ReactJS Classes How to pass State from Child Component to its Parent? - javascript

I will call the LI tags like this (li) so they are not made into bullet points for his question
Hi I am trying to send a Child component to its Parent in ReactJS.
I tried many things I managed to send the child component state back up to its Parent props but when the page renders I have a couple of (li) tags which I want the update to update with it for example like:
(li) hard coded text (/li)
(li) old text (/li)
(li) update prop (/li)
(li) update prop etc (/li)
but instead the update deletes all previous code so it looks like:
(li) update prop deleted all previous li's (/li)
Hope that made sense here is my code
Parent Component
import React from 'react';
import { generateId, getNewExpirationTime } from '../../util/utilities';
import Thought from '../Thought/Thought.js'
import AddThoughtForm from '../AddThoughtForm/AddThoughtForm.js'
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
thoughts: [{
id: generateId(),
text: 'This is a place for your passing thoughts.',
expiresAt: getNewExpirationTime()
id: generateId(),
text: "They'll be removed after 15 seconds.",
expiresAt: getNewExpirationTime()
this.addThought = this.addThought.bind(this);
this.removeThought = this.removeThought.bind(this);
this.componentDidMount = this.componentDidMount.bind(this);
this.componentDidUpdate = this.componentDidUpdate.bind(this);
addThought(thought) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
thoughts: [thought]
console.log("passed over")
removeThought(selected) {
let updatedThoughts = this.state.thoughts.filter((thought) => !==;
return this.setState({ thoughts: updatedThoughts })
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Passing Thoughts</h1>
thoughts={this.state.thoughts} />
<ul className="thoughts">
{(this.state.thoughts) &&, index) => (
removeThought={this.removeThought} />
Still on the Parent Component my .addThought(arg) is where the action is. This is where I'm sending the Child AddThoughtForm state object into it. By inside of .addThought() I am doing this:
addThought(thought) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
thoughts: [thought]
console.log("passed over")
What happens is when I pass it over my previous State of my parent is deleted and replaced by this new information from my child component. How do I stop that? I want to only add this new Information to the previous info that the Parent state already have. here is the state from my parent:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
thoughts: [{
id: generateId(),
text: 'This is a place for your passing thoughts.',
expiresAt: getNewExpirationTime()
id: generateId(),
text: "They'll be removed after 15 seconds.",
expiresAt: getNewExpirationTime()
this.addThought = this.addThought.bind(this);
this.removeThought = this.removeThought.bind(this);
this.componentDidMount = this.componentDidMount.bind(this);
this.componentDidUpdate = this.componentDidUpdate.bind(this);
Now over to the Child Component
import React from 'react';
import { generateId, getNewExpirationTime } from '../../util/utilities';
class AddThoughtForm extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
ideas: [this.props.thoughts] // I can take off []
this.handleTextChange = this.handleTextChange.bind(this);
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
handleTextChange(event) {
const { value } =
this.setState(prevState => {
let thoughts = Object.assign({}, prevState.ideas); // creating copy of state variable = generateId();
thoughts.text = value; // update the name property, assign a new value
thoughts.expiresAt = getNewExpirationTime();
return { thoughts }; // return new object
handleSubmit(event) {
render() {
return (
<form className="AddThoughtForm" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
aria-label="What's on your mind?"
placeholder="What's on your mind?"
<input type="submit" value="Add" />
export default AddThoughtForm;
On my .handleTextChange(event) is where I am linking it with my input tag in render so what I am doing what ever Is typed into it I want entered I want it be passed to my Parent Component. well It is passed over but it over-writes the old info every time the old (li) and it is then all just a new li being rendered. Any ideas on how I can fix all of this?
handleTextChange(event) {
const { value } =
this.setState(prevState => {
let thoughts = Object.assign({}, prevState.ideas); // creating copy of state variable = generateId();
thoughts.text = value; // update the name property, assign a new value
thoughts.expiresAt = getNewExpirationTime();
return { thoughts }; // return new object

I managed to fix it
just had to add on the Parent Component a thoughts: [...prevState, thought] as I was overwritting the old thoughts with the new incoming thought
Like this:
In the method, .addThought()
this.setState(prevState => ({
thoughts: [...prevState.thoughts, thought]


set multiple states, and push to state of array in one onClick function

I'm running into a recurring issue in my code where I want to grab multiple pieces of data from a component to set as states, and push those into an array which is having its own state updated. The way I am doing it currently isn't working and I think it's because I do not understand the order of the way things happen in js and react.
Here's an example of something I'm doing that doesn't work: jsfiddle here or code below.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
categoryTitle: null,
categorySubtitle: null,
categoryArray: [],
pushToCategoryArray = () => {
'categoryTitle': this.state.categoryTitle,
'categorySubtitle': this.state.categorySubtitle,
setCategoryStates = (categoryTitle, categorySubtitle) => {
categoryTitle: categoryTitle,
categorySubtitle: categorySubtitle,
render() {
return (
categoryTitle={'Category Title Text'}
categorySubtitle={'Category Subtitle Text'}
class CategoryComponent extends Component {
render() {
var categoryTitle = this.props.categoryTitle;
var categorySubtitle = this.props.categorySubtitle;
return (
<div onClick={() => (this.props.setCategoryStates(
I can see in the console that I am grabbing the categoryTitle and categorySubtitle that I want, but they get pushed as null into this.state.categoryArray. Is this a scenario where I need to be using promises? Taking another approach?
This occurs because setState is asynchronous (
Here's the problem
//State has categoryTitle as null and categorySubtitle as null.
this.state = {
categoryTitle: null,
categorySubtitle: null,
categoryArray: [],
//This gets the correct values in the parameters
setCategoryStates = (categoryTitle, categorySubtitle) => {
//This is correct, you're setting state BUT this is not sync
categoryTitle: categoryTitle,
categorySubtitle: categorySubtitle,
//This method is using the state, which as can be seen from the constructor is null and hence you're pushing null into your array.
pushToCategoryArray = () => {
'categoryTitle': this.state.categoryTitle,
'categorySubtitle': this.state.categorySubtitle,
Solution to your problem: pass callback to setState
setCategoryStates = (categoryTitle, categorySubtitle) => {
//This is correct, you're setting state BUT this is not sync
categoryTitle: categoryTitle,
categorySubtitle: categorySubtitle,
}, () => {
Add state to the array
This callback will be called once the async state update has succeeded
So accessing state in this variable will be correct.
and change
pushToCategoryArray = () => {
//You don't need state, you can simply make these regular JavaScript variables
'categoryTitle': this.state.categoryTitle,
'categorySubtitle': this.state.categorySubtitle,
I think React doesn't re-render because of the pushToCategoryArray that directly change state. Need to assign new array in this.setState function.
// this.state.categoryArray.push({...})
const prevCategoryArray = this.state.categoryArray
categoryArray: [ newObject, ...prevCategoryArray],

Parent passes state to child - React js

ObjectList has an array of objects that get rendered as a list. When the user clicks a list item, that object is sent back to ObjectEditor so the user can view it and continue editing. The problem is that I'm not sure how to pass that object to ObjectEditor because the click event is taking place in ObjectList.
My initial solution was to pass it to ObjectEditor as props and use the componentWillReceiveProps method to update ObjectEditors state. However, that solution wasn't practical because I don't want it to update every time the props change. Is there a better way?
I'm new to React so I'd like to avoid using Redux for now until I've covered React.
I've heavily cut down the code for clarity.
this.state = { objects: [
{title: '', items: [], anotherThing:''},
{title: '', items: [], anotherThing:''}
viewObject = (index) => {
let object = {...this.state.object[index]};
// Then some code that passes the object to the ObjectEditor Component
<li key={index} onClick={ () => this.viewObject(index) } >
// A list of titles from state
<ObjectEditor />
this.state = {title:'', items: [], anotherThing:''}
// various event handlers that update the state based off form inputs
// Various form fields which get pushed to state
<button>Save & Add New</button>
// function that maps through state and renders it to the page
My suggestion would be to have the parent component handle all the state and logic, and keep the ObjectEditor component a simple presentation component with no logic or state of its own. It would look a little something like this.
class Parent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
objects: [
{ title: '', items: [], anotherThing: '' },
{ title: '', items: [], anotherThing: '' }
editObject: {},
viewObject = (index) => {
let object = { ...this.state.object[index] };
this.setState({editObject: object}); // sets the state if the clicked item.
// Then some code that passes the object to the ObjectEditor Component
handleChange = (e) => {
// handle change
render() {
return (
<li key={index} onClick={() => this.viewObject(index)} >
// A list of titles from state
<ObjectEditor viewObject={this.state.viewObject} handleChange={this.handleChange} />
class ObjectEditor extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
// render some sort of editor
// display data based on the props passed down
// when user edits in the form, call up to the parent's change handler

ReactJS calling function twice inside child component fails to set parent state twice

I'm having an issue where I want to save the data from a particular fieldset with the default values on componentDidMount().
The data saving happens in the parent component, after it is sent up from the child component. However, as React's setState() is asynchronous, it is only saving data from one of the fields. I have outlined a skeleton version of my problem below. Any ideas how I can fix this?
// Parent Component
class Form extends Component {
this.manageData = this.manageData.bind(this);
this.state = {
formData: {}
manageData(data) {
var newObj = {
[]: data.value
var currentState = this.state.formData;
var newState = Object.assign({}, currentState, newObj);
formData: newState, // This only sets ONE of the fields from ChildComponent because React delays the setting of state.
render() {
return (
<ChildComponent formValidate={this.manageData} />
// Child Component
class ChildComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const fieldA = {
name: 'Phone Number',
value: '123456678'
fieldB = {
name: 'Email Address',
value: ''
render() {
/// Things happen here.
You're already answering you're own question. React handles state asynchronously and as such you need to make sure you use the current component's state when setState is invoked. Thankfully the team behind React is well-aware of this and have provided an overload for the setState method. I would modify your manageData call to the following:
manageData(data) {
this.setState(prevState => {
const nextState = Object.assign({}, prevState);
nextState.formData[] = data.value;
return nextState;
This overload for the setState takes a function whose first parameter is the component's current state at the time that the setState method is invoked. Here is the link where they begin discussing this form of the setState method.
Change manageData to this
manageData(data) {
const newObj = {
[]: data.value
this.setState(prevState => ({
formData: {

How high should state be lifted in React?

Should intermediate components control parts of state and call props passed to them or should state be lifted higher? I've been going back and forth whether to have the child component utilize local state or have it handled by higher component and pass additional props down.
In this limited example, I have a Main component. I display some data in this component and pass functions to filter the data to a child component. Though, main component doesn't necessarily need to know about when the menuOpen property is changed. However, I need to update menuOpen when handleCancel(), handleSave(), and handleButtonClick() are called.
handleCancel() and handleSave() both modify the data that is displayed so I declare them in the Main component.
Should I be passing all these props through from Main component or use intermediate components to handle smaller portions of local state but also call props from a parent (grandparent etc) component?
Main Component
//Parent component
class Main extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
checkBoxes: {
1: {
name: 'Apple',
isChecked: true,
fruit: {
1: {
name: 'Apple',
checkedBoxes: [],
this.baseState = JSON.stringify(this.state.checkBoxes);
this.fruitFilter = this.fruitFilter.bind(this);
this.handleSave = this.handleSave.bind(this);
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.resetState = this.resetState.bind(this);
resetState() {
this.setState({checkBoxes: JSON.parse(this.baseState)});
//populates the checkedboxs array with name to filter by
handleSave() {
const checkedBoxes = Object.keys(this.state.checkBoxes)
.filter(key => {
//....some logic
this.baseState = JSON.stringify(this.state.checkBoxes);
this.setState({checkedBoxes: checkedBoxes});
//handles the checkbox toggle
handleChange(e) {
const checkBoxes = {...this.state.checkBoxes};
checkBoxes[].isChecked =;
this.setState({checkBoxes: checkBoxes});
//filteres the fruit - if nothing is checked return them all
fruitFilter(fruit) {
return Object.keys(fruit)
.filter(key => {
//...filter logic
render() {
const visibleFruits = this.fruitFilter(this.state.fruit);
return (
<h2>Filtered Fruit</h2>
{Object.keys(visibleFruits).map(key => {
return (
//... renders list of fruit
Child Component
class Filter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
menoOpen: false,
this.handleCancel = this.handleCancel.bind(this);
this.handleSave = this.handleSave.bind(this);
this.handleButtonClick = this.handleButtonClick.bind(this);
handleSave() {
this.setState({menuOpen: false});
handleCancel() {
this.setState({menuOpen: false});
handleButtonClick() {
this.setState({menuOpen: !this.state.menuOpen});
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleButtonClick}>Choose Fruits</button>
{this.state.menuOpen && (
Grandchild Component
const FilterMenu = ({checkBoxes, handleChange, handleCancel, handleSave}) => {
return (
{Object.keys(checkBoxes).map(key => {
return (
//... renders dropdown menu
<button onClick={handleCancel}>Cancel</button>
<button onClick={handleSave}>Save</button>
Refine the separation of concerns and I think you'll like it better.
Define all checkbox event handlers in Filter.
Filter communications with Main via state only.
Don't force Main to evaluate UI components to set state.
Define Main state for Filter to use as needed to avoid the above.
Filter will construct the checkboxes.
Cancel and Save buttons seem like Filter level functions to me.
A FilterMenu component now seems pointless because it does not do anything. Perhaps in the larger architecture it is useful but you can always re-factor it out of Filter when needed
Filter component is the seam in the code that separates action from state.
State is not unnecessarily pushed further down.
Actual functionality is not unnecessarily pushed further up.
Coupling between Main and Filter is reduced. Filter has more reuse potential.

Prepopulate controlled components

In my attempt to handle an update form, have written the code below. It is a controlled input component, with a corresponding state value. When a change happens on the input component the state value is updated. This means view will always reflect data changes and the other way around. My issue comes when trying to prepopulate the input component with data fetched from the database. My attempt was to define the initial state value in the constructor, to be equal to the passed props, but that did not work. When the component is first rendered it will not contain the passed spirit prop, since it has not yet been fetched. When the component is rendered the second time (because the data is ready) the constructor will not be called. How will I set the initial state when the data is ready and not before?
export default createContainer(({params}) => {
const handle = Meteor.subscribe("spirit",;
return {
loading: !handle.ready(),
spirit: Spirits.find([0]
}, SpiritsEditPage);
export default class SpiritsEditPage extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {name:}
handleNameChange(event) {
handleUpdate(event) {
render() {
const {name} = this.state;
if (this.props.loading) {
return <div>loading</div>
} else {
return (
<form onSubmit={this.handleUpdate.bind(this)}>
<Input type="text"
The constructor code may not work correctly:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {name:}
Instead check for props.spirit to be available.
this.state = { name: this.props.spirit && }
Add a componentWillReceiveProps:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.spirit !== this.props.spirit) {
this.setState({ name: });
The rest of the code looks alright.

