How to import mongoose-encryption instead of using "require" - javascript

I am using "type:" "module" in my package.json file and use "import" statements for all node packages rather than the require('packageName') syntax. But when I try to import mongoose-encryption like this:
import mongoose-encryption from 'mongoose-encryption';
...then, VS Code throws an error: 'import ... =' can only be used in TypeScript files. (ts 6133).
Mongoose-encryption is the only package giving me this error.


Trouble importing the "uuid" npm package. TypeError: Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../"

I am trying to import a module called "uuid" to my index.js script which I installed through this command: npm install uuid.
First I tried using CommonJS syntax, but that gave me this error: Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');
// ReferenceError: require is not defined
My IDE recommended that I convert my file to an ES module instead:
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
// SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
By adding type="module" to my index.js script in the html only produces new errors:
TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "uuid". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".
I have searched for a while now but can't find anything. Upon trying to follow the error message instructions I try to generate a more direct path to the "uuid" module like this:
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from '../node_modules/uuid/dist/v4';
// GET http://localhost:3000/node_modules/uuid/dist/v4 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
Even with this direct path it can't find the module which is weird as it is at least recognizing something when only specifying the module name "uuid".
If it's to any help here is my package.json dependencies
"dependencies": {
"express": "^4.18.1",
"nodemon": "^2.0.20",
"": "^4.5.2",
"": "^4.5.4",
"uuid": "^9.0.0"
You're trying to import uuid module from node_modules in the script running in the browser. Unfortunately, it's that simple. The node_modules work for Node.js only, browsers don't know about them.
There are multiple ways you can fix this:
Setup a static server that will serve uuid. Then, you can import it by its url (e.g import { v4 as uuidv4 } from './uuid';). This is generally not recommended.
Use CDN. It's similar to the previous method, but this time someone will set up a static server for you. This is often used in production because of good performance, and you don't need to do anything for this. It's simple: import { v4 as uuidv4 } from '';
But not all libraries are hosted on CDNs. Also, you'd probably need to optimize your dependencies and code. So for complex applications, you should use a so called bundler. Here are a few of the most popular: Vite, Rollup, Webpack, Parcel. What bundlers do: they analyze your imports and then produce a single js file called an "entrypoint". Depending on configuration they can combine all dependencies into one file, or insert special code that will dynamically import your dependencies from other files when they are needed for code to execute.

Typescript module usage without ".js" ending

In typical JavaScript files we use require('some-module.js') to import functionality of this module where we need.
If we use TypeScript we also want to import this functionality using "import module from 'some-module.js'".
If we use nest.js we import using "import module from 'some-module'". The main thing that there is no ".js". How can i reach the same in for example express application. Maybe i should use webpack, babel or some special tsconfig.json configuration?
With Typescript's import and with Node's require, the extension is not necessary. Just the path to the file, or the name of the package you're importing. So in typescript you would do import * as module from 'some-module' and in js you would do const module = require('some-module'). You may want to check out this page on module resolution in Typescript.

Import ES6 module from http url in Typescript

I am writing an ES6 module which depends on the other ES6 module specified with http url like this:
import { el, mount } from "";
const pElem = el("p") // definitely works in Javascript
When I tried to translate my module in Typescript, I got this error:
Cannot find module '' or its corresponding type declarations.
I'm using ts-watch npm module to compile Typescript, and it works fine unless I don't use the import from https://....
I also know that if I tried to import npm module (e.g. import {el} from "redom") it works as well. But what I am writing is a module for web browser, not that of npm. With this reason, using webpack is not an option.
Thanks to #acrazing's comment, I managed to resolve this problem. Here's how:
In a new ts file:
declare module 'https://*'
This mutes the error that Typescript compiler attempts to read type declaration.
If you want to access type declaration as a node dependency, paste this in a new ts file:
declare module '' {
export * from 'redom'
and add redom dependency in package.json
"dependencies": {
"redom": "3.26.0",
Then, type declaration is read from local ./node_modules directory, VSCode recognizes the types as well.
declare module 'https://*' somehow doesn't work for me so I simply ignore it.
// #ts-ignore Import module
import { Foo } from "";
// Now you can use Foo (considered any)

JavaScript/Node js import and export module(Using exported node Js module in JavaScript file)

I am trying to export node js modules to use in JavaScript. This is what I have done.
-Installed esm in node.
in my node file I did like this:
require = require("esm")(module/*, options*/);
export function Myjs(name, surname){console.log(name, surname)};
This does not give error.
In my js file I did:
1- import { Myjs } from '/javascripts/sockets/bases.js'; This gives error as "Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module". I have been reading topics regarding this error, and it suggests that I should include "type: module" while including the file. But I do not include node js files as scripts on html.??
2- I try to import dynamically like this:
.then((module) => {
module.Myjs("bola", "carro");
This gives error if detects require() in the file and it gives error "require is not defined" or any node js module that js does not recognize.??
What I'm trying to achieve is: Based on an event on js file trigger the function (Myjs()) I'm trying to import. How could achieve this? I tried babel and I wasn't successful. Thanks

importing js file in Vue project throws error

I am trying to use this plugin
I did a npm install mobius1-selectr
and imported it in my main.js
import 'mobius1-selectr/dist/selectr.min.css';
import 'mobius1-selectr/dist/selectr.min.js';
but as soon I import I get this exception:
You must supply either a HTMLSelectElement or a CSS3 selector string.
which comes from the source of selectr.
Is the import not to be done this way in webpack / main.js?
What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
Yes your imports are incorrect. This library uses UMD to export Selectr constructor. You are using Webpack so default import in your case should work:
import Selectr from 'mobius1-selectr'

