How to add property to json file with map function? - javascript

Hello I m trying to map through a json file and add a new property to every object in it.
const arr = [
index: 0,
name: "John",
hair: "Brown",
index: 1,
name: "Bob",
hair: "Blonde",
const data = require("./data.json");
const items = => {
return ????
I want to map through the array, and add a "age" property to every index with a value of 30 or even just an empty value would be ok. with result something like this:
const a =
index: 0,
name: "John",
hair: "Brown",
age: 30
index: 1,
name: "Bob",
hair: "Blonde",
age: 30

const arr = [
index: 0,
name: "John",
hair: "Brown",
index: 1,
name: "Bob",
hair: "Blonde",
const result = => {
return { ...obj, age: 30 };
You can also make it one-liner
const result = => ({ ...obj, age: 30 }));
If you want to print only hair of each index then
const arr = [
index: 0,
name: "John",
hair: "Brown",
index: 1,
name: "Bob",
hair: "Blonde",
const result = => {
return { ...obj, age: 30 };
const hairs = =>;
console.log(hairs); // Printing as an array
console.log(hairs.toString()); // Printing as comma separated value

Hello you could do something like this:
const data = [
name: "John",
hair: "Brown",
name: "Bob",
hair: "Blonde",
const newData = => ({
newProp: 'hello world',
// Print whole data:
// Filter specific properties
const hair = => item['hair'])
console.log('only hair ->', hair);
Side note, you don't need the index property in the object since you can get it while looping.
map(currentItem, index) Docs
If you want to print specific properties of the object you can do as such:
console.log( => item['hair']));


Intersect 3 arrays in Javascript - With snippet

I'm trying to intersect array1 and array2 and find the elements that contain the same name.
Then on array3 I only want to keep the elements that exist on the first intersection by name.
I'm stuck here, I just get true and falses. Any help?
const array1 = [{
name: 'John'
const array2 = [{
name: 'Elisa'
}, {
name: 'John'
const array3 = [{
name: 'Elisa',
age: 10
}, {
name: 'John',
age: 23
}, {
name: 'Maria',
age: 30
const intersectArray = => => ===;
const filteredArray = => => ===;
The expected result should be:
{ name: 'John', age: 23 }
You can just check against both arrays, instead of first creating an intersection:
const array1 = [{ name: 'John' }];
const array2 = [{ name: 'Elisa' }, { name: 'John' }];
const array3 = [{ name: 'Elisa', age: 10 }, { name: 'John', age: 23 }, { name: 'Maria', age: 30 }];
const result = array3.filter(x =>
array1.some(a => === &&
array2.some(a => ===
To do what you require you can use filter() to return only the elements which meet certain criteria. In your case, you can find() within the other array if a matching name is found.
The same logic can be used for both steps:
const array1 = [{ name: 'John' }];
const array2 = [{ name: 'Elisa' }, { name: 'John' }];
const array3 = [{ name: 'Elisa', age: 10 }, { name: 'John', age: 23 }, { name: 'Maria', age: 30 }];
const intersectArray = array1.filter(o1 => array2.find(o2 => ==;
const filteredArray = array3.filter(o3 => intersectArray.find(ia => ===;
If you want to grab the intersection between three arrays, you can filter the first array and find a similar item in the second array with some.
intersection = (a, b, f) => a.filter(x => b.some(y => f(x) === f(y))),
intersection2 = (f, ...a) => a.reduce((r, b) => intersection(r, b, f));
arr1 = [{ name: 'John' }],
arr2 = [{ name: 'Elisa' }, { name: 'John' }],
arr3 = [{ name: 'Elisa', age: 10 }, { name: 'John', age: 23 }, { name: 'Maria', age: 30 }];
getName = ({ name }) => name,
inter1 = intersection(arr3, intersection(arr2, arr1, getName), getName),
inter2 = intersection2(getName, arr3, arr2, arr1);
console.log(inter1); // Nested calls
console.log(inter2); // Reduction
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How to loop through an object and then use array methods on its keys?

I see that all the loops for objects returns the key as string and the value, but I want to operate on the keys of the object itself. If I have this object:
const data = {
person1: [
{ id: 1, name: Mike, age: 24 },
{ id: 2, name: Bob, age: 31 }
person2: [
{ id: 3, name: Christin, age: 21 },
{ id: 4, name: Michelle, age: 33 }
const removePersonById = (id) => {
// Check which person the id belongs to and remove that person
const persons = Object.keys(data).map(person => ...)
I wanted to loop through data and run .includes on each person in order to remove them by the id, but I am at a loss on how to do that.
You can loop through all keys and delete that the person you want by id using the filter() method
const removePersonById = (id) => {
var all = Object.keys(data);
for(let person of all){
data[person] = data[person].filter(a =>!=id);
You could get the values and find the index. Then splice.
removePersonById = id => {
Object.values(data).forEach(a => {
const index = a.findIndex(o => === id);
if (index !== 0) a.splice(index, 1);
You could use .some()
const data = {
person1: [
{ id: 1, name: "Mike", age: 24 },
{ id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 31 }
person2: [
{ id: 3, name: "Christin", age: 21 },
{ id: 4, name: "Michelle", age: 33 }
const removePersonById = (id) => {
// Check which person the id belongs to and remove that person
Object.keys(data).map(person => {
if (data[person].some(p => === id)) delete data[person];
Use Object.entries() so you can iterate over the keys and values together. Then you can test the value to see if the id is found.
Then use the delete operator to remove that key from the object.
const removePersonById = id => {
delete data[id];
const data = {
person1: [
{ id: 1, name: "Mike", age: 24 },
{ id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 31 }
person2: [
{ id: 3, name: "Christin", age: 21 },
{ id: 4, name: "Michelle", age: 33 }
const removePersonById = (id) =>
Object.entries(data).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (value.some(({id: personid}) => personid == id)) {
delete data[key];
let data = {
person1: [
{ id: 1, name: "Mike", age: 24 },
{ id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 31 }
person2: [
{ id: 3, name: "Christin", age: 21 },
{ id: 4, name: "Michelle", age: 33 }
const removePersonById = (id) => {
// Check which person the id belongs to and remove that person
data = Object.keys(data).reduce((acc,key) => {
if(data[key].some(person=> return acc
acc[key]= data[key]
return acc
}, {})
console.log(`Remove person with ID ${id}: `,data)

How do I convert an array of objects into an object (dynamically) in JavaScript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Convert array of objects with same property to one object with array values
(6 answers)
Closed 2 months ago.
I have an array of objects that looks like this:
arr = [
{name: "john", age: 23},
{name: "mary", age: 40},
{name: "zack", age: 17}
I am trying to convert it into something like this:
name: ["john", "mary", "zack"],
age: ['23', 40, 17]
i have tried the following => => item.age)
return {names, ages}
and it works fine but this assumes that you already know, beforehand, the keys of the objects you're converting.
I want to be able to load the object keys and corresponding array of values dynamically. Assuming i don't know that the objects in our example array have "name" and "age" as keys.
You could reduce the array and the entries of the object and collect the values in the group of the keys.
data = [{ name: "john", age: 23 }, { name: "mary", age: 40 }, { name: "zack", age: 17 }],
result = data.reduce((r, o) => Object.entries(o).reduce((t, [k, v]) => {
if (!t[k]) t[k] = [];
return t;
}, r), {});
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You could get the key of the first element and then map through it. With each, get its corresponded values
const arr = [
{ name: "john", age: 23, gender: "male" },
{ name: "mary", age: 40, gender: "female" },
{ name: "zack", age: 17, gender: "male" },
const res = Object.keys(arr[0]).reduce((acc, el) => {
const values = => item[el])
return { ...acc, [el]: values }
}, {})
Assuming that each object in your list has the same keys you could get the keys of the first object
const keys = Object.keys(arr[0])
and then map through the keys with your above approach
const returnObj = {}
keys.forEach(key => {
returnObj[key] = => item[key])
return returnObj
You can use Object.entries for the mapping.
var arr = [
{name: "john", age: 23},
{name: "mary", age: 40},
{name: "zack", age: 17}
var entries = => Object.entries(item));
var result = {};
entries.forEach(entry => {
entry.forEach(item => {
if (result[item[0]] && result[item[0]].length > 0) {
} else {
result[item[0]] = [item[1]];
You can make use of Array.reduce and Object.keys.
let arr = [
{name: "john", age: 23},
{name: "mary", age: 40},
{name: "zack", age: 17}
const formatData = (data) => {
return data.reduce((res, obj) => {
Object.keys(obj).map(d => {
res[d] = [...(res[d] ||[]), obj[d]]
return res;
}, {})
You can do this with Ramda
import { mergeWith, concat } from “Ramda”
const mergeConcat = mergeWith(concat)

Javascript filter array based on another array of object

I am trying to merge the two arrays based on Arr1 values. If the array 2 doesn't has the respective value in array1, it should return as empty object with values. Below are the two arrays:
Arr1 = [{
name: "raj",
age: 20
}, {
name: "ravi",
age: 40
Arr2 = ['raj', 'ravi', 'arnold'];
Javascript Code is,
let result = Arr1.filter(o1 => Arr2.some(o2 => o2 ===;
I am getting the result as below,
result = [{
name: "raj",
age: 20
}, {
name: "ravi",
age: 40
But expected array should be,
name: "raj",
age: 20
}, {
name: "ravi",
age: 40
}, {
name: "arnold",
age: null,
available: no
Any suggestions?
You can use Array#map along with Array#find to obtain your expected result.
let Arr1 = [{
name: "raj",
age: 20
}, {
name: "ravi",
age: 40
let Arr2 = ['raj', 'ravi', 'arnold'];
let result =>
Arr1.find(({name})=>name===x)??{name:x,age:null,available: 'no'}
I suggest a different approach and take an object for the given data and map the wanted names for eithe the given data or a new object.
This approach has a better big O, becaus it take a hash table and works fast for great data.
array1 = [{ name: "raj", age: 20 }, { name: "ravi", age: 40 }],
array2 = ['raj', 'ravi', 'arnold'],
data = array1.reduce((r, o) => (r[] = o, r), {}),
result = => data[name] || { name, age: null, available: 'no' });
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How to edit object array?

I want to edit JavaScript object.
I have an JavaScript object like this
data_without_id = [
0: {id: 1, name: "Mary", age: null}
1: {id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 33}
2: {id: 1, name: "Kelly", age: 40}
I want to convert this object into this
data_without_id = [
0: {id: 1, name: "Kelly", age: 40}
1: {id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 33}
What I need to do is:
Group by id
Get latest value.
I tried using Array.prototype.reduce(), but I can't get the result I need...
Using the function reduce would be as follow:
The function reduce for grouping and the function Object.values for extracting the values.
let data_without_id = [ { id: 1, name: "Mary", age: null }, { id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 33 }, { id: 1, name: "Kelly", age: 40 }],
result = Object.values(data_without_id.reduce((a, {id, name, age}) => {
a[id] = {id, name, age};
return a;
}, Object.create(null)));
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You could use .reduce by making the accumulator an object that has keys of the id. This way you can overwrite any previously seen objects which had the same id, and then use Object.values to get your array of objects:
const data_without_id = [{id: 1, name: "Mary", age: null}, {id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 33}, {id: 1, name: "Kelly", age: 40}],
res = Object.values(data_without_id.reduce((acc, obj) =>
(acc[] = obj, acc)
, {}));
You could just simply use a for/of loop to create a copy of the data where the last object with a particular id will always be the object returned in the output data. This avoids the "grouping" part of the code but still returns the correct data.
const data_without_id = [
{ id: 1, name: "Mary", age: null },
{ id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 33 },
{ id: 1, name: "Kelly", age: 40 }
function lastId(arr) {
const out = [];
for (let obj of arr) {
// If you don't create a copy of each object the returned
// data will simply be contain _references_ to the original
// data. Changes in the original data will be reflected
// in the returned data
out[ - 1] = { ...obj };
return out;
const lastIds = lastId(data_without_id);

