Does npm/yarn install devDependencies by default? - javascript

I'm working on private library of react components. I've already setup the whole workflow etc. but I'm not sure about one thing.
In my library I have some packages listed as peerDependencies which have to be peer ones (for example react, cuz only one instance of react can be installed at once, otherwise everything breaks). But if I'd like to setup some tests in my library I need react installed there as devDependency.
So I have to install react as peer and dev in library. And what happens when I publish this package to npm register? devDependencies are excluded here?

If you need it in production, add it to peerDependencies. Otherwise, leave it in devDependencies. When someone installs your library, dev dependencies won't be installed, and peer dependencies should already be installed.

If you create a node package, and you have some dev dependencies, npm wont count them for the publish. That's why it's called devDependencies. It's not under the production code.

I know you have to specify when installing an npm package --save-dev so it saves dependencies onto your json file.


NPM peer dependencies issue while building vis-timeline locally

I am using vis-timelime in one of my projects. I have done some changes in vis-timeline, then locally build it and using it as dependency in my project. While doing so, vis-timeline is getting installed properly but i believe the peer dependencies of vis-timeline are not coming. Do note that I'm using npm version - 7.6.3.
cd vis-timeline;
//added some console logs in few files
npm install;
npm run build;
Then in my project-
cd my-app
npm install local-path-to-my-vis-timeline
Running above commands install the vis-timeline in node_modules of my-app. However, other peer dependencies of vis-timeline like vis-data, etc. do not come automatically. Since I am using npm version 7.6.3, wasn't it supposed to happen automatically?? If not, any graceful solution to this?
Or let me know of any other better way to locally do changes in vis-timeline library and use it in my local project for debugging.
Sounds like an issue with npm. This post has a list of solutions that might work.
Otherwise, maybe try using yarn instead of npm?

How to install editable dependency via yarn

Is it possible to install a yarn dependency as an editable dependency?
I'm looking for something like python pip's:
pip install -e
For local development of a library. My goal is to see changes in a package I'm developing while simultaneously using it in another package.
You can directly edit the files in node_modules and changes there are reflected immediately, but also overwritten when yarn decides to update the module. Note, that some files need to be built first or might be a bit tricky to edit (minified / transpiled build artefacts). You can also install the module directly from GitHub, if this is easier for your development process.
Apart from that, there is no such thing as "editable" dependencies in npm / yarn.

How to tell npm to not to install any dependency when somebody installs my npm module?

I have created an NPM module which is already built and published. so when somebody installs it, my module doesn't really need any extra dependency to work properly as it is already built.
However, the current behavior is that when I install my module in some other repository it updates some other modules in package-lock.json
Is there a way to avoid this behavior as my module is already pre-built and doesn't need any dependency to work properly?
One way you can do this is create your project to be a nested project.
|- package.json
|- sub-project
Once you build your files in the main-project place them in sub-project whose package.json has no dependencies listed. You can then publish your inner sub-project to npm as a dependency free module.
That being said, I think the common practice is to include your dependencies as usual - as long as you export your built file correctly and the users import them correctly, it should not matter that your dependencies are installed or not - when they build, ideally they include only what they need (and not your project's dependencies) if all goes well.
NPM has something called optionalDependencies.
npm install package-name --save-optional
This command will save your package as an optional dependency.
Then you can use
npm install --no-optional
to prevent installing the optional dependencies.

Install npm packages locally to be accesed by other projects

I'd like to know how it works npm comparing to Maven (I come from a Java background) in terms of managing packages.
I have created a generic component using Angular 4, this component will be used in many projects. So, I have published it to our nexus registry and then, from the client projects I just import the package so that the package gets downloaded from the registry and everything works fine.
Now, for development, I don't want to be publishing to the registry every single time I do a modification in the generic component and rebuilding the clients.
I would like instead to do it like we do with Maven in Java, we install the artifact in our local repo, and the artifact will be picked up from the local repo before going to the global 'artifactory', but I see that when we install a module using npm, it gets installed inside node_modules folder inside the same project, so that the module is not available for any other project.
How should I do that? In other words, does npm keep a local repository where the installed modules are accessible to any other projects without the need of publishing to the global registry?
use --global switch behind the npm install command to install the package of your choice global.
hope that helps
To make something available to the rest of the system's node package environment through npm, you can install it globally (which is local to your system) rather than locally (which is local to your project). You can see documentation for global-ness on installs in this part of the NPM documentation.
npm i -g package names here
npm install --global package names here
You can update your globally installed packages as you would a locally installed one as well when you need to.
npm update -g package names here
(or all of them without specifying)
npm update -g
See the full NPM documentation pages for more detailed flags, etc.
If you're hoping to use your own packages in a managed environment, you can either publish them as private modules or keep them in a VCS (mostly git) and reference them by the appropriate method for that VCS in your projects' package.json scheme through the dependencies block for github urls or more generally other git hosts, like
"dependencies": {
"myComponent": "user/repo#feature\/branch",
"otherComponent": "git+https://myGitHost.tld/.../projectName.git#commit"

Node.js project with no package.json

Is it ok to have a node.js project with no package.json? The ones I see on the internet all come with package.json
What is the effect of having no package.json?
How is package.json created in the first place? Is it created automatically? I am wondering why I do not have package.json
Fundamentally, package.json is a meta file for your application. It lists all the configuration of your application.
What is the effect of having no package.json?
Nothing as far as you're running all your code locally and have no requirement for deployment whatsoever.
Let's setup a scene for you to understand this better.
Imagine that you wrote a brilliant application using node. Now all the chicks in your surrounding want it to play with. It is so fantastic!
Now you want to give it to them and during the development process you `npm install`ed so many things that your project grows beyond 4TB size.
There is no data storage device available to ship that huge code base.
Then the girl of your dream said I want it and I want it now. So you begin searching for app deployment process for node applications.
That is where you stumble upon a magical thing called package.json.
So what you do is you list all your npm installed modules under dependencies property. Then you delete node_modulesfolder, add package.json and commit the entire damn thing in github. Even the .zip file is of 10MB
Then she gets the code.
Types in npm install && npm start (which will install all the dependencies from the package.json` and start your application)
If you have package.json however, that is where you specify all your dependencies.
Using --save flag of npm install
npm install express --save
How is package.json created in the first place? Is it created automatically?
You can manually create a text file and save it as package.json
A more sophisticated way is to use the command
npm init
I am wondering why I do not have package.json
Me too! :)
You're most probably following a tutorial that doesn't emphasize on initial configuration of the project OR the author of those tutorials presume that the reader has all the fundamentals down to begin with.
It is created automatically if you write npm init.
Then, every package you add using npm install packagename --save will be added to the dependencies list.
You need package.json so that when you want to use your project on another machine you don't have to copy all node_modules, but only your .js files you have written, assets and package.json. You can then run npm install command and it will automatically download and install all the required modules (found in the list of dependencies inside package.json).
You can also manually create or edit it, but it's easier to add --save when installing a module so you don't have to worry about package versions and stuff like that.
Also if you want to create a npm package, an open source project or stuff other people will use, it's either required or the norm to have this package.json file describing your project.
package.json is npm file, if you don't use npm you will not have this file, npm is a great tool if you want to use external libraries in your project but if you don't need it (which is very not likely unless you are doing something very simple), you don't need package.json file too.
To generate package.json file initialize npm in your project using npm init
possible reason thus it exist is you maybe you enter a wrong command like npm i -y, you must initialize the project first, just enter a command npm init -y
Well, if you are running it on your local machine, it's fine. now to answer your last question, package.json is not created automatically.
the npm command npm init -y creates the 'package.json' file. It basically makes sharing your code and installing your codebase easier.

