Why did I get different results? What's different between two codes? - javascript

it's my first question on this website. haha.
I was trying to make some dummy data which is from yesterday 12AM to now 15 minutes apart.
here is my code.(Javascript)
const toDay = new Date();
const fromDay = new Date(
toDay.getDate() - 1,
const duration = Math.floor((toDay - fromDay) / (1000 * 60 * 15));
console.log('duration', duration);
let arrayOfData = [];
let dataForX = fromDay;
let dataForY = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < duration; i++) {
date: dataForX,
value: dataForY,
// dataForX = new Date(dataForX.setMinutes(dataForX.getMinutes() + 15));
dataForX.setMinutes(dataForX.getMinutes() + 15);
dataForY = Math.random() * 100;
console.log('arrayOfData', arrayOfData);
I wanted some data like Pic1 to make:
But, it resulted in Pic2:
Fortunately, I solve this problem by coding like this,
dataForX = new Date(dataForX.setMinutes(dataForX.getMinutes() + 15));
instead of this.
dataForX.setMinutes(dataForX.getMinutes() + 15);
But, I still don't understand why it came this different result out.
Can you tell me the reason for this result?

When you write dataForX.setMinutes(dataForX.getMinutes() + 15); you are actually changing the reference of the same object, thus all dates end up being the same.
When you write dataForX = new Date(dataForX.setMinutes(dataForX.getMinutes() + 15));, you create a new object(reference) every time. The name of the variable is the same, but the reference changes. You store the old reference first, then create a new one.
Consider the below snippet. The principle is the same as with the dates, but I created an object to make it easier to understand.
When I change foo to be foo = {bar:10};, you might think that the value inside the array would be changed to 10, but it isn't. We are creating a new reference, so the old reference is not affected by our change.
const myArray = [];
let foo = {bar: 3};
console.log(myArray); // will print 3
foo.bar = 5;
console.log(myArray); // will print 5
foo = {bar:10}; // creating a new reference using the same variable name
console.log(myArray); // will still print 5
console.log(myArray); // will print 5 and 10
foo.bar = 12;
console.log(myArray); // will print 5 and 12

You need a copy of the date object:
date: new Date(dataForX.getTime()), // <-- Here
value: dataForY,
Example with the change:
const toDay = new Date();
const fromDay = new Date(
toDay.getDate() - 1,
const duration = Math.floor((toDay - fromDay) / (1000 * 60 * 15));
console.log('🚀 ~ file: script.js ~ line 10 ~ duration', duration);
let arrayOfData = [];
let dataForX = fromDay;
let dataForY = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < duration; i++) {
date: new Date(dataForX.getTime()),
value: dataForY,
// dataForX = new Date(dataForX.setMinutes(dataForX.getMinutes() + 15));
dataForX.setMinutes(dataForX.getMinutes() + 15);
dataForY = Math.random() * 100;
console.log('arrayOfData', arrayOfData);
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }


Re-selecting another value and clac but old result displays in JS

I'm studying calc. I'm having problem with re-selecting value and calc.
Here is my whole program
When user select value then press submit. it works perfectly. However when user change such as 'cb_amount' , s_month and 's_year' Then click submit below code part displays OLD result. Other part result works fine. Could you teach me write code please?
const PAY_START_END_MONTH_FMT = "If loan start Month is :start ,<br> Final loan paying will be :end ";
let s_month = document.getElementById(elementId.s_month).value;
if (s_month) {
let s_year = document.getElementById(elementId.s_year).value;
let date = new Date();
date.setMonth(s_month - 1);
let startMonth = DateManager.formatDate(date, DateManager.getFormatString().YYYY_MM);
DateManager.addMonth(date, (years * 12) - 1);
let endMonth = DateManager.formatDate(date, DateManager.getFormatString().YYYY_MM);
document.getElementById("pay_start_end_month").innerHTML = PAY_START_END_MONTH_FMT.replace(":start", startMonth).replace(":end", endMonth);
// CB_SENTENCE_FMT message
const CB_SENTENCE_FMT = "Combined bonus amount will be :j_actual_cb_ttl. Paying times is :j_cbTimes . mothly paying is :j_monthly_bns_payment";
if (bSecondToLastTtl > 1) {
let j_actual_cb_ttl = ValueUtils.comma(bSecondToLastTtl);
let j_cbTimes = cbTimes;
let j_monthly_bns_payment = ValueUtils.comma(monthly_b);
document.getElementById("j_cb_sentence").innerHTML = CB_SENTENCE_FMT.replace(":j_actual_cb_ttl", j_actual_cb_ttl).replace(":j_cbTimes", j_cbTimes).replace(":j_monthly_bns_payment", j_monthly_bns_payment);
There are a lot of variables which you are have declaration as "const". Try changing those to "let". Read about it here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const and https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/let. I have forked your code and tried, seems to be updating the data based on the new values.
Forked fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/b5g73x02/. Below is what I changed.
let cbTimes = years * 2; //
let diff = amount - downpayment;
let justDevideCbAmount = cb_amount / cbTimes;
let monthly_b = (Math.floor(justDevideCbAmount / 100) * 100);
let bSecondToLastTtl = monthly_b * cbTimes;
let paymentTimes = years * 12;
let interestMod = 10000 + (interest * 100);
let ttlWInterest = parseInt(((amount - downpayment) * interestMod )/ 10000);
let ttlWInterestNegativeCb = ttlWInterest - bSecondToLastTtl;
let jstDevideMonthly = ttlWInterestNegativeCb / paymentTimes;
let secondToLastMonthlyPayment = (Math.floor(jstDevideMonthly / 100) * 100);
let firstMonthlyPayment = ttlWInterestNegativeCb - (secondToLastMonthlyPayment * (paymentTimes - 1));
let jKinri = (interest / 100).toFixed(5);
let kinriFinal = ValueUtils.comma(parseInt(ttlWInterest - (amount - downpayment)));

Google Apps Scripts: Remove data when dates < today + xx days

I have a Google Sheet with 5 columns and dates of the last check. I want to only keep the entries when the number of days since the last check is > 10 days.
The Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nD7CXraydrAwOh7q7QFDLveVW76wRNU0ago4h-ORn8U/edit?usp=sharing
function check(){
/** Variables **/
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sh1 = ss.getSheetByName('Data Processing');
/** Remove duplicates **/
var sh1data = sh1.getDataRange().getValues();
var sh1newData = [];
for (var i in sh1data) {
var row = sh1data[i];
var duplicate = false;
for (var j in sh1newData) {
/* DATE */
var today=new Date().valueOf();
var sec=1000; var min=60*sec; var hour=60*min; var day=24*hour; // Do the conversions
var sh1DateChecked = sh1newData[j][4].valueOf();
var diff=today-sh1DateChecked;
var days=Math.floor(diff/day); // Number of Days since the last check
if(row[0] == sh1newData[j][0] && row[1] == sh1newData[j][1] && days < 10)
{ duplicate = true; } }
if (!duplicate) { sh1newData.push(row);
sh1.getRange(1, 1, sh1newData.length, sh1newData[0].length).setValues(sh1newData);
This solution ignores the code's mention of "duplicates" and focuses on your stated question of removing dates less than 10 days old. However, if you need to remove duplicates as well, it can be easily added.
I propose you put your condition in a function that takes a row of data as input and returns a boolean (true/false) such as
function dateCheckedOlderThan10Days(row) {
return getDays(row[4]) > 10;
function getDays(date) {
const sec = 1000;
const min = 60 * sec;
const hour = 60 * min;
const day = 24 * hour;
return Math.floor((new Date() - date)/day);
(Note how you can completely extract the getDays function from your main function. That reduces the amount of code you have to think about inside each function definition.)
This function will fit perfectly into Array.prototype.filter, and the naming of the function makes it very clear what you expect to happen.
const dataOlderThan10Days = ss.getSheetByName('Data Processing')
Here is the checked function refactored into several functions:
function check() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const dataSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Data Processing');
const data = dataSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
const dataOlderThan10Days = data
.slice(1) // removes header row; comment out if you don't have a header row
//dataOlderThan10Days.unshift(data[0]); // <-- if you want to restore the headers
setData(dataSheet, dataOlderThan10Days);
function dateCheckedOlderThan10Days(row) {
return getDays(row[HEADINGS.DATE_CHECKED]) > 10;
const HEADINGS = {
AGE: 3,
function setData(sheet, data) {
sheet.getRange(1, 1, data.length, data[0].length).setValues(data);
function getDays(date) {
const sec = 1000;
const min = 60 * sec;
const hour = 60 * min;
const day = 24 * hour;
return Math.floor((new Date() - date)/day);

for inside another for is executed just once

I have the following code to create all possible intervals between two dates:
var minStart = new Date(2019, 10, 1);
var maxStart = new Date(2019, 10, 3);
var minStop = new Date(2019, 10, 20);
var maxStop = new Date(2019, 10, 22);
for (var i = minStart; i <= maxStart; i.setDate(i.getDate() + 1)) {
for (var v = minStop; v <= maxStop; v.setDate(v.getDate() + 1)) {
console.log(moment(i).format('DD/MM') + ' - ' + moment(v).format('DD/MM'));
I am expecting to get the following result:
01/11 - 20/11
01/11 - 21/11
01/11 - 22/11
02/11 - 20/11
02/11 - 21/11
02/11 - 22/11
03/11 - 20/11
03/11 - 21/11
03/11 - 22/11
but I am getting only:
>01/11 - 20/11
>01/11 - 21/11
>01/11 - 22/11
I debugged the code by putting more console.log() outputs and it turns out, that the inner loop is run only once. Any idea why this is happening?
Here is a quick JSFiddle (without the moment library that I am using only for formatting).
The problem is that you're mutating the objects, at the end of the first outer loop, minStop will have the same date as maxStop. To address that, use something like this: var v = new Date(minStop)

How do I get the current school hour and time remaining?

I have this function:
function getInfoSchoolTime() {
var date = new Date();
var schoolBellTime = ["8:10","9:02","9:54","9:59","10:51","11:43","11:58","12:48","13:35","13:40","14:10","15:02","15:54"];
var remainingTime, currentHour;
for (var i = 0; i < schoolBellTime.length-1; i++) {
var startTime = schoolBellTime[i].split(":");
var endTime = schoolBellTime[i+1].split(":");
if (parseInt(startTime[0]) >= date.getHours() && parseInt(startTime[1]) >= date.getMinutes())
if (parseInt(endTime[0]) <= date.getHours() && parseInt(endTime[1]) <= date.getMinutes()) {
currentHour = i;
if (currentHour == undefined)
return {current: -1, remaining: "not available"};
return {current: currentHour, remaining: remainingTime};
var info = getInfoSchoolTime();
console.log(info.current, info.remaining);
I have the schoolBellTime array that contains the timestamps of my school bell (I know, my school has strange bell times, these timestamps includes playtimes and lunchtime), this function is meant to return the 1st hour/2nd hour/3rd hour ... and the minutes that remains to the next hour/breaktime.
I checked all the code and can't find the error, it keeps returning {current: -1, remaining: "not available"}
The function at the top: setDateTime() takes a date and a time, and constructs a date object for that time.
Then I updated your function, I convert start and end to times on the current day, and then check if date.getTime() occurs between them. Then I simply subtract date.getTime() from end, and convert the result to minutes from milliseconds.
var setDateTime = function(date, str) {
var sp = str.split(':');
date.setHours(parseInt(sp[0], 10));
date.setMinutes(parseInt(sp[1], 10));
return date;
function getInfoSchoolTime() {
var date = new Date();
var schoolBellTime = ["8:10", "9:02", "9:54", "9:59", "10:51", "11:43", "11:58", "12:48", "13:35", "13:40", "14:10", "14:10", "15:02", "15:54"];
var remainingTime, currentHour, currentPeriod;
for (var i = 0; i < schoolBellTime.length - 1; i++) {
start = setDateTime(new Date(), schoolBellTime[i])
end = setDateTime(new Date(), schoolBellTime[i + 1])
if (date.getTime() > start.getTime() && date.getTime() < end.getTime()) {
currentHour = i
remainingTime = end.getTime() - date.getTime()
currentPeriod = ([schoolBellTime[i], schoolBellTime[i+1]]).join('-')
return {current: currentHour, currentPeriod: currentPeriod, remaining: Math.round(remainingTime * 0.0000166667)}
Here's a somewhat different approach, both to the code and the API. It uses two helper functions. Each should be obvious with a single example: pad(7) //=> "07" and pairs(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux']) //=> [['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'baz'], ['baz', 'qux']].
The main function takes a list of bell times and returns a function which itself accepts a date object and returns the sort of output you're looking for (period, remaining time in period.) This API makes it much easier to test.
const pad = nbr => ('00' + nbr).slice(-2)
const pairs = vals => vals.reduce((res, val, idx) => idx < 1 ? res : res.concat([[vals[idx - 1], val]]), [])
const schoolPeriods = (schoolBellTime) => {
const subtractTimes = (t1, t2) => 60 * t1.hour + t1.minute - (60 * t2.hour + t2.minute)
const periods = pairs(schoolBellTime.map(time => ({hour: time.split(':')[0], minute: +time.split(':')[1]})))
return date => {
const current = {hour: date.getHours(), minute: date.getMinutes()}
if (subtractTimes(current, periods[0][0]) < 0) {
return {message: 'before school day'}
if (subtractTimes(current, periods[periods.length - 1][1]) > 0) {
return {message: 'after school day'}
const idx = periods.findIndex(period => subtractTimes(current, period[0]) >= 0 && subtractTimes(period[1], current) > 0)
const period = periods[idx]
return {
current: idx + 1,
currentPeriod: `${period[0].hour}:${pad(period[0].minute)} - ${period[1].hour}:${pad(period[1].minute)}`,
remaining: subtractTimes(period[1], current)
const getPeriod = schoolPeriods(["8:10","9:02","9:54","9:59","10:51","11:43","11:58","12:48","13:35","13:40","14:10","14:10","15:02","15:54"])
console.log("Using current time")
console.log(getPeriod(new Date()))
console.log("Using a fixed time")
console.log(getPeriod(new Date(2017, 11, 22, 14, 27))) // will Christmas break ever come?!
I made a random guess at the behavior you would want if the date is outside the period range.
Internally, it creates a list of period objects that look like
[{hour:9, minute: 59}, {hour: 10, minute: 51}]
Perhaps it would be cleaner if instead of a two-element array it was an object with start and end properties. That would be an easy change.
Do note that for this to make sense, the bells need to be listed in order. We could fix this with a sort call, but I don't see a good reason to do so.
Here is an ES6 example using deconstruct (const [a,b]=[1,2]), array map, array reduce, partial application (closure) and fat arrow function syntax.
This may not work in older browsers.
//pass date and bellTimes to function so you can test it more easily
// you can partially apply bellTimes
const getInfoSchoolTime = bellTimes => {
//convert hour and minute to a number
const convertedBellTimes = bellTimes
.map(bellTime=>bellTime.split(":"))//split hour and minute
.map(([hour,minute])=>[new Number(hour),new Number(minute)])//convert to number
.map(([hour,minute])=>(hour*60)+minute)//create single number (hour*60)+minutes
.reduce(//zip with next
(index!==all.length-1)//do not do last one, create [1,2][2,3][3,4]...
? ret.concat([[item,all[index+1]]])
: ret,
return date =>{
//convert passed in date to a number (hour*60)+minutes
const passedInTime = (date.getHours()*60)+date.getMinutes();
return convertedBellTimes.reduce(
//if goOn is true and passedInTime between current and next bell item
(goOn && passedInTime<high && passedInTime>=low)
? [//found the item, return object and set goOn to false
current: index+1,
currentPeriod: bellTimes[index]+"-"+bellTimes[index+1],
remaining: high-passedInTime
false//set goOn to false, do not continue checking
: [ret,goOn],//continue looking or continue skipping (if goOn is false)
{current: 0, currentPeriod: "School is out", remaining: 0},//default value
true//initial value for goOn
)[0];//reduced to multiple values (value, go on) only need value
//some tests
const date = new Date();
//partially apply with some bell times
const schoolTime = getInfoSchoolTime(
"8:10", "9:02", "9:54", "9:59", "10:51",
"11:43", "11:58", "12:48", "13:35", "13:40",
"14:10", "14:10", "15:02", "15:54"
//helper to log time from a date
const formatTime = date =>

Comparing current and next element of array and returning time difference

This is my array. Its length is about 9000. This is what a small bit of it looks like:
foreach_arr = ["21:07:01.535", "21:07:01.535", "21:07:26.113"]
There are a few occurences where the times diff is greater than a minute, and that is when I want to grab those times. And later use those times to get certain indices from another array. i.e "array"
I'm also using moment.js for time parsing.
Expected result: array = [8127, 9375, 13166, 14182]
Actual result: array = [8127, 13166]
Can't seem to find the issue here, I am getting 2 results when im supposed to be getting 4.
If the whole array is needed for troubleshooting, ill add it if I can.
var xx = foreach_arr.length - 1;
for(var z = 0; z < xx; z++) {
var current_row = foreach_arr[z];
var next_row = foreach_arr[z + 1];
var msElapsedTime = moment(next_row,"HH:mm:ss.SSS").diff(moment(current_row, "HH:mm:ss.SSS")) / 1000;
if(msElapsedTime > 60) {
for(var x = 0; x < attempt_indices.length; x++) {
Since the OP doesn't really need my code anymore, I'm posting it here to remove the downvote as much as anything else :)
const foreach_arr = ["21:07:01.535", "21:07:01.535", "21:07:26.113", '22:01:01.000'];
let processedForeach_arr = [];
let gtOneMinuteDiff = [];
foreach_arr.forEach((elem1, index1) => {
// elem1.split(':') turns foreach_arr[0] into ['21', '07', '01.535']
const splitElementArray = elem1.split(':');
let timeInMs = 0;
// this changes ['21', '07', '01.535'] into [75600000, 420000, 1535]
splitElementArray.forEach((elem2, index2) => {
if (index2 === 0) { // elem2 is hours. 3.6M ms per hour.
timeInMs += parseFloat(elem2) * 60 * 60 * 1000;
} else if (index2 === 1) { // elem2 is minutes. 60K ms per minute.
timeInMs += parseFloat(elem2) * 60 * 1000;
} else if (index2 === 2) { // elem2 is seconds. 1K ms per second.
timeInMs += parseFloat(elem2) * 1000;
} else {
throw `Expected array element formatted like HH:MM:SS.ms. Error on
element ${elem1}.`;
let timeDiff = processedForeach_arr[index1 - 1] - processedForeach_arr[index1];
if (Math.abs(timeDiff) > 60000) {
To get the difference in milliseconds between foreach_arr[n] and foreach_arr[n+1], this code will
split each element of foreach_arr into 3 strings (hours, minutes, and seconds + milliseconds)
run parseFloat on each of those values to convert them to a number
convert all numbers to milliseconds and add them together
compare each consecutive value and return the difference.
Ok, I got this far and my son needs me. I'll finish out the code asap but you might beat me to it, hopefully the instructions above help.
turns out my code wasn't wrong. Just my idea of the whole proccess.
array = [8127, 13166]
is what I initialy get. With this, I use indexOf on my other array to eventually get my array as expected:
var another_test_arr = [];
for(var v = 0; v < array.length ; v++) {
var find = foreach_arr.indexOf(attempt_indices[v]);
another_test_arr.push(array[v], newdata.indexOf(foreach_arr[find + 1]));
Result: array = [8127, 9375, 13166, 14182]

