Replace "C:\fakepath\" to "\\server\folder\" - javascript

I use javascript code to take the file path and paste it into the text input. I am wondering how to make it substitute a predefined server path in front of the file name instead of the path "C:\fakepath", e.g: "\server\dir\data".
$('input[type="text"]').val( $(this).val());
<script src=""></script>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" onchange="this.form.filename.value = this.value">
<input type="text" name="filename">

The String object has a number of methods that you could use for this. For example using substr:
$('input[type="text"]').val( '\\server\\dir\\data'+$(this).val().substr(11));

Some browsers have a security feature that prevents JavaScript from knowing your file's local full path and because of which you are getting fakepath in the file path url. This security feature is added so that the server won't able to know the filesystem of your machine.
In case you you want to remove the fakepath from path then what you can do is to -
$('input[type="text"]').val( '\'+$(this).val());
This will show the the path as \file_name.extension

of what you wrote i guess that you are trying to do file upload by sending the file data from files object to the server by ajax but you cannot send this path or replace it because it's a random path generated when the server received the file to be uploaded but you can easily use FormData object to send the file to the server then you can handle it from your server
Here's an example
var photo = document.getElementById("photo")
photo.addEventListener("change",function(event) {
var form_data = new FormData();
url: './phpScripts/up.php',
type: "post",
processData: false,
contentType: false,
data: form_data
}).done(function(e) {
//Code here
the last point if you wants to get the file path just test the event in the console console.log(event) then search for files object when you can find the file path and access it


Javascript Ajax upload file to Python backend

I got stuck how to make my code work, I am trying to upload file using javascript to my python code.
here my HTML
<div class="form-group">
<label for="upload_list" class="control-label">Upload List</label>
<input name="upload_list" id="upload_list" type="file" class="form-control" multiple="true" />
<a id="make_order" role="button" class="btn btn-primary" href="#">
here my JS that handle the upload.
$("a#make_rfq_order").bind("click", function(ev) {
var customer_upload_list = $('#upload_list').val();
ajax.jsonRpc('/shop/order', 'call', {
'upload_list': customer_upload_list
and here my python code
def customer_order(self, **post):
if post.get('upload_list'):
if order and
if post.get('upload_list'):
'name': '{0}_{1}'.format('file', upload_list.filename),
return True
if I use 'name': '{0}_{1}'.format('file', upload_list), its work, but only handle the file name,
how to get the actual file submited to my server?...
I'm unable to comment, so I'm answering as best I can, but knowing a bit more about your python server would help (are you using a specific framework or did you code your own python server from scratch, etc...)
I think you're sending the path of the file, not the file itself with this part:
var customer_upload_list = $('#upload_list').val();
Try the below instead:
var file = $('#upload_list').get(0).files[0];
Also, it looks like you're trying to include support for multiple files.
Have you tried building a FormData by iterating over the selected files and adding the FormData to the POST?
Something like this may work, or at least get you in the right direction:
var files = new FormData();
for(var i=0;i< $('#upload_list').val().length;i++){
var file = $('#upload_list').get(0).files[i];
files.append('files[]', file);
url: 'upload.php',
type: 'POST',
data: files
the received data will be in list form on the server side, so remember to alter the code to look for a list.
You may have to play around with other paramaters in the POST, like contentType and dataType or processData, but I think the above is sufficient to get a result

Get file object by giving hardcoded path in javascript

I need to get file from my disk (i.e. local machine) by giving a path in javascript. How to do that using javascript or jquery? I have get the file on single button click by giving hardcoded path. I don't want to browse file by using <input type="file">
Following is my code:
<button id="btnCallApi">Call Api</button>
$('#btnCallApi').on('click', function (evt) {
var files= "file:///H:/abc/xyz/testTxtDoc.txt";
How to get that file object from specified location path?
use jQuery.ajax().
url: "file:///H:/abc/xyz/testTxtDoc.txt"
}).done(function(data) {

How to download a file via URL then get its name

This is for a userscript I'm making with JS+jQuery. I'm wondering if it's possible to find the filename given the URL.
It's in the form of:
and then that link downloads a file such as "cat.jpg".
How do I find out what the file name is called? I don't need to actually save the file on the users computer - just need to find the name of the file.
I'm open to using any JS library - but I need to make sure that the file isn't actually saved in the users computer (or maybe it's just saved in a temp folder somewhere).
The simple thing you can do is to make HEAD request, so that you don't actually download the file but only response headers. From there you get Content-Disposition header which contains filename field.
Something like this in jQuery:
type: "HEAD",
url: '',
success: function(message, text, response) {
var header = response.getResponseHeader('Content-Disposition');
header variable will be something like attachment; filename="image.jpg". Now it's easy to extract filename part:
var filename = header.match(/filename="(.+)"/)[1]; // image.jpg

upload file via ajax with jquery easy ui

I'm trying to give users the possibility to import data from a file that is located on their computer by using jQuery EasyUI form widget:
<form id="my_form" method="POST">
<input type="file" name="my_file" id="my_file" />
var file_name = $('#my_file').val();
$('#my_form').form('submit', {
url: [url_to_call],
onSubmit: function(param){
param.file_path = file_name;
Then when the user browse on his/her computer for the file, I wanna send the path to a jQuery ajax query to perform some upload action. The problem I have is that filename returns something like this:
Because of the fakepath string, I am not getting the real path to where the file is located on the user's computer. Does anybody know how I can fix this issue please?
Thank you
Tried this plugin
this plugin provide a method called AjaxSubmit() which work fine for upload the image. I have used it in 2011.
it's have some issue in IE (old version like 6,7). You need to write some hacks. on the backend Firefox and IE upload the correct file-stream format like Data/Image but in Chrome (Webkit) you will got Octet Stream. You need to parse the file format on server to check that file is not wrong.
I have no idea what your form() function does, as no such method exists in jQuery, but the usual way of uploading a file to the server would be something like this :
$('#my_file').on('change', function() {
url : [url_to_call],
data : new FormData($('#my_form').get(0)),
processData: false,
contenttype: false
}).done(function(param) {
param.file_path = file_name;

Ajax using file upload

I am creating mail page for sending mails. I need to attach some file before sending. How could I do this using AJAX? Initially I need to store those files in server and then I have to send the mail. These actions are done with in a single send button.
Check these questions:
JavaScript file uploads
How can I get Gmail-like file uploads for my web app?
What is the best multiple file JavaScript / Flash file uploader?
Look on below snippet which send text data and attached multi-files. The content-type='multipart/form-data' is set by browser automatically, the file name is added automatically too to filename FormData parameter (and can be easy read by server).
async function sendEmail() {
let formData = new FormData();
let msg = { message: emailText.value };
formData.append("email", JSON.stringify(msg));
[...attachment.files].map( (file,i) => formData.append("file"+i, file) );
try {
await fetch('your/api/upload/email', { method: "POST", body: formData });
alert("Email was send!");
} catch(e) {
alert("Problem with email sending");
<textarea id="emailText" placeholder="Type message here"></textarea><br>
<input type="file" id="attachment" multiple /><br><br>
<input type="button" value="Send email" onclick="sendEmail()" />
<br><br><span style="color:red">In this snippet API not exists so exception will be thrown but you can look on your request in:<br> chrome console> network tab</span>
I hope you know how do the normal upload. Call the upload/Reading and updating the file when click the button by using the ajax call. You have to send the local system file path as the input and then the response should contain the path in the server or error. Update the attachment link with the response in case there are no errors.
You should dynamically create a hidden iframe in your DOM and set the target of your upload form to this iframe. dont forget to set form method to POST.
you could do both uploading and message field filling in one go.
you should definitely check ready components doing this for the javascript library of your choice.

