Best way to deal with multiple modals with map data in nextJs - javascript

Hi I try to use map data with modals. I set state for all modal but after I use map data array object. I have problems the modals show duplicated . Sorry I think my explanation does't clear so I will show you my code below
for example this is my object
const obj = [
this is my Modal components ( this just for an example modal code I didn't put all className)
const Modal = ({ children, show = false }) => {
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(show);
useEffect(() => {
}, [show]);
return showModal ? (
<div className="text-xl">title</div>
) : null;
as you see in my Modal component I send props show for check if it's true show modal else not show
Here is my listModal in this component when I click each card I want modal show each card by id
const ListModal = ({}) => {
const [showEditModal, setShowEditModal] = useState(false);
return => {
return (
<Card key={} onClick={() => setShowEditModal(true)}>
<Modal show={showEditModal}>{}</Modal>
export default ListModal;
the problem is in {} in must return in 1,2,3, but it's all return 1 and I try to inspect element and I set css styled display:none into modal element and I saw {} = 2 that's mean all modal is show but it all stack at same place any idea how to fix this

You should try to use id in setShowEditModal() to match the modal.


How to render a new popup every time I clicked Grid?

The problem is...
The first popup renders fine.
But when I try to render the second popup, it's not working.
A new popup is not invoked, the previous popup is refreshed.
I want to call a new popup when I clicked a cell in the grid.
my code is like this
const Main = () => {
const [isPopupOpen, setIsPopupOpen] = useState(false);
return (
... other components (including grid)
{ isPopupOpen && <Popup />}
when Grid is Clicked, 'isPopupOpen' is updated to true.
I use 'react-new-window' library, and this library use '' ((
so I set different window names to call several popups.
but I can't solve the problem.
I try to set a state object that has a boolean value.
const [popupObj, setPopupObj] = useState({});
when the grid is clicked, popupObj updates like
{'cellA': true, 'cellD': true}
and a return statement is like
{popupObj[cellName] && <Popup /> }
but the result was the same.
what should I do to solve this problem?
I wrote an example for you. Hope it helps.
use popupIds state to store the popups that you want to open
use Set to toggle the popupIds in the addPopup click handler
import * as React from "react";
export default function App() {
const [popupIds, setPopupIds] = React.useState([]);
const addPopup = (popupId) => {
const set = new Set(popupIds);
if (set.has(popupId)) {
} else {
return (
<div className="App">
{["hello", "react"].map((popupId) => (
<div onClick={() => addPopup(popupId)}>{popupId}</div>
{ => (
<Popup title={getPopupTitle(popupId)} />
const getPopupTitle = (popupId) => `title for ${popupId}`;
const Popup = ({ title }) => <div>{title}</div>;
Here is a codesandbox that you can play with directly.
You need to add your popup in an array, so you can render many popup as you want, then you need to define in How much time you will remove a added popup from array or add a close button
Extra: you can configure in global state to access in all your application to your popups and you will have a component like this:

How do I render a react portal modal with different children?

Right now, I have a react portal rendering a 'pinnable' side drawer modal that will display based on a redux state. The contents of the modal will have information based on where that modal was pinned from, in this case my notifications.
The problem I'm running into at the moment is that since the modal will be pinnable in multiple places, I'm not exactly sure of the logic on how to handle the modal contents if the modal is already pinned.
I've tried/considered the following:
Just have one portal render its children dynamically. Unfortunately the location of where the portal will be rendered does not contain the contents and logic of the modal, so I believe this can't be done.
Compare props.children and if they're not identical, render the newer portal and deconstruct the other. I'm hesitant to use this approach since I believe there's a better solution out there.
Render the portals based on Ids and deconstruct/reconstruct where needed if one exists. I'm leaning towards this approach, but again I'd like to see if there's a better one.
Portal location:
export default function PaperContainer() {
return <div id="pinned-container"></div>;
export default function PinnedContainer(props) {
const pinned = useSelector(state => state.ui.isDrawerPinned);
return (
pinned &&
Where the portals are called (simplified for brevity):
export default function PortalCallLocationOne() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const pinContainer = () => {
return (
<Button startIcon={<Icon>push_pin</Icon>} onClick={() => pinContainer}>
Pin Notification
export default function PortalCallLocationTwo() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const pinContainer = () => {
return (
<Button startIcon={<Icon>push_pin</Icon>} onClick={() => pinContainer}>
Pin List
// List
I tried going off of #3 and destroying pinned-container's first child if it existed and replace it with the new children. This didn't work since React was expecting that child and kept throwing failed to execute removeChild on node errors.
Unfortunately it looks like react is unable to replace portal children instead of appending them.
However, I was able to solve my issue by unpinning the portal and repinning it with redux actions.
export default function PinnedContainer(props) {
const pinned = useSelector(state => state.ui.isDrawerPinned);
useEffect(() => {
if (pinned) {
}, []);
return (
pinned &&
export const initialState = {
isDrawerPinned: false,
export const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
case actionTypes.PIN_DRAWER:
return {
isDrawerPinned: action.isPinned ? action.isPinned : !state.isDrawerPinned,
case actionTypes.CLEAR_PINNED:
return {
isDrawerPinned: state.isDrawerPinned ? !state.isDrawerPinned : state.isDrawerPinned

Can't update parent component state with React UseState

im facing this weird behavior when trying to update the parent component with an set function to the child with props
this hook is to open and close the modal to edit an element
const [isEditModalOpen, setEditModalOpen] = useState(false)
//more code...
{isEditModalOpen && <EditExcerciseModal setEditModalOpen={setEditModalOpen} isEditModalOpen={isEditModalOpen} />}
and this is the child code
export const EditExcerciseModal = ({setEditModalOpen, excerciseInfo,fetchExcercisesFromRoutine})
//more code etc etc
<div className="addExcerciseModalContainer">
<span onClick={() =>{ setEditModalOpen(false) }} className="xModal">X</span>
i checked and the onClick is working. if i change the parent state manually the Modal works fine and closes.
the weird case when it its working is when instead of calling the set function i create a function with a setTimeout without time like this:
function closeModal(){
setTimeout(() => { setEditModalOpen(false)}, 0);
any ideas?
thanks for the help
You need to create a separation of concern. A Modal consists of three parts
The Modal of its Self.
The Content of the Modal.
And the container of the two.
You should be using the useState() hook and calling setEditModalOpen in the same containing component.
You need to make sure that you're declaring and setting state inside the same component.
// children would be the content of the modal
const Modal = ({ children, selector, open, setOpen }) => {
// we need the useEffect hook so that when we change open to false
// the modal component will re-render and the portal will not be created
useEffect(() => {
//provide useEffect hook with clean up.
return () => setOpen(true);
}, [selector]);
return open ? createPortal(children, selector) : null;
export const EditExerciseModal = ({ close }) => {
return (
{/* Instead of creating a handler inside this component we can create it in it's parent element */}
<span onClick={close}>X</span>
{/* Content */}
export const ModalBtn = () => {
const [isEditModalOpen, setEditModalOpen] = useState(false);
// this is where it all comes together,
// our button element will keep track of the isEditModalOpen variable,
// which in turn will update both child elements
// when true useEffect hook will re-render Modal Component only now it "will" createPortal()
// when our EditExerciseModal alls close it will set change the isEditModalOpen to false
// which will be passed to the Modal component which
// will then cause the component to re-render and not call createPortal()
return (
<button onClick={() => setEditModalOpen(true)}>EditExerciseModal</button>
{setEditModalOpen && (
<div className='overlay'>
<EditExerciseModal close={() => setEditModalOpen(false)} />

React: override internal components with custom component

I have a modal that is completely self contained. The modal is opened via going to the modal route and all the functionality to close the modal from button or outside clicks is within the modal component. Basically the modal is not controlled by any parent passing state. I was given a task of making the modals button customizable, meaning passing in a new button component, so we can add the modal to our lib instead of copy pasting the code in projects. Lol this seemed simple enough, and maybe it is and I am just overthinking this.
I cant paste the actual code but I can use a contrived example. This is a very simplified version of the modal, keeping in mind it opens via route so there's really no state and setState in the actual code. Also here is a fiddle
const ModalHeader = ({ onClose }) => {
return (
<div className="modal__header">
const Modal = ({ children }) => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState(true);
const handleCloseOutsideClick = () => {
const handleCloseButtonClick = () => {
const renderModal = () => {
return (
<div className="modal-overlay" onClick={handleCloseOutsideClick}>
<div className="modal">
<ModalHeader onClose={handleCloseButtonClick} />
return state ? renderModal() : null;
const App = () => {
return (
<div>Modal Children</div>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'));
I tried a few things, initially I attempted to find a way to pass in a new header component containing a button. Then as I got into the code I realized what I was doing would lose the self contained functionality of the modal. My approach was along the lines of below but obviously the onClick would be an issue since invoking the close functionality is internal.
So I tried using cloneElement to add props within the component if the custom header was detected:
// inside modal component
React.useEffect(() => {, (child: React.ReactElement) => {
if (child && child.type === ModalHeader) {
}, []);
// inside modal render:
<div className={modalClasses} onClick={stopPropagation}>
{!headerFound ? (
<ModalDefaultHeader onClose={handleCloseButtonClick} />
) : (, (child: React.ReactElement) => {
if (child && child.type === ModalHeader) {
return React.cloneElement(child, {
onClose: handleCloseButtonClick,
Obviously that did not work because there's no onClick in the custom button. Anyways I am thinking that I am over complicating this. I just need a way to pass in a custom button while leaving the functionality internal to the modal. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Change state of individual div (that is inside a map) instead of changing the state of all div's inside the map

I have a component that is checking if some state is true or false. I show a <p> tag if true and hide a <h3>. I am pulling the data from a gaphQL query so there is a map method and there are three <Card>'s now if I click the card and run my showFull function it shows the p tags on all the elements, instead I just want to isolate the specific one it is clicking on.
Here is my component
<Testimonials className="testimonaials">
{{ node: testimonial }) => (
<Card onClick={showFull} background={testimonial.testimonialImage.url}>
{testimonialFull ?
Here is my state and my function
const [testimonialFull, setTestimonialFull] = useState(false)
const showFull = () => {
Attempting Alexander's answer. The issue I am having now is Cannot read property 'testimonialImage' of undefined
Here is the component
const IndexPage = ({ data }) => {
const TestimonialCard = ({testimonial})=>{
const [showFull, setShowFull] = useState(false)
const handleClick = useCallback(()=>{
//setShowFull(s=>!s)//If you want toggle behaviour
return <Card onClick={handleClick} background={testimonial.testimonialImage.url}>
{showFull ?
return (
Here is where I invoke it in the map function
return (
... (bunch of other jsx/html)
<Testimonials className="testimonaials">
{{ node: testimonial }) => (
Wrap the cards in a custom component
const TestimonialCard = ({testimonial})=>{
const [showFull, setShowFull] = useState(false)
const handleClick = useCallback(()=>{
//setShowFull(s=>!s)//If you want toggle behaviour
return <Card onClick={handleClick} background={testimonial.testimonialImage.url}>
{showFull ?

