expect(jest.fn()).toHaveBeenCalled() fails even though the function has been called - javascript

I'm trying to unit test a function that returns a promise. I'm having challenges verifying if
the mocked functions are called. Here's what I've done.,
// codetotest.js
const { SomeModule, isSomething, isSomethingElse } = require("some-module");
exports.somefunction = (param1, param2)=> {
const someModule = new SomeModule();
someModule.someMethod("aaa", isSomething);
someModule.someMethod("bbb", isSomethingElse);
return (someModule.someOtherMethod(param1)
And this is the test file, the test says the mocked functions are not called, but I do see the console statement in the mock function is being displayed.
// codetotest.test.js
const { somefunction} = require("./codetotest.js");
const { SomeModule } = require("some-module");
jest.mock("some-module", () => {
return {
SomeModule: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {
someMethod: jest.fn((param, fn) => { console.log("This prints!"); }),
someOtherMethod: jest.fn((param) => { return Promise.resolve(() => { }) }),
run: jest.fn((param) => { return Promise.resolve(() => { return []; }) })
afterEach(() => {
describe("Test codetotest.js", () => {
it("somefunction() - success", async () => {
const someModule = new SomeModule();
let output = await somefunction("param1", "param2");
expect(someModule.someMethod).toHaveBeenCalled(); // This fails
await expect(someModule.someOtherMethod.mock.results[0]).resolves;
expect(someModule.someOtherMethod).toHaveBeenCalled(); // This fails
await expect(someModule.run.mocks.results[0]).resolves;
expect(someModule.run).toHaveBeenCalled(); // This fails
Appreciate any help/pointers.
Thank you.
P.S: I'm still a beginner when it comes to nodeJs development and unit testing.

I spent quite some time on this and finally figured the instantiated mock class didn't return the mocked methods properly. This answer gave me a hint on where I was going wrong.
So accordingly, I had to change my test file as follows.,
// codetotest.test.js
const { somefunction} = require("./codetotest.js");
const { SomeModule } = require("some-module");
jest.mock("some-module", function() {
return {
SomeModule: jest.fn().mockImplementation(function() { // Arrow function cannot be used as constructor
// Because I was not using the 'this' operator, my constructor always returned empty
this.someMethod = jest.fn((param, fn) => { console.log("This prints!"); });
this.someOtherMethod = jest.fn((param) => { return Promise.resolve(() => { }) });
this.run = jest.fn((param) => { return Promise.resolve(() => { return []; }) });
return {
someMethod: this,someMethod,
someOtherMethod: this.someOtherMethod,
run: this.run
afterEach(() => {
describe("Test codetotest.js", () => {
it("somefunction() - success", async () => {
await somefunction("param1", "param2");
expect(SomeModule.mock.instances[0].someMethod).toHaveBeenCalled(); // This works
expect(SomeModule.mock.instances[0].someOtherMethod).toHaveBeenCalled(); // This works
expect(someModule.mock.instances[0].run).toHaveBeenCalled(); // This works


how to check function is called or not in react js?

I am trying to test my service which have one function saveWithoutSubmit
export const saveWithoutSubmit = async (
) => {
var obj = {
remarks: values.remarks,
requestedBy: localStorage.getItem("msisdn")
try {
const response = await sendPostRequest(`${API_TASK_URL}closeSr`, {
saveWithoutSubmit: true
if (response && response.data && response.data.status.code !== "200") {
} else {
} catch (e) {
if (e.response && e.response.data) {
I want to check success or error method is called or not ? or updateTaskListAfterFilter is called or not?
I tried like this
describe("remark service test", () => {
const fakeAxios = {
get: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: { greeting: "hello there" } }))
it("save without sumit", () => {
const updateTaskListAfterFilter = () => {};
saveWithoutSubmit({}, updateTaskListAfterFilter);
can you please suggest how i will test async methods or post request (using mook data)??
so that my test cases will be passed.
I want to check if I got success from promise my success method will be called else error
any update ?..!!
it("save without sumit", async () => {
const sendPostRequest = jest.fn(() =>
Promise.resolve({ data: { greeting: "hello there" } })
const updateTaskListAfterFilter = () => {};
saveWithoutSubmit({}, updateTaskListAfterFilter);
it("save without sumit", async () => {
const sendPostRequest = jest.fn(() =>
Promise.resolve({ data: { greeting: "hello there" } })
const mockUpdateTaskListAfterFilter = jest.fn();
const updateTaskListAfterFilter = () => {};
saveWithoutSubmit({}, updateTaskListAfterFilter);
await wait(() => {
You should change it("save without sumit", () => { to it("save without sumit", async () => {.
Then you usually use jest.fn() to create a mock function that you will give to another function or component.
Finally, await the mock function to be called:
await wait(() => {
Alternatively, you can await some other event that you know will occur before your mock is called, like some other mock getting called or something appearing on the page, and then check that your mock was called.

sinon spy doesn't register call in a generator loop?

I want to check that a piece of code is being called, so I'm using a sinon spy to assert this. However, the spy seems to be failing, despite console.logs showing that the code has been called correctly.
I'm wondering if my function being a generator is causing my spy to misreport what it's doing.
my code (i've taken out some chunks for brevity):
isBlacklisted(release, jobUUID) {
names.forEach((name) => {
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
this._errorEvent(release, name, err, jobUUID);
}, this);
_errorEvent(release, name, err, jobUUID) {
console.log('got here');
*_spawnPythonProcessGenerator(scriptSrc, name) {
const pythonProcess = this._childProcess.spawn(
yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pythonProcess.stderr.on('data', (err) => {
pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
and my tests:
const Blacklist = require('../../src/Blacklist2');
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const uuid = require('uuid/v4');
describe('Blacklist', () => {
let blacklist;
beforeEach(() => {
blacklist = new Blacklist(childProcess);
blacklist.IS_BLACKLISTED_SCRIPT = './test/helpers/good.py';
describe('isBlacklisted', () => {
it('should call the _errorEvent for every name in a release when the blacklist application is not available', async () => {
let release = {
id: 1001,
asset_controller: {
id: 54321,
display_name: 'Blah',
names: [
id: 2001,
name: 'Blah',
blacklist.IS_BLACKLISTED_SCRIPT = './test/helpers/'+ uuid() +'.py';
const spy = sinon.spy(blacklist, '_errorEvent');
blacklist.isBlacklisted(release, uuid());
my spy reports:
notCalled: true
I'll expand my comment into an actual answer, hopefully that helps.
Your problem lies with asynchrony, not with the generator. You need isBlacklisted to return a promise you can wait on. Otherwise your assertion happens before the spy is called.
Something like this:
isBlacklisted(release, jobUUID) {
let promises = names.map((name) => {
return this._spawnPythonProcessGenerator(
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
this._errorEvent(release, name, err, jobUUID);
}, this);
return Promise.all(promises);
Then, in your test:
return blacklist.isBlacklisted(release, uuid())
.then(() => {
Also... This isn't related to your problem, but your _spawnPythonProcessGenerator method doesn't need to be a generator. You're only using the first value of it by calling next like that and calling the whole thing over again for each array item.
It will work the same if you take out the *, change yield to return, and skip the .next().value when you call it. You also probably want to rename it because it's not a generator.
_spawnPythonProcess(scriptSrc, name) {
const pythonProcess = this._childProcess.spawn(
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pythonProcess.stderr.on('data', (err) => {
pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
When you call it:
let promises = names.map((name) => {
return this._spawnPythonProcess(
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
this._errorEvent(release, name, err, jobUUID);
}, this);
return Promise.all(promises);

How to test function that return promises?

trying to write unit test using jest it never get into test case where i retruned promise so i can get the response after then.
if there is any better way of writing test cases for promises i would appreciate that input.
export class Executor {
private passedParam: ILogParams = {} as ILogParams;
constructor(public identity: Identity) {
this._ajv = new Ajv();
public execute(moduleName: string): (param1, param2) => any {
const self = this;
// getting rid of the tslint issue with Function
return function(params: any, responseCallback: (param: any , param2: any) => any) {
let _mod;
let _httpRequest;
let _params;
Promise.resolve(getApiModule(self.identity, moduleName))
.then((mod: ModuleBase<any, any>) => {
_mod = mod;
mod.ExecStage = ExecStage.Init;
return mod.init(getHttpModule(self.identity), params);
.then((httpRequest: HttpRequestBase) => {
_httpRequest = httpRequest;
if (_mod.Response().Summary.Header) {
throw _mod.Response().Summary;
return httpRequest;
import {ModuleExecutor} from "../../src/ts/common/executor";
it('should transition with the correct event', (done) => {
const executer = new ModuleExecutor(Identity.node);
const executerSpy = executer.execute("Payments/accountBalance/GetAccountBalance");
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
}).then(((mod: ModuleBase<any, any>) => {
.catch((error) => {

How do I mock this method chain in Jest?

zoomOut(callback) {
// Zooms out the current screen
this.view.current.zoomOut(300).done(() => {
(hasCallback(callback)) && callback();
I'm trying to test the function above but I keep getting the following error:
TypeError: this.view.current.zoomOut(...).done is not a function
How can I mock this method chain in Jest?
Thanks to BudgieInWA, I was able to solve this problem by returning done.
For those who are testing a React component with Enzyme, here's how you can do it:
it('should call callback', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<Zoom {...minProps}/>);
const instance = wrapper.instance();
const callback = jest.fn();
instance.view = {
current: {
zoomOut: jest.fn(() => {
return {
done: jest.fn((callback) => {
You could try this:
const mockZoomOut = jest.fn(() => ({ done(cb) { cb(); } }));
const mockThis = {
view: {
current: {
zoomOut: mockZoomOut,
test('it does', () => {
const cb = jest.fn();
zoomOut.apply(mockThis, [cb]);
See Jest Mock Functions and fn.apply.
If you are testing the behaviour of the class as a whole, then you could set up the instance that you are testing to have this.view.current.zoomOut be mockZoomOut somehow.

How to spy with sinon on callback calls triggered by EventEmitter events? Javascript, ES6, Unit-tests, Chai

I need to test whether my callback was called n number of times and always returned true.
Here is my test callback function in typescript:
const checkBlockTransaction = (block: ILogsBlock) => {
const tx = transactions.find(element => element.block === block.blockNumber);
try {
assert.strictEqual(block.transactions[0].amount, tx.amount);
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
here is my test which currently fails, because the spy doesn't register any function calls
describe('Erc20DepositsWatcher', () => {
it('handles blocks correctly', async () => {
const spy = sinon.spy(checkBlockTransaction);
for (const tx of transactions) {
await deployedContract.methods.transfer(tx.address, tx.amount)
.send({ from: addresses[0] });
await depositsWatcher.startBroadcasting();
await depositsWatcher.handleNewBlock(await web3.eth.getBlock('latest'));
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 7);
//sinon.assert.callCount(spy, 7);
maybe there is a better solution than spying with sinon but I didn't find it yet
My current solution is without spies, but it's not very nice looking:
function checkCallbackCalled(done: any, callsNumber: number) {
let counter = 0;
return (block: ILogsBlock) => {
const tx = transactions.find(element => element.block === block.blockNumber);
try {
assert.strictEqual(block.transactions[0].amount, tx.amount);
} catch (e) {
counter += 1;
if (counter === callsNumber) done();
describe('Erc20DepositsWatcher', () => {
it('handles blocks correctly', async (done) => {
for (const tx of transactions) {
await deployedContract.methods.transfer(tx.address, tx.amount)
.send({ from: addresses[0] });
depositsWatcher.subscribe(checkCallbackCalled(done, 7));
await depositsWatcher.startBroadcasting();
await depositsWatcher.handleNewBlock(await web3.eth.getBlock('latest'));

