Cypress not intercepting request with render function vue - javascript

I'm trying to do a pretty simple intercept in Cypress using a Vue's application. My component has a setup method using render function as such:
setup() {
useInfiniteLoading({ runner: ... })
Then on my tests I do the following:
describe("List todo resource", () => {
it("Checks it loads more todos when scrolling to the bottom", function () {
cy.wait("#getTodos").then(({response}) => {
When running the test I see that the intercept is not stubbing the response.
As you can see from the image the request makes a request to my actual server running locally and the response is stubed. The weird part is that in a previous test I have:
it("Checks the todo list gets updated when clicking on to resolve it (from true to false)", function () {
const resolved = false;
const shouldHaveClass = resolved
? "mdi-checkbox-marked-outline"
: "mdi-checkbox-blank-outline";
cy.intercept("GET", "todo", {
fixture: "resources/todo/list.todo.json",
cy.intercept("PUT", "todo", {
body: { data: {, resolved } },
.each((btn) => {;
.should("satisfy", ($el) => {
const classList = Array.from($el[0].classList);
return classList.includes(shouldHaveClass);
And the response is stubbed using intercept as you can see from the previous screenshot. Is it possible that the previous test is affecting the next test? I have tried taking a look into "Intercept too soon" but no luck on trying to apply the fix described in the page.
Any idea on what could be causing the stub not to happen?


How to properly add a class inside Cypress code

I am learning Cypress along with JavaScript. I am running into a problem that I am not certain how to search it into documentation. The site I started testing has the typical wait issues so I encountered a very good solution here.
Now my test is looking in this way
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
let appHasStarted
function spyOnAddEventListener (win) {
// win = window object in our application
const addListener = win.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener
win.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (name) {
if (name === 'change') {
// web app added an event listener to the input box -
// that means the web application has started
appHasStarted = true
// restore the original event listener
win.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = addListener
return addListener.apply(this, arguments)
function waitForAppStart() {
// keeps rechecking "appHasStarted" variable
return new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const isReady = () => {
if (appHasStarted) {
return resolve()
setTimeout(isReady, 0)
describe('Main test suite', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
onBeforeLoad: spyOnAddEventListener
}).then({ timeout: 10000 }, waitForAppStart)
it('search first scanner', () => {
cy.contains('nav-search-input').type("scanner bluetooth para auto")
The problem with this is, I should replicate spyOnAddEventListener, waitForAppStart and variable appHasStarted at the beginning of every source file but I want to avoid this. How could properly extend this functions as a part of the internal source project without replicating in every test source? I have tried to make a simple source JavaScript file at the root of the project but when I import it, Cypress clients give an unrelated plug error like this one:
It looks like you've added the code to /cypress/plugins/index.js, but that is for task extensions (code that requires NodeJS access).
The two functions can be added to a file, ideally in the /cypress/support folder
let appHasStarted
function spyOnAddEventListener (win) {
function waitForAppStart() {
module.exports = {
import {spyOnAddEventListener, waitForAppStart} from '../support/wait-for-app-utils.js'
describe('Main test suite', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.visit('', {
onBeforeLoad: spyOnAddEventListener
}).then({ timeout: 10000 }, waitForAppStart)
Another approach is to wrap it all up (including the visit) into a custom command. Now there's no need to export and import, the command will be available globally.
let appHasStarted
function spyOnAddEventListener (win) {
function waitForAppStart() {
Cypress.Commands.add('visitAndWait', (url) =>
cy.visit(url, { onBeforeLoad: spyOnAddEventListener })
.then({ timeout: 10000 }, waitForAppStart)
describe('Main test suite', () => {
beforeEach(() => {

in cypress, intercept in test doesn't work

I'm starting to use cypress and I wanted to do 2 test. One to verify what is displayed if my api return 'false' and one to what is on screen if my api return 'true'.
I tried to do a simple test like this one :
context('contextTest', () => {
before(() => {
beforeEach(() => {});
it('false test', function() {
cy.intercept('POST', '**/test/alreadySent', {
fixture: 'test/alreadySent-false.json',
But the intercept doesn't work and it always return the true api call.
What is strange is, if I just put the code in my before(), all work fine as expected.
context('contextTest', () => {
before(() => {
cy.intercept('POST', '**/test/alreadySent', {
fixture: 'test/alreadySent-false.json',
beforeEach(() => {});
it('false test', function() {
But I need to change the intercept for the next test so I wanted to set the intercept on this test exclusively.
Is it possible, why is my first code doesn't seem to work?
Or should I write my next test on another file and it is a bad practice to do this kind of verification on the same file?
Since it works when the intercept is moved up in the command order, it seems that cy.waitLoading() triggers the POST and not cy.get('[data-cy=alreadysent-button]').
The intercept must always be set up before the trigger (page visit or button click).
But the intercept varies between tests, so instead of before() I would try setting up a helper function that is called at the top of each test.
const loadAndIntercept = (apiResult) => {
const apiFixture = apiResult ? 'test/alreadySent-true.json' : 'test/alreadySent-false.json';
cy.intercept('POST', '**/test/alreadySent', { fixture: apiFixture }).as('alreadySent');
it('false test', function() {
it('true test', function() {
This should work since intercepts are cleared between tests. Ref docs - intercept
Note: all intercepts are automatically cleared before every test.

Why it sends multiple request, when I call it only once?

My project were working fine. I just found out in console network that one of my GET request is sending twice, even I just send it once. See network console
If I comment the the whole code of created function, all GET request would no longer load/exist in the console network. (see code below)
I want to know what causes this, and how should I fix this?
Here is the Component.vue
export default {
created: async function() {
await this.$store.dispatch('file/all');
And the vuex module post.js's action:
const actions = {
all({commit}, data) {
return axios.get(`files`)
.then(response => {
commit('setData', response);
After many hours of searching, I found out that the key that is assigned to the Component caused the problem.
When the key is modified the GET request will send again. This the reason why it sends twice. Special thanks to #Anatoly for giving me the hint.
Below is the usage codes:
<Component :key="componentKey" #edit="dataIsChanged"/>
export default {
components: { Component },
data: () => ({
componentKey: 0,
methods: {
dataIsChanged: function() {
this.componentKey = Math.random();

Apollo MockedProvider testing issues (my rendered component keeps disappearing)

Disclaimer; I'm a bit new to react-testing-library (been using an admittedly older version of Enzyme) and the Apollo Query/MockedProvider components (been using the client via a JS service object), so this may be a stupid question...
I have a component that receives a list of countries for which I am trying to write tests. What I would like to do is something like:
import React from 'react';
import { MockedProvider } from '#apollo/react-testing';
import { render, act } from '#testing-library/react';
import wait from 'waait';
import Countries, { countryQuery } from './Countries';
import { isTerminating } from 'apollo-link/lib/linkUtils';
const mockCountryName = 'sample country';
const mocks = [
request: {
query: countryQuery,
vairables: {},
result: {
data: {
countries: [{ name: mockCountryName }],
describe('when working with the countries component', () => {
describe('and the component is loading', () => {
let component;
beforeAll(async (done) => {
await act(async () => {
component = render(
<MockedProvider mocks={[]}>
<Countries />
it('should have a title', () => {
expect(component.getByText('Countries Component')).not.toBeUndefined();
it('should have a loading status', () => {
When this runs, the second test (about loading status) fails as it looks like the component is only a body tag at that point. I tried changing beforeAll to beforeEach, but that just produced a component that had an Error indicator. I put some console.log statements in my component, and this is what they are showing me:
console.log src/components/Countries.js:45
Loading is: true
console.log src/components/Countries.js:46
Error is: undefined
console.log src/components/Countries.js:45
Loading is: false
console.log src/components/Countries.js:46
Error is: Error: Network error: No more mocked responses for the query: {
countries {
, variables: {}
I'm wondering if it does not like the empty array passed in as the mocks property for the MockedProvider. But every example I've seen does it that way, so...
As an experiment, I added a second set of test to the spec file to see if it was just a weird timing issue with the component that was causing the issue. Here's the second test:
describe('and the component has data', () => {
let component;
beforeAll(async (done) => {
await act(async () => {
component = render(
<MockedProvider mocks={mocks} addTypename={false}>
<Countries />
await wait(0);
it('should have a title', () => {
expect(component.getByText('Countries Component')).not.toBeUndefined();
it('should have a loading status', () => {
This has the same problem; the first test works (if I reorder the test, the one that first always works) but the second one fails, and the component seems to be an empty body tag.
Is there a way to make this type of test structure work? I don't like the idea of having to put everything into a single test, let alone the setup code for the component.
I'm not sure if it's the best approach, but I think I found a workaround.
First, the empty array/loading issue was not an issue; I traced everything back to testing-library resetting/re-rendering the component between tests.
Here's what I did:
describe('and the component is loading', () => {
let component, pageTitle, loadingMessage;
beforeAll(async (done) => {
await act(async () => {
component = render(
<MockedProvider mocks={[]}>
<Countries />
pageTitle = component.getByText(mockPageTitle);
loadingMessage = component.getByText(mockLoadingMessage);
it('should have a title', () => {
it('should have a loading status', () => {
Instead of trying to call component.getTextBy in each test, I moved them into the beforeAll, and assigned the output to variables. Each test uses the variables for their tests. I also wrote a test for my Routes component, and I was still able to call on the components.
I would be very interested in any feedback from anyone who has a more experience with testing-library on this. It seems better than what I had, but I want to make sure it's really the best approach.

jasmine: Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL

I have an angular service called requestNotificationChannel:
app.factory("requestNotificationChannel", function($rootScope) {
function deleteMessage(id, index) {
$rootScope.$broadcast(_DELETE_MESSAGE_, { id: id, index: index });
return {
deleteMessage: deleteMessage
I am trying to unit test this service using jasmine:
"use strict";
describe("Request Notification Channel", function() {
var requestNotificationChannel, rootScope, scope;
beforeEach(function(_requestNotificationChannel_) {
inject(function($injector, _requestNotificationChannel_) {
rootScope = $injector.get("$rootScope");
scope = rootScope.$new();
requestNotificationChannel = _requestNotificationChannel_;
spyOn(rootScope, '$broadcast');
it("should broadcast delete message notification", function(done) {
requestNotificationChannel.deleteMessage(1, 4);
expect(rootScope.$broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith("_DELETE_MESSAGE_", { id: 1, index: 4 });
I read about the Asynchronous Support in Jasmine, but as I am rather new to unit testing with javascript couldn't make it work.
I am receiving an error :
Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL
and my test is taking too long to execute (about 5s).
Can somebody help me providing working example of my code with some explanation?
Having an argument in your it function (done in the code below) will cause Jasmine to attempt an async call.
//this block signature will trigger async behavior.
it("should work", function(done){
//this block signature will run synchronously
it("should work", function(){
It doesn't make a difference what the done argument is named, its existence is all that matters. I ran into this issue from too much copy/pasta.
The Jasmine Asynchronous Support docs note that argument (named done above) is a callback that can be called to let Jasmine know when an asynchronous function is complete. If you never call it, Jasmine will never know your test is done and will eventually timeout.
Even for async tests, there is a timeout that goes off in this cases, You can work around this error by increasing the value for the limit timeout to evaluate an async Jasmine callback
describe('Helper', function () {
var originalTimeout;
beforeEach(function() {
originalTimeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
afterEach(function() {
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = originalTimeout;
it('Template advance', function(doneFn) {
url: 'public/your-end-point.mock.json',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data, response) {
// Here your expected using data
error: function (data, response) {
// Here your expected using data
This error can also be caused by leaving out inject when initializing a service/factory or whatever. For example, it can be thrown by doing this:
var service;
beforeEach(function(_TestService_) {
service = _TestService_;
To fix it just wrap the function with inject to properly retrieve the service:
var service;
beforeEach(inject(function(_TestService_) {
service = _TestService_;
import { fakeAsync, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '#angular/core/testing';
use fakeAsync
beforeEach(fakeAsync (() => {
//your code
describe('Intilalize', () => {
it('should have a defined component', fakeAsync(() => {
You can use karma-jasmine plugin to set the default time out interval globally.
Add this config in karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
client: {
jasmine: {
timeoutInterval: 10000
This error started out of the blue for me, on a test that had always worked. I couldn't find any suggestions that helped until I noticed my Macbook was running sluggishly. I noticed the CPU was pegged by another process, which I killed. The Jasmine async error disappeared and my tests are fine once again.
Don't ask me why, I don't know. But in my circumstance it seemed to be a lack of system resources at fault.
This is more of an observation than an answer, but it may help others who were as frustrated as I was.
I kept getting this error from two tests in my suite. I thought I had simply broken the tests with the refactoring I was doing, so after backing out changes didn't work, I reverted to earlier code, twice (two revisions back) thinking it'd get rid of the error. Doing so changed nothing. I chased my tail all day yesterday, and part of this morning without resolving the issue.
I got frustrated and checked out the code onto a laptop this morning. Ran the entire test suite (about 180 tests), no errors. So the errors were never in the code or tests. Went back to my dev box and rebooted it to clear anything in memory that might have been causing the issue. No change, same errors on the same two tests. So I deleted the directory from my machine, and checked it back out. Voila! No errors.
No idea what caused it, or how to fix it, but deleting the working directory and checking it back out fixed whatever it was.
Hope this helps someone.
You also get this error when expecting something in the beforeAll function!
describe('...', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
it('should successfully ...', function () {
Don't use done, just leave the function call empty.
It looks like the test is waiting for some callback that never comes. It's likely because the test is not executed with asynchronous behavior.
First, see if just using fakeAsync in your "it" scenario:
it('should do something', fakeAsync(() => {
You can also use flush() to wait for the microTask queue to finish or tick() to wait a specified amount of time.
In my case, this error was caused by improper use of "fixture.detectChanges()" It seems this method is an event listener (async) which will only respond a callback when changes are detected. If no changes are detected it will not invoke the callback, resulting in a timeout error. Hope this helps :)
Works after removing the scope reference and the function arguments:
"use strict";
describe("Request Notification Channel", function() {
var requestNotificationChannel, rootScope;
beforeEach(function() {
inject(function($injector, _requestNotificationChannel_) {
rootScope = $injector.get("$rootScope");
requestNotificationChannel = _requestNotificationChannel_;
spyOn(rootScope, "$broadcast");
it("should broadcast delete message notification with provided params", function() {
requestNotificationChannel.deleteMessage(1, 4);
expect(rootScope.$broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith("_DELETE_MESSAGE_", { id: 1, index: 4} );
What I did was: Added/Updated the following code:
framework: 'jasmine',
// Jasmine default timeout
defaultTimeoutInterval: 60000,
expectationResultHandler(passed, assertion)
// do something
As noted by #mastablasta, but also to add that if you call the 'done' argument or rather name it completed you just call the callback completed() in your test when it's done.
// this block signature will trigger async behavior.
it("should work", function(done){
// do stuff and then call done...
// this block signature will run synchronously
it("should work", function(){
Keeping this in the block solved my issue.
it('', () => {
Instead of
beforeEach(() => {..
beforeEach(fakeAsync(() => {..
In my case, a timeout was cause because of a failed injection of a service with providedIn: 'root'. It's not clear why injection failed, nor why there was no early error if there is apparently no instance of provider available.
I was able to work around it by manually providing a value:
declarations: [
// ...
imports: [
// ...
providers: [
// ...
{ provide: MyService, useValue: { /* ... */ } },
I have caught the same error because I used the setTimeout function in the component. Example:
ngOnInit(): void {
private changeState(): void {
setTimeout(() => this.state = StateEnum.IN_PROGRESS, 10000);
When I changed the timeout from 10000ms to 0 or less than 5000ms (DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL), all tests were passed.
In my case, I was not returning the value from the spy method, hence facing error,
mainMethod(args): Observable<something>{
return nestedMethod().pipe();
Your Test should like below,
it('your test case', (done: DoneFn) => {
const testData = {}; // Your data
spyOn(service, 'nestedMethod').and.returnValue(of(testData));
const obxValue = service.mainMethod('your args');
obxValue.pipe(first()).subscribe((data) => {
If you have an argument (done) in the it function try to remove it as well it's call within the function itself:
it("should broadcast delete message notification", function(/*done -> YOU SHOULD REMOVE IT */) {
requestNotificationChannel.deleteMessage(1, 4);
expect(rootScope.$broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith("_DELETE_MESSAGE_", { id: 1, index: 4 });
// done(); -> YOU SHOULD REMOVE IT

