Datetime seems to break Google Apps Script client-side deserialization - javascript

I've uncovered an odd bug with Google Apps Script's web interface that it can't seem to transport datetime values from the server side to the client.
function fetchData(){
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SHEET_URL)
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("My sheet")
var values = sheet.getDataRange().getValues()
return values
// javascript.html
$(function() {
If I run the above without any dates in the "My sheet" spreadsheet, it works as expected, with the server side Logger.log and the client side console.log showing the same data. But if I input a date type value into the spreadsheet, the Logger.log will still show everything as expected, but the console.log will simply log null.
I checked the XHR and it appears that the data is in fact making it to the browser, but it looks like something about the de-serialization is breaking. If the date is listed as 7/7/21 in the spreadsheet, it is coming across as Wed Jul 07 00:00:00 PDT 2021 in the XHR.
Any ideas about how to fix are much appreciated! Thank you!

You are describing the documented behavior of
Requests fail if you attempt to pass a Date, Function, DOM element besides a form, or other prohibited type, including prohibited types inside objects or arrays. Objects that create circular references will also fail, and undefined fields within arrays become null.
See the reference given by #Cooper.
To pass datetime values between the client and the server, serialize before sending them across. The easiest way is usually to use date.getTime() and pass as integer. Try this:
const values = sheet.getDataRange().getValues().map(value => {
( === '[object Date]')
? value.getTime()
: value
On the receiving side, use const date = new Date().setTime(value) to convert the integer back to a Date object.
If you do not know the locations of dates in the spreadsheet, but need to detect them in data, you may want to use a magic prefix like 'date:' + value.getTime().


Get changes based on uploaded time from firebase

I have initialized a real time database using firebase, I am detecting live changes to the databse using
const ref = firebase.database().ref("test");
ref.on('value', function(dataSnapshot){
But this returns me value in ascending order. Whereas I want it to return based on time. I tried using time in: 00:00 (IST) format but if a data is marked 11:59 (am) and another 01:02 (pm) this will return me the second message first.
What will be the best way to fix this?
example data is =>
in my databse =>
It is not clear what you mean by time in ascending order
None of your example data mention time. They are just usernames and text.
If you want to order times correctly, best to use ISO date format
This stores 1:02 pm as 13:02, which will sort after 11:59. Its sorting characteristics are ideal.
Use an international time standard to store your times
An international time standard, UTC, has great advantages over national times. It is not subject to change with location, political decisions, or season. You can always interconvert with the user's local time, at the time of entry or display.
const dateString = (new Date()).toISOString();
// Result:
// 2021-06-22T14:40:37.985Z
// If you want to use them as Firebase keys, they must not contain a ".", so you might clean it up like this:
const cleanDateString = (new Date()).toISOString().replace(".","-")
// Result:
// 2021-06-22T14:47:44-445Z
Even better, use a Firebase PushID
The above date-and-time system will work if you are using it to sort the remarks made by a single person, but will not be good as a message identifier if a single space is shared by all people, since 2 people will eventually make a message at the same millisecond, and will get the same message ID.
To deal with that it is better practice to use a Firebase Push ID.
An explanation is given here: In Firebase when using push() How do I get the unique ID and store in my database
Or from Firebase itself, here:

Date Formatting with Marklogic Optic API

My question is about getting the MarkLogic query console javascript API to format a column of strings to dates.
Working on a string directly works as expected:
var d = new Date("3/12/2019");
>>> March
Working with the optic api however:
const op = require('/MarkLogic/optic');
const ind = op.fromView('schema', 'money');
//get non null dates, stored as strings, [MM-DD-YYYY]
const ind2 = ind.where('completed date'), ""))
const testMonth ='testDate', fn.formatDate('completed date')), "[M01]-[D01]-[Y0001]"))
Returns the following error:
[javascript] XDMP-CAST: function bound ()() -- Invalid cast: {_expr:"¿\"completed date\"", _preplans:null, _schemaName:null, ...} cast as
I believe this is different than the other questions on this topic because those didn't involve the OPTIC API as far as I can tell, and were resolved by just operating on single strings.How to convert string to date type in MarkLogic?
I need to take an optic "column" and convert its type to a date object so I can call the and other related tools on it.
I feel missing something very straightforward about applying functions to row sets and selecting specific columns.
What I naturally want to do is apply a function to each property of the resulting row set:
let formatted =>Date(x['completed date'])
or whatever. This is basically what I do client side, but it feels incorrect to just throw away so much of the built-in javascript functionality and do this all in the browser, especially when I need to do groups on years and months from these views.
It doesn't help that some links about operating on objects are broken:
The call defines a dynamic column based on an expression that's applied to each row when the query is executed.
The expression can only use calls to functions provided by the Optic API. In particular, where executes when called, executes when each row is processed. Similarly fn.formatDate() executes immediately while op.fn.formatDate() executes during row processing.
To use the dynamic column, provide it as an argument to, similar to the following sketch:
op.fromView('schema', 'money');
.where('completed date'), ""))
op.col('completed date'),'testDate', op.fn.formatDate(
op.col('completed date'),
The call to .result() executes the query pipeline.
The map is an XQuery equivalent to JavaScript literal that's not used in sever-side JavaScript. Optic does support a map() pipeline step, which takes a lambda and appears in the pipeline step immediately before the call to result() as documented in:
Belated footnote: One alternative for this case to parsing and formatting the date would be to use op.fn.translate() to transform the column value by turning every instance of "/" into "-"
Hoping that helps,

Ng Date Picker How to format to different output instead of ISO-8601

First, for people wondering, I'm referring to this DatePicker
While the DatePicker feels and looks great, I have an issue with the outputting values. There are numerous options to format the view-part of a date, but I haven't seen or found examples or explanations on how I can switch the outputted ISO-8601 (2018-08-29T00:00:00.000Z) standard in my form. I'm using the datepicker in a reactive form and I have several pages with a similar prerequisite. I need to parse this value into a different format. For example...
My first attempt - which wasn't too smart to begin with - was using [(ngModel)]="dateField" to grab the value that is inputted and change it into a value that I wanted to. Needless to say, of course it was changed in the view as well and since I didn't refer to index of the form field it merely caused a blank field. Shortly after I realized that the approach was poor to begin with, but since I can't find configurations for this particular problem I'm pretty lost as to what I can do.
#ak.leimrey. Normally all the datepicker give you a value of one type (in your case a string format in ISO, other case, e.g. using ng-bootstrap, return an object with day,month and year). if you want to send in other format, in the submit you can map the values and convert the form.value.
if (form.valid)
let result={
...form.value, //all the values of the form, but change some one>{
let items=v.split('-');
return items[2].substr(0,2)+"-"+items[1]+"-"+items[0];
Yes in your case transform the object is some hard but see as using the spread operator and map you can transform the value
use moment js libaray . its a simple and rich library that can help u ;
u can get it via npm : npm i moment .
then u can convert formats like this :
moment("2018-08-29","YYYY-MM-DD").format("YYYY-DD-MM"); // outputs : 2018-29-08
moment("2018-08-29","YYYY-MM-DD").format("DD-MM-YYYY"); // outputs : 29-08-2018

How to send date with gremlin javascript

I think I'm missing something about the new javascript gremlin client.
I can't find any way to send any kind onf date from my script to the database.
Code example :
import { P } from 'gremlin/lib/process/traversal':
import g from '../path/to/my/gremlin/client';
const myFunction = id => g.V(id).has('some_date', P.gte(new Date())
In this code example I send a javascript date object. I tried a formated string, a timetamp, a stringified timestamp, and one exotical things.
And I always end up wwith an error like this one :
Error: Server error: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Date (500)
Or this one when I try with a number
Error: Server error: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.util.Date (500)
Is there anything I can do ?
I'd suggest storing your Date as a String in your graph using ISO-8601 format. Then you should have no type transformation problems from Javascript as you'll just be sending strings in your Gremlin.
You have to be somewhat aware of the data types you have in your graph versus the ones you have in the target programming language you're using. Unfortunately, there aren't always one-to-one mappings to all the possible types that can be stored in a Java-based graph database (e.g. javax.time.*). For the most portable code and data, try to stick to the primitive types.

new Date(epoch) returning invalid date inside Ember component

I have a date-filter component that I am using in my Ember application that only works on initial render, not on a page reload, or even if I save a file (which triggers the application to live update).
In the main template of my application, I render the date-filter like this passing it a unix timestamp
Then, in components/date-filter.js, I use a computed property called timeConverter to change the unix epoch into a time string formatted according to user's language of choice, and then in my templates/components/date-filter.hbs file I do {{timeConverter}} to display the results
timeConverter: function(){
//step 1: get the epoch I passed in to the component
var epoch = this.get('unixepoch');
//step 2: create a human readable date string such as `Jun 29, 2015, 12:36PM`
var datestring = new Date(epoch)
//do language formatting --code omitted as the problem is with step2
It is step 2 that fails (returning invalid date) if I refresh the page or even save the file. It always returns the proper date string the first time this component is called. Even if I do new Date(epoch) in the parent component, and try to pass the result in to this component (to do foreign language formatting), I'm having the same problem.
Question: how can I figure out what's happening inside new Date(epoch), or whether it's an issue related to the component?
I suspect your epoch value is a string (of all digits). If so, then
var datestring = new Date(+epoch);
// Note ------------------^
...will fix it by converting it to a number (+ is just one way to do it, this answer lists your options and their pros/cons). Note that JavaScript uses the newer "milliseconds since The Epoch" rather than the older (original) "seconds since The Epoch." So if doing this starts giving you dates, but they're much further back in time than you were expecting, you might want epoch * 1000 to convert seconds to milliseconds.
If it's a string that isn't all digits, it's not an epoch value at all. The only string value that the specification requires new Date to understand is the one described in the spec here (although all major JavaScript engines also understand the undocumented format using / [not -] in U.S. date order [regardless of locale]: mm/dd/yyyy — don't use it, use the standard one).

