I'm trying to make a list in my react app. I have retrieved data from my database, and pushed it into a list. I have doublechecked that the data shows up correctly in the console, and it does, but array.map() returns nothing. I think the problem might be that array.map() runs two times. I don't know why it runs two times.
function Dashboard() {
const user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
const [teams, setTeams] = useState([])
const history = useHistory();
useEffect(() => {
if (user) {
} else {
}, [])
function Welcome() {
if (user) {
return <h1>Welcome, {user.displayName}</h1>
} else {
const getTeams = () => {
firebase.firestore().collectionGroup('members').where('user', '==', user.uid).get().then((snapshot) => {
const docList = []
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
teamId: doc.data().teamId,
const teamslist = []
docList.forEach((data) => {
firebase.firestore().collection('teams').doc(data.teamId).get().then((doc) => {
name: doc.data().name,
teamId: doc.id,
const openTeam = (data) => {
return (
<Welcome />
{teams.map((data) => {
return (
<li onClick={() => openTeam(data)} key={data.teamId}>
export default Dashboard
The getTeams function has a bug where it isn't waiting for the firebase.firestore().collection('teams').doc(data.teamId).get().then promises to finish before calling setTeams, so it is called with an empty array, causing React to trigger a render with the empty array.
As the promises for fetching each team resolve they will be pushed to the same array reference, but this won't trigger a rerender in React since you're not calling setTeams again when the array changes.
Try this code, which won't call setTeams until each team promise generated from docList has been resolved.
const getTeams = () => {
firebase.firestore().collectionGroup('members').where('user', '==', user.uid).get().then((snapshot) => {
const docList = []
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
teamId: doc.data().teamId,
const teamslist = [];
Promise.all(docList.map((data) => {
return firebase
.then((doc) => {
name: doc.data().name,
teamId: doc.id,
.then(() => setTeams(teamslist));
A smaller edit would be to call setTeams after each separate team promise resolves, which will trigger a React render each time a new team is resolved:
.then((doc) => {
name: doc.data().name,
teamId: doc.id,
// create a new array, since using the same array
// reference won't cause react to rerender
Many thanks to #martinstark who provided you an answer while I was unavailable.
However, there are some more things that need to be covered.
User State
In your current component, you pull the current user from Firebase Authentication, but don't handle the state changes of that user - signing in, signing out, switching user. If a user is signed in and they were to navigate directly to your dashboard, firebase.auth().currentUser could be momentarily null while it resolves the user's login state, which would incorrectly send them off to your login page.
This can be added using:
const [user, setUser] = useState(() => firebase.auth().currentUser || undefined);
const userLoading = user === undefined;
useEffect(() => firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(setUser), []);
Next, in your first useEffect call, you call getTeams() whether the user is signed in or not - but it should depend on the current user.
useEffect(() => {
if (userLoading) {
return; // do nothing (yet)
} else if (user === null) {
}, [user]);
// This getTeams() is a () => Promise<void>
const getTeams = async () => {
const membersQuerySnapshot = await firebase.firestore()
.where('user', '==', user.uid)
const docList = []
membersQuerySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
teamId: doc.get("teamId"), // better perfomance than `doc.data().teamId`
const teamDataList = [];
await Promise.all(docList.map((data) => {
return firebase.firestore()
.then(doc => teamDataList.push({
name: doc.get("name"),
teamId: doc.id
Optimizing getTeams() - Network Calls
The getTeams function in your question calls setTeams with the array [], which will be empty at the time of calling it as covered in #martinstark's answer. The "get team data" operations are asyncronous and you aren't waiting for them to resolve before updating your state and triggering a new render. While you are pushing data to them after the component has rendered, modifying the array won't trigger a new render.
While you could fetch the data for each team using db.collection("teams").doc(teamId).get(), each of these is requests is a network call, and you can only make a limited number of these in parallel. So instead of fetching 1 team per network call, you could fetch up to 10 teams per network call instead using the in operator and FieldPath.documentId().
Assuming the collectionGroup("members") targets the collections of documents at /teams/{aTeamId}/members which contain (at least):
"/teams/{aTeamId}/members/{memberUserId}": {
teamId: aTeamId,
user: memberUserId, // if storing an ID here, call it "uid" or "userId" instead
/* ... */
// this utility function lives outside of your component near the top/bottom of the file
function chunkArr(arr, n) {
if (n <= 0) throw new Error("n must be greater than 0");
return Array
.from({length: Math.ceil(arr.length/n)})
.map((_, i) => arr.slice(n*i, n*(i+1)))
// This getTeams() is a () => Promise<void>
const getTeams = async () => {
const membersQuerySnapshot = await firebase.firestore()
.where('user', '==', user.uid)
const teamIDList = []
membersQuerySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
teamIDList.push(doc.get("teamId")); // better perfomance than `doc.data().teamId`
const chunkedTeamIDList = chunkArr(teamIDList, 10) // split into batches of 10
const teamsColRef = firebase.firestore().collection('teams');
const documentId = firebase.firestore.FieldPath.documentId(); // used with where() to target the document's ID
const foundTeamDocList = await Promise
.all(chunkedTeamIDList.map((chunkOfTeamIDs) => {
// fetch each batch of IDs
return teamsColRef
.where(documentId, 'in', chunkOfTeamIDs)
.then((arrayOfQuerySnapshots) => {
// flatten results into a single array
const allDocsList = [];
arrayOfQuerySnapshots.forEach(qs => allDocsList.push(...qs.docs));
return allDocsList;
const teamDataList = foundTeamDocList
.map((doc) => ({ name: doc.get("name"), teamId: doc.id }));
// sort by name, then by ID
teamDataList.sort((aTeam, bTeam) =>
aTeam.name.localeCompare(bTeam.name) || aTeam.teamId.localeCompare(bTeam.teamId)
// update state & trigger render
You can also make use of this utility function to simplify & optimize the code a bit. Which gives:
// This getTeams() is a () => Promise<void>
const getTeams = async () => {
const membersQuerySnapshot = await firebase.firestore()
.where('user', '==', user.uid)
const teamIDList = []
membersQuerySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
teamIDList.push(doc.get("teamId")); // better perfomance than `doc.data().teamId`
const teamsColRef = firebase.firestore().collection('teams');
const teamDataList = [];
await fetchDocumentsWithId(
(doc) => teamDataList.push({ name: doc.get("name"), teamId: doc.id })
// sort by name, then by ID
teamDataList.sort((aTeam, bTeam) =>
aTeam.name.localeCompare(bTeam.name) || aTeam.teamId.localeCompare(bTeam.teamId)
// update state & trigger render
Optimizing getTeams() - Function Definition
As part of the last optimization, you could pull it out of your component or place it in its own file so that it's not redefined with every render:
// define at top/bottom of the file outside your component
// This getTeams() is a (userId: string) => Promise<{ name: string, teamId: string}[]>
async function getTeams(userId) => {
const membersQuerySnapshot = await firebase.firestore()
.where('user', '==', userId)
const teamIDList = []
membersQuerySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
teamIDList.push(doc.get("teamId")); // better perfomance than `doc.data().teamId`
const teamsColRef = firebase.firestore().collection('teams');
const teamDataList = [];
await fetchDocumentsWithId(
(doc) => teamDataList.push({ name: doc.get("name"), teamId: doc.id })
// sort by name, then by ID
teamDataList.sort((aTeam, bTeam) =>
aTeam.name.localeCompare(bTeam.name) || aTeam.teamId.localeCompare(bTeam.teamId)
// return the sorted teams
return teamDataList
and update how you use it:
useEffect(() => {
if (userLoading) {
return; // do nothing
} else if (user === null) {
}, [user]);
I'm creating an app in React Native that depends on realtime updates. When a user updates the data in their session, another user needs to immediately see that update without refreshing their app. I'm using RTK Query to manage my store, but can't figure out how to close the memory leak if I use onSnapShot in my query. Is there another Redux solution I need to consider?
I've tried passing the data through props to manage the data but the management becomes a little complicated when using complex components.
I start with the following in the component but want to move it to the api:
export const teamPlayersApi = createApi({
reducerPath: "teamPlayers",
baseQuery: fakeBaseQuery(),
tagTypes: ["TeamPlayer"],
endpoints: (builder) => ({
fetchTeamPlayersByMatchId: builder.query({
async queryFn(matchId) {
let players = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const playersRef = query(
collection(db, "teamPlayers"),
where("playerMatchId", "==", matchId)
//real time update
onSnapshot(playersRef, (snapshot) => {
players = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => ({
id: doc.id,
player: doc.data()
resolve({ data: players });
This has two different parts:
a queryFn getting the initial data using onValue. This is the point where your query enters a loading state and finishes at some point with a first value.
a onCacheEntryAdded lifecycle function that calls onSnapshot, updates values and holds the subscription. This is the point where a subscription is generated and your data is updated with new values while your component uses the cache entry.
export const teamPlayersApi = createApi({
reducerPath: "teamPlayers",
baseQuery: fakeBaseQuery(),
tagTypes: ["TeamPlayer"],
endpoints: (builder) => ({
fetchTeamPlayersByMatchId: builder.query({
async queryFn(matchId) {
let players = [];
return {
data: await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const playersRef = query(
collection(db, "teamPlayers"),
where("playerMatchId", "==", matchId)
// probably more logic here to get your final shape
(snapshot) => resolve(snapshot.toJSON()),
async onCacheEntryAdded(
{ updateCachedData, cacheDataLoaded, cacheEntryRemoved }
) {
let unsubscribe = () => {};
try {
await cacheDataLoaded;
const playersRef = query(
collection(db, "teamPlayers"),
where("playerMatchId", "==", matchId)
unsubscribe = onSnapshot(playersRef, (snapshot) => {
players = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => ({
id: doc.id,
player: doc.data(),
updateCachedData((draft) => {
// or whatever you want to do
} catch {}
await cacheEntryRemoved;
I'm using firestore to store posts each post could have simple properties such as {title: 'hi', comment: true} I'm able to easily fetch the user's specific posts since my collection structure looks like this: posts/user.id/post/post.name so an example will be posts/1234sofa/post/cool day
with this way of structuring, I'm able to easily fetch data for the user, but I'm having trouble with two things how do I fetch and display all posts for my main feed, and what's the most effective way of doing this? here is my current function for fetching user-specific data:
const submitpost = async () => {
try {
const collectionRef=collection(db,`posts`,user.uid.toString(),'post')
await addDoc(collectionRef, {
post: post,
timestamp: serverTimestamp(),
canComment: switchValue,
user: user.uid,
avatar: user.photoURL,
username: user.displayName,
toast({ title: "posted", status: "success", duration: 2000 });
} catch (error) {
this specific function creates a structure like this in firebase posts are just takes and take is singular post respectively I just changed the name so its easier to understand:
now here is how im fetching the data for my spefic user:
const [user] = useAuthState(auth);
const [takes, settakes] = useState([]);
const getData = async () => {
// if user is present run function
if (user) {
// const docRef = doc(db, "users", user.uid);
// const collectionRef = collection(docRef, "takes");
// const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collectionRef);
try {
const docRef = doc(db, "posts", user.uid);
const collectionRef = collection(db,'posts',user.uid,'takes');
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collectionRef);
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map((d) => ({
id: d.id,
} catch (error) {
here is the function that doesn't work when fetching all data for main feed:
const [user]=useAuthState(auth)
const [allfeed, setallfeed] = useState([])
const getData = async () => {
const collectionRef = collection(db, "posts");
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collectionRef);
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map((d) => ({
id: d.id,
// get data from firebase
useEffect(() => {
// rerun when user is present
}, [user]);
when I console log the allfeed it returns an empty array so my main problem is how to do I get all the data from the posts collection meaning posts/userid/post/post.title I need to get these for every user. and secondly is there a more efficient way to structure my data?
I would suggest using the onSnapshot() method if you want realtime updates from a collection or a specific document.
setState() does not make changes directly to the state object. It just creates queues for React core to update the state object of a React component. If you add the state to the useEffect, it compares the two objects, and since they have a different reference, it once again fetches the items and sets the new items object to the state. The state updates then triggers a re-render in the component. And on, and on, and on...
If you just want to log your data into your console then you must use a temporary variable rather than using setState:
const getData = async () => {
// Using `getDocs`
const collectionRef = collection(db, "posts");
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collectionRef);
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map((d) => ({
id: d.id,
// ============================================= //
// Using `onSnapshot()`
const q = query(collection(db, "posts"));
const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(q, (querySnapshot) => {
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map(d => ({
id: d.id,
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
You could also use multiple useEffect() to get the updated state of the object:
const getData = async () => {
// Using `getDocs`
const collectionRef = collection(db, "posts");
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collectionRef);
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map((d) => ({
id: d.id,
// ============================================= //
// Using `onSnapshot()`
const q = query(collection(db, "posts"));
const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(q, (querySnapshot) => {
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map(d => ({
id: d.id,
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
}, [allfeed]);
If you want to render it to the component then you should call the state in the component and map the data into it. Take a look at the sample code below:
const getData = async () => {
// Using `getDocs`
const collectionRef = collection(db, "posts");
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collectionRef);
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map((d) => ({
id: d.id,
// ============================================= //
// Using `onSnapshot()`
const q = query(collection(db, "posts"));
const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(q, (querySnapshot) => {
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map(d => ({
id: d.id,
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<p>SomeData: <p/>
{items.map((item) => (
<p key={item.id}>{item.fieldname}</p>
For more information you may checkout these documentations:
Get data with Cloud Firestore
Get realtime updates with Cloud Firestore
I'm trying to filter a players array by comparing the names property to a roster array and rendering the matches from the players array.
When a user selects a year the getCollegeRoster() function returns players who have a year property matching the selection. From there I'm trying to filter and display the .name matches from the players array, but it seems i'm unable to update playerStateValue. I'm using recoil to manage state. Any insight would be much appreciated.
const getCollegeRoster = async () => {
try {
const playersQuery = query(
collection(firestore, `colleges/${communityData.id}/rosters`),
where("year", "==", selection),
const playerDocs = await getDocs(playersQuery);
const collegeRoster = playerDocs.docs.map((doc) => ({ id: doc.id, ...doc.data() }));
setRoster(collegeRoster as unknown as Roster[]);
console.log('collegePlayers', roster);
} catch (error: any) {
console.log("getCollegePlayers error", error.message);
const onSelection = (newSelection: any) => {
console.log('newselect', newSelection)
const filteredArray = [...playerStateValue.players].filter((el) => ({
name: el.name,
match: [...roster].some((f) => f.name === el.name)
setPlayerStateValue((prev) => ({
players: filteredArray as Player[],
playersCache: {
[communityData?.id!]: filteredArray as Player[],
playerUpdateRequired: false,
} ```
also tried adding setplayerstatevalue into the getcollegeroster function:
onst getCollegeRoster = async () => {
console.log("WE ARE GETTING Players!!!");
console.log('communitydata', communityData);
try {
const playersQuery = query(
collection(firestore, `colleges/${communityData.id}/rosters`),
where("year", "==", selection),
const playerDocs = await getDocs(playersQuery);
const collegeRoster = playerDocs.docs.map((doc) => ({ id: doc.id, ...doc.data() }));
setRoster(collegeRoster as unknown as Roster[]);
console.log('collegePlayers', roster);
const filteredArray = [...playerStateValue.players].filter((el) => ({
name: el.name,
match: [...roster].some((f) => f.name === el.name)
setPlayerStateValue((prev) => ({
players: filteredArray as Player[],
playersCache: {
[communityData?.id!]: filteredArray as Player[],
playerUpdateRequired: false,
} catch (error: any) {
console.log("getCollegePlayers error", error.message);
{playerStateValue.players.map((player: Player, index) => (
// postIdx={index}
playerStateValue.playerVotes.find((item) => item.playerId === player.id)
I believe I found the problem. getCollegeRoster() is an async function which means it is being executed asynchronous.
That function is responsible for updating roster and you are using roster inside your filtering while it is being asynchronously updated.
There is no guarantee that roster is updated by the time you filter your array.
You have two ways of solving this. Either you execute setPlayerStateValue() inside of getCollegeRoster() or you wait for getCollegeRoster() to be done by preappending it with await and your onSelection function with async:
const onSelection = async (newSelection: any) => {
console.log("newselect", newSelection);
await getCollegeRoster();
const filteredArray = [...playerStateValue.players].filter((el) => ({
name: el.name,
match: [...roster].some((f) => f.name === el.name),
Another scenario I can think of is that playerStateValue might be the culprit. In React setState works asynchronous as well, if you access playerStateValue via curr/prev-callback, it is guaranteed that you are accessing the values of the current state object while updating the state. Try this use of setPlayerStateValue:
setPlayerStateValue((prev) => {
const filteredArray = prev.players.filter((el) => ({
name: el.name,
match: [...roster].some((f) => f.name === el.name),
})) as Player[];
return {
players: filteredArray,
playersCache: {
[communityData?.id!]: filteredArray,
playerUpdateRequired: false,
I am trying to delete a document from firebase firestore collection
how can I do that , I tried few things but no success
here is my code
here is the Firestore hook
const useFirestore = (somecollection) => {
const [docs, setDocs] = useState([]);
useEffect (() => {
// new collection reference
const newcoll = collection(projectFirestore, somecollection);
const q = query(newcoll, orderBy('createdAt', 'desc'));
const unsub = onSnapshot(q, (snapshot) => {
let documents = [];
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
documents.push({...doc.data(), id: doc.id})
return () => unsub;
return { docs };
the imagegrid where all the images are shown (only the js without the jsx return)
const { docs } = useFirestore('images');
const handleDelete = (e) => {
docs.forEach(doc => {
now , on the imagegrid jsx I have all the uploaded images that store the document in them.
so I added a button to every image and I want that when I click the button its fires a handleDelete() that delete this specific image document from the firestore
If you are trying to have a button that deletes a single document, you likely do NOT want to be looping over all of the docs and calling deleteDoc().
Instead, your UI would likely display each image and include its ID for each button. Something like:
const deleteOneImageDoc = async (docId) => {
try {
let docRef = doc(myFirestore, `images/${docId}`);
await deleteDoc(docRef);
} catch (ex) {
console.error(`Delete FAILED: ${ex.message}`);
throw ex;
return <div>
docs.map((imgDoc) => {
return (
<div key={imgDoc.id}>
<img src={imgDoc.url}/>
<button onClick={() => deleteOneImageDoc(imgDoc.id)}>
delete {imgDoc.id}
I am currently making a Spotify clone which gives user a preview of the song. The problem occurs when I am making many different api requests. When there are more than one requests on the page, it throws a 429 error(making too many requests at once).
Please read through the whole question as I have mentioned the steps I have taken to fix this below.
const { api, refreshableCall } = useSpotify()
const [error, setError] = useState(null)
const [userName, setUserName] = useState("")
const [userFollowers, setUserFollowers] = useState("")
const [userImage, setUserImage] = useState([])
const [userLink, setUserLink] = useState("")
const [userId, setUserId] = useState("")
const [userFollowing, setUserFollowing] = useState("")
const [userTopArtists, setUserTopArtists] = useState([])
const [userTopSongs, setUserTopSongs] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
let disposed = false
refreshableCall(() => api.getMyTopTracks({
limit: 10,
time_range: "long_term"
.then((res) => {
if (disposed) return
.catch((err) => {
if (disposed) return
return () => disposed = true
useEffect(() => {
let disposed = false
refreshableCall(() => api.getMe())
.then((res) => {
if (disposed) return
var data = res.body
.catch((err) => {
if (disposed) return
return () => disposed = true
useEffect(() => {
let disposed = false
refreshableCall(() => api.getFollowedArtists())
.then((res) => {
if (disposed) return
var data = res.body
var artists = data.artists
.catch((err) => {
if (disposed) return
return () => disposed = true
useEffect(() => {
let disposed = false
refreshableCall(() => api.getMyTopArtists({
limit: 10,
time_range: "long_term"
.then((res) => {
if (disposed) return
var data = res.body
var artists = data.items
.catch((err) => {
if (disposed) return
return () => disposed = true
import React, { useState, useEffect, useContext } from "react"
import axios from "axios"
import SpotifyWebApi from 'spotify-web-api-node';
const spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebApi({
clientId: 1234567890,
export const SpotifyAuthContext = React.createContext({
exchangeCode: () => { throw new Error("context not loaded") },
refreshAccessToken: () => { throw new Error("context not loaded") },
hasToken: spotifyApi.getAccessToken() !== undefined,
api: spotifyApi
export const useSpotify = () => useContext(SpotifyAuthContext);
function setStoredJSON(id, obj) {
localStorage.setItem(id, JSON.stringify(obj));
function getStoredJSON(id, fallbackValue = null) {
const storedValue = localStorage.getItem(id);
return storedValue === null
? fallbackValue
: JSON.parse(storedValue);
export function SpotifyAuthContextProvider({ children }) {
const [tokenInfo, setTokenInfo] = useState(() => getStoredJSON('myApp:spotify', null))
const hasToken = tokenInfo !== null
useEffect(() => {
if (tokenInfo === null) return;
// attach tokens to `SpotifyWebApi` instance
accessToken: tokenInfo.accessToken,
refreshToken: tokenInfo.refreshToken,
// persist tokens
setStoredJSON('myApp:spotify', tokenInfo)
}, [tokenInfo])
function exchangeCode(code) {
return axios
.post("http://localhost:3001/login", {
.then(res => {
// TODO: Confirm whether response contains `accessToken` or `access_token`
const { accessToken, refreshToken, expiresIn } = res.data;
// store expiry time instead of expires in
expiresAt: Date.now() + (expiresIn * 1000)
function refreshAccessToken() {
const refreshToken = tokenInfo.refreshToken;
return axios
.post("http://localhost:3001/refresh", {
.then(res => {
const refreshedTokenInfo = {
accessToken: res.data.accessToken,
// some refreshes may include a new refresh token!
refreshToken: res.data.refreshToken || tokenInfo.refreshToken,
// store expiry time instead of expires in
expiresAt: Date.now() + (res.data.expiresIn * 1000)
// attach tokens to `SpotifyWebApi` instance
accessToken: refreshedTokenInfo.accessToken,
refreshToken: refreshedTokenInfo.refreshToken,
return refreshedTokenInfo
async function refreshableCall(callApiFunc) {
if (Date.now() > tokenInfo.expiresAt)
await refreshAccessToken();
try {
return await callApiFunc()
} catch (err) {
if (err.name !== "WebapiAuthenticationError")
throw err; // rethrow irrelevant errors
// if here, has an authentication error, try refreshing now
return refreshAccessToken()
return (
<SpotifyAuthContext.Provider value={{
api: spotifyApi,
Without the dependency, it keeps cycling and firing off requests, likely hundreds per second. (Error 429)
With the dependency, it seems the Access Token is being ignored or sidestepped. (Error: WebApiAuthentication - No token provided)
What I have tried to do ?
I tried to implement all the requests in a single useEffect, still getting the errors.
Calling useEffect with dependency array and without.
Link to the Github Repo
status 429 means you have made too many calls in a specific time window.
you are therefore banned for this specific time window.
try waiting a bit before retrying.
did you try :
useEffect(..., [])
this guaranties it will be run only once.
None of your useEffect calls are using a dependency array, remember if useEffect is called without any dependencies it goes into an infinite loop. Either find what dependency or state change should re-run the useEffect hook and include it in the dependency array:
useEffect(() => { /* your logic */ }, [dependencies])
or if there are no dependencies simply fire it once the component mounts:
useEffect(() => { /* your logic */ }, [])