trigger watch function in Vue 3 composition Api - javascript

I have set this reactive value inside the setup
const refValue = ref('foo');
and set a watch function to it
watch(refValue, function() {
the watch function gets not activated if I manually change the value,
it gets only activated if a add a function which changes the value
const changeValue = function changedValue() {
return refValue.value = 12;
why does watch only gets triggered when using a function to change the value,
I thought that const refValue = ref('foo'); is reactive so watch should detect all changes
import { ref,watch } from 'vue';
export default {
setup() {
const refValue = ref('foo');
watch(refValue, function() {
const changeValue = function changedValue() {
return refValue.value = 12;
return {
refProp: refValue,
changeFuncton: changeValue

Try out immediate option and use a function as first parameter that returns the observed property :
watch(()=>refValue, function() {

refValue type is an object.
vue watchs for refValue object reference change, not property change


Openlayers setState on Select event

I am trying to trigger a React setState when a feature is clicked. I try to edit the selectedFeature and show it's properties on the screen. But I get a "TypeError: Cannot read property 'setState' of undefined" Error message every time i try to execute the click method.
componentDidMount() {
function featureSelected(event) {
this.setState({ selectedFeature: event.selected[0].getProperties() });
var changeInteraction = function() {
var select = new Select({});
select.on("select", event => featureSelected(event));
This is the line that throws the error:
this.setState({ selectedFeature: event.selected[0].getProperties() });
This is my state property:
class MyMap extends Component {
state = {
selectedFeature: null
This is undefined
Use fat arrow function instead of the function keyword.
You add a new scope when you add a function. this becomes the this
of the function and not of the class anymore.
A fat arrow function passes the scope of this down and will allow you to call class methods like setState.
componentDidMount() {
const featureSelected = (event) => {
this.setState({ selectedFeature: event.selected[0].getProperties() });
var changeInteraction = () => {
var select = new Select({});
select.on("select", event => featureSelected(event));
The problem is a misconception of this
Basically this refers to the closest function parent. In your case this refers to featureSelected.
Try creating a reference to the this that you need, by storing it into a variable.
componentDidMount() {
const myClass=this; //Reference to the above class
function featureSelected(event) {
//Use that reference instead of this
myClass.setState({ selectedFeature: event.selected[0].getProperties() });
var changeInteraction = function() {
var select = new Select({});
select.on("select", event => featureSelected(event));

Why isn't the mobx #computed value?

Simple: the computed value isn't updating when the observable it references changes.
import {observable,computed,action} from 'mobx';
export default class anObject {
#observable attributes = {}; // {attribute : [values]}
#observable attributeOrder = {}; // {attribute: order-index}
#observable attributeToggle = {}; // {attribute : bool}
#computed get orderedAttributeKeys() {
const orderedAttributeKeys = [];
([attrName, index]) => orderedAttributeKeys[index] = attrName
return orderedAttributeKeys;
changeAttribute = (existingAttr, newAttr) => {
this.attributes[newAttr] = this.attributes[existingAttr].slice(0);
delete this.attributes[existingAttr];
this.attributeOrder[newAttr] = this.attributeOrder[existingAttr];
delete this.attributeOrder[existingAttr];
this.attributeToggle[newAttr] = this.attributeToggle[existingAttr];
delete this.attributeToggle[existingAttr];
After calling changeAttribute, this.orderedAttributeKeys does not return a new value. The node appears unchanged.
However, if I remove the #computed and make it a normal (non-getter) function, then for some reason this.orderedAttributeKeys does display the new values. Why is this?
It updates judging by logs and debugging tools, but doesn't render on the screen (the below component has this code, but does NOT re-render). Why?
{ => { return <Attribute node={node} attribute={attr} key={attr}/>})
pointerToObjectAboveInCanvas is a variable. It's been set to point to the object above.
The changeAttribute function in anObject is called in this pattern. It starts in the Attribute component with this method
handleAttrKeyChange = async (existingKey, newKey) => {
await this.canvas.updateNodeAttrKey(this.props.node, existingKey, newKey);
this.setState({attributeEdit: false}); // The Attribute component re-renders (we change from an Input holding the attribute prop, to a div. But the above component which calls Attribute doesn't re-render, so the attribute prop is the same
which calls this method in another object (this.canvas)
updateNodeAttrKey = (node, existingKey, newKey) => {
if (existingKey === newKey) { return { success: true } }
else if (newKey === "") { return { success: false, errors: [{msg: "If you'd like to delete this attribute, click on the red cross to the right!"}] } }
node.changeAttribute(existingKey, newKey);
return { success: true }
Why isn't the component that holds Attribute re-rendering? It's calling orderedAttributeKeys!!! Or am I asking the wrong question, and something else is the issue...
An interesting fact is this same set of calls happens for changing the attributeValue (attribute is the key in anObject's observable dictionary, attributeValue is the value), BUT it shows up (because the Attribute component re-renders and it pulls directly from the node's attribute dictionary to extract the values. Again, this is the issue, an attribute key changes but the component outside it doesn't re-render so the attribute prop doesn't change?!!!
It is because you have decorated changeAttribute with the #action decorator.
This means that all observable mutations within that function occur in a single transaction - e.g. after the console log.
If you remove the #action decorator you should see that those observables get updated on the line they are called and your console log should be as you expect it.
Further reading:
Try to simplify your code:
get orderedAttributeKeys() {
const orderedAttributeKeys = [];
([attrName, index]) => orderedAttributeKeys[index] = this.attributes[attrName])
return orderedAttributeKeys;
changeAttribute(existingAttr, newAttr) {
// ...
Also rename your Store name, Object is reserved export default class StoreName

JavaScript Scope of Vaadin's "AbstractJavaScriptComponent"

I have integrated some HTML/JS Code into my Vaadin WebApplication by creating an AbstractJavaScriptComponent. The Component almost works as intended.
How do I call the passInfo() method defined in the "connector.js" without having to manually click the Button defined in the innerHTML of the "chessControll.JsLabel" Component in "chessControll.js". My Goal is to pass Information, when the onChange Event of the init() function is called, which is located in the same file "chessControll.js", but not part of the Component.
I have already tried to create a Custom Event and then dispatch it whenever onChange() in the init() function is called, it worked as long as I didn't listen for the Event inside of my Component (chessControll.js, chessControll.JsLabel). It seems it can only be accessed in a static way.
How can I access the chessControll.JsLabel in "chessControll.js" from the init() function and then dispatch the button click or listen for events inside the component to achieve the same?
com_*myname*_*applicationName*_JsLabel = function() {
var mycomponent = new chessControll.JsLabel(this.getElement());
connector = this;
this.onStateChange = function() {
mycomponent = this.getState().boolState;
}; = function() {
var chessControll = chessControll || {};
chessControll.JsLabel = function (element) {
element.innerHTML =
"<input type='button' value='Click'/>";
// Getter and setter for the value property
this.getValue = function () {
return element.
var button = element.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
var self = this;
button.onclick = function () {;
var init = function() {
var onChange = function() {
/*Click Button defined in JsLabel Component */
I figured out what the problem was.
The architecture of Java Web Applications doesn't allow a simple communication like i did in my example. The JavaScript made a call from the Client Side to the Server Side Vaadin Component.
I integrated the whole JavaScript, including the init function, as a Component. This way i can call the method from the init function because everything is known on the Server Side.
edited chessControll.js :
var chessControll = chessControll || {};
chessControll.JsLabel = function (element) {
element.innerHTML =
"<input type='button' value='Click'/>";
// Getter and setter for the value property
this.getValue = function () {
return element.
var button = element.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
var self = this;
//deleted bracket here
var init = function() {
var onChange = function() {;
} //<-- that Simple

Better method for acting upon state change in JavaScript classes

I'm trying to move from procedural to object-oriented JavaScript and I'm coming up against an issue I'm sure there's an answer to, but I can't work it out.
Currently, each of my methods checks the state of a property, and then performs an action based on that state. What I'd rather do is update the state and those methods execute as a result of the state change. Is that possible, or am I missing the point?
Here's what I have currently:
class ClassExample {
constructor({state = false} = {}) {
this.state = state;
aMethod() {
if(this.state) {
//Do something
this.state = false;
} else {
//Do something else
this.state = true;
bMethod() {
if(this.state) {
//Do something
this.state = false;
} else {
//Do something else
this.state = true;
const myObject = new ClassExample();
Given both methods are checking the same property, it's resulting in a lot of redundant if statements. Is there a better way to organise this class to achieve the same result?
I'd suggest you use an event driven system based on the EventEmitter() object built into node.js.
To keep track of state changes, you can define a setter for your state variables so that any time someone sets a new state, then your setter function will get called and it can then trigger an event that indicates the state changed. Meanwhile, anyone in your object out outside your object can register an event listener for state changes.
Here's a short example:
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class ClassExample extends EventEmitter {
constructor(state = 0) {
// declare private state variable
let internalState = state;
// define setter and getter for private state variable
Object.defineProperty(this, "state", {
get: function() {
return internalState;
set: function(val) {
if (internalState !== val) {
internalState = val;
// send out notification
this.emit("stateChanged", val);
let e = new ClassExample(1);
e.on("stateChanged", function(newVal) {
console.log("state has changed to ", newVal);
e.state = 3;

Basic ES6 Javascript Plugin - reuse variable between functions

I'm attempting to build a basic JS plugin that can be called after a click event to disable a button (to prevent users firing multiple API calls) and to give feedback that something is loading/happening. Here is how it looks:
This works great on an individual basis, but I want to re-write it as a plugin so I can reuse it across the site.
Here is a cut down version of the JS from file loader.plugin.js.
let originalBtnText;
export function showBtnLoader(btn, loadingText) {
const clickedBtn = btn;
const spinner = document.createElement('div');
originalBtnText = clickedBtn.textContent;
clickedBtn.textContent = loadingText;
clickedBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true);
return this;
export function hideBtnLoader(btn) {
const clickedBtn =;
clickedBtn.textContent = originalBtnText;
return this;
export function btnLoader() {
And here is an example of how I would like to use it.
import btnLoader from 'loaderPlugin';
const signupBtn = document.getElementById('signup-btn');
signupBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
btnLoader.showBtnLoader(signupBtn, 'Validating');
// Call API here
// Following API response
The issue I have is that I want to store the originalBtnText from the showBtnLoader function and then use that variable in the hideBtnLoader function. I could of course achieve this in a different way (such as adding the value as a data attribute and grabbing it later) but I wondered if there is a simple way.
Another issue I have is that I don't know the correct way of calling each individual function and whether I am importing it correctly. I have tried the following.
btnLoader.showBtnLoader(signupBtn, 'Validating');
btnLoader(showBtnLoader(signupBtn, 'Validating'));
showBtnLoader(signupBtn, 'Validating');
But I get the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: showBtnLoader is not defined
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous>
I have read some good articles and SO answers such as and ES6 export default with multiple functions referring to each other but I'm slightly confused as to the 'correct' way of doing this to make it reusable.
Any pointers would be much appreciated.
I would export a function that creates an object with both show and hide functions, like this:
export default function(btn, loadingText) {
function show() {
const clickedBtn = btn;
const spinner = document.createElement('div');
originalBtnText = clickedBtn.textContent;
clickedBtn.textContent = loadingText;
clickedBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true);
function hide() {
const clickedBtn =;
clickedBtn.textContent = originalBtnText;
return {
Then, to use it:
import btnLoader from 'btnloader';
const signupBtn = document.getElementById('signup-btn');
const signupLoader = btnLoader( signupBtn, 'Validating' );
signupBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// Call API here
// Following API response
If you need to hide it from a different file from where you showed it, then you can export the instance:
export const signupLoader = btnLoader( signupBtn, 'Validating' );
And later import it.
import { signupLoader } from 'signupform';
function handleApi() {
Youre maybe overriding the Element.prototype, to make it accessible right from that element. However, i wouldnt set values onto that element, i would rather return an object with all the neccessary stuff:
export function implementBtnLoader(){
Element.prototype.showBtnLoader=function( loadingText) {
const clickedBtn = this;
const spinner = document.createElement('div');
var originalBtnText = clickedBtn.textContent;
clickedBtn.textContent = loadingText;
clickedBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true);
return {
hideBtnLoader: function() {
const clickedBtn =;
clickedBtn.textContent = this.text;
return this;
export function btnLoader() {
When imported, and implementBtnLoader was called, one can do:
var loader=document.getElementById("test").showBtnLoader();

