Why would I use 'useReduce' in react while implementing global scoped states? - javascript

So after coding a complete web application with react with props-drilling so deep like you've never seen before, you shouldn't, I've decided to give react 'contexts' a go. I read the react documentation, and I've decided to make my states(which seriously need help because they're so deeply rooted into components after components) in a separate file:
-create a 'context.js' filee
-Inside I'm gonna have: [and notice I have two states inside]
import { createContext } from 'react'
export const context = createContext();
export default function ContextProvider (props) {
const [state1, setState1] = useState();
const [state2, setState2] = useState();
return (
<context.provider value={[state1, setState1, state2, setState2]}>
Now all I have to do is import this component where I want to make these states visible, use destructuring like so:
//inside a functional component
const [state1, setState1] = useContext(context); //assuming I only need state1 in this component
Now my question is how efficient this approach is. And in some blogs I read about using context with hooks, every one I read used 'useReduce' hook. Could someone explain why 'useReduce' was used, that is what problem does it solve and how. That'll be appreciated.

This is not efficient at all: any time you call setState1() it will cause re-render of <ContextProvider>, and thus of entire app, which is presumably wrapped into <ContextProvider>.
Consider to check my library for global state management with context: https://www.npmjs.com/package/#dr.pogodin/react-global-state :)

I feel like this this question is pretty relevant here: Fast changing states without Redux (at the end of the day, useReducer and useState should be equally efficient in terms of performance? I'm not an expert here though).
Also, useReducer is better for handling complex state, which usually happens when you start using Contexts or Redux.
If you want to have an object like this in your state
user: {
options: { ... },
settings: { ... }
You REALLY should use useReducer (especially if you're in a situation where changing in the options relies on knowing what the settings are) and have the complicated logic be handled through the dispatch, rather than jumping through hoops and trying to get it to work with useState. At the end of the day, they do pretty much the same thing in that they "handle state", if you want to know more about the nuances, best way to do it is to read the docs: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usereducer.
Again, I'm not an expert but I've made a fair few attempts at looking into "performance in React" and from what I've gathered, rerenders due to state change are rarely the problem. Usually you'll have something in a child component that relies on performing an expensive calculation on a prop, and the correct solution isn't to "prevent the rerender" but instead to do something like "move the expensive calculation up" so it only needs to happen once per render rather than n children per render.


React hooks callback ref pattern

I often face this situation with react callbacks:
const MyComponent = ({ onLoad }) => {
useEffect => {
// some stuff
onLoad(/* args */);
}, [onLoad]);
return (<div />);
The problem is. I consider my component should only load one time. And with useEffect, i have to set onLoad in the dependencies, this cause any change to the onLoad prop to trigger the effect.
I generally solve this issue with a ref
const MyComponent = ({ onLoad: _onLoad }) => {
const onLoadRef = useRef(_onLoad);
onLoadRef.current = _onLoad;
useEffect => {
// some stuff
onLoadRef.current(/* args */);
}, []); // No dependencies anymore
return (<div />);
It works well and solve a lot of similar problems, but i find it a bit ugly, and not really beginner-friendly. I wonder if there is better solutions, or if what i do is an anti-patern ?
As from the comments above: This is a good resource for how to use useEffect
This article specifically highlights the main reasons on why you need to think of useEffect differently from the Class Component lifecycle methods.
We often times do some setup when the component first mounts like a
network call or a subscription. We have taught ourselves to think in
terms of "moments in time" with things like componentDidMount(),
componentDidUpdate(), and componentWillUnmount(). It's natural to take
that prior knowledge of React and to seek 1:1 equivalents in hooks. I
did it myself and I think everyone does at first. Often times I'll
hear in my workshops...
"What is the hooks equivalent to [some lifecycle method]?"
The quick answer is that hooks are a paradigm shift from thinking in
terms of "lifecycles and time" to thinking in terms of "state and
synchronization with DOM". Trying to take the old paradigm and apply
it to hooks just doesn't work out very well and can hold you back.
It also gives a good run through of the useEffect and an example of converting from a Class Component to hooks.
Another good source is https://overreacted.io/a-complete-guide-to-useeffect/ from Dan Abramov. I definitely recommend this even though it's very long to read. It really helped me when I first got started using hooks to think about them the right way.
Here's a small excerpt from the beginning of the article.
But sometimes when you useEffect, the pieces don’t quite fit together.
You have a nagging feeling that you’re missing something. It seems
similar to class lifecycles… but is it really? You find yourself
asking questions like:
🤔 How do I replicate componentDidMount with useEffect?
🤔 How do I correctly fetch data inside useEffect? What is []?
🤔 Do I need to specify functions as effect dependencies or not?
🤔 Why do I sometimes get an infinite refetching loop?
🤔 Why do I sometimes get an old state or prop value inside my effect?
When I just started using Hooks, I was confused by all of those
questions too. Even when writing the initial docs, I didn’t have a
firm grasp on some of the subtleties. I’ve since had a few “aha”
moments that I want to share with you. This deep dive will make the
answers to these questions look obvious to you.
To see the answers, we need to take a step back. The goal of this
article isn’t to give you a list of bullet point recipes. It’s to help
you truly “grok” useEffect. There won’t be much to learn. In fact,
we’ll spend most of our time unlearning.
It’s only after I stopped looking at the useEffect Hook through the
prism of the familiar class lifecycle methods that everything came
together for me.
In terms of the original question above, using refs is a good way to be able to not have your effect have specific functions and values as dependencies.
In particular they are good if you "you want to read the latest rather than captured value inside some callback defined in an effect"
For this example from the poster:
const MyComponent = ({ onLoad: _onLoad }) => {
const onLoadRef = useRef(_onLoad);
onLoadRef.current = _onLoad;
useEffect => {
// some stuff
onLoadRef.current(/* args */);
}, []); // No dependencies anymore
return (<div />);
This is a completely valid way of doing things, though depending on the args that onLoad takes, and how it works, it might be a good idea to add extra items to the dependency array to make it always in sync.
You could abstract away the wonkiness of the useRef here, but unfortunately the rules of hooks eslint plugin wouldn't recognize it as a ref. It would work, you'd just need to add the onLoadRef to the dependency array, though it would never cause the effect to re-run. It's similar to things like dispatch from react-redux where you know it is stable, but the eslint plugin can't know that.
function useRefUpdater(value) {
const ref = useRef(value);
// I forget where I saw that you should change the ref in a useEffect
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
}, [value]);
return ref;
const MyComponent = ({ onLoad: _onLoad }) => {
const onLoadRef = useRefUpdater(_onLoad)
useEffect(() => {
// some stuff
onLoadRef.current(/* args */);
}, []);
// React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'onLoadRef'. Either include it or remove the dependency array.
return <div />;

Why Is React Context.Provider Necessary (Or useful)?

The reason React has contexts is to allow for multiple sibling components to share a piece of state-data. It is the go-to method for allowing two unrelated components to read/write in shared variables. The reason it is necessary is that React has no way to easily source a data value to multiple screens without actually passing that data between screens. Instead, it allows each screen access to the data when it needs it.
So... The implementation requires that a component be created, called a Context.Provider component, and then you have to wrap the components who need access to the shared data inside the Context.Provider. But why? Why on earth is that a requirement? Contexts are designed sharing data between components who aren't hierarchally related, and were required to put the components within a heirarchy to do so?
It would be 100 times more straight forward and just as effective to simply drop the requirement of using a Context.Provider, simple have the useContext function give access to a set variable by default:
// In ctx.js
import React from 'react';
export default CTX = React.createContext({val: "value"});
// In compA.js
import CTX from './ctx.js';
import {useContext} from 'react';
function A(props) {
var [context, setContext] = useContext(CTX);
console.log(context); //Logs {val: 'value'};
setContext({val: "newValue"});
Then later on, assuming component B renders after A:
import CTX from './ctx.js';
import {useContext} from 'react';
function B(props) {
var [context, setContext] = useContext(CTX);
console.log(context); //Logs {val: 'newValue'};
The above usage, if it actually worked, solves the task of "sharing data between unrelated components", and is much much simpler than requiring an entire new component be defined in the context file. This solution is better because:
1. No required restructuring of the application. You don't need to wrap components in a provider.
2. Any Components can just ask for any shared state easily, and they can set the shared state easily.
3. Easier to understand with much less code involved (One line of code for import and one line to initiate the context).
4. Doesn't sacrifice anything. This method allows for easy sharing of state between components, which is the entire reason of contexts in the first place.
Am I crazy? Is there a legitamate reason that we'd absolutely need to wrap our components up in a special component to share data?.. Why can't the shared state just exist independently? Its like they chose a bad solution... Why make every developer wrap there components in another component before using shared state, why not just let the developer use the damned shared state when they need to use it instead of jumping through a hoop? Someone please educate me.
Edit: One answer said that with my described method we wouldn't be able to access multiple contexts with a single component. That is false. It is actually easier with my described method:
// In context.js
export const CTX = React.createContext({val: "val"});
export const CTX2 = React.createContext({val2: "val2"});
// In app.js
function App(props) {
const [state, setState] = useContext(CTX);
const [state2, setState2] = userContext(CTX2);
return (<></>);
Easy. No need for Context.Provider. This is multiple contexts being used in one component, requiring just two calls to useContext versus wrapping your entire application in two nested contexts, which is what is what you have to do with current Context.Provider method...
Mate, answer is simple. React component only re-renders when it's props or state changes. Without Context.Provider component react will never understand when to re-render child components, thus you will have stale, render-blocked components.
The purpose for having a Context Provider wrap around children is to keep track of state and props, read on how state and props between parents and children affect each other. If there was no way for the Context Provider to keep track of its children, how would the components that use the Context be able to update(Changing parent state affects children, so there may be rerendering).
It's also important to understand React's philosophy and it's focus on components, it is a component-based library after all.
Important thing to remember:
Parent state change will affect children, so if state changes in parent, children components will be reevaluated and depending on how your components, state, and data are optimized (memo, callback, etc.) a rerender may occur, thus updating those children components as well.
Contexts Are Made To Handle All Use Cases
I've since spent more time using Contexts in my applications and have come to realize that Context.Provider is quite useful in a variety of situations. My initial complaint has merit in that often times when using Context we are simply wanting a variant of state that can be shared between components. In this common use case, Context.Provider does indeed requires us to write a bit of unnecessary boilerplate code and requires us to wrap elements in the provider so that they have access to the context.
However any time our shared state becomes a little more complicated having a dedicated Context.Provider component can make our lives a lot easier. Here is a use case to consider
Shared Data From External Sources (Post, Get)
Contexts may allow us to store any code related to the initialization of the shared state within the context itself, resulting in more easily readable and maintainable code. For example, lets say we have some user text posts on our server that are displayed by multiple components within our application, and we would also like for our users to be able to add new posts. All of this can be handled quite neatly within the Context.Provider:
import React, {useContext, useEffect, useState} from 'react';
export const PostsContext = React.createContext([]);
export default PostsContextProvider({children}) {
const [posts, setPosts] = useState([]);
function fetchPosts() {
// Here we will fetch the posts from our API, and then set the state
// stored within the Context.Provider equal to the fetched posts.
fetch('https://www.fakewebsite.com/api/posts/get', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
// Convert response to json
return response.json();
// json here is the posts we fetched from the server, so we set the state
// equal to this value. This will update the state within all components
// that are using the context.
// This function will run a single time when the application is started
function addNewPost(post) {
// This is the function that will be used by the components.
// First, we will send the new post to the server so that it can store it.
fetch('https://www.fakewebsite.com/api/posts/post', {
method: "POST",
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify({post: post})
if(response.ok) {
// The server has updated its database with our new post.
// Now we just need to fetch the posts from the server again to get the updated data.
return (
value={[posts, addNewPost]}
<PostsContext.Provider />
Notice that the value prop we are passing does not actually pass the state setter function directly. Instead, we pass the addNewPost function. So, when a component calls useContext(PostsContext) they will get the addNewPost function. This is extremely useful, it will allow our components to easily add a single post to the shared state, while also handling the server update! Very cool. With the solution I originally proposed, this would be impossible, because we would only ever get a simple state setting function from our useContext call.
Now, we must wrap our application in the provider to make it available to all components:
// App.js
import React from 'react';
import PostsContextProvider from './posts_context';
import MyComponent from './my_component';
import MyOtherComponent from './my_other_component';
export default function App() {
return (
At this point, MyComponent and MyOtherComponent now have access to the context using the useContext hook. It is now extremely simple for the components to access the posts data and also update it with a new post.
import React, {useContext} from 'react';
import {PostContext} from './posts_context';
export default function MyComponent() {
const [posts, addPost] = useContext(PostsContext); // 'posts' will always be up to date with the latest data thanks to the context.
import React, {useContext} from 'react';
import {PostContext} from './posts_context';
export default function MyOtherComponent() {
const [posts, addPost] = useContext(PostsContext);
function handleAddPost(title, text) {
// Now when this component wants to add a new post,
// we just use the `addPost` function from the context.
addPost({title, text});
The beauty of this is that all the code related to the fetching and posting of data can be neatly contained within the provider, separated from the UI code. Each component has easy access to the posts data, and when either component adds a new post the other component will be updated with the new data.
Final Thoughts
This is just scratching the surface of the usefulness of Context.Provider. It's easy to imagine using a Context.Provider to handle persistent data storage using a method very similar to the above, replacing the fetch calls with function that store/fetch persistent data. Or even, some combination of persistent data and fetched data.
Upon revisiting my original question, it actually made me laugh. I was sort of right, there should perhaps be a way to handle simple shared state between components that does not require wrapping components in a provider and does not require any provider code at all. However, providers are just so dang useful in any kind of state management within an application that it is actually probably a good thing to force people to use them for simple shared state, because then they will have to learn about this wonderful tool.

React useReducer Hook fires twice / how to pass props to reducer?

I am trying to use React's new hooks feature for an e-commerce website that I am building, and have been having an issue working a bug out of my shopping cart component.
I think it is relevant to preface the discussion with the fact that I am trying to keep my global state modular by using multiple Context components. I have a separate context component for the types of items that I offer, and a separate context component for the items in a person's shopping cart.
The issue I am having is that when I dispatch an action to add a component to my cart, the reducer will run twice as if I had added the item to my cart twice. But only when it is initially rendered, or for weird reasons such as the display is set to hidden and then back to block or for a change in the z-index and potentially other similar changes.
I know this is kind of verbose, but it is rather knit picky issue so I have created two codepens that showcase the issue:
full example
minimum example
You will see that I have included a button to toggle the display of the components. This will help showcase the correlation of the css to the issue.
Finally please monitor the console in the code pens, this will show all button clicks and which part of each reducer has been run. The issues are most evident in the full example, but the console statements display the issue is also present in the minimum example.
I have pinpointed the problem to be related to the fact that I am using the state of a useContext hook to get the items list. A function is called to generate the reducer for my useReducer hook, but only arises when a different hook is used AKA I could use a function that wouldn't be subject to re-eval like hook is and not have the issue, but I also need the info from my previous Context so that workaround doesn't really fix my issue.
Relevant Links
I have determined the issue is NOT an HTML issue so I will not include the links to the HTML fixes I have tried. The issue, while triggered by css, is not rooted in css so I will not include css links either.
useReducer Action dispatched twice
As you indicated, the cause is the same as the related answer of mine that you linked to. You are re-creating your reducer whenever Provider is re-rendered, so in some cases React will execute the reducer in order to determine whether or not it needs to re-render Provider and if it does need to re-render it will detect that the reducer is changed, so React needs to execute the new reducer and use the new state produced by it rather than what was returned by the previous version of the reducer.
When you can't just move the reducer out of your function component due to dependencies on props or context or other state, the solution is to memoize your reducer using useCallback, so that you only create a new reducer when its dependencies change (e.g. productsList in your case).
The other thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't worry too much about your reducer executing twice for a single dispatch. The assumption React is making is that reducers are generally going to be fast enough (they can't do anything with side effects, make API calls, etc.) that it is worth the risk of needing to re-execute them in certain scenarios in order to try to avoid unnecessary re-renders (which could be much more expensive than the reducer if there is a large element hierarchy underneath the element with the reducer).
Here's a modified version of Provider using useCallback:
const Context = React.createContext();
const Provider = props => {
const memoizedReducer = React.useCallback(createReducer(productsList), [productsList])
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(memoizedReducer, []);
return (
<Context.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>
Here is a modified version of your codepen: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/xBdVMp?editors=0011
Here are a couple answers related to useCallback that might be helpful if you aren't familiar with how to use this hook:
Trouble with simple example of React Hooks useCallback
React Hooks useCallback causes child to re-render
Seperate the Reducer from the functional component that helped me solve mine
An example based on Ryans excellent answer.
const memoizedReducer = React.useCallback((state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "addRow":
return [...state, 1];
case "deleteRow":
return [];
throw new Error();
}, []) // <--- if you have vars/deps inside the reducer that changes, they need to go here
const [data, dispatch] = React.useReducer(memoizedReducer, _data);
When I read some useContext source code, i found
const useContext = hook(class extends Hook {
call() {
if(!this._ranEffect) {
this._ranEffect = true;
if(this._unsubscribe) this._unsubscribe();
After the first time update, a effect like is called after the update. After the value is subscribed to the right context, for instance, resolving the value from Provider, it requests another update. This is not a loop, thanks to _ranEffect flag.
Seems to me if above is true for React, the render engine are called twice.

Update react context outside of a consumer?

I am trying to understand how the new react context API works.
In redux, it is possible for a component to have knowledge of dispatch actions without knowing state. This allows updates to redux state without causing a rerender of components that don't care about that state.
For example I could have
<Updater onClick={updateCount}/>
<Consumer value={count}/>
Updater is connected to dispatch(updateCount()) and Consumer is connected to count's current value via state.count. When state.count is updated, only the Consumer rerenders. To me, that's a crucial behavior.
In react context, it seems very difficult to duplicate this behavior. I'd like to be able to update state without causing unnecessary rerenders of components that want to alter the context but don't actually care about the state.
How would it be possible for components to trigger updates to context if they are not inside a consumer? And I definitely don't want to trigger an update to the entire tree by setting state at the provider level.
interesting question. Not sure you can without at least an extra layer (but happy to be shown wrong).
Maybe using Memo or PureComponent to minimise the re-rendering?
import React, { memo } from 'react';
function Widget({ setContext }) {
return <button onClick={setContext}/>Click Me</button>;
export default memo(Widget);
function Wrap() {
const { setSession } = useContext(SessionContext);
return <Widget setSession={setSession} />;
One possible solution is to transform your consumer components into pure components and check against the values each component really cares about.
This can be easily done using the onlyUpdateForKeys HOC from recompose.
you can try this library react-hooks-in-callback to isolate the context from your component and pick only desired state values from it,
check this example

React functional component reinitialises local functions and variables on re render (React Hooks)

So I have started using React hooks now. I have been experimenting with the API for some time now. i really like the idea of bringing the state to functional components. but there is this one thing which keeps on bothering me and it doesn't feel right in the gut when i am trying to use it. I tried posting on RFCs but it's too crowded there now. everything seems lost there.
Here is a piece of code from my example.
import React, { useState } from "react";
function Counter() {
const [counterState,incrementCounterState] = useCommontState(0);
function doSomething (){
// does something and then calls incrementCounterState
// with the updated state.
return (
<button onClick={incrementCounterState}>increase</button>
.... // some jsx calling local scoped functions.
function useCommontState(defaultValue){
var [state, setState] = useState(0);
function increment(){
return [state, increment]
export default Counter;
I can easily take out state and setState methods out and create a custom hook but my problem is with the local functions that are used by the component. since state is now part of the component there will be cases where some logic will decide what to do next with the state.
Also, when the component re-renders on state change everything gets reinitialized. which is my problem. I know that useState has its own way of handling the issue. but my problem is with my own functions. the click handlers. on change events, callbacks for child components etc. all that will be reinitialized everytime the component renders. this doesn't feel right to me.
Are there any ways by which we can work around it. it's a new API. we are not even sure if it will make into react 17. but has anyone come across any better way to do it?
I had the same concerns as well when I first saw the proposal, but this was addressed in the React Docs Hooks Proposal FAQ:
Are Hooks slow because of creating functions in render?
No. In modern browsers, the raw performance of closures compared to classes doesn’t differ significantly except in extreme scenarios.
My takeaway is that although you have additional overhead now in the repeated declarations per render, you have additional wins elsewhere:
Hooks avoid a lot of the overhead that classes require, like the cost of creating class instances and binding event handlers in the constructor.
Idiomatic code using Hooks doesn’t need the deep component tree nesting that is prevalent in codebases that use higher-order components, render props, and context. With smaller component trees, React has less work to do.
Overall the benefits might be more than the downsides which makes hooks worth using.
You can always simplify the code to take functions out so that they aren't initialised always, by passing the required values as constants.
import React, { useState } from "react";
function doSomething (counterState, incrementCounterState){
// does something and then calls incrementCounterState
// with the updated state.
function Counter() {
const [counterState,incrementCounterState] = useCommontState(0);
return (
<button onClick={incrementCounterState}>increase</button>
.... // some jsx calling local scoped functions.
function increment(defaultValue, setState){
setState(defaultValue + 1);
function useCommontState(defaultValue){
var [state, setState] = useState(0);
return [state, increment]
export default Counter;
Also in my opinion the function design being suggested in all the demos and docs is for people to get comfortable with it and then think about the re-initialization aspects. Also the cost that re-initialization would significanly be overpowered by the other benefits that it provides.
I'm using createOnce helper function to prevent reinitialises, But I'm not sure if it's correct or not.
import { useMemo } from 'react';
export const createOnce = toCreate => useMemo(() => toCreate, []);
const someFunction = createOnce((counter) => {
// whatever
return counter + 1;

