material-ui and navigation button with component - javascript

Following the example at, i define in my main page a button:
<Box m={2}>
size="large" variant="contained"
color="primary" endIcon={<TimerIcon />}
Enter hours
Documentation states:
Routing libraries
The integration with third-party routing libraries is achieved with the component prop. The behavior is identical to the description of the prop above. Here are a few demos with react-router-dom. It covers the Button, Link, and List components, you should be able to apply the same strategy with all the components.
Now, based on the above, my understanding would be that the above would render a button that, when clicked, would get me to the SubmitTime component. Instead, I get the component itself rendered:
Being new to React and react-router-dom, i think i am doing something wrong, but can't understand what?? Any clue appreciated.
I tried adding 'to' to the component, like so, with same results:
size="large" variant="contained"
color="primary" endIcon={<TimerIcon />}
component={SubmitTime} to="/timesheet">
Enter hours

component is supposed to be the style of the button. Here you can see an example of using the button as a link: Also try reading the api:
If you want your button to function as a link, add the href="/timesheet" attribute to it. Else push the route to the history:
const history = useHistory();
size="large" variant="contained"
color="primary" endIcon={<TimerIcon />}
onClick={() => history.push("/timesheet")}
Enter hours


How to implement data update from one component which might affect other components

I am implementing a todo application which has several pages where each page displays a filtered list of all todos depending on the todos' references.
In addition, there is a global "Add task" button and modal from which users can add a task with references. Depending on which page the user is on when adding a task, this newly added task must either be shown right away because the reference is included in currently active page's filter or it must not be shown.
For example, if the user is on the page "Project 1"
If user adds task for Project 1 -> show on page
If user adds task for Project 2 -> don't show on page
Currently, App.js looks something like this
function App() {
return (
<Route path="/project1" element={<TaskListProject1 />} />
<Route path="/project2" element={<TaskListProject2 />} />
<Router />
<AddTaskButtonAndModal />
<Page />
How do I best set up and manage the state so that the components TaskListProject1 and TaskListProject2 are only updated if the added task must be included there?
I was thinking about adding the task from the AddTaskButtonAndModal component to the data base and then let the currently active component retrieve all their tasks from the data base again. For this, I would introduce a dummy state whose sole purpose is triggering a rerender of components like so
function App() {
const [dummyState, setDummyState] = useState(0);
return (
<Route path="/project1" element={<TaskListProject1 dummyState={dummyState} />} />
<Route path="/project2" element={<TaskListProject2 dummyState={dummyState} />} />
<Router />
<AddTaskButtonAndModal setDummyState={setDummyState} />
<Page />
...but that feels like I'm misusing states.
Another idea was to always have a complete list of all tasks in the top level state and let each component filter for their tasks when it is rendered. But then I need to always have all tasks in the state when only a fraction of tasks are actually needed.
As you can probably imagine, I'm new to React, so I might simply miss a basic concept. Thanks for any help!

Best way to change CSS in multiple components of the same component in React

I have a component that i'm using 3 times with different data which I am able to complete with the following code;
<Container className="mt-5">
{ => {
return (
<Col key={} className="pe-5 ps-5">
handleClick={(author) => setAuthor(author)}
However Im looking to change the CSS on each component once I click on one of the Author components. something like the below using native JS.
I have used the useState and useContext hooks but I can't seem to get it to work because the Author component will receive the same props. Should I create separate components for each Author? or is there another way to do this.

React router url changes correctly but component not being rendered from button component link

I have something similar to the following CodeSandBox example where I need to use react routing within two different components.
The problem that I am facing is that, if using this codesandbox example and I click down to either the Profile or Quotes component level and assuming I have the following Material-UI button within each of these bottom components:
text="New Item"
When clicking on this "New Item" button, the URL changes to the correct route, i.e. /new-item but the actual NewItem component is not being rendered in the page?
If I refresh the browser, then it loads correctly.
Can anyone pls assist with the above and what the best solution is, when at this level?
Arthur, make sure in your index.js or wherever you are declaring your switch its set up like so.
<Route exact path="/NewItem" component={NewItem}/>
Then you can simply add a nav link like so
<Link to="/NewItem">New Item</Link>
the button will have a component of Link which is imported from react-router-dom
text="New Item"
and in the app.js you will create a Route like so :
<Route exact path="/NewItem" component={NewItem}/>
Well you shouldn't use button for changing go to new Page or going new URL. rather than use
<link to=""/> for routing but if you want to use button for going to different page than use Redirect from react-router-dom
import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
const Next = (e) => {
return <Redirect to='/NewItem' />;
<Button onClick={Next}>
text="New Item" variant="outlined" className={classes.newButton}
Or you can use Link using Link
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';
<Link to={'/NewItem'} className={classes.newButton}>
New Item

React MaterialUI Button with RouterLink Component - how to pass Exact property?

I have this code:
New certificate
The thing is - "exact" property is not working - i have "Certificates" button highlighted at "/certificates" page (as it should), but i have BOTH buttons highlighted on "/certificates/new" page because "exact" property not working as it should.
How to fix this? Maybe there is the way to pass "exact" property to RouterLink component?
Use Link from react-router-dom instead of a button to navigate.
npm i react-router-dom
Then change button to Link instead of Button you will have
New certificate
And then the
property is passed to the BrowseRouter i.e
<BrowserRouter path="/app/certificates" exact component={Certificates}/>
<BrowserRouter path="/app/certificates/new" component={NewCertificate}/>
Assuming Certificate and NewCertificate are you components names.

How to use a material-ui button with MuiThemeProvider as Popup's trigger in React

I'm trying to use as a trigger of a Popup in React a button with custom theme:
<PopUp modal trigger={
<MuiThemeProvider theme={buttonTheme}>
<Button variant="contained" color="secondary">Excluir</Button>
But when I do this, I get this error: "Failed prop type: The following props are not supported: onClick. Please remove them. in ThemeProvider" and "Function components cannot be given refs. Attempts to access this ref will fail. Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()?". I would like to stop the error.
The button gets colorful, but it doesn't open the Popup.
You just need to put the tag outside the trigger.
<MuiThemeProvider theme={buttonTheme}>
<PopUp modal trigger={<Button variant="contained" color="secondary">Excluir</Button>>}

