Auth0 authentication with Cypress - javascript

I am trying to create a login command for Cypress and noticed their blog on how to do this does not match the expected values for the Auth0 React SDK. It appears they have used a custom express app to handle the login vs using the SDK to handle this (as per the offical Auth0 documentation).
The Cypress official documentation produces a local storage key value pair that looks like the below.
const item = {
body: {
decodedToken: {
user: { ... },
expiresAt: exp,
window.localStorage.setItem('auth0Cypress', JSON.stringify(item))
However the one created by the Auth0 React SDK produces something similar to:
const item = {
body: {
decodedToken: {
user: { ... },
expiresAt: exp
window.localStorage.setItem(`##auth0spajs##::${client_id}::${audience}::${scope}`, JSON.stringify(item))
I am able to get the https://${auth)_domain}/oauth/token request working, however am not able to work out how to get the data from the response in a way for it to fit the data structure the Auth0 react SDK wants it in.
Has anyone had any success with this?
After doing some exploring, it appears the response I get back from the /oauth/token does not contain all of the fields that the value the Auth0 React SDK outputs when it signs in.
I have also noticed that Auth0 has a guide on how to integrate with Cypress however it does not use this SDK, instead it uses the SPA SDK. That guide also uses a custom login form, where I am using the LockUI.
One thing to note is that I am not using an backend to authenticate (like in most of the examples). I using the loginWithRedirect to login as per the offical recommendation.

After a bit of investigating and help from the Auth0 team, I was successful in making this work.
Here is the code I used:
Cypress.Commands.add("login", () => {
const email = "";
const password = "";
const client_id = "";
const client_secret = "";
const audience = "";
const scope = "";
method: "POST",
url: "",
body: {
grant_type: "password",
username: email,
}).then(({ body: { access_token, expires_in, id_token, token_type } }) => {
cy.window().then((win) => {
body: {
decodedToken: {
user: JSON.parse(
Buffer.from(id_token.split(".")[1], "base64").toString("ascii")
expiresAt: Math.floor( / 1000) + expires_in,
You have to make sure that the config you pass in is exactly the same as the config you use in the Auth0 Provider.
Once thing to note that tripped me up, was that I was also using refresh tokens. If this is the case make sure to add offline_access to your scope.
I have a public repo to download a working solution -

There is an example in the Cypress Real World App, a payment application to demonstrate real-world usage of Cypress testing methods, patterns, and workflows in addition to a Auth0 Authentication Testing Strategies Guide which details the changes in to an Auth0 application and the Cypress Real World App.

For those who come across this in the future. We created an alternative approach of testing Auth0 with Cypress which doesn't require changing code in the actual application.
The approach that we use is to run a local service that exposes the same API as Auth0. We packages this service as an NPM package. You can read about it in our blog post
Here is what your test end up looking like,
import auth0Config from '../../cypress.env.json';
describe('log in', () => {
it('should get token without signing in', () => {
.contains('Log out')
email: ''
.contains('Log out')


In JavaScript, how can we use the Microsoft Authentication Library to request a JWT token for a client connection with an an integration user?

We have a microservice, composed in JavaScript, which needs to consume a second microservice. The second microservice requires the consuming application to provide a JWT token which claims
"roles": [
for permission to use the service.
Rather than reinvent the wheel when calling Azure Active Directory to obtain and cache the token, we'd like to make use of the Microsoft Authentication Library node package.
I think we probably want to use the acquireTokenSilent() method of the ConfidentialClientApplication, but I'm not entirely clear how to create the request.
I've created this module:
import msal from '#azure/msal-node';
import {cachePlugin} from 'token-cache';
const confidentialClient = new msal.ConfidentialClientApplication({
auth: {
knownAuthorities: [],
cache: {
system: {
loggerOptions: {
loggerCallback(loglevel, message) {
piiLoggingEnabled: false,
logLevel: msal.LogLevel.Verbose,
const silentFlowRequest = {
account: {
async function acquireToken() {
try {
return await confidentialClient.acquireTokenSilent(silentFlowRequest)
catch (error) {
module.exports = {
However, I expect it to fail because Intell-J tells me:
Argument type {scopes: string[], account: {password: string, tenantId: string, username: string}} is not assignable to parameter type SilentFlowRequest
What is the correct way to do this?
Thanks for reaching out to us, please follow the doc - .
hope this will help you.
You can use the MSAL's client credentials grant using a client secret in order to acquire tokens for your web API. We have a code sample with a fairly explanatory README here.
The client credentials grant first acquires a token (through ConfidentialClientApplicaiton.acquireTokenByClientCredentials) making a network request to AzureAD. Once the token is acquired, it is cached automatically by MSAL and subsequent calls will return the same token from the cache until it expires, at which point MSAL will refresh the token for you.
// Create msal application object
const confidentialClientApplication = new msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(
authOptions: {
clientId: "<ENTER_CLIENT_ID>",
authority: "<ENTER_TENANT_ID>",
clientSecret: "<ENTER_CLIENT_SECRET>"
// Acquire tokens
function getClientCredentialsToken(confidentialClientApplication, scopes) {
// With client credentials flows permissions need to be granted in the portal by a tenant administrator.
// The scope is always in the format "<resource>/.default"
const clientCredentialRequest = {
scopes: scopes
return confidentialClientApplication
.then((response) => {
// Handle response
}).catch((error) => {
// Handle error
Essentially, you create a client secret on the Azure Portal and then place it in your MSAL configuration. This secret is used in place of user credentials, allowing your application to authenticate with AzureAD and acquire tokens without any user interaction.

Error using AWS Cognito for authentication with Hasura

i'm having some problems using lambda enviroment.
Looking to set a function that make a mutation to Hasura so I can relate Auth users of Cognito with my app information.
I set the following function Post Authentication in Lamba but it does not work.
function Add(event, context, callback) {
const userId = event.user_id;
const hasuraAdminSecret = "xxx";
const url = "xxx";
const upsertUserQuery = `
mutation($userId: String!){
insert_RegistroAnimal_users(objects: [{ id: $userId }], on_conflict: { constraint: users_pkey, update_columns: [] }) {
const graphqlReq = { "query": upsertUserQuery, "variables": { "userId": userId } }{
headers: {'content-type' : 'application/json', 'x-hasura-admin-secret': hasuraAdminSecret},
url: url,
body: JSON.stringify(graphqlReq)
}, function(error, response, body){
callback(null, user, context);
Followed this tutorial :
What do you think is wrong with the code?
I don't think anything is wrong with the code, but to make it work with Cognito you'd need to provide your Hasura setup with a JWT claims function as shown in that same guide, If you'd like to do it as the guide suggests, you need to create a lambda function like so;
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
event.response = {
"claimsOverrideDetails": {
"claimsToAddOrOverride": {
"": JSON.stringify({
"x-hasura-user-id": event.request.userAttributes.sub,
"x-hasura-default-role": "user",
// do some custom logic to decide allowed roles
"x-hasura-allowed-roles": ["user"],
callback(null, event)
You then need to pick this function as the PreTokenGeneration trigger from your user pool settings. Then AWS Cognito will trigger this function before token generation, allowing you to add Hasura required claims to your token.
The next step is to tell Hasura where to lookup for the JWT claims by providing HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET during the setup, which is essentially an URL pointing to your Cognito setup, generated using the pool id.
Finally, you can obtain the idToken from your user session after a successful login, and pass that token as an Authentication header for your Hasura requests. Described here.
All of these steps were actually described in the guide you linked, but may not be as clear. I believe the reason your current setup does not work is that your Hasura setup is missing the HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET, which needs to be the same as the x-hasura-admin-secret you're using in your requests.
Mind you, if you use x-hasura-admin-secret in your app and expose it to your users which gives them admin access, that creates a potential security issue and anyone with that secret can wipe up your data. x-hasura-admin-secret should be reserved for your admin tasks and not used in an app where AWS Cognito authentication is planned to be used.

NextJs Authentication with Next-Auth against DRF

I have an exiting Django project that I am trying to move from templates to NextJs frontend. I came across Next-Auth-js which seems to be nice in Next Auth.
However, the doc seems to focus more with JS related Backend Auth. Following this example I have sent the NEXTAUTH_URL environment variable to my DRF Endpoint localhost:8002. While the frontend runs on localhost:3000. While my _app.js looks like this:
<Provider options={{site: process.env.NEXTAUTH_URL,}} session={pageProps.session} >
<Component {...pageProps} />
Using the Nav.js for a test, I changed the signin/out href to point to my Django endpoints but it seems next-auth-js ignores this and places a session fetch to my frontend http://localhost:3000/api/auth/session instead of the the http://localhost:8002/api/auth/session.
I will appreciate any assistance on how I can correctly/securely implement this authentication using Django Rest Framework (DRF)
I think that is the way it should work, your nextjs site would be a kind of proxy/middleware to your django API client -> nextjs -> DRF, you should let it handle the sessions and for any action you need to do in your API for any authentication step, put code to hit those endpoints in the callbacks or events configuration, I think this tutorial is more accurate for your use case
from the docs
import Providers from `next-auth/providers`
providers: [
// The name to display on the sign in form (e.g. 'Sign in with...')
name: 'Credentials',
// The credentials is used to generate a suitable form on the sign in page.
// You can specify whatever fields you are expecting to be submitted.
// e.g. domain, username, password, 2FA token, etc.
credentials: {
username: { label: "Username", type: "text", placeholder: "jsmith" },
password: { label: "Password", type: "password" }
authorize: async (credentials) => {
// Add logic here to look up the user from the credentials supplied
const user = { id: 1, name: 'J Smith', email: '' }
if (user) {
// call your DRF sign in endpoint here
// Any object returned will be saved in `user` property of the JWT
return Promise.resolve(user)
} else {
// If you return null or false then the credentials will be rejected
return Promise.resolve(null)
// You can also Reject this callback with an Error or with a URL:
// return Promise.reject(new Error('error message')) // Redirect to error page
// return Promise.reject('/path/to/redirect') // Redirect to a URL
events: {
signOut: async (message) => { /* call your DRF sign out endpoint here */ },
You can use callbacks here.
callbacks: {
async signIn(user, account, profile) {
return true
async redirect(url, baseUrl) {
return baseUrl
async session(session, user) {
return session
async jwt(token, user, account, profile, isNewUser) {
return token
in signIn callback, you can get accessToken and tokenId from provider login. Here, call your DRF API and pass those tokens to your DRF and when you get back the access_token and refresh_token from DRF. Add them to your user instance. And then in JWT callback, get the access and refresh from user and add them into token
Got this from some blog
Though, you also need to handle the refresh token.

Keeping user logged in after refresh/using refresh token with Google OAuth2 in React app

I’m building a React app where a key part of the functionality is a user can sign into their Google account and then access a feed of their most recent Google Drive/Docs mentions and notifications. A user arrives at my site where I load the Google OAuth2 client with my client_id, apiKey, scope and discoveryDocs, and they can click a button to sign in. For convenience, I’d like the user to not have to re-login and re-auth with their Google account every time they use the app or the app refreshes, I’d like the login information to be saved across sessions. For this I’ll use localStorage to start but eventually integrate a database like Firebase.
After looking through the JavaScript client Google OAuth2 docs I understand how most things work - understand the data and methods stored in the GoogleUser, GoogleAuth, etc objects. I’m having a little trouble with access and refresh tokens. I recognize that you can get the authenticated user’s information through gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().currentUser.get() and gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().currentUser.get().getAuthResponse() returns an object with a lot of what I think I need like id_token, access_token and metadata like expires_at and token_type. I also see the grantOfflineAccess() method from which I extract response.code, but I’m not quite sure which of these tokenized strings is the right one to use and how I need to use it.
This FAQ from Google ( is somewhat helpful but advises to Refresh the token by calling gapi.auth.authorize with the client ID, the scope and immediate:true as parameters., but gapi.auth.authorize is noted by Google in the client JS OAuth2 library as being incompatible with the more widely used and heavily documented api.auth2.init and signIn.
I also have a vague idea from posts like Google OAuth2 API Refresh Tokens that I need to follow server-side OAuth2 instructions and I can only get this refresh_token through a server-side call, but I’m still at a bit of a loss. I’ll caveat and say I’m more of a front end developer/designer so I'm shaky on my node and server-side skills.
TL;dr: I don't know how to keep my users who signed in via Google OAuth2 signed in after a refresh. I have an idea it's due to refresh_token and access_token and I have access to them but I don't know what to do after that, in terms of sending data to Google servers, getting information back, and setting the token information for the given user when they return.
Here's my method that calls on componentDidMount (basically when my app first loads):
loadGoogleClient = () => {
gapi.load("client:auth2", () => {
'client_id': my-client-id,
'apiKey': my-key,
'scope': "",
'discoveryDocs': ['']
// Listen for sign-in state changes.
console.log(`User is signed in: ${gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get()}`);
.then(() => { console.log("GAPI client loaded for API");
}, (error) => { console.error("Error loading GAPI client for API", error);
console.log('Init should have worked');
And here's my code that's onClick on my Signin button:
authGoogle = () => {
.signIn({scope: ""})
.then(function() { console.log("Sign-in successful"); },
function(err) { console.error("Error signing in", err); });
If you are using the client lib (the gapi api) there is no need for a refresh token... Once logged in it should persist across sessions and refreshes... The issue is the code...
1) Include this in your index.html in the head section:
<script src=""></script>
2) Here is a component that will handle auth using the gapi lib and render a button conditionally (The code is self-explanatory but if you have a question just ask...)
import React from 'react';
class GoogleAuth extends React.Component {
state = { isSignedIn: null };
componentDidMount() {
window.gapi.load('client:auth2', () => {
clientId: '<your client id here...>',
scope: 'email', // and whatever else passed as a string...
.then(() => {
this.auth = window.gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
handleAuthChange = () => {
this.setState({ isSignedIn: this.auth.isSignedIn.get() });
handleSignIn = () => {
handleSignOut = () => {
renderAuthButton() {
if (this.state.isSignedIn === null) {
return null;
} else if (this.state.isSignedIn) {
return <button onClick={this.handleSignOut}>Sign Out</button>;
} else {
return <button onClick={this.handleSignIn}>Sign in with Google</button>;
render() {
return <div>{this.renderAuthButton()}</div>;
export default GoogleAuth;
Now you can simply use this component/button anywhere in your app... Meaning if you have a Navigation component simply import it there and use it as a button login / log out...

Creating a YouTube playlist with React using Google's API

I would like to create a YouTube playlist on a users account, but I have struggled to authenticate a POST to the YouTube v3 api.
I'll start by showing how far I have got with this problem.
YouTube API Documentation
The Youtube API Documentation provides details on creating a playlist, and has a working example in the API Explorer
I entered the following code into the request body:
"title":"Test Playlist"
This successfully created a playlist on my YouTube account with the same title. So from this I could tell that, a title was required within the body and it would require OAuth 2.0 authentication (an error is displayed if it is not enabled) using one the scopes: youtube, youtube.force-ssl, youtubepartner.
First attempt in react
The First thing I tried was similar to this:
fetch('/youtube/v3/playlists', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer' +,
body: JSON.stringify({
}).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
}) contains my YouTube api key.
Most of the formatting for this came from another API I have in the same program for getting data from spotify which works.
The response I got from this would say "Login failed" or "Authentication Error" (something along those lines)
Anyway, this is relevant because I know that my first hurdle is getting authentication.
The YouTube API Documentation contains a guide titled Implementing OAuth 2.0 Authorization I followed the guide for client side web apps.
The first thing I noticed is that they are using a library, I found this on npm under googleapis and installed it.
When I tried to call this in React using
const {google} = require('googleapis');
I won't get deep into the error but react said "Can't convert undefined to object" and found an issue which said that googleapis is intended for server side not client side, I tried building the react app and putting it on herokuapp but got the same error. Someone else suggested using gapi-client on npm which is a node wrapper for googleapis.
The next thing I did was try the example on the npm page, which is very similar to the google example for configuring the client object. I have it so the import part and function are at the top of my app.js and then the gapi.load part activates after a button is pressed (this could be useless info but w/e)
import gapi from 'gapi-client';
//On load, called to load the auth2 library and API client library.
gapi.load('client:auth2', initClient);
function initClient() {
discoveryDocs: [""],
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
scope: ''
}).then(function () {
// do stuff with loaded APIs
console.log('it worked');
I copied my client ID in from the API Console and this is the exact response I got:
Loading failed for the with source
net::ERR_ABORTED 404
That's about as far as I got and I'm not sure what to do from here, so any help is much appreciated. I hope this didn't get too convoluted but I've tried to convey my problem as clearly as possible.
So I was able to authorize the YouTube API and create a playlist.
I have a backend hosted on localhost:8888 (doesn't matter just not what react is hosted on).
here is sample code for what I put in the server.js file (for the backend)
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var passport = require('passport');
var YoutubeV3Strategy = require('passport-youtube-v3').Strategy;
passport.use(new YoutubeV3Strategy({
callbackURL: 'http://localhost:8888/redirect',
scope: ['']
function (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) {
var user = {
accessToken: accessToken,
refreshToken: refreshToken
return cb(null, user)
passport.serializeUser(function(user, cb) {
cb(null, user);
passport.deserializeUser(function(obj, cb) {
cb(null, obj);
app.get('/authenticate', passport.authenticate('youtube'))
app.get('/redirect', passport.authenticate('youtube', { failureRedirect: '/login' }),
function(req, res) {
res.redirect('http://localhost:3000' + '?access_token=' + req.user.accessToken)
This is using Passport.js to do oauth for me, lots of documentation can be found on the site.
In react I have it so a button will open localhost:8888/authenticate and then that will redirect back to my application. If you are using this you need to make sure that on your google API credentials you have the javascript origin as http://localhost:8888 and the redirect URI as http://localhost:8888/redirect and the correct scope and application type.
This is the function I use in my app.js (react) to make the POST
getAPIdata() {
let parsed = queryString.parse(;
let accessToken = parsed.access_token
fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken,
body: JSON.stringify({
}).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
window.alert('' +
I was actually mostly correct with the first attempt I just had the authorization incorrect.
Here's a couple sources that helped me make my solution:
Passport.js oauth tutorial
Googles OAuth 2.0 Playground
Passport.js Documentation
Passport.js facebook oauth example
Hopefully this is helpful to someone, You can use the same code i used in server.js to authenticate most services by just changing the strategy.
A live version of my application can be found here. In the console it shows the response from the POST request, this should help if you have any issues. I know the alert is bad ui but this wasn't the intended use.
Thanks for reading :)

