How to get variable in set method - javascript

I have an issue with getting a variable in a setter method when I create a class.
In the picture above you can see my method "set quest" returns this (num 1) instead of this.questId (num 2) . How can I get this.questId in "set" and what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance.
class TestItem {
constructor(testItem) { =;
this.answList = testItem.answList;
this.questId =;
set quest(value) {
console.log(this , this.questId);
let questItem = document.createElement('div');
questItem.textContent = `${this.questId}. ${value}`;
this._quest = questItem;
set answList(value) {
this._answList =, i) => {
let answItem = document.createElement('span');
answItem.setAttribute('data-value', item.val);
answItem.textContent = item.answ;
return answItem;
getQuestBlock() {
let questBlock = document.createElement('div');
this._answList.forEach(item => questBlock.append(item));
return questBlock;
function createTest(testData) {
let testContainer = document.querySelector('#testContainer');
testData.forEach((item, i) => {
let testItem = new TestItem(item);
let questBlock = testItem.getQuestBlock();
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", createTest.bind(this ,testData));


How can get totalBalanceAmount value from getSavingsInput() and put into (HERE)?

How can get totalBalanceAmount value from getSavingsInput() that i can put into (HERE)?
function getSavingsInput() {
let totalBalance = document.getElementById('balance')
let totalBalanceAmount = parseFloat(totalBalance.value)
return totalBalanceAmount;
document.getElementById('Savings').addEventListener('click',function() {
let savingInput = getInput('savigns-input') // this is the another function
let savingsInputAmount = parseFloat(savingInput)
const savignsAmount = (HERE) % savingsInputAmount;
const savedAmount = document.getElementById('saved-amount')
savedAmount.innerText = savignsAmount;

(Deep?) copy Map in JavaScript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Shallow-clone a Map or Set
(6 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
How can I deep copy a map object to another map ? I'm trying to use ES6 method but this return Map(0){} empty object. My first try was send a map object to function and assign this to a new value in this class. But on next() method I'm removing one property from this map and this change map in unit test file
export default class CreatureTurnQueue {
constructor() {
this.creatureMap = new Map();
this.creatureArray = [];
this.observersArray = [];
initQueue(list = {}) {
this.creatureMap = Object.assign({}, list)
this.creatureMap = list //<=old method
list.forEach(val => this.creatureArray.push(val));
getActiveCreature() {
let [first] = this.creatureArray.filter(el => el);
return first;
next(list = {}) {
if (this.creatureMap.size == 0) {
return true;
addObserver(_observer) {
removeObserver(_observer) {
notifyObserver() {
this.observersArray.forEach(item => item.resetCounterAttack())
import Creature from "../creature.js";
import CreatureTurnQueue from "../creatureTurnQueue.js";
import Point from './../point';
export default class CreatureTurnQueueTest {
queueShoulChangeActiveCreature() {
let creatureTurnQueue = new CreatureTurnQueue();
let creture1 = new Creature("aaaa", 1, 1, 1, 1);
let creture2 = new Creature("bbbb", 1, 1, 1, 1);
let creture3 = new Creature("cccc", 1, 1, 1, 1);
let point1 = new Point(1, 0)
let point2 = new Point(2, 0)
let point3 = new Point(3, 0)
let creatureMap = new Map();
creatureMap.set(point1, creture1);
creatureMap.set(point2, creture2);
creatureMap.set(point3, creture3);
console.log("~ creatureMap", creatureMap) <= map have 2 elements
creatureMap.forEach(item => { <= creatureMap return 2 elements becouse this one value is removed
if (item !== creatureTurnQueue.getActiveCreature()) {
console.log("~ item", item)
console.log("~ creatureTurnQueue.getActiveCreature()", creatureTurnQueue.getActiveCreature())
throw `Exception: => Kolejka nie dziala poprawnie zwracana aktywna creatura jest inna`;
if ( {
throw `Exception: => Kolejka nie dziala poprawnie w momecie wywolania funkcji next()`;
The rest of a classes
export default class Point {
constructor(_x, _y) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
import CreatureStatistics from "./creatureStatistics.js";
export default class Creature {
constructor(_name, _attack, _armor, _maxHp, _moveRange) {
this.stats = this.createCreature(_name, _attack, _armor, _maxHp, _moveRange);
this.stats.currentHp = this.stats.maxHp;
this.stats.wasCounterAttack = false;
createCreature(_name, _attack, _armor, _maxHp, _moveRange) {
return new CreatureStatistics(
_name || "Smok",
_attack || 1,
_armor || 1,
_maxHp || 100,
_moveRange || 10
setDefaultStats() {
// this.stats.wasCounterAttack == true ? this.stats.wasCounterAttack = false : this.stats.wasCounterAttack = true
this.stats.currentHp = this.stats.currentHp != undefined ? this.stats.currentHp : this.stats.maxHp;
// popraw counter atack
attack(_defender) {
if (_defender.isAlive()) {
_defender.stats.currentHp = this.calculateDamage(_defender);
if (_defender.isAlive() && !_defender.stats.wasCounterAttack) {
_defender.stats.wasCounterAttack = true;
this.stats.currentHp = _defender.calculateDamage(this);
calculateDamage(attackedCreature) {
return attackedCreature.stats.currentHp - this.stats.getAttack() + attackedCreature.stats.getArmor() > attackedCreature.stats.getMaxHp()
? attackedCreature.stats.currentHp
: attackedCreature.stats.currentHp - this.stats.getAttack() + attackedCreature.stats.getArmor();
isAlive() {
if (this.stats.currentHp > 0) {
return true;
getCurrentHp() {
return this.stats.currentHp;
resetCounterAttack() {
this.stats.wasCounterAttack = false;
canCounterAttack() {
return !this.stats.wasCounterAttack
export default class CreatureStatistics {
constructor(_name, _attack, _armor, _maxHp, _moveRange) { = _name;
this.attack = _attack;
this.armor = _armor;
this.maxHp = _maxHp;
this.moveRange = _moveRange;
getName() {
getAttack() {
return this.attack;
getArmor() {
return this.armor;
getMaxHp() {
return this.maxHp;
getMoveRange() {
return this.moveRange;
The map was in fact a reference of the creatureMap from unit test script. Modifying the map inside your class will modify the creatureMap in unit test. You can try to create a new Map and copy over all values:
// Start class CreateTurnQueue
initQueue(list = {}) {
const newMap = new Map();
// Both Object and Map has entries method although the order is different
const iterator = list.entries();
for(const item of iterator) {
const [point, creature] = item;
newMap.set(point, creature);
this.creatureMap = newMap;
// End class CreateTurnQueue
Now you don't have a reference to the creatureMap from the unit test script and modify this.creatureMap will not affect the one you passed to the initQueue method as argument.

Very new to Javascript OOP: Passing a value to property through input fails to render single Element

I'm having problems rendering individual "li" elements through OOP approach.
I'm fetching the input from the user and using this info to create an item through a class. I'm then connecting this class to the list class responsible for rendering the list.
Once I fetch the value through a click event listener, the singleTaskRendering class isn't working. I wonder if I'm setting this up incorrectly?
const inputAccess = document.querySelector('.control').querySelector('input');
const addItemBtnAccess = document.getElementById('add-item-btn');
const toDoList = [];
const doneList = [];
//ads a li id to the item
const idGenerator = (array) => {
let n = 1;
let message = '';
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
n += 1;
message = `li-${n}`;
return message;
class ItemTask {
constructor(itemValue, idGen) {
this.title = itemValue; = idGen;
const addItemBtnHandler = () => {
const toDoList = [];
const inputValue = inputAccess.value;
const item= new ItemTask(inputValue, idGenerator(toDoList));
return toDoList;
class singleTaskRendering {
constructor(product) {
this.product = product;
render() {
const titleElement = document.createElement('div'); =;
titleElement.innerHTML = `
titleElement.draggable = true;
class ItemLists {
constructor(listId, items) {
this.items = items;
this.listId = listId;
console.log(this.items, this.listId);
renderList() {
const renderHook = document.getElementById('hook');
const createList = document.createElement('lu');
createList.className = 'card'; = `${this.listId}-list`;
for(let item of this.items) {
const newItem = new singleTaskRendering(item);
const itemEl = newItem.render();
console.log(itemEl, newItem);
const itemList = new ItemLists('active', toDoList);
addItemBtnAccess.addEventListener('click', addItemBtnHandler);
The problem that you are having is that you call ItemLists on page load, which means it will only be processing an empty toDoList.
My solution is to rename renderList to appendItem.
Declare it at the top
Don't pass the list id and list to the constructor instead pass it to
appendItem in the clickhandler.
const inputAccess = document.querySelector('.control').querySelector('input');
const addItemBtnAccess = document.getElementById('add-item-btn');
const itemList = new ItemLists();
const toDoList = [];
const doneList = [];
//ads a li id to the item
const idGenerator = (array) => {
let n = 1;
let message = '';
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
n += 1;
message = `li-${n}`;
return message;
class ItemTask {
constructor(itemValue, idGen) {
this.title = itemValue; = idGen;
const addItemBtnHandler = () => {
const toDoList = [];
const inputValue = inputAccess.value;
const item= new ItemTask(inputValue, idGenerator(toDoList));
itemList.appendItem('active', item);
class singleTaskRendering {
constructor(product) {
this.product = product;
render() {
const titleElement = document.createElement('div'); =;
titleElement.innerHTML = `
titleElement.draggable = true;
class ItemLists {
appendItem(listId, item) {
const renderHook = document.getElementById('hook');
const createList = document.createElement('lu');
createList.className = 'card'; = `${listId}-list`;
const newItem = new singleTaskRendering(item);
const itemEl = newItem.render();
console.log(itemEl, newItem);
addItemBtnAccess.addEventListener('click', addItemBtnHandler);

javascript multiple function callback syntax

I can't wrap my head around callback syntax, can you please help me re-write my code so that it executes in this order:
(in my case it executes in this order MenuBuilder.load(), Translator.load(), MenuBuilder.draw() so it doesn't do what I want)
import MenuBuilder from "./menu-builder.js";
import Translator from "./translator.js";
var menuBuilder = new MenuBuilder();
var translator = new Translator();
"use strict"
class MenuBuilder {
constructor() {
this._nav = document.getElementsByTagName("nav")[0];
this._url = window.location.href;
load() {
console.log("MenuBuilder.load() start");
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((jsonMenu) => {
/*.catch(() => {
console.error(`Could not load ${this._lang}.json.`);
console.log("MenuBuilder.load() end");
draw(jsonMenu) {
console.log("MenuBuilder.draw(jsonMenu) start");
var htmlMenu = `<div id="siteTitleDiv"><p id="siteTitle" data-i18n="general.title"></p><p id="siteTitleShadow" data-i18n="general.title-shadow"></p><p id="siteSubtitle"data-i18n="general.subtitle"></p></div><ul>`;
for(var i = 0; i < jsonMenu.length; i++) {
var menuItem = jsonMenu[i];
var regexp = /http:\/\/cypher-f\.com\/(([a-z\-]*\/)?([a-z\-]*\/))?/g;
var fullPage = "something format_abc";
var match = regexp.exec(this._url);
var level_1 = match[1];
var level_2 = match[3];
var parent = match[2];
var full_suffix = match[0];
if ((parent == null) || (menuItem.parent === parent)) {
var material_icon = menuItem["material-icon"];
var href = menuItem["href"];
var i18n = menuItem["data-i18n"];
htmlMenu += `<li><i class="material-icons">${material_icon}</i></li>`;
htmlMenu += `</ul>`;
this._nav.innerHTML = htmlMenu;
console.log("MenuBuilder: nav.innerHTML");
console.log("MenuBuilder: document.elements");
console.log("MenuBuilder.draw(jsonMenu) end");
export default MenuBuilder;
"use strict"
class Translator {
constructor() {
this._lang = this.getLanguage();
this._elements = document.querySelectorAll("[data-i18n]");
getLanguage() {
var lang = navigator.languages ? navigator.languages[0] : navigator.language;
return lang.substr(0, 2);
load(lang = null) {
console.log("Translator.load() start");
if (lang) {
this._lang = lang;
else {
var re = new RegExp("lang=([^;]+)");
var value = re.exec(document.cookie);
var cookieLang = (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null;
if (cookieLang) {
this._lang = cookieLang;
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((translation) => {
.then(document.cookie = `lang=${this._lang};path=/`)
/*.catch(() => {
console.error(`Could not load ${this._lang}.json.`);
console.log("Translator.load() end");
translate(translation) {
console.log("Translator.load(translation) start");
this._elements.forEach((element) => {
var keys = element.dataset.i18n.split(".");
var text = keys.reduce((obj, i) => obj[i], translation);
if (text) {
element.innerHTML = text;
else {
element.innerHTML = `key ${keys} not found for ${this._lang}!`
console.log("Translator.load(translation) end");
toggleLangTag() {
if (document.documentElement.lang !== this._lang) {
document.documentElement.lang = this._lang;
switchLanguage(translator) {
var availableLang = ["en", "fr"];
var currentLangIndex = availableLang.indexOf(translator._lang);
var nextLang = availableLang[(currentLangIndex + 1)%availableLang.length];
export default Translator;
I'm sorry I know this is kind of a newbie question but I haven't programmed in three years.
You're working with Promises here, so you want to stick with that paradigm. Return the promise that is returned from the fetch call, then "chain" off of that promise to call the translator.
load() {
console.log("MenuBuilder.load() start");
// The return here gives control of the promise to the caller...
return fetch(`/json/menu.json`)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((jsonMenu) => {
/*.catch(() => {
console.error(`Could not load ${this._lang}.json.`);
console.log("MenuBuilder.load() end");
So back in onload.js you can use the promise returned from menuBuilder.load() to call translator.load() after menuBuilder.load() is done.
import MenuBuilder from "./menu-builder.js";
import Translator from "./translator.js";
var menuBuilder = new MenuBuilder();
var translator = new Translator();
menuBuilder.load().then(() => translator.load());

How to remove a class from grandfather div

I have a code like this. It is here only to show how It works. Problem appears when I want to compare cards. When I click on the first and second card and they are not matched their grandfather div should remove a class which flips a tile. Second thing, I click on the same card twice it will return "win". How to fix this and make this code look clean?
let guesses = [];
let tries = 0;
const doubleArrVal = arr => arr.concat(arr);
const addFlipEffect = (e) => {
let target = e.currentTarget;
if (!target.classList.contains("tile--static")) {
return target;
const addManyListeners = (collection, e, fn) => {
for (let i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
collection[i].addEventListener(e, fn, false);
const randomize = (arr) => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
const tmp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = tmp;
return arr;
const prepareArray = (ammount) => {
let imgNames = ["angular", "bootstrap", "css", "foundation", "github", "grunt", "html", "ruby", "jquery", "less", "nodejs", "sass"];
imgNames = imgNames.slice(0, ammount);
const doubled = doubleArrVal(imgNames);
return randomize(doubled);
const createMarkUp = (id) => {
const markUp = `<div class="tile tile--game">
<div class="tile__side tile__side--front">
<div class="tile__side tile__side--back">
<img src="img/${id}.svg" alt="${id}" class="tile__img" data-name="${id}">
return markUp;
const createCards = (ammount) => {
const container = document.getElementById("gameContainer");
const preparedCards = prepareArray(ammount); => {
const cardElement = createMarkUp(card);
container.innerHTML += cardElement;
return container;
// Problem is here
const compare = (e) => {
const userPick = e.currentTarget;
let image = userPick.querySelector("[data-name]");
if (tries === 2) {
if (guesses[0] === guesses[1] {
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
guesses = [];
tries = 0;
const startGame = (level) => {
const gameCards = createCards(4);
addManyListeners(gameCards.children, "click", addFlipEffect);
addManyListeners(gameCards.children, "click", compare);
<div id ="gameContainer"></div>
I would use a Set for guesses, to facilitate the unique selection:
let guesses = new Set;
const compare = (e) => {
const userPick = e.currentTarget;
let image = userPick.querySelector("[data-name]");
if (guesses.size === 2) { // guaranteed to be 2 different images
if (new Set(Array.from(guesses, guess => == 1) {
guesses = new Set;
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
for (let guess of guesses) {
guesses = new Set; // only clear here
}, 500);
If your template would put the data-name="${id}" on the grandfather/root div, it would all become a bit simpler: then you only have to work with the div, not the img:
const createMarkUp = (id) => {
const markUp = `<div class="tile tile--game" data-name="${id}">
<div class="tile__side tile__side--front">
<div class="tile__side tile__side--back">
<img src="img/${id}.svg" alt="${id}" class="tile__img">
return markUp;
const compare = (e) => {
if (guesses.size !== 2) return;
if (new Set(Array.from(guesses, guess => == 1) {
guesses = new Set;
setTimeout(() => {
for (let guess of guesses) {
guesses = new Set;
}, 500);
This is an error of scope. Your timeout uses the variable guesses but it is executed in the global scope, where the variable is undefined. So I have used bind, to bind it to the function.
To make sure you have 2 different elements in guesses, simply test them before testing their value.
let guesses = [];
let tries = 0;
const doubleArrVal = arr => arr.concat(arr);
const addFlipEffect = (e) => {
let target = e.currentTarget;
if (!target.classList.contains("tile--static")) {
return target;
const addManyListeners = (collection, e, fn) => {
for (let i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
collection[i].addEventListener(e, fn, false);
const randomize = (arr) => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
const tmp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = tmp;
return arr;
const prepareArray = (ammount) => {
let imgNames = ["angular", "bootstrap", "css", "foundation", "github", "grunt", "html", "ruby", "jquery", "less", "nodejs", "sass"];
imgNames = imgNames.slice(0, ammount);
const doubled = doubleArrVal(imgNames);
return randomize(doubled);
const createMarkUp = (id) => {
const markUp = `<div class="tile tile--game">
<div class="tile__side tile__side--front">
<div class="tile__side tile__side--back">
<img src="img/${id}.svg" alt="${id}" class="tile__img" data-name="${id}">
return markUp;
const createCards = (ammount) => {
const container = document.getElementById("gameContainer");
const preparedCards = prepareArray(ammount); => {
const cardElement = createMarkUp(card);
container.innerHTML += cardElement;
return container;
const compare = (e) => {
const userPick = e.currentTarget;
let image = userPick.querySelector("[data-name]");
if (tries === 2) {
if (guesses[0] !== guesses[1] && guesses[0] === guesses[1] {
} else {
setTimeout(((guesses) => {
}).bind(null, guesses), 500);
guesses = [];
tries = 0;
const startGame = (level) => {
const gameCards = createCards(4);
addManyListeners(gameCards.children, "click", addFlipEffect);
addManyListeners(gameCards.children, "click", compare);
<div id="gameContainer"></div>

