How to calculate rotation based on two pointer events - javascript

I have problems with a multitouch library, in this case Interact.js, which e.g. generates a pinch / rotate for a target although one of the two pointer events is outside the target when the gesture is started. That doesn't do me any good.
I wonder if it makes sense to rely on a library or to create the 2 gestures, drag and rotate, myself.
In order not to start all over, there is an example for this, i.e. to determine the mathematics of the rotation from the movement of 2 points, I have managed the relevant pointers so far.
Many thanks in advance.


GSAP directional rotations plugins do not work with PIXI plugins

I am trying to use directional rotation plugins together with pixi.js plugins.
However, it doesn't seem to be working. If you undo the comments in the codepen:, you could see that I tried three different ways:
1 directly adding "_cw" doesn't work
2. using directional rotation plugin without pixi.js plugin result in crazy rotating
3. combining directional rotation plugin with pixi plugin doesn't work at all. no rotations.
Can anyone help?
Or if this is not possible yet, can anyone shed some lights on how to do directional rotations with pixi.js?
This is the simplified versions of a project I am working on: Basically, I have a constantly rotating object, then at one point, I decide to rotate it to a certain point. However, I want all the rotations to be clockwise, which isn't possible at this point.
I tried accessing the current rotations values, and then calculate the difference between the current and the destination values, then using the "=+" to do clockwise rotation. However, the value I am accessing always seems to be outdated.
Because if the rectangle is constantly rotating, I might be getting a rotation value now, but by the time I used it to calculate differences, it's already moving to a bigger rotational angle. Or am i wrong?
Any other other solutions to this problems?
The right answer has been found:

What is angle property in rotation event in hammer.js

In hammer js what i wanted to do save the rotation of object, so where use left the rotation they can start from same.
But i found that its not working and in event there are two attributes one is rotation and another is angle.
may be i am missing something and i couldn't find documentation regarding angel property.
here is demo which is not able to save rotation after one cycle of rotate.

Moving in a linear direction based on touch input in Unity 2D

I am having trouble in unity 2D. I am trying to make a ball move in a linear direction across the screen after detecting a single touch, however this is proving quite difficult. I have researched and researched but I cant seem to find the answer to both parts of the problem, hence I come here. I apologise if this was not the right thing to do. Anyways, on to the question. How would I detect a single touch and how would I move a game object on the X axis for a certain number of coords. I don't want a touch direction specified, it just needs to be a touch. Another thing could be a touch on the object itself. Sorry again if I wasn't meant to do this. P.S. my code is terrible and barely even there, so I wont share it.
To detect touch you use Input.GetTouch. The number in the parameter is the number of the touch, like the first, or the second or the third touch, etc... If you just want one touch, just use Input.GetTouch(0) all the time.
To move the object in the X axis you need to user Transfrom.Translate. The parameters are the amount you want to move in a specific axis.

Position resizable circles near each other

I am working on this browser-based experiment where i am given N specific circles (let's say they have a unique picture in them) and need to position them together, leaving as little space between them as possible. It doesn't have to be arranged in a circle, but they should be "clustered" together.
The circle sizes are customizable and a user will be able to change the sizes by dragging a javascript slider, changing some circles' sizes (for example, in 10% of the slider the circle 4 will have radius of 20px, circle 2 10px, circle 5 stays the same, etc...). As you may have already guessed, i will try to "transition" the resizing-repositioning smoothly when the slider is being moved.
The approach i have tried tried so far: instead of manually trying to position them i've tried to use a physics engine-
The idea:
place some kind of gravitational pull in the center of the screen
use a physics engine to take care of the balls collision
during the "drag the time" slider event i would just set different
ball sizes and let the engine take care of the rest
For this task i have used "box2Dweb". i placed a gravitational pull to the center of the screen, however, it took a really long time until the balls were placed in the center and they floated around. Then i put a small static piece of ball in the center so they would hit it and then stop. It looked like this:
The results were a bit better, but the circles still moved for some time before they went static. Even after playing around with variables like the ball friction and different gravitational pulls, the whole thing just floated around and felt very "wobbly", while i wanted the balls move only when i drag the time slider (when they change sizes). Plus, box2d doesn't allow to change the sizes of the objects and i would have to hack my way for a workaround.
So, the box2d approach made me realize that maybe to leave a physics engine to handle this isn't the best solution for the problem. Or maybe i have to include some other force i haven't thought of. I have found this similar question to mine on StackOverflow. However, the very important difference is that it just generates some n unspecific circles "at once" and doesn't allow for additional specific ball size and position manipulation.
I am really stuck now, does anyone have any ideas how to approach this problem?
update: it's been almost a year now and i totally forgot about this thread. what i did in the end is to stick to the physics model and reset forces/stop in almost idle conditions. the result can be seen here
the triangles you see are inside those circles. the remaining lines are connected via "delaunay triangulation algorithm"
I recall seeing a d3.js demo that is very similar to what you're describing. It's written by Mike Bostock himself:
It uses quadtrees for fast collision detection and uses a force based graph, which are both d3.js utilities.
In the tick function, you should be able to add a .attr("r", function(d) { return d.radius; }) which will update the radius each tick for when you change the nodes data. Just for starters you can set it to return random and the circles should jitter around like crazy.
(Not a comment because it wouldn't fit)
I'm impressed that you've brought in Box2D to help with the heavy-lifting, but it's true that unfortunately it is probably not well-suited to your requirements, as Box2D is at its best when you are after simulating rigid objects and their collision dynamics.
I think if you really consider what it is that you need, it isn't quite so much a rigid body dynamics problem at all. You actually want none of the complexity of box2d as all of your geometry consists of spheres (which I assure you are vastly simpler to model than arbitrary convex polygons, which is what IMO Box2D's complexity arises from), and like you mention, Box2D's inability to smoothly change the geometric parameters isn't helping as it will bog down the browser with unnecessary geometry allocations and deallocations and fail to apply any sort of smooth animation.
What you are probably looking for is an algorithm or method to evolve the positions of a set of coordinates (each with a radius that is also potentially changing) so that they stay separated by their radii and also minimize their distance to the center position. If this has to be smooth, you can't just apply the minimal solution every time, as you may get "warping" as the optimal configuration might shift dramatically at particular points along your slider's movement. Suffice it to say there is a lot of tweaking for you to do, but not really anything scarier than what one must contend with inside of Box2D.
How important is it that your circles do not overlap? I think you should just do a simple iterative "solver" that first tries to bring the circles toward their target (center of screen?), and then tries to separate them based on radii.
I believe if you try to come up with a simplified mathematical model for the motion that you want, it will be better than trying to get Box2D to do it. Box2D is magical, but it's only good at what it's good at.
At least for me, seems like the easiest solution is to first set up the circles in a cluster. So first set the largest circle in the center, put the second circle next to the first one. For the third one you can just put it next to the first circle, and then move it along the edge until it hits the second circle.
All the other circles can follow the same method: place it next to an arbitrary circle, and move it along the edge until it is touching, but not intersecting, another circle. Note that this won't make it the most efficient clustering, but it works. After that, when you expand, say, circle 1, you'd move all the adjacent circles outward, and shift them around to re-cluster.

Spinning wheel or 360 degree rotation wheel

I am looking for some jquery plugin or any code examples for multiple spinning wheels or 360 degree rotation wheels. Attached is the demo image for which, I am looking for the solution, where all the wheel can be rotate and This is basically develop birthdate selection somewhat like desktop and mobile application...But I need for my web application. I am using PHP & Apache web server.
Thanks in advance for any idea or sameple code or similer solution to moving forward
I don't know of any ready made solutions, but I can point you in two directions you can go:
You can make an image for each of the 3 different wheels with the correct sizes and next use css3 transformations to rotate the specific wheels with javascript ( )
The other option is to look into the html5 canvas tag and draw the wheels onto it by hand. Here is a tutorial which covers making a roulette game on a canvas tag, which is quite different from your requirements, but does describe the necessary techniques.
Yes HTML5 canvas rotate() is the way to go with this. My site has a winning wheel that uses canvas rotation, but only for one wheel image. The code is fully commented so you may find it a useful starting point.
For your project you would probably need multiple images that are rendered to the canvas and rotated to the desired angles. Also you will probably need to look in to a mouseDown, mouseMove, and mouseUp code to allow the user to drag the wheels to the desired locations, with the code being able to tell you the values pointed at (something the code in my winning wheel can also do).
I am not aware of a jQuery plugin that does exactly what you ask. In terms of browser compatibility, I recommend you to take a look at the excellent RaphaelJS JavaScript library. It allows you to draw and rotate a wheel using vector graphics. Best of all, this library is IE6+ compatible and works in most if not all modern webbrowsers, including tablets and mobile phones.
To ease the creation of the necessary vector graphics, you can draw the wheel in a vector image editor of your choice (e.g. Illustrator, Inkscape, etc..) and save the vector image as SVG file. A very convenient online companion tool called ReadySetRaphael takes an SVG file as input and produces the necessary JavaScript to draw the graphics automatically.
If you have the path of the vector graphic as an object in JavaScript, it is easy to rotate it with the Element.rotate() method.
Although I am not sure if a plugin exists for this purpose;In my current project we have made a context menu using the canvas api which is not that different from your requirement, if not a bit more complex. Therefore, I highly recommend using the HTML5 Canvas api to do this, if you are not restricted from it. You can use a few ideas from the interactive flower tutorial.
This should help too if you're interested in bringing jQuery into play.

