I am running into promise error inside for loop which is inside async function.
var circles=[];
async function displayMarkersOnGoogleMap(locations) {
try {
for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
var latlong = new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i].latitude, locations[i].longitude);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlong,
title: ""
icon: {
url: "https://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/icons/red-dot.png",
labelOrigin: { x: 12, y: -10 }
map: map,
label: {
text: "",
color: "red",
fontWeight: "bold",
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function (marker, i) {
return function () {
console.warn("Business Marker clicked");
var distanceInMeters = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(
try {
circles.forEach(async (circle) => {
await circle.setMap(null);
} catch (e) {
if (i == undefined)
i = 0;
setTimeout(() => {
var circle = drawCircle(map, latlong, locations[i].rangeLimitInMeters);
}, 5000);
var content = "<span style='font-weight: bold;'>" + locations[i].locationName + "</span>"
content = content + "<br/> " + locations[i].address + "<br/> " + locations[i].city + ", " + locations[i].state;
if (locations[i].locationOpenStatus == "CLOSE") {
content = content + "<br/><span class='badge badge-danger'>" + locations[i].locationOpenStatus + "</span>";
else {
content = content + "<br/><span class='badge badge-success'>" + locations[i].locationOpenStatus + "</span>";
content = content + "<br/><span style='font-weight: bold;'> Time : </span> " + locations[i].locationStartTime + " To " + locations[i].locationStopTime;
infowindow.marker = marker;
infowindow.open(map, marker);
})(marker, i));
} catch (e) {
console.error("Javascript:displayMarkersOnGoogleMap:-" + e.errorMessage );
How do I get around this ?
All I am trying to do is clear all the previous Circles that I might have drawn , before drawing the new one.
circles.forEach(async (circle) => {
await circle.setMap(null);
This right here, wont work as you expect it to. forEach loop doesn't work with async callbacks. Even if you explicitly mark your callback function as async, forEach loop wont wait for it to complete the promise.
Instead try with a for...of loop.This would execute whatever is inside synchronously, in the order you normally read the code.
for(const circle of circles) {
await circle.setMap(null);
I am only attaching the script tag. Below is the flow of events that happen and the problem I see. I would appreciate any suggestions/advice.
I trigger the businessGeocoder by searching for an address, which triggers the businessAddress function inside the initialize function, which in turn triggers the businessLocationClickInfo function. This works perfectly.
Without refreshing the page I decide to use the employeeResidenceGeocoder by searching for an address, which triggers the employeeResidenceAddress function inside the initialize function, which in turn triggers the employeeResidenceLocationClickInfo function. This works perfectly. too.
Again, without refreshing the page I decide to use the businessGeocoder again by searching for an address, which triggers the businessAddress function inside the initialize function, which in turn SHOULD trigger the businessLocationClickInfo function, but instead, it triggers the employeeResidenceLocationClickInfo function. The employeeResidenceLocationClickInfo function, while it should have not been called, returns the correct data. I am having a hard time understanding why it is being called instead of the businessLocationClickInfo function.
Please note that doing it the other way, using employeeResidenceGeocoder first and then businessGeocoder, and then back to employeeResidenceGeocoder causes the same problem.
Update>> I ran console logs after each line and found out that because the click events are called in the initialize function, every time I click on the map both businessLocationClickInfo and employeeResidenceLocationClickInfo are being called, one replacing the other output div, whereas I want to only call one of them, depending on the geocoder. But I still haven't found a way/order to fix it.
var map;
var businessGeocoder;
var employeeResidenceGeocoder;
var businessLocationClickFeature;
var employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature;
var screenPoint;
var address;
var geocodeFeature;
var geocodePopup;
var geocodeCensusTract;
var geocodeCensusBlockGroup;
var businessLocationPolygon;
var employeeResidenceLocationPolygon;
function initialize() {
businessGeocoder = new MapboxGeocoder({
accessToken: mapboxgl.accessToken,
flyTo: {
speed: 100
zoom: 17,
placeholder: "Search for a business location",
mapboxgl: mapboxgl
employeeResidenceGeocoder = new MapboxGeocoder({
accessToken: mapboxgl.accessToken,
flyTo: {
speed: 100
zoom: 17,
placeholder: "Search for an employee's residence",
mapboxgl: mapboxgl
// // // adds geocoder outside of map (inside of map would make it a 'map control')
// document.getElementById('geocoder1').appendChild(businessGeocoder.onAdd(map));
// document.getElementById('geocoder2').appendChild(employeeResidenceGeocoder.onAdd(map));
businessGeocoder.on('result', businessAddress);
employeeResidenceGeocoder.on('result', employeeResidenceAddress);
function businessAddress (obj) {
address = obj.result.place_name;
$(".geocode-result-area").html('<b>Geocoded Business Address: </b>' + address + '<br/><div class="medium-font">Click the blue address pin on the map for updated results.</div>');
map.on('click', businessLocationClickInfo);
function employeeResidenceAddress (obj) {
address = obj.result.place_name;
$(".geocode-result-area").html('<b>Geocoded Employee Residence Address: </b>' + address + '<br/><div class="medium-font">Click the blue address pin on the map for updated results.</div>');
map.on('click', employeeResidenceLocationClickInfo);
function businessLocationClickInfo (obj) {
businessLocationClickFeature = map.queryRenderedFeatures(obj.point, {
layers: ['tract-4332-1sbuyl','blockgroups-4332-9mehvk','businesslocation']
if (businessLocationClickFeature.length == 3) {
$(".geocode-click-result-area").html('<br/>This area meets the <span style="background-color:yellow">business location criteria</span> based on the following thresholds:'
+ '<table><tr><td>Renewal Community</td><td>' + businessLocationClickFeature[2].properties.Inquiry1 + '</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td>CT & BG Poverty Rate ≥ 20%</td><td>' + businessLocationClickFeature[2].properties.Inquiry2 + '</td></tr></table>'
+ '<p><b>' + businessLocationClickFeature[0].properties.CountyName + " County" + '<br/>'
+ businessLocationClickFeature[0].properties.NAMELSAD + '<br/>'
+ businessLocationClickFeature[1].properties.NAMELSAD + '</b></p>'
+'<table><tr><th></th><th>Poverty Rate</th></tr><tr><td>CT '
+ businessLocationClickFeature[0].properties.TRACTCE + '</td><td>'
+ businessLocationClickFeature[0].properties.PovRate + "%" + '</td></tr><tr><td>BG '
+ businessLocationClickFeature[1].properties.BLKGRPCE + '</td><td>'
+ businessLocationClickFeature[1].properties.PovRate + "%" + '</td></tr></table>'
else {
$(".geocode-click-result-area").html('<br/> This area <u style = "color:red;">does not</u> meet the business location criteria based on the following thresholds:'
+ '<table><tr><td>Renewal Community</td><td>No</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td>CT & BG Poverty Rate ≥ 20%</td><td>No</td></tr></table>'
+ '<p><b>' + businessLocationClickFeature[0].properties.CountyName + " County" + '<br/>'
+ businessLocationClickFeature[0].properties.NAMELSAD + '<br/>'
+ businessLocationClickFeature[1].properties.NAMELSAD + '</b></p>'
+ '<table><tr><th></th><th>Poverty Rate</th></tr><tr><td>CT '
+ businessLocationClickFeature[0].properties.TRACTCE + '</td><td>'
+ businessLocationClickFeature[0].properties.PovRate + "%" + '</td></tr><tr><td>BG '
+ businessLocationClickFeature[1].properties.BLKGRPCE + '</td><td>'
+ businessLocationClickFeature[1].properties.PovRate + "%" + '</td></tr></table>'
function employeeResidenceLocationClickInfo (obj) {
employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature = map.queryRenderedFeatures(obj.point, {
layers: ['tract-4332-1sbuyl','blockgroups-4332-9mehvk','employeeresidencelocation']
if (employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature.length == 3) {
$(".geocode-click-result-area").html('<br/>This area meets the <span style="background-color:yellow">employee residence location criteria</span> based on the following thresholds:'
+ '<table><tr><td>Renewal Community</td><td>' + employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[2].properties.Inquiry1 + '</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td>CT % LMI ≥ 70%</td><td>' + employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[2].properties.Inquiry2 + '</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td>CT & all BG Poverty Rate ≥ 20%</td><td>' + employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[2].properties.Inquiry3 + '</td></tr></table>'
+ '<p><b>' + employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.CountyName + " County" + '<br/>'
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.NAMELSAD + '<br/>'
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[1].properties.NAMELSAD + '</b></p>'
+ '<table id="CensusTable"><tr><th></th><th>Poverty Rate</th><th>LMI</th></tr><tr><td>CT '
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.TRACTCE + '</td><td>'
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.PovRate + "%" + '</td><td>'
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.LMIPerc + "%" + '</td></tr>');
var BGsin20PovertyCT = map.queryRenderedFeatures(
{ layers: ['blockgroups-4332-9mehvk'],
filter: ["==", "TRACTCE", employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.TRACTCE]
var unique = [];
var distinct = [];
for (let i = 0; i < BGsin20PovertyCT.length; i++ ){
if (!unique[BGsin20PovertyCT[i].properties.BLKGRPCE]){
unique[BGsin20PovertyCT[i].properties.BLKGRPCE] = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < distinct.length; i++ ){
$("#CensusTable").append('<tr><td>BG ' + distinct[i].properties.BLKGRPCE + '</td><td>'
+ distinct[i].properties.PovRate + "%" + '</td><td>-</td></tr></table>'
else {
$(".geocode-click-result-area").html('<br/> This area <u style = "color:red;">does not</u> meet the employee residence location criteria based on the following thresholds:'
+ '<table><tr><td>Renewal Community</td><td>No</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td>CT % LMI ≥ 70%</td><td>No</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td>CT & all BG Poverty Rate ≥ 20%</td><td>No</td></tr></table>'
+ '<p><b>' + employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.CountyName + " County" + '<br/>'
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.NAMELSAD + '<br/>'
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[1].properties.NAMELSAD + '</b></p>'
+ '<table id="CensusTable"><tr><th></th><th>Poverty Rate</th><th>LMI</th></tr><tr><td>CT '
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.TRACTCE + '</td><td>'
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.PovRate + "%" + '</td><td>'
+ employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.LMIPerc + "%" + '</td></tr>');
var BGsin20PovertyCT = map.queryRenderedFeatures(
{ layers: ['blockgroups-4332-9mehvk'],
filter: ["==", "TRACTCE", employeeResidenceLocationClickFeature[0].properties.TRACTCE]
var unique = [];
var distinct = [];
for (let i = 0; i < BGsin20PovertyCT.length; i++ ){
if (!unique[BGsin20PovertyCT[i].properties.BLKGRPCE]){
unique[BGsin20PovertyCT[i].properties.BLKGRPCE] = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < distinct.length; i++ ){
$("#CensusTable").append('<tr><td>BG ' + distinct[i].properties.BLKGRPCE + '</td><td>'
+ distinct[i].properties.PovRate + "%" + '</td><td>-</td></tr></table>'
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoia3l1bmdhaGxpbSIsImEiOiJjanJyejQyeHUyNGwzNGFuMzdzazh1M2k1In0.TcQEe2aebuQZ4G7d827A9Q';
map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/kyungahlim/ckd226uao1p7i1iqo8ag2ewmu',
center: [-95.925, 29.575],
zoom: 7
map.on('load', initialize);
// // Center the map on the coordinates of any clicked symbol from the 'symbols' layer.
// map.on('click', 'symbols', function(e) {
// map.flyTo({
// center: e.features[0].geometry.coordinates
// });
// });
// // Change the cursor to a pointer when the it enters a feature in the 'symbols' layer.
// map.on('mouseenter', 'symbols', function() {
// map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer';
// });
// // Change it back to a pointer when it leaves.
// map.on('mouseleave', 'symbols', function() {
// map.getCanvas().style.cursor = '';
// });
var geojson = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [{
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [-95.925, 29.575]
properties: {
title: 'Mapbox',
description: 'Washington, D.C.'
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [-122.414, 37.776]
properties: {
title: 'Mapbox',
description: 'San Francisco, California'
// // geocode the typed-in address, zoom to the location, and put a pin on address
// function codeAddress() {
// sAddress = document.getElementById('inputTextAddress').value;
// geocoder.geocode( { 'address': sAddress}, function(results, status) {
// //latitude = results[0].geometry.location.lat();
// //longitude = results[0].geometry.location.lng();
// coordinate = results[0].geometry.location;
// if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
// if (GeocodeMarker){
// GeocodeMarker.setMap(null);
// }
// // bounds.extend(results[0].geometry.location);
// // PuppyMap.fitBounds(bounds);
// PuppyMap.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location);
// PuppyMap.setZoom(14);
// GeocodeMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
// map:PuppyMap,
// position: results[0].geometry.location,
// animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
// icon: housePin,
// zoom: 0
// });
// }
// else{
// alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);
// }
// });
// }
var marker = new mapboxgl.Marker(document.createElement('div'))
.setLngLat( [-95.925, 29.575])
// // add markers to map
// geojson.features.forEach(function(marker) {
// // create a HTML element for each feature
// var el = document.createElement('div');
// el.className = 'marker';
// // make a marker for each feature and add to the map
// new mapboxgl.Marker(el)
// .setLngLat(marker.geometry.coordinates)
// .addTo(map);
// });
I am having difficulty with the way google calls its maps api. I have the following calling initMap
<script defer
but inside initMap, the following condition if(getPosition() !== false) { never evaluates to true because init map is done before getPosition() has set its object values.
function initMap() {
// set new map, assign default properties
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: { lat, lng }, zoom: 14
// check if the requested data is usable (lat, lng === numbers) before trying to use it
if(getPosition() !== false) {
map.setCenter( getPosition() ); // set latest position as the map center
console.log("InitMap ran here");
How can I make it so initMap waits until getPosition() has had a chance to wait for other functions to do their thing? Here is my complete script so it makes more sense.
// https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/geolocation
var map; var marker;
var lat = 65.025984; var lng = 25.470794; // default map location in case no position response is available
var res_data; var res_longitude; var res_latitude; var res_speed; var res_time; // res = response (data from the ajax call)
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
function getPosition() {
pos = {
lat: res_latitude,
lng: res_longitude,
return ( isNaN(pos.lat) || isNaN(pos.lng) ) ? false : pos; // return pos only if lat and lng values are numbers
function initMap() {
// set new map, assign default properties
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: { lat, lng }, zoom: 14
// check if the requested data is usable (lat, lng === numbers) before trying to use it
if(getPosition() !== false) {
map.setCenter( getPosition() ); // set latest position as the map center
console.log("InitMap ran here");
// place marker on the map
function addMarker() {
//console.log("Add Marker ran");
if(marker){ marker.setMap(null); } // remove visibility of current marker
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: getPosition(),
map: map,
title: formatTime(res_time),
marker.setMap(map); // set the marker
function getData() {
xhr.addEventListener("load", reqListener);
xhr.open("GET", "http://example.com/data.txt");
function reqListener() {
// res_data = long, lat, accuracy, speed, time
//console.log("reqListener: " + xhr.responseText);
res_data = '[' + xhr.responseText + ']';
res_data = JSON.parse(res_data);
res_latitude = res_data[0]; res_longitude = res_data[1]; res_accuracy = res_data[2]; res_speed = res_data[3]; res_time = res_data[4];
var formatted_time = formatTime(res_time);
document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = '<span class="info">Lat: ' + res_latitude + '</span><span class="info">Long: ' + res_longitude + '</span><span class="info">Accuracy: ' + res_accuracy + '</span><span class="info">Speed: ' + res_speed + '</span><span class="info">' + formatted_time + '</span>';
function formatTime(time) {
var t = new Date(time);
var hours, mins, secs;
if(t.getHours() < 10) { hours = "0" + t.getHours(); } else { hours = t.getHours(); }
if(t.getMinutes() < 10) { mins = "0" + t.getMinutes(); } else { mins = t.getMinutes(); }
if(t.getSeconds() < 10) { secs = "0" + t.getSeconds(); } else { secs = t.getSeconds(); }
var hms = hours +':'+ mins +':'+ secs;
return 'Updated: ' + hms;
function init() {
setInterval(getData, 5000);
<script defer
Get rid of the callback=initMap from where you load in the Maps API.
Instead make a call to initMap only from where you are then certain everything is loaded. e.g. at the end of reqListener.
function reqListener() {
res_data = '[' + xhr.responseText + ']';
res_data = JSON.parse(res_data);
res_latitude = res_data[0]; res_longitude = res_data[1]; res_accuracy = res_data[2]; res_speed = res_data[3]; res_time = res_data[4];
var formatted_time = formatTime(res_time);
document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = '<span class="info">Lat: ' + res_latitude + '</span><span class="info">Long: ' + res_longitude + '</span><span class="info">Accuracy: ' + res_accuracy + '</span><span class="info">Speed: ' + res_speed + '</span><span class="info">' + formatted_time + '</span>';
If you're calling reqListener at repeated intervals and don't want to recreate your map, add some logic to the top of initMap like:
if (map !== null) {
I have the following 2 functions to pull in, geocode, and place markers in a google map.
I keep getting a TypeError: adds[i] is undefined, which of course is causing the rest of the map to bomb.
Here is my code:
// Place Markers on the Map
var PlaceMarkers = function (iw, adds, gc) {
var image = {url: "http://meatmysite.com/Images/star2.png", size: new google.maps.Size(24, 24)};
var aCt = adds.length;
for(var i = 0; i < aCt; ++i) {
GetLatLng(gc, adds[i].address, function(pos) {
if(pos) {
var ipop = '<h1>' + adds[i].title + '</h1>'; // <----- TypeError: adds[i] is undefined
ipop += '' + adds[i].url + '<br />';
ipop += '<div class="map_item_content" id="mi_content' + i + '">' + adds[i].content + '</div>';
ipop += '<br /><strong>Phone:</strong> ' + adds[i].mainphone + '';
ipop += '<br /><strong>Email:</strong> ' + adds[i].mainemail + '';
console.log('HEY NOW: ' + pos.toString() + ' - Location Found!');
var mark = new google.maps.Marker({title: adds[i].title, position: pos, map: map, icon: image, html: ipop});
google.maps.event.addListener(mark, 'click', function(){
iw.open(map, this);
// Get Lat/Lng Location
var GetLatLng = function(gc, add, f) {
var ret = '';
gc.geocode({'address': add}, function(res, status) {
if (status == 'OK') {
console.log('Found Here: ' + ret.toString());
return -1;
"address": "1 My Street Gilbert, AZ 85234",
"title": "My Title 1",
"url": "http://www.myurl.com/",
"mainphone": null,
"mainemail": null,
"content": "1 My Street<br />Gilbert, AZ 85234"
"address": "2 My Street North Richland Hills, TX 76182",
"title": "My Title 2",
"url": null,
"mainphone": null,
"mainemail": null,
"content": "2 My Street<br />North Richland Hills, TX 76182"
One option, pass the complete "address" object into the GetLatLng function, and from there into its callback (so you get function closure on it):
// Get Lat/Lng Location
var GetLatLng = function (gc, add, f) {
'address': add.address
}, function (res, status) {
if (status == 'OK') {
f(res[0].geometry.location, add);
Then use it like this inside the callback (you could pass just the index into the array also):
GetLatLng(gc, adds[i], function (pos, add) {
if (pos) {
var ipop = '<h1>' + add.title + '</h1>';
if (!isBlank(add.url)) {
ipop += '' + add.url + '<br />';
ipop += '<div class="map_item_content" id="mi_content' + i + '">' + add.content + '</div>';
if (!isBlank(add.mainphone)) {
ipop += '<br /><strong>Phone:</strong> ' + add.mainphone + '';
if (!isBlank(add.mainemail)) {
ipop += '<br /><strong>Email:</strong> ' + add.mainemail + '';
console.log('HEY NOW: ' + pos.toString() + ' - Location Found!');
var mark = new google.maps.Marker({
title: add.title,
position: pos,
map: map,
icon: image,
html: ipop
google.maps.event.addListener(mark, 'click', function () {
iw.open(map, this);
proof of concept fiddle
code snippet:
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var map;
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
function initialize() {
map = new google.maps.Map(
document.getElementById("map_canvas"), {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(37.4419, -122.1419),
zoom: 13,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
PlaceMarkers(infoWindow, adds, geocoder);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "load", initialize);
// Place Markers on the Map
var PlaceMarkers = function(iw, adds, gc) {
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
var image = {
url: "http://meatmysite.com/Images/star2.png",
size: new google.maps.Size(24, 24)
var aCt = adds.length;
for (var i = 0; i < aCt; ++i) {
GetLatLng(gc, adds[i], function(pos, add) {
if (pos) {
var ipop = '<h1>' + add.title + '</h1>'; // <----- TypeError: adds[i] is undefined
if (!isBlank(add.url)) {
ipop += '' + add.url + '<br />';
ipop += '<div class="map_item_content" id="mi_content' + i + '">' + add.content + '</div>';
if (!isBlank(add.mainphone)) {
ipop += '<br /><strong>Phone:</strong> ' + add.mainphone + '';
if (!isBlank(add.mainemail)) {
ipop += '<br /><strong>Email:</strong> ' + add.mainemail + '';
console.log('HEY NOW: ' + pos.toString() + ' - Location Found!');
var mark = new google.maps.Marker({
title: add.title,
position: pos,
map: map,
// icon: image,
html: ipop
google.maps.event.addListener(mark, 'click', function() {
iw.open(map, this);
// Get Lat/Lng Location
var GetLatLng = function(gc, add, f) {
'address': add.address
}, function(res, status) {
if (status == 'OK') {
f(res[0].geometry.location, add);
var adds = [{
"address": "1 My Street Gilbert, AZ 85234",
"title": "My Title 1",
"url": "http://www.myurl.com/",
"mainphone": null,
"mainemail": null,
"content": "1 My Street<br />Gilbert, AZ 85234"
}, {
"address": "2 My Street North Richland Hills, TX 76182",
"title": "My Title 2",
"url": null,
"mainphone": null,
"mainemail": null,
"content": "2 My Street<br />North Richland Hills, TX 76182"
function isBlank(str) {
return (!str || /^\s*$/.test(str));
#map_canvas {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js"></script>
<div id="map_canvas"></div>
This looks like a typical binding issue. By the time your callback is called, the value of adds[i] will have changed. It is likely that the loop terminated and i has now a value of last index + 1, which is pointing to nothing. Note that it could also point to the wrong index, that would not fail but use the wrong data.
You must bind the value of adds[i] locally for each iteration or the callback will just use a reference to a global value. There a multiple ways to go about this, here is a simple one where we keep passing adds[i] along as a function argument.
Replace adds[i].address with adds[i] when calling GetLatLng and add a second parameter add to the callback:
GetLatLng(gc, adds[i], function(pos, add) {
Then modify GetLatLng to use add.address instead of just add and add add to the callback call:
// Get Lat/Lng Location
var GetLatLng = function(gc, add, f) {
var ret = '';
gc.geocode({'address': add.address}, function(res, status) {
if (status == 'OK') {
f(res[0].geometry.location, add);
console.log('Found Here: ' + ret.toString());
return -1;
Then in the callback function, replace all instances of adds[i] with add to use the local variable.
I didn't set up a test but it should theoretically work.
you appear to be overcomplicating things. Any reason why you can't do this?
// Place Markers on the Map
var PlaceMarkers = function (iw, adds, gc) {
var aCt = adds.length;
for(var i = 0; i < aCt; ++i) {
var obj=adds[i];
GetLatLng(gc, obj)
// Get Lat/Lng Location
var GetLatLng = function(gc, obj) {
var ret = '';
gc.geocode({'address': obj.address}, function(res, status) {
if (status == 'OK') {
var pos=res[0].geometry.location;
var ipop = '<h1>' + obj.title + '</h1>'; // <----- TypeError: adds[i] is undefined
ipop += '' + obj.url + '<br />';
ipop += '<div class="map_item_content" id="mi_content">' + obj.content + '</div>';
ipop += '<br /><strong>Phone:</strong> ' + obj.mainphone + '';
ipop += '<br /><strong>Email:</strong> ' + obj.mainemail + '';
console.log('HEY NOW: ' + pos.toString() + ' - Location Found!');
var mark = new google.maps.Marker({title: obj.title, position: pos, map: map, html: ipop});
google.maps.event.addListener(mark, 'click', function(){
iw.open(map, this);
} else {
console.log("geocoder problem!")
for(var i = 0; i < aCt - 1; ++i). You need to add "-1" in you for-loop. The array starts at index 0 and not 1. You also need to be careful with using functions in a for loop. Within javascript a for-loop does not have a scope from itself. Only functions create new scopes.
Why is the string lost inside the object within a loop?
for (var i = 0; i < nrow.length - 1; i++) {
displayNote = "<b>" + nfield[0] + "</b><br />" + nfield[1] + " " + nfield[2] + "<br /> " + nfield[7];
action: 'addMarker',
lat: parseFloat(nfield[5]),
lng: parseFloat(nfield[6]),
events: {
mouseover: function (marker, event) {
var map = $(this).gmap3('get'),
infowindow = $(this).gmap3({ action: 'get', name: 'infowindow' });
if (infowindow) {
infowindow.open(map, marker);
displayNote only displays the first increment for all the other infowindow
at the end of for loop execution displayNote will contain last value. And InfoWindow will show last displayNote on mouseover.
You can save displayNote for each iteration by creating new function
function attachEvent( displayNote, nfield ){
action: 'addMarker',
lat: parseFloat(nfield[5]),
lng: parseFloat(nfield[6]),
events: {
mouseover: function (marker, event) {
var map = $(this).gmap3('get'),
infowindow = $(this).gmap3({ action: 'get', name: 'infowindow' });
if (infowindow) {
infowindow.open(map, marker);
for (var i = 0; i < nrow.length - 1; i++) {
displayNote = "<b>" + nfield[0] + "</b><br />" + nfield[1] + " " + nfield[2] + "<br /> " + nfield[7];
attachEvent( displayNote, nfield );
I am having problems adding GMarkers when using a loop. The best way to explain the problem is to show the code, I guess :)
This works:
htmls[0] = "<div style=\"margin-bottom:10px; \"><table><tr><td><img src=\"" + result[0].UserImageURI + "\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\" /></td><td style=\"vertical-align:top; \"><strong>" + result[0].Username + "</strong> (" + result[1].Age + ")<br/>" + result[0].Country + "<br/>" + result[0].Distance + " KMs away<br/>View Profile</td></tr></table></div>";
latlngs[0] = new GLatLng(result[0].Latitude, result[0].Longitude);
if (result[0].Gender == "F") {
markers[0] = new GMarker(latlngs[0], { draggable: false, icon: fIcon });
} else {
markers[0] = new GMarker(latlngs[0], { draggable: false, icon: mIcon });
GEvent.addListener(markers[0], "click", function () {
htmls[1] = "<div style=\"margin-bottom:10px; \"><table><tr><td><img src=\"" + result[1].UserImageURI + "\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\" /></td><td style=\"vertical-align:top; \"><strong>" + result[1].Username + "</strong> (" + result[1].Age + ")<br/>" + result[1].Country + "<br/>" + result[1].Distance + " KMs away<br/>View Profile</td></tr></table></div>";
latlngs[1] = new GLatLng(result[1].Latitude, result[1].Longitude);
if (result[1].Gender == "F") {
markers[1] = new GMarker(latlngs[1], { draggable: false, icon: fIcon });
} else {
markers[1] = new GMarker(latlngs[1], { draggable: false, icon: mIcon });
GEvent.addListener(markers[1], "click", function () {
But when I put it in a loop, it doesn't work...
for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
htmls[i] = "<div style=\"margin-bottom:10px; \"><table><tr><td><img src=\"" + result[i].UserImageURI + "\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\" /></td><td style=\"vertical-align:top; \"><strong>" + result[i].Username + "</strong> (" + result[i].Age + ")<br/>" + result[i].Country + "<br/>" + result[i].Distance + " KMs away<br/>View Profile</td></tr></table></div>";
latlngs[i] = new GLatLng(result[i].Latitude, result[i].Longitude);
if (result[i].Gender == "F") {
markers[i] = new GMarker(latlngs[i], { draggable: false, icon: fIcon });
} else {
markers[i] = new GMarker(latlngs[i], { draggable: false, icon: mIcon });
GEvent.addListener(markers[i], "click", function () {
When using the loop, clicking on a marker breaks the script. It points to the line
And says that object is undefined. It also says that i = 10 at that point which is "impossible" as results.length is only 10
The problem is the classic function-in-a-loop. Here's one of the two typical ways to fix it:
function callback(i) {
return function () {
for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
// snip...
GEvent.addListener(markers[i], "click", callback(i));
// snip...
JSLint can easily catch these common errors.
#Alex's answer shows roughly the other typical way that this problem is fixed, but with a few errors. This should work, though:
for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
// snip...
GEvent.addListener(markers[i], "click", (function (i) {
return function () {
// snip...
In this piece of code...
GEvent.addListener(markers[i], "click", function () {
...the function has closure to the i in the parent scope. So it is accessing the variable itself, not a copy of it.
At the end of the loop, when your function accesses the i variable, it will be equal to whatever condition stopped the loop, 10 in your example.
You can fix it with a self invoking anonymous function which passes the value to a new variable with a limited lifespan...
(function(j) {
GEvent.addListener(markers[j], "click", function () {
Here is an example of similar code working.