
labels: { enabled: true}
yAxis: {
title: { enabled: false}
plotOptions: {
series: {
events: {
legendItemClick: function () {
var pos = this.index;
var sname =;
var chart = $('#container').highcharts();
while(chart.series.length > 0) {
dataArray[pos]= { name: sname, x: 0, y: 0 };
area: {
lineWidth: 0,
marker: {
enabled: false,
states: {
hover: { enabled: false }
series: makeSeries(dataArray)

