why dont work insertAfter function in javascript - javascript

but insertbefore work
var a=document.querySelector("#div");
var y=document.createElement('p');
var c=document.querySelector(".p");
<div id='div'>yazi
<p class='p'>p etiketi</p>

Your Problem Can be fixed pretty easily. You can fix this by adding the node before the node that is after the the node
function insertAfter(newNode, existingNode) {
existingNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, existingNode.nextSibling);
//Create Element
var new_para = document.createElement('p');
new_para.innerText = 'yazilarucun';
//Add the element
var old_para = document.querySelector(".p");
insertAfter(new_para, old_para)
<div id='div'>yazi
<p class='p'>p etiketi</p>

The node.insertAfter() is not an inbuilt javascript method, instead we created a user-defined function.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="point">Start</p>
var parentNode = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var refNode = document.getElementById("point");
function insertAfter(newNode, refNode){
refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, refNode.nextSibling);
var newNode = document.createElement("p");
var textnode = document.createTextNode("End");
insertAfter(newNode, refNode);
check : https://www.wikimass.com/js/node-insertafter

There is at least 3 ways to do it.
let targetNode = document.querySelector('#wrapper'),
placeNode = document.querySelector('#footer');
targetNode.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', placeNode);
targetNode.parentNode.insertBefore(placeNode, targetNode.nextSibling);
The first of these 3, is the newest and simplest. Has been supported since Chrome 54+, Firefox 49+, Edge 17+. No IE support...
Last one is best support, oldest and most complicated one...
Middle one is somewhere in the middle... Is still too hard... Not intuitive enough...


appendChild where javascript is included

I want to be able to create a JavaScript element where the script is included.
<script src='addDiv.js'></script>
The addDiv.js simply adds a customized div as below:
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "myspecialdiv");
I want to add this div wherever this script is included instead of at the end of body. Is there a way to achieve this ?
In most modern browsers you can use document.currentScript;
function replaceScript(el, text) {
let p = document.createElement('p')
p.innerText = text;
replaceScript(document.currentScript, 'Test 1');
replaceScript(document.currentScript, 'Test 2');

How to set HTML content into an iframe

I have a HTML string
<body>Hello world</body>
and I want to set it to an iframe with JavaScript. I am trying to set the HTML like this:
but IE gives "Access is denied." or "Object does not support this property or method." or "Invalid final element to the action." errors.
Here is my full code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery_1.7.0.min.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var htmlString = "<html><body>Hello world</body></html>";
var myIFrame = document.getElementById('iframe1');
// open needed line commentary
//myIFrame.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = htmlString;
//myIFrame.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = htmlString;
//myIFrame.document.body.innerHTML = htmlString;
//myIFrame.contentWindow.document.documentElement.innerHTML = htmlString;
<p>This is iframe:
<iframe id="iframe1">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
You could use:
document.getElementById('iframe1').contentWindow.document.write("<html><body>Hello world</body></html>");
Here's a jsFiddle, which works in all major browsers.
Note that instead of contentDocument.write you should use contentWindow.document.write: this makes it work in IE7 as well.
var htmlString="<body>Hello world</body>";
var myIFrame = document.getElementById('iframe1');
With html5 you'll be able to use the srcdoc attribute.
The innerHTML is a bit tricky especially in IE, where elements like thead are read-only and cause a lot of trouble.
Based on the documentation on msdn you might try documentMode which provides a innerHTML property.
myIFrame = myIFrame.contentWindow ||
myIFrame.contentDocument.document ||
myIFrame.document.write('Your HTML Code');
this might only work in IE.
How about document.documentElement.innerHTML. But do know that everything in the page will be replaced even the script that does that.
For an iframe it would be like this myIFrame.contentWindow.document.documentElement.innerHTML
I have a problem with 'origin' with the answers here. This is how it's work for me:
const frame1 = document.createElement('iframe');
frame1.name = 'frame1';
//not have to set this style,just for demo
frame1.style.position = 'absolute';
frame1.style.height = '800px';
frame1.style.top = '100px';
frame1.style.left = '100px';
frame1.style.background = 'white';
const frameDoc =
frame1.contentWindow || frame1.contentDocument.document ||
frameDoc.document.write('<html><head><title></title><body>Hello world</body></html>');
In 2023, the correct answer to this problem is to use the srcdoc attribute of the <iframe> element. I can be done straight in your HTML file or with javascript:
document.getElementById('iframe').srcdoc = "<html><body>Hello world!</body></html>";
try it:
$('iframe').load(function() {
$(this).contents().find('body').append("Hello world");
$('iframe').load(function() {
$(this).contents().find('body').append("Hello world");

move node from second to first

Just want a function that move second node to be a first node.But it not working, any suggestion?
var node = document.getElementById("ir");
var cx = node.childNodes[1];
function der(){
<div id="ir">
<p id="ie">test</p>
<img src="test.gif">
<script type="text/Javascript">
var node = document.getElementById("ir");
var cx = node.childNodes[1];
function der(){
The issue with the html in that fiddle is the spaces. childNodes[0] matches the first set of spaces, and childNodes[1] matches the first element. Perhaps this is your issue.
<div id="ir">
var node = document.getElementById("ir");
var first = node.childNodes[1];
var second = node.childNodes[3];
I'm a bit slow today, but I think your use of previousSibling is wrong. I think it should relate to the child node cx not the parent node .. so you should be using cx.previousSibling not node.previousSibling - I've edited mt previous example to remove my original dumb response ... try this ...
<div id="ir">
<p id="ie">test</p>
<img src="test.gif">
<script type="text/Javascript">
var node = document.getElementById("ir");
var cx = node.childNodes[1];
function der(){
Two Days Later Edit !!! ....
Of course the example I gave above will not swap the P element and the image because the image's true previousSibling is a newline character between the /P tag closure and the image. More importantly from a coding perspective, it won't work because there isn't an object called 'img' defined anywhere ... so I offer this as a working alternative :
function swapDivs(obj) {
if(obj.previousSibling){ // if it's null, then it's already the first element //
obj.parentNode.insertBefore(obj, obj.previousSibling);
<div id="ir">
<p id="ie">test</p><img src="http://i2.ifrm.com/4639/142/emo/drool.gif" onclick="swapDivs(this);" />
It doesn't address the newline issue, I just reformatted the HTML.
However, it does resolve the img issue, and provides a generic way of adding the function to any clickable DOM object without having to customise the function.
I'll leave it to you to work out how to get over the problem with the newline/whitespace sibling, but it shouldn't be to difficult. Here's the fiddle to play with if you want to test your attempts ... http://jsfiddle.net/radiotrib/ps9XZ/
You've got an answer but i recommend doing something like:
var node = document.getElementById("ir");
var childs = node.getElementsByTagName("div");
var cx = childs[1];
function der()
node.insertBefore(cx, childs[0]);
I advise you not to put spaces or breaklines when working with childnodes, because they are considering like child of text type. I hope this code will help you:
Javascript code:
function change(){
var parent = document.getElementById("ir");
var img = parent.childNodes[1];
parent.insertBefore(img, parent.firstChild);
HTML code:
<div id="ir"><p id="ie">test</p><img src="test.gif"></div>
<button onclick="change()">Change</button>

javascript document.getElementById not working

Following is my javascript program. I am trying to get all child tags of parent div tag but when I am running the program document.getElementById('abc') returning null.
function init(){
// currentDiv = document.getElementById("intro");
count = 0;
divs = document.getElementById('abc').getElementsByTagName("div");
alert("HI " + divs)
currentDiv = divs[count];
nextDiv = divs[count + 1]
count = count + 1;
window.onload = init();
Following is my div tag definitions:
<div id='abc'>
The problem is in this line:
window.onload = init();
You are running init and setting the return value as the value of window.onload. My guess is that the code is being executed before the DOM is ready, i.e. before the divs exist.
Try this instead:
window.onload = init;
I suggest you start using jQuery instead, then you have much more powerful tools for this kind of DOM search/traversing
<body onload="init()">
<div id='abc'>
this probably solves your problem

Javascript createElement() not working in Chrome

Javascript createElement() is not working in Chrome but it works in IE and Firefox fine. Why?
It's working perfectly, use this code:
var catDiv = document.createElement("div");
catDiv.innerHTML = "Test";
Another working example (if you have an element with Id = myTableBody in your HTML)
var appendingTo = document.getElementById("myTableBody");
var tr = document.createElement("tr");
tr.setAttribute("name", "i");
var name = document.createElement("Div" );
will work. And later you can add the attributes like
Note: don't try to use angular brackets like createElement("<div />").
It will not work in Chrome.
Edit: syntax issue in above code fixed. there should be a dot instead of comma.
Beacause your code is messed up, there's nothing wrong with "createElement":
<meta charset = "utf-8">
window.onload = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
var div = document.createElement ("div");
div.style.border = "1px solid black";
div.style.margin = "20px";
div.style.padding = "10px";
document.body.appendChild (div);
So I also couldn't get createElement() to work in chrome. After reading Caio's post and testing the code provided I figured out what I was doing wrong.
On w3schools.com the examples they provide always use the tag name in all caps ex. createElement("DIV"), which is the way I was using it and with poor results.
After changing from "DIV" to "div" in my own code it instantly worked.
Thanks Caio.

