Javascript class.staticFunction vs this.constructor.staticFunction difference [duplicate] - javascript

What's the standard way to call static methods? I can think of using constructor or using the name of the class itself, I don't like the latter since it doesn't feel necessary. Is the former the recommended way, or is there something else?
Here's a (contrived) example:
class SomeObject {
this.n = n;
static print(n){

Both ways are viable, but they do different things when it comes to inheritance with an overridden static method. Choose the one whose behavior you expect:
class Super {
static whoami() {
return "Super";
lognameA() {
lognameB() {
class Sub extends Super {
static whoami() {
return "Sub";
new Sub().lognameA(); // Super
new Sub().lognameB(); // Sub
Referring to the static property via the class will be actually static and constantly give the same value. Using this.constructor instead will use dynamic dispatch and refer to the class of the current instance, where the static property might have the inherited value but could also be overridden.
This matches the behavior of Python, where you can choose to refer to static properties either via the class name or the instance self.
If you expect static properties not to be overridden (and always refer to the one of the current class), like in Java, use the explicit reference.

I stumbled over this thread searching for answer to similar case. Basically all answers are found, but it's still hard to extract the essentials from them.
Kinds of Access
Assume a class Foo probably derived from some other class(es) with probably more classes derived from it.
Then accessing:
from static method/getter of Foo class:
some probably overridden static method/getter:
some probably overridden instance method/getter:
impossible by design
own non-overridden static method/getter:
own non-overridden instance method/getter:
impossible by design
from instance method/getter of Foo class:
some probably overridden static method/getter:
some probably overridden instance method/getter:
own non-overridden static method/getter:
own non-overridden instance method/getter:
not possible by intention unless using some workaround: this )
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Foo.prototype,'<property>' )
Keep in mind that using this isn't working this way when using arrow functions or invoking methods/getters explicitly bound to custom value.
When in context of an instance's method/getter
this is referring to current instance.
super is basically referring to same instance, but somewhat addressing methods/getters written in context of some class current one is extending (by using the prototype of Foo's prototype).
definition of instance's class used on creating it is available per this.constructor.
When in context of a static method/getter there is no "current instance" by intention and so:
this is available to refer to the definition of current class directly.
super is not referring to some instance either, but to static methods/getters written in context of some class current one is extending.
Try this code:
class A {
constructor( input ) {
this.loose = this.constructor.getResult( input );
this.tight = A.getResult( input );
console.log( this.scaledProperty, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( A.prototype, "scaledProperty" ) this ) );
get scaledProperty() {
return parseInt( this.loose ) * 100;
static getResult( input ) {
return input * this.scale;
static get scale() {
return 2;
class B extends A {
constructor( input ) {
super( input );
this.tight = B.getResult( input ) + " (of B)";
get scaledProperty() {
return parseInt( this.loose ) * 10000;
static get scale() {
return 4;
class C extends B {
constructor( input ) {
super( input );
static get scale() {
return 5;
class D extends C {
constructor( input ) {
super( input );
static getResult( input ) {
return super.getResult( input ) + " (overridden)";
static get scale() {
return 10;
let instanceA = new A( 4 );
console.log( "A.loose", instanceA.loose );
console.log( "A.tight", instanceA.tight );
let instanceB = new B( 4 );
console.log( "B.loose", instanceB.loose );
console.log( "B.tight", instanceB.tight );
let instanceC = new C( 4 );
console.log( "C.loose", instanceC.loose );
console.log( "C.tight", instanceC.tight );
let instanceD = new D( 4 );
console.log( "D.loose", instanceD.loose );
console.log( "D.tight", instanceD.tight );

If you are planning on doing any kind of inheritance, then I would recommend this.constructor. This simple example should illustrate why:
class ConstructorSuper {
this.n = n;
static print(n){
console.log(, n);
class ConstructorSub extends ConstructorSuper {
this.n = n;
let test1 = new ConstructorSuper("Hello ConstructorSuper!");
let test2 = new ConstructorSub("Hello ConstructorSub!");
test1.callPrint() will log ConstructorSuper Hello ConstructorSuper! to the
test2.callPrint() will log ConstructorSub Hello ConstructorSub! to the console
The named class will not deal with inheritance nicely unless you explicitly redefine every function that makes a reference to the named Class. Here is an example:
class NamedSuper {
this.n = n;
static print(n){
console.log(, n);
class NamedSub extends NamedSuper {
this.n = n;
let test3 = new NamedSuper("Hello NamedSuper!");
let test4 = new NamedSub("Hello NamedSub!");
test3.callPrint() will log NamedSuper Hello NamedSuper! to the
test4.callPrint() will log NamedSuper Hello NamedSub! to the console
See all the above running in Babel REPL.
You can see from this that test4 still thinks it's in the super class; in this example it might not seem like a huge deal, but if you are trying to reference member functions that have been overridden or new member variables, you'll find yourself in trouble.


Access static properties of a child class without overriding accessors [duplicate]

What's the standard way to call static methods? I can think of using constructor or using the name of the class itself, I don't like the latter since it doesn't feel necessary. Is the former the recommended way, or is there something else?
Here's a (contrived) example:
class SomeObject {
this.n = n;
static print(n){
Both ways are viable, but they do different things when it comes to inheritance with an overridden static method. Choose the one whose behavior you expect:
class Super {
static whoami() {
return "Super";
lognameA() {
lognameB() {
class Sub extends Super {
static whoami() {
return "Sub";
new Sub().lognameA(); // Super
new Sub().lognameB(); // Sub
Referring to the static property via the class will be actually static and constantly give the same value. Using this.constructor instead will use dynamic dispatch and refer to the class of the current instance, where the static property might have the inherited value but could also be overridden.
This matches the behavior of Python, where you can choose to refer to static properties either via the class name or the instance self.
If you expect static properties not to be overridden (and always refer to the one of the current class), like in Java, use the explicit reference.
I stumbled over this thread searching for answer to similar case. Basically all answers are found, but it's still hard to extract the essentials from them.
Kinds of Access
Assume a class Foo probably derived from some other class(es) with probably more classes derived from it.
Then accessing:
from static method/getter of Foo class:
some probably overridden static method/getter:
some probably overridden instance method/getter:
impossible by design
own non-overridden static method/getter:
own non-overridden instance method/getter:
impossible by design
from instance method/getter of Foo class:
some probably overridden static method/getter:
some probably overridden instance method/getter:
own non-overridden static method/getter:
own non-overridden instance method/getter:
not possible by intention unless using some workaround: this )
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Foo.prototype,'<property>' )
Keep in mind that using this isn't working this way when using arrow functions or invoking methods/getters explicitly bound to custom value.
When in context of an instance's method/getter
this is referring to current instance.
super is basically referring to same instance, but somewhat addressing methods/getters written in context of some class current one is extending (by using the prototype of Foo's prototype).
definition of instance's class used on creating it is available per this.constructor.
When in context of a static method/getter there is no "current instance" by intention and so:
this is available to refer to the definition of current class directly.
super is not referring to some instance either, but to static methods/getters written in context of some class current one is extending.
Try this code:
class A {
constructor( input ) {
this.loose = this.constructor.getResult( input );
this.tight = A.getResult( input );
console.log( this.scaledProperty, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( A.prototype, "scaledProperty" ) this ) );
get scaledProperty() {
return parseInt( this.loose ) * 100;
static getResult( input ) {
return input * this.scale;
static get scale() {
return 2;
class B extends A {
constructor( input ) {
super( input );
this.tight = B.getResult( input ) + " (of B)";
get scaledProperty() {
return parseInt( this.loose ) * 10000;
static get scale() {
return 4;
class C extends B {
constructor( input ) {
super( input );
static get scale() {
return 5;
class D extends C {
constructor( input ) {
super( input );
static getResult( input ) {
return super.getResult( input ) + " (overridden)";
static get scale() {
return 10;
let instanceA = new A( 4 );
console.log( "A.loose", instanceA.loose );
console.log( "A.tight", instanceA.tight );
let instanceB = new B( 4 );
console.log( "B.loose", instanceB.loose );
console.log( "B.tight", instanceB.tight );
let instanceC = new C( 4 );
console.log( "C.loose", instanceC.loose );
console.log( "C.tight", instanceC.tight );
let instanceD = new D( 4 );
console.log( "D.loose", instanceD.loose );
console.log( "D.tight", instanceD.tight );
If you are planning on doing any kind of inheritance, then I would recommend this.constructor. This simple example should illustrate why:
class ConstructorSuper {
this.n = n;
static print(n){
console.log(, n);
class ConstructorSub extends ConstructorSuper {
this.n = n;
let test1 = new ConstructorSuper("Hello ConstructorSuper!");
let test2 = new ConstructorSub("Hello ConstructorSub!");
test1.callPrint() will log ConstructorSuper Hello ConstructorSuper! to the
test2.callPrint() will log ConstructorSub Hello ConstructorSub! to the console
The named class will not deal with inheritance nicely unless you explicitly redefine every function that makes a reference to the named Class. Here is an example:
class NamedSuper {
this.n = n;
static print(n){
console.log(, n);
class NamedSub extends NamedSuper {
this.n = n;
let test3 = new NamedSuper("Hello NamedSuper!");
let test4 = new NamedSub("Hello NamedSub!");
test3.callPrint() will log NamedSuper Hello NamedSuper! to the
test4.callPrint() will log NamedSuper Hello NamedSub! to the console
See all the above running in Babel REPL.
You can see from this that test4 still thinks it's in the super class; in this example it might not seem like a huge deal, but if you are trying to reference member functions that have been overridden or new member variables, you'll find yourself in trouble.

Javascript: accessing a class variable from a subclass method [duplicate]

What's the standard way to call static methods? I can think of using constructor or using the name of the class itself, I don't like the latter since it doesn't feel necessary. Is the former the recommended way, or is there something else?
Here's a (contrived) example:
class SomeObject {
this.n = n;
static print(n){
Both ways are viable, but they do different things when it comes to inheritance with an overridden static method. Choose the one whose behavior you expect:
class Super {
static whoami() {
return "Super";
lognameA() {
lognameB() {
class Sub extends Super {
static whoami() {
return "Sub";
new Sub().lognameA(); // Super
new Sub().lognameB(); // Sub
Referring to the static property via the class will be actually static and constantly give the same value. Using this.constructor instead will use dynamic dispatch and refer to the class of the current instance, where the static property might have the inherited value but could also be overridden.
This matches the behavior of Python, where you can choose to refer to static properties either via the class name or the instance self.
If you expect static properties not to be overridden (and always refer to the one of the current class), like in Java, use the explicit reference.
I stumbled over this thread searching for answer to similar case. Basically all answers are found, but it's still hard to extract the essentials from them.
Kinds of Access
Assume a class Foo probably derived from some other class(es) with probably more classes derived from it.
Then accessing:
from static method/getter of Foo class:
some probably overridden static method/getter:
some probably overridden instance method/getter:
impossible by design
own non-overridden static method/getter:
own non-overridden instance method/getter:
impossible by design
from instance method/getter of Foo class:
some probably overridden static method/getter:
some probably overridden instance method/getter:
own non-overridden static method/getter:
own non-overridden instance method/getter:
not possible by intention unless using some workaround: this )
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Foo.prototype,'<property>' )
Keep in mind that using this isn't working this way when using arrow functions or invoking methods/getters explicitly bound to custom value.
When in context of an instance's method/getter
this is referring to current instance.
super is basically referring to same instance, but somewhat addressing methods/getters written in context of some class current one is extending (by using the prototype of Foo's prototype).
definition of instance's class used on creating it is available per this.constructor.
When in context of a static method/getter there is no "current instance" by intention and so:
this is available to refer to the definition of current class directly.
super is not referring to some instance either, but to static methods/getters written in context of some class current one is extending.
Try this code:
class A {
constructor( input ) {
this.loose = this.constructor.getResult( input );
this.tight = A.getResult( input );
console.log( this.scaledProperty, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( A.prototype, "scaledProperty" ) this ) );
get scaledProperty() {
return parseInt( this.loose ) * 100;
static getResult( input ) {
return input * this.scale;
static get scale() {
return 2;
class B extends A {
constructor( input ) {
super( input );
this.tight = B.getResult( input ) + " (of B)";
get scaledProperty() {
return parseInt( this.loose ) * 10000;
static get scale() {
return 4;
class C extends B {
constructor( input ) {
super( input );
static get scale() {
return 5;
class D extends C {
constructor( input ) {
super( input );
static getResult( input ) {
return super.getResult( input ) + " (overridden)";
static get scale() {
return 10;
let instanceA = new A( 4 );
console.log( "A.loose", instanceA.loose );
console.log( "A.tight", instanceA.tight );
let instanceB = new B( 4 );
console.log( "B.loose", instanceB.loose );
console.log( "B.tight", instanceB.tight );
let instanceC = new C( 4 );
console.log( "C.loose", instanceC.loose );
console.log( "C.tight", instanceC.tight );
let instanceD = new D( 4 );
console.log( "D.loose", instanceD.loose );
console.log( "D.tight", instanceD.tight );
If you are planning on doing any kind of inheritance, then I would recommend this.constructor. This simple example should illustrate why:
class ConstructorSuper {
this.n = n;
static print(n){
console.log(, n);
class ConstructorSub extends ConstructorSuper {
this.n = n;
let test1 = new ConstructorSuper("Hello ConstructorSuper!");
let test2 = new ConstructorSub("Hello ConstructorSub!");
test1.callPrint() will log ConstructorSuper Hello ConstructorSuper! to the
test2.callPrint() will log ConstructorSub Hello ConstructorSub! to the console
The named class will not deal with inheritance nicely unless you explicitly redefine every function that makes a reference to the named Class. Here is an example:
class NamedSuper {
this.n = n;
static print(n){
console.log(, n);
class NamedSub extends NamedSuper {
this.n = n;
let test3 = new NamedSuper("Hello NamedSuper!");
let test4 = new NamedSub("Hello NamedSub!");
test3.callPrint() will log NamedSuper Hello NamedSuper! to the
test4.callPrint() will log NamedSuper Hello NamedSub! to the console
See all the above running in Babel REPL.
You can see from this that test4 still thinks it's in the super class; in this example it might not seem like a huge deal, but if you are trying to reference member functions that have been overridden or new member variables, you'll find yourself in trouble.

ES6: Accessing static member variables in classes created from Mixin [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JS & ES6: Access static fields from within class
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have created a class as per the official examples from MDN(
Here is my code
class A {
const Mixer = BaseClass => class extends BaseClass {
static val = 10;
class B extends Mixer(A) {
myMethod() {
// Need some way to access the static member "val"
How do I access "val"?
Without mixin(ie class B extends A, and val being a static in class A) I could have done "A.val".
In this scenario, Mixer.val does not work and as per my understanding B extends from an anonymous class, so there is no way to access the super class by name.
Edit: I put the question wrongly. My real problem was to access val in the Mixer itself. Accessing val in B is straight forward, as pointed out my the answers.
For example
const Mixer = BaseClass => class extends BaseClass {
static val = 10;
myMethod2() {
// log the val member
This was already discussed on SO numerous times, but this case likely needs some explanation. Generally, static properties and methods can be accessed from instance methods with this.constructor:
class B extends Mixer(A) {
myMethod() {
Where this.constructor === B, but this won't be true in classes that inherit from B.
There is no reason to refer to parent anonymous class directly in B, because val is inherited from it through prototype chain. This is the purpose of class inheritance.
That is because class fields are not yet in the ECMAScript standard. Your code works perfectly fine if you compile it with BabelJS and paste it to the browser console afterwards.
class B extends Mixer(A) {
myMethod() {
console.log(B.val); // logs 10
If you need to use ES2015 a quick trick is to use setters and getters.
class A {
var val = 10;
const Mixer = BaseClass => class extends BaseClass {
static get val() {
return val;
static set val(newVal) {
val = newVal;
class B extends Mixer(A) {
myMethod() {
// Need some way to access the static member "val"
// Use it
B.val; // 10
B.val = 15;
B.val; // 15
The es6 do not support static attribute, I dont know what babel do with the static val,but the truth is that what you test dont base on es6 specification. So you may use the static function to do the test

ES6: Why do extending classes need to explicitly call super? [duplicate]

Is it possible to extend a class in ES6 without calling the super method to invoke the parent class?
EDIT: The question might be misleading. Is it the standard that we have to call super() or am I missing something?
For example:
class Character {
console.log('invoke character');
class Hero extends Character{
super(); // exception thrown here when not called
console.log('invoke hero');
var hero = new Hero();
When I'm not calling super() on the derived class I'm getting a scope problem -> this is not defined
I'm running this with iojs --harmony in v2.3.0
The rules for ES2015 (ES6) classes basically come down to:
In a child class constructor, this cannot be used until super is called.
ES6 class constructors MUST call super if they are subclasses, or they must explicitly return some object to take the place of the one that was not initialized.
This comes down to two important sections of the ES2015 spec.
Section defines the logic to decide what this is in the function. The important part for classes is that it is possible for this be in an "uninitialized" state, and when in this state, attempting to use this will throw an exception.
Section 9.2.2, [[Construct]], which defines the behavior of functions called via new or super. When calling a base class constructor, this is initialized at step #8 of [[Construct]], but for all other cases, this is uninitialized. At the end of construction, GetThisBinding is called, so if super has not been called yet (thus initializing this), or an explicit replacement object was not returned, the final line of the constructor call will throw an exception.
The new ES6 class syntax is only an other notation for "old" ES5 "classes" with prototypes. Therefore you cannot instantiate a specific class without setting its prototype (the base class).
Thats like putting cheese on your sandwich without making it. Also you cannot put cheese before making the sandwich, so...
...using this keyword before calling the super class with super() is not allowed, too.
// valid: Add cheese after making the sandwich
class CheeseSandwich extend Sandwich {
constructor() {
this.supplement = "Cheese";
// invalid: Add cheese before making sandwich
class CheeseSandwich extend Sandwich {
constructor() {
this.supplement = "Cheese";
// invalid: Add cheese without making sandwich
class CheeseSandwich extend Sandwich {
constructor() {
this.supplement = "Cheese";
If you don’t specify a constructor for a base class, the following definition is used:
constructor() {}
For derived classes, the following default constructor is used:
constructor(...args) {
EDIT: Found this on
When used in a constructor, the super keyword appears alone and must be used before the this keyword can be used.
There have been multiple answers and comments stating that super MUST be the first line inside constructor. That is simply wrong. #loganfsmyth answer has the required references of the requirements, but it boil down to:
Inheriting (extends) constructor must call super before using this and before returning even if this isn't used
See fragment below (works in Chrome...) to see why it might make sense to have statements (without using this) before calling super.
'use strict';
var id = 1;
function idgen() {
return 'ID:' + id++;
class Base {
constructor(id) { = id;
toString() { return JSON.stringify(this); }
class Derived1 extends Base {
constructor() {
var anID = idgen() + ':Derived1';
this.derivedProp = this.baseProp * 2;
alert(new Derived1());
You can omit super() in your subclass, if you omit the constructor altogether in your subclass. A 'hidden' default constructor will be included automatically in your subclass. However, if you do include the constructor in your subclass, super() must be called in that constructor.
class A{
constructor(){ = 'hello';
class B extends A{
// console.log(; // ReferenceError
class C extends B{} // see? no super(). no constructor()
var x = new B; // hello
var y = new C; // hello
Read this for more information.
The answer by justyourimage is the easiest way, but his example is a little bloated. Here's the generic version:
class Base {
return this._constructor(...arguments);
// just use this as the constructor, no super() restrictions
class Ext extends Base {
_constructor(){ // _constructor is automatically called, like the real constructor = "easy"; // no need to call super();
Don't extend the real constructor(), just use the fake _constructor() for the instantiation logic.
Note, this solution makes debugging annoying because you have to step into an extra method for every instantiation.
Just registered to post this solution since the answers here don't satisfy me the least since there is actually a simple way around this. Adjust your class-creation pattern to overwrite your logic in a sub-method while using only the super constructor and forward the constructors arguments to it.
As in you do not create an constructor in your subclasses per se but only reference to an method that is overridden in the respective subclass.
That means you set yourself free from the constructor functionality enforced upon you and refrain to a regular method - that can be overridden and doesn't enforce super() upon you letting yourself the choice if, where and how you want to call super (fully optional) e.g.:
class Observable {
constructor() {
return this.ObjectConstructor(arguments);
ObjectConstructor(defaultValue, options) {
this.obj = { type: "Observable" };
console.log("Observable ObjectConstructor called with arguments: ", arguments);
console.log("obj is:", this.obj);
return this.obj;
class ArrayObservable extends Observable {
ObjectConstructor(defaultValue, options, someMoreOptions) {
this.obj = { type: "ArrayObservable" };
console.log("ArrayObservable ObjectConstructor called with arguments: ", arguments);
console.log("obj is:", this.obj);
return this.obj;
class DomainObservable extends ArrayObservable {
ObjectConstructor(defaultValue, domainName, options, dependent1, dependent2) {
this.obj = super.ObjectConstructor(defaultValue, options);
console.log("DomainObservable ObjectConstructor called with arguments: ", arguments);
console.log("obj is:", this.obj);
return this.obj;
var myBasicObservable = new Observable("Basic Value", "Basic Options");
var myArrayObservable = new ArrayObservable("Array Value", "Array Options", "Some More Array Options");
var myDomainObservable = new DomainObservable("Domain Value", "Domain Name", "Domain Options", "Dependency A", "Depenency B");
#Bergi mentioned, but I was looking for a concrete example proving that you can access this (or better, the reference to the object the client code is creating with new, see below) without having to call super() at all.
Talk is cheap, show me the code... So here is an example:
class A { // Parent
constructor() {
this.a = 123;
parentMethod() {
class B extends A { // Child
constructor() {
var obj = Object.create(
// You can interact with obj, which is effectively your `this` here, before returning
// it to the caller.
return obj;
childMethod(obj) {
console.log('this === obj ?', this === obj)
console.log('obj instanceof A ?', obj instanceof A);
console.log('obj instanceof B ?', obj instanceof B);
b = new B()
Which will output:
this === obj ? true
obj instanceof A ? true
obj instanceof B ? true
So you can see that we are effectively creating an object of type B (the child class) which is also an object of type A (its parent class) and within the childMethod() of child B we have this pointing to the object obj which we created in B's constructor with Object.create(
And all this without caring about super at all.
This leverages the fact that in JS a constructor can return a completely different object when the client code constructs a new instance with new.
Hope this helps someone.
class Character {
if(Object.getPrototypeOf(this) === Character.prototype){
console.log('invoke character');
class Hero extends Character{
super(); // throws exception when not called
console.log('invoke hero');
var hero = new Hero();
console.log('now let\'s invoke Character');
var char = new Character();
I would recommend to use OODK-JS if you intend to develop following OOP concepts.
OODK(function($, _){
var Character = $.class(function ($, µ, _){
$.public(function __initialize(){
$.log('invoke character');
var Hero = $.extends(Character).class(function ($, µ, _){
$.public(function __initialize(){
$.log('invoke hero');
var hero = $.new(Hero);
Simple solution: I think its clear no need for explanation.
class ParentClass() {
constructor(skipConstructor = false) { // default value is false
if(skipConstructor) return;
// code here only gets executed when 'super()' is called with false
class SubClass extends ParentClass {
constructor() {
super(true) // true for skipping ParentClass's constructor.
// code

How to extend a class without having to use super in ES6?

Is it possible to extend a class in ES6 without calling the super method to invoke the parent class?
EDIT: The question might be misleading. Is it the standard that we have to call super() or am I missing something?
For example:
class Character {
console.log('invoke character');
class Hero extends Character{
super(); // exception thrown here when not called
console.log('invoke hero');
var hero = new Hero();
When I'm not calling super() on the derived class I'm getting a scope problem -> this is not defined
I'm running this with iojs --harmony in v2.3.0
The rules for ES2015 (ES6) classes basically come down to:
In a child class constructor, this cannot be used until super is called.
ES6 class constructors MUST call super if they are subclasses, or they must explicitly return some object to take the place of the one that was not initialized.
This comes down to two important sections of the ES2015 spec.
Section defines the logic to decide what this is in the function. The important part for classes is that it is possible for this be in an "uninitialized" state, and when in this state, attempting to use this will throw an exception.
Section 9.2.2, [[Construct]], which defines the behavior of functions called via new or super. When calling a base class constructor, this is initialized at step #8 of [[Construct]], but for all other cases, this is uninitialized. At the end of construction, GetThisBinding is called, so if super has not been called yet (thus initializing this), or an explicit replacement object was not returned, the final line of the constructor call will throw an exception.
The new ES6 class syntax is only an other notation for "old" ES5 "classes" with prototypes. Therefore you cannot instantiate a specific class without setting its prototype (the base class).
Thats like putting cheese on your sandwich without making it. Also you cannot put cheese before making the sandwich, so...
...using this keyword before calling the super class with super() is not allowed, too.
// valid: Add cheese after making the sandwich
class CheeseSandwich extend Sandwich {
constructor() {
this.supplement = "Cheese";
// invalid: Add cheese before making sandwich
class CheeseSandwich extend Sandwich {
constructor() {
this.supplement = "Cheese";
// invalid: Add cheese without making sandwich
class CheeseSandwich extend Sandwich {
constructor() {
this.supplement = "Cheese";
If you don’t specify a constructor for a base class, the following definition is used:
constructor() {}
For derived classes, the following default constructor is used:
constructor(...args) {
EDIT: Found this on
When used in a constructor, the super keyword appears alone and must be used before the this keyword can be used.
There have been multiple answers and comments stating that super MUST be the first line inside constructor. That is simply wrong. #loganfsmyth answer has the required references of the requirements, but it boil down to:
Inheriting (extends) constructor must call super before using this and before returning even if this isn't used
See fragment below (works in Chrome...) to see why it might make sense to have statements (without using this) before calling super.
'use strict';
var id = 1;
function idgen() {
return 'ID:' + id++;
class Base {
constructor(id) { = id;
toString() { return JSON.stringify(this); }
class Derived1 extends Base {
constructor() {
var anID = idgen() + ':Derived1';
this.derivedProp = this.baseProp * 2;
alert(new Derived1());
You can omit super() in your subclass, if you omit the constructor altogether in your subclass. A 'hidden' default constructor will be included automatically in your subclass. However, if you do include the constructor in your subclass, super() must be called in that constructor.
class A{
constructor(){ = 'hello';
class B extends A{
// console.log(; // ReferenceError
class C extends B{} // see? no super(). no constructor()
var x = new B; // hello
var y = new C; // hello
Read this for more information.
The answer by justyourimage is the easiest way, but his example is a little bloated. Here's the generic version:
class Base {
return this._constructor(...arguments);
// just use this as the constructor, no super() restrictions
class Ext extends Base {
_constructor(){ // _constructor is automatically called, like the real constructor = "easy"; // no need to call super();
Don't extend the real constructor(), just use the fake _constructor() for the instantiation logic.
Note, this solution makes debugging annoying because you have to step into an extra method for every instantiation.
Just registered to post this solution since the answers here don't satisfy me the least since there is actually a simple way around this. Adjust your class-creation pattern to overwrite your logic in a sub-method while using only the super constructor and forward the constructors arguments to it.
As in you do not create an constructor in your subclasses per se but only reference to an method that is overridden in the respective subclass.
That means you set yourself free from the constructor functionality enforced upon you and refrain to a regular method - that can be overridden and doesn't enforce super() upon you letting yourself the choice if, where and how you want to call super (fully optional) e.g.:
class Observable {
constructor() {
return this.ObjectConstructor(arguments);
ObjectConstructor(defaultValue, options) {
this.obj = { type: "Observable" };
console.log("Observable ObjectConstructor called with arguments: ", arguments);
console.log("obj is:", this.obj);
return this.obj;
class ArrayObservable extends Observable {
ObjectConstructor(defaultValue, options, someMoreOptions) {
this.obj = { type: "ArrayObservable" };
console.log("ArrayObservable ObjectConstructor called with arguments: ", arguments);
console.log("obj is:", this.obj);
return this.obj;
class DomainObservable extends ArrayObservable {
ObjectConstructor(defaultValue, domainName, options, dependent1, dependent2) {
this.obj = super.ObjectConstructor(defaultValue, options);
console.log("DomainObservable ObjectConstructor called with arguments: ", arguments);
console.log("obj is:", this.obj);
return this.obj;
var myBasicObservable = new Observable("Basic Value", "Basic Options");
var myArrayObservable = new ArrayObservable("Array Value", "Array Options", "Some More Array Options");
var myDomainObservable = new DomainObservable("Domain Value", "Domain Name", "Domain Options", "Dependency A", "Depenency B");
#Bergi mentioned, but I was looking for a concrete example proving that you can access this (or better, the reference to the object the client code is creating with new, see below) without having to call super() at all.
Talk is cheap, show me the code... So here is an example:
class A { // Parent
constructor() {
this.a = 123;
parentMethod() {
class B extends A { // Child
constructor() {
var obj = Object.create(
// You can interact with obj, which is effectively your `this` here, before returning
// it to the caller.
return obj;
childMethod(obj) {
console.log('this === obj ?', this === obj)
console.log('obj instanceof A ?', obj instanceof A);
console.log('obj instanceof B ?', obj instanceof B);
b = new B()
Which will output:
this === obj ? true
obj instanceof A ? true
obj instanceof B ? true
So you can see that we are effectively creating an object of type B (the child class) which is also an object of type A (its parent class) and within the childMethod() of child B we have this pointing to the object obj which we created in B's constructor with Object.create(
And all this without caring about super at all.
This leverages the fact that in JS a constructor can return a completely different object when the client code constructs a new instance with new.
Hope this helps someone.
class Character {
if(Object.getPrototypeOf(this) === Character.prototype){
console.log('invoke character');
class Hero extends Character{
super(); // throws exception when not called
console.log('invoke hero');
var hero = new Hero();
console.log('now let\'s invoke Character');
var char = new Character();
I would recommend to use OODK-JS if you intend to develop following OOP concepts.
OODK(function($, _){
var Character = $.class(function ($, µ, _){
$.public(function __initialize(){
$.log('invoke character');
var Hero = $.extends(Character).class(function ($, µ, _){
$.public(function __initialize(){
$.log('invoke hero');
var hero = $.new(Hero);
Simple solution: I think its clear no need for explanation.
class ParentClass() {
constructor(skipConstructor = false) { // default value is false
if(skipConstructor) return;
// code here only gets executed when 'super()' is called with false
class SubClass extends ParentClass {
constructor() {
super(true) // true for skipping ParentClass's constructor.
// code

