Removing duplicate rows using Google App Scripts - javascript

I have a Google Sheet with two tabs that I want to check rows and delete duplicates from. However, the requirement for both is slightly different.
On tab submittedMatches I have data imported from a Google Form into columns A:C where a script on form submit then grabs data from an API and populates D:J and finally, K:M has a custom formula inserted via a script. The range of data being A2:M
The problem I am having is that a) I'm new to all of this, and b) when I try to remove duplicates (people can submit the same thing twice from the form) the only solution I have found copies all the rows, removes the duplicates and pastes the unique rows again so I lose the formulas.
I have the script checking columns B (this just has a letter from A-Z) and C (a unique ID) for duplicates, e.g., If row 2 and 3 have an "A" in column B and "123456" in column C, then this is a duplicate. For reference, this is what I had working:
function removeDuplicates() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var newData = [];
for (var i in data) {
var row = data[i];
var duplicate = false;
for (var j in newData) {
if(row[2] == newData[j][2] && row[3] == newData[j][3]){
duplicate = true;
if (!duplicate) {
sheet.getRange(1, 1, newData.length, newData[0].length).setValues(newData);
What I need to happen is the script check for the duplicate rows based on data in columns B and C and remove them, but the formula in K:M must be preserved. Either by just removing the data from A:J or by another method.
Additionally, I'm assuming I need to make sure this is only run on the tab 'submittedMatches' and not other tabs on the sheet.

I solved this. Sorry. Always the way when you eventually ask for help after hours of trying.
I set a conditional format on B and C with: =countifs($B$1:$B1,$B1,$C$1:$C1,$C1)>1
I set the background colour to #fefefe and made the font red and bold. I then added the below script to check for cells with a #fefefe background and remove them.
function deleteDuplicateMatches() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('submittedMatches');
//Only get range with data (non-empty cells)
var firstCol = sheet.getDataRange();
//Save data validation rules based on the first row
var dataValRules = sheet.getRange('A2:M2').getDataValidations();
var maxRow = firstCol.getNumRows();
for (var row=1; row<=maxRow; row++){
//Delete row with background color of gray #fefefe
if(sheet.getRange(row,1).getBackground() == "#fefefe"){
//since current row was deleted adjust current data set
//this will handle scenarios with succeeding duplicates
//insert new row at the end and set data validation rules


How to copy values from one sheet and paste them into another using Google Sheets Macros?

I'm writing a Google Sheets Macros without having a lot of knowledge about syntax.
What I want to do is the following:
I want to copy the values which are matching in a source matrix into another table. However, I don't know how to write that as a Macros.
I've written the following code:
function CalcularCruces() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sourceSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Cruces Activo-Amenazas");
var destinationSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("AnĂ¡lisis de Riesgos");
/** Total number of left column values from source table **/
const maxAmenazas = 29;
for(var i = 0; i < maxAmenazas; i++) {
/** Now I need to get the column and row values which are matching with the checkbox
and paste them into another table **/
Here is an example of the input table and how the output table should look like after executing the macros.
Input Table Sheet
Output Table Sheet
I need the data to be written next to this static columns:
Actual Output
Desired Output
You can do the following:
Retrieve the data from the source sheet via getDataRange and getValues.
For each row in this data (excluding the headers row, that has been retrieved and removed from the array with shift), check which columns have the checkbox marked.
If the corresponding checkbox is marked, write the corresponding values to the destination sheet with setValues.
It could be something like this:
function CalcularCruces() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sourceSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Cruces Activo-Amenazas");
var destinationSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("AnĂ¡lisis de Riesgos");
var values = sourceSheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // 2D array with all data from source sheet
var headers = values.shift(); // Remove and retrieve the headers row
for (var i = 1; i < values[0].length; i++) { // Iterate through each column
for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { // Iterate through each row
var activo = values[j][0]; // Activo corresponding to this row
if (values[j][i]) { // Check that checkbox is marked
// Get the row index to write to (first row in which column A and B are empty):
var firstRow = 2;
var firstCol = 1;
var numRows = destinationSheet.getLastRow() - firstRow + 1;
var numCols = 2;
var firstEmptyRow = destinationSheet.getRange(firstRow, firstCol, numRows, numCols).getValues().filter(function(row) {
return row[0] !== "" && row[1] !== "";
}).length + firstRow;
// Write data to first row with empty columns A/B:
destinationSheet.getRange(firstEmptyRow, firstCol, 1, numCols).setValues([[headers[i], activo]]);
All data is added to the target sheet every time the script is run, and this can lead to duplicate rows. If you want to avoid that, you can use clearContent at the beginning of your script, after declaring destinationSheet, to remove all previous content (headers excluded):
In this sample, the number of amenazas is not hard-coded, but it dynamically gets the number of rows in the source sheet with getValues().length. I'm assuming that's a good outcome for you.
UPDATE: Since you have other columns in your target sheet, you cannot use appendRow but setValues. First, you have to find the index of the first row in which columns A and B are empty. This is achieved with filtering the array of values in columns A-B and filtering out the elements in which the two values are empty (with filter).

Google Apps Script Copying a column in one sheet, transposing it, then pasting to another

I have a sheet that is set up in the template of a form, with data prompts like Name, ID#, etc. in column A and the actual data that is inputted in column B. I have created a button labeled 'Submit Form' that is linked to the script. What I want this script to achieve is to copy only the data from a specific range in column B, then paste that data into the next empty row in a new sheet to create a sort of database of the form responses. It will also clear the data from the range in column B on the original sheet.
I already have a way to clear the selected range on the original sheet, as well as a way to copy the selected range to the new sheet while automatically starting from the first empty row. I am having trouble transposing the data, however, since it pastes into a column like the original data, as opposed to pasting into a row.
function submitForm() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("RMA");
var sheet2 = ss.getSheetByName('RMA Database');
var values = sheet2.getRange("A:A").getValues();
var maxIndex = values.reduce(function(maxIndex, row, index) {
return row[0] === "" ? maxIndex : index;
}, 0);
sheet2.setActiveRange(sheet2.getRange(maxIndex + 2, 1))
Try this:
I don't see the point of this line var values = sheet2.getRange("A:A").getValues(); so I just omitted it
function runOne() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("RMA");
var sheet2 = ss.getSheetByName('RMA Database');
var vA=sheet1.getRange("B5:B25").getValues().map(function(r){return r[0]});

Is it possible to pull different data sets from one column?

I've been trying to write some code that looks down one column with strings based on some simple formulas. I can't seem to get it to recognize the different sets of data and paste them where I want them.
I have tried re writing the code a few different ways in which is looks at all the data and just offsets the destination row by 1. But it does not recognize that it is pull different data.
Below is the code that works. What it does is starts from the 1st column 2nd row (where my data starts). The data is a list like;
1 Customer1
2 item1
3 item2
4 Item3
6 Customer2
7 Item1
The formulas that I have in those cells just concatenates some other cells.
Using a loop it looks through column A and find the blank space. It then "breaks" whatever number it stops on, the numerical A1 notation of the cell, it then finds the values for those cells and transposes them In another sheet in the correct row.
The issue I am having with the code this code that has worked the best is it doesn't read any of the cells as blank
(because of the formulas?) and it transposes all to the same row.
function transpose(){
var data = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var input =data.getSheetByName("EMAIL INPUT");
var output = data.getSheetByName("EMAIL OUTPUT");
var lr =input.getLastRow();
for (var i=2;i<20;i++){
var cell = input.getRange(i, 1).getValue();
if (cell == ""){
var set = input.getRange(2, 1, i-1).getValues();
output.getRange(2,1,set[0].length,set.length) .
.setValues(Object.keys(set[0]).map ( function (columnNumber) {
return function (row) {
return row[columnNumber];
What I need the code to do is look through all the data and separate the sets of data by a condition.
Then Transpose that information on another sheet. Each set (or array) of data will go into a different row. With each component filling across the column (["customer1", "Item1","Item2"].
Is it Possible to pull different data sets from a single column and turn them into arrays? I believe being able to do that will work if I use "appendrow" to tranpose my different arrays to where I need them.
Test for the length of cell. Even if it is a formula, it will evaluate the result based on the value.
if (cell.length !=0){
// the cell is NOT empty, so do this
// the cell IS empty, so do this instead
This code takes your objective and completes the transposition of data.
The code is not as efficient as it might/should because it includes getRange and setValues inside the loop.
Ideally the entire Output Range could/should be set in one command, but the (unanswered) challenge to this is knowing in advance the maximum number rows per contiguous range so that blank values can be set for rows that have less than the maximum number of rows.
This would be a worthwhile change to make.
function so5671809203() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var inputsheetname = "EMAIL_INPUT";
var inputsheet = ss.getSheetByName(inputsheetname);
var outputsheetname = "EMAIL_OUTPUT";
var outputsheet = ss.getSheetByName(outputsheetname);
var inputLR =inputsheet.getLastRow();
Logger.log("DEBUG: the last row = "+inputLR);
var inputrange = inputsheet.getRange(1, 1,inputLR+1);
Logger.log("the input range = "+inputrange.getA1Notation());
var values = inputrange.getValues();
var outputval=[];
var outputrow=[];
var counter = 0; // to count number of columns in array
for (i=0;i<inputLR+1;i++){
Logger.log("DEBUG: Row:"+i+", Value = "+values [i][0]+", Length = "+values [i][0].length);
if (values [i][0].length !=0){
// add this to the output sheet
outputrow.push(values [i][0]);
counter = counter+1;
Logger.log("DEBUG: value = "+values [i][0]+" to be added to array. New Array Value = "+outputrow+", counter = "+counter);
// do nothing with the cell, but add the existing values to the output sheet
Logger.log("DEBUG: Found a space - time to update output");
// push the values onto an clean array
// reset the row array
outputrow = [];
// get the last row of the output sheet
var outputLR =outputsheet.getLastRow();
Logger.log("DEBUG: output last row = "+outputLR);
// defie the output range
var outputrange = outputsheet.getRange((+outputLR+1),1,1,counter);
Logger.log("DEBUG: the output range = "+outputrange.getA1Notation());
// update the values with array
// reset the row counter
counter = 0;
//reset the output value array
Email Input and Output Sheets

Google sheets script (javascript) compare loop ignoring bottom 2 rows in spreadsheet

I wrote a script that compares rows between two sheets and deletes all matching rows on the second sheet (named 'temp'). I set the loop to start at the end of temp and decrement, working toward the top. The script works but it ignores the bottom two rows on 'temp' can I fix this? I want to ensure it will delete the bottom two rows on temp when they match the data set from the other sheet.
I have confirmed that the bottom two rows are in fact duplicates and should be caught by the script and deleted.
function trimTempSheet() {
var ss, s, s1, dt;
var dirname='X DIR'
var fs, f, fls, fl, name;
var ncols=1,i, newRows, rw;
s=ss.getSheetByName('Report Results');
name = 'temp';
//Load current sheet to compare
var currentDataSet = s.getRange("A:S").getValues(); //Ignore final columns
var newSheet = ss.getSheetByName(name);
//Load imported data to compare
var newData = newSheet.getRange("A:S").getValues();
var headers = newData.shift();
//Create empty array to store data to be written [to add later]
//Compare data from newData with current data
for(var i = newData.length-1; i > 0; --i)
for(var j in currentDataSet)
if(newData[i].join() == currentDataSet[j].join() )
How about this modification?
From :
for(var i = newData.length-1; i > 0; --i)
To :
for(var i = newData.length-1; i >= 0; --i)
Note :
About "the bottom two rows on 'temp'",
By above modification, one loop is added to the for loop.
In your script, the first element of newData is removed by var headers = newData.shift();. By this, newData decreases one element.
For example, how about also removing this line?
If this modification was not useful for you, I'm sorry. At that time, can you show us your sample spreadsheet?
I do not know the optimal way to force the script to look at and delete the last row first, without skipping it. So I changed the delete line to "newSheet.deleteRow(i+1);"
Will this produce any unintended row deletes based on my iteration loops? I am not an expert at how google scripts handles arrays. I assume the loops will examine rows in newData (the sheet named 'temp) sequentially, from the last row to the first. In which case my solution would be acceptable. But I am not certain of this.

Google app script - looping through the rows in a spreadsheet

I am trying to loop through rows within a spreadsheet and identify if a particular row has the key word "hello" and move that entire row into a new spreadsheet.
I have attempted the following code. The code works for the first row but doesn't loop through and stops after the first row. Expanding the range selection to "C1:E32" does not help.
function Edit(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var activatedSheetName = ss.getActiveSheet().getName();
var ActiveSheet = ss.getSheetByName("ActiveSheet"); // source sheet
var MoveDatatoThisSheet = ss.getSheetByName("MoveDatatoThisSheet"); // target sheet
var re = new RegExp(/(Hello)/i);
var startRow = 1;
var endRow = ss.getLastRow();
var getRange = ss.getDataRange();
var getRow = getRange.getRow();
for (var ree = startRow; ree <= endRow; ree++) {
// if the value in column D is "Approved", move the row to target sheet
cellValue = ss.getRange("C1:E1");
if (cellValue.getValue().match(re)) {
// insert a new row at the second row of the target sheet
MoveDatatoThisSheet.insertRows(2, 1);
// move the entire source row to the second row of target sheet
var rangeToMove = ActiveSheet.getRange(/*startRow*/ getRow, /*startColumn*/ 1, /*numRows*/ 1, /*numColumns*/ ActiveSheet.getMaxColumns());
// add date and time of when approved to target row in column E
// delete row from source sheet
ActiveSheet.deleteRow(cellValue, 1);
Your loop never uses the variable ree, it only operates with cellValue = ss.getRange("C1:E1").
Another problem is that deletion shifts the rows under the deleted one, possibly causing subsequent operations to act on a wrong row. When you go through an array of rows, deleting some of them, do it bottom up, not top down.
for (var ree = endRow; ree >= startRow; ree--) {
var rangeToCheck = ss.getRange(ree, 3, 1, 3); // 3 columns starting with column 3, so C-E range
if (rangeToCheck.getValues()[0].join().match(re)) { // joining values before checking the expression
var rangeToMove = ActiveSheet.getRange(/*startRow*/ getRow, /*startColumn*/ 1, /*numRows*/ 1, /*numColumns*/ ActiveSheet.getMaxColumns());
// add date and time of when approved to target row in column E
// delete row from source sheet
If the goal is to check only column D (say), the code simplifies slightly
var rangeToCheck = ss.getRange(ree, 4); // column D in row ree
if (rangeToCheck.getValue().match(re)) { // joining values before checking the expression
As Google recommends, one should avoid multiple calls to getValues / setValues and such, instead grabbing all necessary data at once, processing it, and making batch changes at once. E.g., instead of placing it a row in another sheet, add it to an array; when the loop ends, place the entire array in that sheet.

