Layer in Leaflet JS doesnt show again when check the control layer - javascript

I use the leaflet control layer to show up and remove the layer when I didn't wanna show the layer. when I uncheck my control layer it worked properly. the layer can disappear, but when I check again the control layer, the layer didn't show again. but there is no error in the console .
var pieChartGroup = L.featureGroup().addTo(map);
vals.forEach(val => {
var pictures = L.marker(val.location, {
icon: L.divIcon({
className: 'leaflet-echart-icon',
iconSize: [160, 160],
html: '<div id="marker' + + '" style="width: 160px; height: 160px; position: relative; background-color: transparent;"></div>'
// Based on the prepared dom, initialize the echarts instance
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('marker' +;
// Specify chart configuration items and data
option = {
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: "{a} <br/>{b}: {c} ({d}%)"
series: [{
name: val.nama,
type: 'pie',
radius: ['10', '25'],
avoidLabelOverlap: false,
label: {
normal: {
show: false,
position: 'center'
emphasis: {
show: true,
textStyle: {
fontSize: '18',
fontWeight: 'bold'
labelLine: {
normal: {
show: false
data: [{
value: val.MB,
name: 'Masih Bersekolah'
}, {
value: val.TBL,
name: 'Tidak Bersekolah Lagi'
}, {
value: val.TBPS,
name: 'Tidak/Belum Pernah Bersekolah'
// Use the configuration items and data you just specified to display the chart.
var baseLayers = {
"OpenStreetMap": LayerKita,
"OpenCycleMap": L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'),
"Outdoors": L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png')
var overlays = {
"Bersekolah" : pieChartGroup
L.control.layers(baseLayers, overlays).addTo(map);


Apexcharts cursor pointer

I used apexcharts.js for making chartbar on js. So i want to change cursor to pointer. help please! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
var options = {
series: [{
name: 'series1',
data: [60, 85, 75, 120, 100, 109, 97]
toolbar: {
show: false,
chart: {
height: 350,
type: 'area',
fontFamily: 'Proxima Nova',
toolbar: {
show: false
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
stroke: {
curve: 'smooth'
xaxis: {
categories: ["Янв", "Фев", "Март", "Апр", "Май", "Июнь", "Июль", "Авг", "Сен", "Окт", "Ноя", "Дек"]
tooltip: {
x: {
format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm'
var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);
I had encountered the same problem. I will present you two solutions:
1st method : Found on Github
You can set the cursor to point with:
chart: {
events: {
dataPointMouseEnter: function(event) {
event.path[0].style.cursor = "pointer";
See more details in this github link :
2nd method : My own method
You can target the class name of the apexchart component via Inspector, then at the code level add the following property to this class :
cursor: pointer
Example :
// Change cursor on hover
.apexcharts-pie {
cursor: pointer;
I had same problem. Here is two solutions:
chart: {
width: 320,
type: ...,
events: {
dataPointMouseEnter: function(event) { = "pointer";
// or = "pointer";

echart data point gradient color

I am trying to make a gradient line chart, The issue is with tooltip legend color and color of data points, they appear in brown gradient which was the default.
I was able to change the tooltip color, anyhow that is not the actual data point color but able to fix it to one color at least. whereas the points on the line do not pick up the color of the line.
Can someone point me in right direction?
var dom = document.getElementById("container");
var myChart = echarts.init(dom);
var app = {};
var option;
var data = [["2020-06-05",116],["2020-06-06",129],["2020-06-07",135],["2020-06-08",86],["2020-06-09",73],["2020-06-10",85],["2020-06-11",73],["2020-06-12",68],["2020-06-13",92],["2020-06-14",130],["2020-06-15",245],["2020-06-16",139],["2020-06-17",115],["2020-06-18",111],["2020-06-19",309],["2020-06-20",206],["2020-06-21",137],["2020-06-22",128],["2020-06-23",85],["2020-06-24",94],["2020-06-25",71],["2020-06-26",106],["2020-06-27",84],["2020-06-28",93],["2020-06-29",85],["2020-06-30",73],["2020-07-01",83],["2020-07-02",125],["2020-07-03",107],["2020-07-04",82],["2020-07-05",44],["2020-07-06",72],["2020-07-07",106],["2020-07-08",107],["2020-07-09",66],["2020-07-10",91],["2020-07-11",92],["2020-07-12",113],["2020-07-13",107],["2020-07-14",131],["2020-07-15",111],["2020-07-16",64],["2020-07-17",69],["2020-07-18",88],["2020-07-19",77],["2020-07-20",83],["2020-07-21",111],["2020-07-22",57],["2020-07-23",55],["2020-07-24",60]];
var dateList = (item) {
return item[0];
var valueList = (item) {
return item[1];
option = {
color: {
type: 'linear',
x: 0, y: 1,x2:0,y2:0,
colorStops: [{
offset: 0, color: '#00d4ff' // color at 0% position
}, {
offset: 1, color: '#090979' // color at 100% position
// Make gradient line here
visualMap: [{
show: true,
type: 'continuous',
seriesIndex: 0,
min: 0,
max: 400
title: [{
left: 'center',
text: 'Gradient along the y axis'
xAxis: [{
data: dateList,
axisPointer: {
axisLabel: {
formatter: function (value) {
return moment(value).format("MMM YY");
// And other formatter tool (e.g. moment) can be used here.
yAxis: [{
type: 'value',
axisPointer: {
grid: [{
tooltip : {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {
animation: true,
formatter: function (params) {
var colorSpan = color => '<span style="display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border-radius:10px;width:9px;height:9px;background-color:' + color + '"></span>';
let rez = '<p>' + params[0].axisValue + '</p>';
console.log(params); //quite useful for debug
params.forEach(item => {
// console.log(item); //quite useful for debug
var xx = '<p>' + colorSpan('#00d4ff') + ' ' + item.seriesName + ': ' + + '</p>'
rez += xx;
return rez;
series: [{
color:['#5470c6', '#91cc75', '#fac858', '#ee6666', '#73c0de', '#3ba272', '#fc8452', '#9a60b4', '#ea7ccc'],
type: 'line',
showSymbol: false,
data: valueList,
// smooth: true,
color: {
type: 'linear',
x: 0, y: 1,x2:0,y2:0,
colorStops: [{
offset: 0, color: '#00d4ff' // color at 0% position
}, {
offset: 1, color: '#090979' // color at 100% position
if (option && typeof option === 'object') {
You need to add gradientColor array to echarts options. Now echart will take care of changing color of tooltip and data point. You can also remove your custom tooltip formatted function.
gradientColor: ["#00d4ff", "#090979"]
Here the complete options object:
var data = [];
var dateList = {
return item[0];
var valueList = {
return item[1];
option = {
gradientColor: ["#00d4ff", "#090979"],
// Make gradient line here
visualMap: [
show: true,
type: "continuous",
seriesIndex: 0,
min: 0,
max: 400
title: [
left: "center",
text: "Gradient along the y axis"
xAxis: [
data: dateList,
axisPointer: {
label: {
color: ["#5470c6"]
axisLabel: {
formatter: function(value) {
return moment(value).format("MMM YY");
// And other formatter tool (e.g. moment) can be used here.
yAxis: [
type: "value",
axisPointer: {
label: {
color: ["#5470c6"]
grid: [
width: "auto",
height: "auto"
tooltip: {
trigger: "axis",
axisPointer: {
animation: true
series: [
type: "line",
showSymbol: false,
data: valueList,
// smooth: true,
label: {
show: true,
position: "top"

Echart configuration for Pie legends in a particular way

I want to display pie legends along with its value in a different format. I am attaching the image. I am looking for it but did not find how to do it till now.
If you see the image, legends and the value corresponding to it are shown that i am unable to replicate.
You want to display value instead percentages? If yes then this is a little work that need to do because by default legend component don't know about another dimensions of you data. Try to start with this code:
var option = {
legend: {
formatter: name => {
var series = myChart.getOption().series[0];
var value = => === name)[0].value
return name + ' ' + value;
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
var option = {
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: '{a} <br/>{b}: {c} ({d}%)'
legend: {
orient: 'vertical',
left: 10,
data: ['Category1', 'Category2', 'Category3', 'Category4', 'Category5'],
formatter: (name) => {
var series = myChart.getOption().series[0];
var value = => === name)[0].value;
return name + ' ' + value;
series: [
name: 'Series',
type: 'pie',
label: { show: false },
labelLine: { show: false },
data: [
{value: 335, name: 'Category1'},
{value: 310, name: 'Category2'},
{value: 234, name: 'Category3'},
{value: 135, name: 'Category4'},
{value: 1548, name: 'Category5'}
<script src=""></script>
<div id="main" style="width: 600px;height:400px;"></div>

how to remove tooltip and dataset in CanvasJS?

I use CanvasJS. Whenever the chart contains multiple dataSeries, it is recommended to represent each dataSeries in a legend(in jsfiddel ANS1,ANS2 is legend name) and hovers on a dataPoint or dataSeries, a toolTip appears with information about the dataPoint and dataSeries. when i click legend each then hide the data set and remove graph bar but not on hover tooltip.
1. 1st Image is correct because 2 tooltip and 2 dataset
when i click ANC1 it hide but tooltip still show.
2. 2nd Image is incorrect because still 2 tooltip and 1 dataset
My Code in
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer",
text: "title"
title: "xxxxxxxxxx",
labelAngle: 135,
labelFontSize: 23
title:"Number of Services"
axisY2: {
title: "Number of Eligible Couple",
titleFontSize: 25,
toolTip: {
enabled: true,
shared: true },
animationEnabled: true,
horizontalAlign: "center", // left, center ,right
verticalAlign: "top", // top, center, bottom
itemclick: function(e) {
if (typeof (e.dataSeries.visible) === "undefined" || e.dataSeries.visible) {
e.dataSeries.visible = false;
e.dataSeries.visible = true;
data: [
type: "column",
name: "ANC1",
showInLegend: "true",
visible: true,
dataPoints: [{label:"ROY2",x:0,y:36},{label:"ROY3",x:1,y:36}]
type: "column",
name: "ANC2",
showInLegend: "true",
visible: true,
dataPoints: [{label:"ROY2",x:0,y:56},{label:"ROY3",x:1,y:36}]
You can set up a custom tooltip
Code for your case:
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer",
toolTip: {
enabled: true,
shared: true,
contentFormatter: function(e){
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < e.entries.length; i++){
var temp = (e.entries[i] + ': '+ e.entries[i].dataPoint.y);
str = str.concat(temp, '<br>');
return (str);

Pie Chart not created when one record in data uses Flot chart

If only one record in data then pie chart not display. I'm using Flot chart.
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function () {
var data = [{
label: "Series1",
data: 1
}, ];
$.plot($("#graph11"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
tilt: 0.5,
label: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
formatter: function (label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + Math.round(series.percent) + '%</div>';
background: {
opacity: 0.8
combine: {
color: '#999',
threshold: 0.1
legend: {
show: false
When only one record in data then pie chart not display.
Code looks fine.
If you are running this in older versions of IE (<=7):
var data = [{
label: "Series1",
data: 1
}, ]; // <--remove the trailing comma
It'll die on the trailing comma.

