getting same response from a promise multiple times - javascript

I have a function that would return a promise, and in the case of an error, I have to call the same function again. The problem is that whenever I call it again, I get the same response, as if it was never called again.
This is how am resolving:
first_file = async () => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
//Generating the token
(async () => {
while (true) {
await sleep(5000);
resolved_token = token;
I'm generating a token here, which I use in the second script:
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
(async() =>{
test = require("./test")
test.first_file ().then(res=>{
await sleep(15000)
The expected value here is that every 15000ms (15 sec) I get a new response, but here I'm getting the same response over and over again.
Sorry if the title is inaccurate; I didn't know how to explain the problem.

Promises represent a value + time, a promise's settled value doesn't change like the number 5 doesn't change. Calling resolve multiple times is a no-op*.
What you want to do instead of using the language's abstraction for value + time is to use the language's abstraction for action + time - an async function (or just a function returning a promise)
const tokenFactory = () => {
let current = null;
(async () =>
while (true) {
current = token; // get token somewhere
await sleep(5000);
})().catch((e) => {/* handle error */});
return () => current; // we return a function so it's captured
Which will let you do:
tokenFactory(); // first token (or null)
// 5 seconds later
tokenFactory(); // second token
*We have a flag we added in Node.js called multipleResolves that will let you observe that for logging/error handling


speechSynthesis.speak() doesn`t output any sound

I am trying to create a website that scrapes a news website and reads it.
For some reason, whenever I am trying to read the actual info of the article, it reads part of it and stops after a few seconds.
important to point out :
I am using chromium.
The text I'm inserting doesn't reach speechSynthesis.speak()
text limit.
My function :
export async function textToSpeech(text) {
new Promise((resolve) => {
let msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
msg.voice = voices[6];
msg.lang = "en";
msg.text = text;
msg.addEventListener("end", () => {
calling the function :
ReadNews(data) {
.then(textToSpeech("Would You like me to continue?"))
ContinueCON.addEventListener("click", () => {
The first 3 instances (data.title,, and the default message) are all spoken as expected. But on the 4th instance, stops after a few seconds.
Several things I have tried:
I used window.speechSynthesis.speaking right after the sound stopped working, and it printed true(which is very bizarre)
1st Edit (Yet to be solved)
Changed the code by the comments below
export function textToSpeech(text) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
msg.voice = voices[6];
msg.lang = "en";
msg.text = text;
msg.addEventListener("end", () => {
Async was unnecessary and also "clean" the "Speak" queue (by using cancel)
ReadNews(data) {
.then(() => textToSpeech(data.Info))
.then(() => textToSpeech("Would You like me to continue?"))
.then(() =>
ContinueCON.addEventListener("click", () => {
I invoked the return value immediately instead of waiting for a resolve and then running the next line of text.
Problem is yet to be solved.
I see a couple issues with your code, which are causing the speech to all get queued up right away, without waiting. But speechSynthesis is supposed to handle that automatically, so it's not clear to me how they would cause what you're seeing. Still, i'll point them out in case they're causing your problem in a subtle way that i can't identify.
The first issue is that your textToSpeech function doesn't return the promise it creates. A promise is implicitly returned since it's an async function, but that promise will not wait for the speech to finish. The fix for this is to add a return in (and you can also remove async if you wish, since you're not awaiting anything)
export function textToSpeech(text) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
msg.voice = voices[6];
msg.lang = "en";
msg.text = text;
msg.addEventListener("end", () => {
Secondly, ReadNews is not waiting for the promises to finish. .then(textToSpeech(data.Info)) means "immediately call textToSpeech, passing in data.Info, and then whatever it returns pass that into .then". Instead, you want to pass a function into .then, so that the function will be called once the previous promise has resolved:
ReadNews(data) {
.then(() => textToSpeech(data.Info))
.then(() => textToSpeech("Would You like me to continue?"))
() => ContinueCON.addEventListener("click", () => {
Or with async/await:
async ReadNews(data) {
await textToSpeech(data.Title);
await textToSpeech(data.Info);
await textToSpeech("Would you like me to continue?");
ContinueCON.addEventListener("click", () => {

How to yield value multiple times from function?

So what I am doing is, I have 2 files, One that contain a script which would generate a token and the second file handle that token.
The problem is that the second script which would log the token it would only log the first token received.
This is the how I am handling the token:
const first_file = require("./first_file.js");
first_file.first_file().then((res) => {
And clearly that wouldn't work, Because it's not getting updated with the newer value.
first_file = async () => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
//Generating the token
(async () => {
while (true) {
await sleep(5000);
resolved_token = token;
module.exports = { first_file };
What I am doing here is, I tried to do a while..loop so that I keep resolving the token. But it didn't, Is there and way I can export the variable directly so the task would be easier ?
If I understand your question correctly, You want to resolve promise multiple times, And It's nothing to do with modules...
But You understand something wrong about promise in JavaScript...
You can't resolve a promise twice.
But you can generate new value from function, this type of function also known as generator, Where a function can reenter its context (Something like async/await) and yield result using yield keyword.
Usually a generator is used in for..of loop. It has next() method for yield next value from a generator...
Lets look an example:
const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res.bind(null, ms), ms));
async function* generator() {
yield 'yield result from generator!'
for (let ms = 100; ms <= 300; ms += 100) {
yield 'delay: ' + await delay(ms) + ' ms';
yield delay(1000).then(() => 'you can also yield promise!');
async function main() {
const gen = generator();
console.log('1st', (await;
for await (const ms of gen) {
Note that * after function, So that we know that this function a generator, with async keyword this is Async Generator.
Generator is very useful. like: Generate value on demand, Pass data like pipe!, Can return endless value from function etc...
This old school method heavily used in node, Where you pass a callback function as argument.
const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res.bind(null, ms), ms));
async function callback(fn) {
fn('yield result from callback!');
for (let ms = 100; ms <= 300; ms += 100) {
fn('delay: ' + await delay(ms) + ' ms');
await delay(1000);
fn('yield asynchronously!');
callback(value => console.log(value));
This approach create all sort of nutsy problem, like: created function scope, disaster of control flow, doesn't have break keyword etc...
I don't recommend this method.

Closure not updating inside a while loop in Javascript

I'm trying to get a closure to return a value that is supposed to be updated once a promise is resolved (or rejected).
The following code works. Initially the internal variable from within the close returns NONE as expected.
Then the first Promise is launched, and once that is resolved, the internal variable is updated to FAIL.
The second Promise is a deliberate delay, just so that we can observe the change of the closured variable.
However, once the while loop is added to the equation, by uncommenting that loop(x) section, the update is not observable within the while loop.
I would expect to see this:
9963000000 NONE
9964000000 NONE
9965000000 NONE
9966000000 NONE
9967000000 NONE
9968000000 FAIL
9969000000 FAIL
9970000000 FAIL
9971000000 FAIL
9972000000 FAIL
9973000000 FAIL
9974000000 FAIL
I know it might be due to the single threaded blocking, but, is there a way to observe a dynamic external variable from within the while loop?
let sleep = async (ms) => new Promise ((resolve, reject) => setTimeout (resolve, ms));
let task = async (ms) => new Promise (function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout (function(){
const error = true;
let result;
result = '_NO_';
reject({'state': false, 'response': result});
result = '_YES_';
resolve({'state': true, 'response': result});
}, ms);
let loop = async (cb) => {
let i = 0;
const value = cb.getResponse();
(function() {
if(i%1000000==0){ console.log(i, value) };
i += 1;
})(i, value);
const linkResponse = (function(){
let response = 'NONE';
function setResponse(value) {response = value; return response};
function getResponse() {return response};
return { 'setResponse': setResponse, 'getResponse': getResponse };
const x = linkResponse();
(async () => {
console.log('__OK__', res);
let response = 'SUCCESS';
console.log('error', err);
let response = 'FAIL';
Well, thanks for the help. Just as I was suspecting, it is indeed a blocked thread issue. I solved the problem with a recursive function. I just needed to have a long process running in the background and I naively thought that an infinite loop will do the job.
let loop2 = function(i, cb) {
console.log(i, cb.getResponse());
i += 1;
loop2(i, cb);
And then calling:
loop2(0, x);

Calculate total elapsed time of Promises till reject?

I want to test how much requests i can do and get their total time elapsed. My Promise function
async execQuery(response, query) {
let request = new SQL.Request();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request.query(query, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
And my api
app.get('/api/bookings/:uid', (req, res) => {
let st = new stopwatch();
let id = req.params.uid;
let query = `SELECT * FROM booking.TransactionDetails WHERE UID='${id}'`;
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
db.execQuery(res, query);
I can't stop the for loop since its async but I also don't know how can I stop executing other calls after the one which first rejects so i can get the counter and the elapsed time of all successful promises. How can i achieve that?
You can easily create a composable wrapper for this, or a subclass:
class TimedPromise extends Promise {
constructor(executor) {
this.startTime =; // or
let end = () => this.endTime =;
this.then(end, end); // replace with finally when available
get time() {
return this.startTime - this.endTime; // time in milliseconds it took
Then you can use methods like:
var foo = new TimedPromise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100);
let res = await foo;
console.log(foo.time); // how long foo took
Plus then chaining would work, async functions won't (since they always return native promises).
function time(promise) {
var startTime =, endTime;
let end = () => endTime =;
promise.then(end, end); // replace with finally when appropriate.
return () => startTime - endTime;
Then usage is:
var foo = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100);
var timed = time(foo);
await foo;
console.log(timed()); // how long foo took
This has the advantage of working everywhere, but the disadvantage of manually having to time every promise. I prefer this approach for its explicitness and arguably nicer design.
As a caveat, since a rejection handler is attached, you have to be 100% sure you're adding your own .catch or then handler since otherwise the error will not log to the console.
Wouldn't this work in your promise ?
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var time =;
request.query(query, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('it took : ', - time);
Or put the .then and .catch after your db.execQuery() call
You made 2 comments that would indicate you want to stop all on going queries when a promise fails but fail to mention what SQL is and if request.query is something that you can cancel.
In your for loop you already ran all the request.query statements, if you want to run only one query and then the other you have to do request.query(query).then(-=>request.query(query)).then... but it'll take longer because you don't start them all at once.
Here is code that would tell you how long all the queries took but I think you should tell us what SQL is so we could figure out how to set connection pooling and caching (probably the biggest performance gainer).
//removed the async, this function does not await anything
// so there is no need for async
//removed initializing request, you can re use the one created in
// the run function, that may shave some time off total runtime
// but not sure if request can share connections (in that case)
// it's better to create a couple and pass them along as their
// connection becomes available (connection pooling)
const execQuery = (response, query, request) =>
new Promise(
(resolve, reject) =>
,(error, result) =>
? reject(error)
: resolve(result)
// save failed queries and resolve them with Fail object
const Fail = function(detail){this.detail=detail;};
// let request = new SQL.Request();
const run = (numberOfTimes) => {
const start = new Date().getTime();
const request = new SQL.Request();
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfTimes; i++) {
let query = `SELECT * FROM booking.TransactionDetails WHERE UID='${i}'`;
db.execQuery(res, query, request)
})()//IIFE creating array of promises
results => {
const totalRuntime = new Date().getTime()-start;
const failed = results.filter(r=>(r&&r.constructor)===Fail);
console.log(`Total runtime in ms:${totalRuntime}
//start the whole thing with:

If I await 2 functions can I guarantee that the return object will have both values

I have the following code
module.exports = async function (req, res) {
const station1 = await getStation('one')
const station2 = await getStation('two')
return { stations: [station1, station2] }
Can I be guaranteed that when the final return value is sent it will definitely have both station1 and station2 data in them, or do I need to wrap the function call in a Promise.all()
As you have it, it is guaranteed that the return statement will only be executed when the two getStation() promises have resolved.
However, the second call to getStation will only happen when the first promise has resolved, making them run in serial. As there is no dependency between them, you could gain performance, if you would run them in parallel.
Although this can be achieved with Promise.all, you can achieve the same by first retrieving the two promises and only then performing the await on them:
module.exports = async function (req, res) {
const promise1 = getStation('one');
const promise2 = getStation('two');
return { stations: [await promise1, await promise2] }
Now both calls will be performed at the "same" time, and it will be just the return statement that will be pending for both promises to resolve. This is also illustrated in MDN's "simple example".
The await keyword actually makes you "wait" on the line of code, while running an async action.
That means that you don't proceed to the next line of code until the async action is resolved. This is good if your code has a dependency with the result.
const res1 = await doSomething();
console.log('do something with res1 result');
The following code example will await a promise that gets resolved after three seconds. Check the date prints to the console to understand what await does:
async function f1() {
console.log(new Date());
// Resolve after three seconds
var p = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve({}),3000);
await p;
console.log(new Date());
BTW, In your case, since you don't use the result of station1 it's better using Promise.all to work parallel.
Check this example (it will run for 3 seconds instead of 4 seconds the way you coded above):
async function f1() {
console.log(new Date());
// Resolve after three seconds
var p1 = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve({a:1}),3000);
// Resolve after one second
var p2 = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve({a:2}),1000);
// Run them parallel - Max(three seconds, one second) -> three seconds.
var res = await Promise.all([p1,p2]);
console.log(new Date());
console.log('result:' + res);
If either of await getStation('one') or await getStation('two') fails an exception will be thrown from the async function. So you should always get the resolved value from both promises.
You can rewrite your function as follows to use Promise.all
module.exports = async function (req, res) {
const [station1, station2] = await Promise.all([
return { stations: [station1, station2] };
} catch (e) {
throw e;

